Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A judge in anti-Christian Britain lost his job for defending God's Law.

This is the conflict with the world, this is following God and not the sewage of this world. This is the contrast that is to be seen between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.


LONDON -. British judge who was removed from office for telling the media that he believed it was best for children to be adopted with a mother and father, later also barred from returning to

position on the board of the National Health Service ( NHS) Trust, obtained an appeal against the adverse ruling.




According to the religious freedom organization, Christian Concern, Justice Tim Kerr of the London Appeal Tribunal opined that the employment tribunal "failed to adequately investigate whether Richard [Page] suffered direct or indirect discrimination on the basis of his faith, and harassment. "



Page, who identifies as a Christian, has been a judge for 15 years and sat on the Family Panel at Kent Central Magistrates Court. He has also worked in mental health for 20 years and is a foster parent.



In 2014. Page was admonished for disagreeing with his colleagues on homosexual adoption. The judge said he could not agree that placing a child in a same-sex home was "in the child's best interest."



The party (judge) was then forced to undergo re-education training over his objection.

In 2015, speaking to the BBC about a segment of religion stifled in public life, Page told reporters about the incident and why he couldn't agree with his colleagues.

"My duty as a judge, as I saw it, was to do what I thought was best for the child," he said in the television segment, "and I felt like it would have been better if it had been a man and a woman who were adopted parents. "


As a result, the Judicial Investigations Office (JCIO) announced that. Page was removed from the bench in relation to his statement to the BBC.


"The Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice concluded that Mr Page's comments would cause a reasonable person to consider that he was biased and prejudiced against same-sex couples; they considered this to be a serious breach of duty that brought the magisterium into disrepute ", a spokesman said in a statement. "They have therefore removed Mr. Page from the magisterium."


As a result of this issue, Andrew Ling, Kent and Medway's board member for social care (KMPT), contacted the UK NHS Trust Development Authority and asked for his suspension as a non-executive director. According to its website, KMPT "provides mental health, learning disability and substance misuse and other specialist services to 1.7 million people in Kent and Medway."


"The recent publicity you are seeking may further undermine the confidence of employees, particularly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees, to lead the fund," Ling wrote. "The links between the stigma often associated with being LGBT and poor mental health are well established. It is essential that patients and local people are confident that KMPT will challenge stigma or discrimination and treat everyone fairly and impartially. "


Page was suspended from his role and in August 2016. He was informed that the panel was considering whether he should be allowed to return to his role at the NHS Trust. While the panel received about 6,500 comments in favor of the site and only one allegation, the decision was still unanimously no, that "it was not in the interests of the health service for you to serve as a non-executive director in the NHS . "


The panel said the expression of his beliefs "is likely to have had a negative impact on the confidence of staff, patients and the public in you as the local leader of the NHS.



He then took his case to the Croydon Employment Tribunal, which ruled in October that was not subject to discrimination. Accordingly, he was granted leave to appeal.


My desire to do the best for my child has been the most important factor in my life as a family justice. However, while living this belief, I was drawn into a much greater battle for my freedom and the freedom of Christians more generally, to express biblical truth in the public square " he said in a statement before the hearing on Monday.


"To my dismay, I discovered a frightening anti-Christian attitude prevailing in much of the establishment," he added. "It is very shocking that someone like me, who cares about justice and freedom, and who has spent a lifetime working to serve the community out of love for Jesus Christ, should now be punished in this way."


After being granted permission to appeal to the tribunal work adjudication this week, The site asked Christians to pray, That whatever the outcome of his case, that God would be glorified above all things.


"We always say we are here to glorify God, not here to take care of me. I ask people to pray that whatever happens, that they actually glorify God ", he said in a video recorded by Christian Concern.



The amazing attitude of the judge gives much food for thought. First of all, GREAT BRITAIN is under satanic rule. Does the Queen oppose this? Is William fighting against it? Rhetorical questions.


Second, Judge Page discovered what this blog, among others, preaches:


"To my dismay I discovered terrifying the anti-Christian attitude prevailing in much of the establishment."


By which I do not mean to single out the blog, but the fact that this judge had to discover it. Why? Because religious systems associated with Rome and Zionists and their leaders do nothing to make the public aware of the world we live in. It is the job of the leaders of pseudo-Christianity not to show contrast with the world.


Third, he was not afraid of losing his job, but still at the same time he wanted to glorify God..Amazing attitude.


The struggle continues.





Updated: 20 July 2018 — 06:59

1 Comment

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  1. Just feel sorry for this man....

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