Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A massive menorah-shaped building in Ukraine symbolizes the dominance of the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish group.



This is what the Menorah Cultural Center looks like.  was opened in October 2012. It is a modern building consisting of seven segments of six, eleven, sixteen and twenty-one floors, with a total area of approximately 50,000 square meters. The number of segments of the building corresponds to the number of arms of the menorah. It is the largest Jewish community center in the world.

Ester Katz estimates the number of Jews in Dnepropetrovsk at 50,000-60,000 people.

We see what kind of influence Muslims have on France, England, Germany.

Lubavitch influence on Ukraine cannot be overlooked.......


What is interesting about this building that is a fake menorah

houses, among others:

  • information center,
  • travel agent,
  • An exclusive store with challahs sewn by the most expensive tailors,
  • gift store.


The sacred with the unholy....


The construction of the Menorah Center was financed by two Jewish entrepreneurs Gennady Bogolubov chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Jewish community and Igor Kolomoisky Chairman of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and Governor of Dnipropetrovsk region.




Chabad-Lubavitch (Hebrew: חסידות חב "ד) - a group of Hasidim established 250 years ago, at the end of the 18th century in the Russian town of Lubavitch (Russian: Любавичи, Lubavitch on the territory of the present Rudnyansk region of the Smolensk region), founded by Rabbi Shneur Zalman. In its history, Chabad-Lubavitch had 7 rebbe's descended from one dynasty. The last and quite commonly regarded as the most prominent, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, failed to choose a successor and since his death in 1994 the group has not had a rebbe.

Currently, it is the fastest growing Hasidic group, numbering about 200 thousand followers all over the world. It is known for its numerous missionary actions among Jews.

Chabad-Lubavitch encourages people with Jewish roots but no Jewish mother to convert to Judaism.



The name Chabad Hebrew. חב "ד (Ch-B-D) is the Hebrew acronym for three Hebrew words called sephiroth, which are part of the cabalist Trees of Life[1]:

  • Chochma (Hebrew: חכמה) - second sefira, a term meaning wisdom,
  • Bina (Hebrew: בינה) - third sefira, a term meaning understanding,
  • Daat (Hebrew: דעת) - eleventh sefira, a term meaning knowledge.


Chasidim from Chabad-Lubavitch have their own synagogue in Warsaw.


Below, Lubavitcher Hasidim, Kaczynski and the famous Daniels - the Polish governor of Israel.



Lubavitchers and Walesa;



Lubavitchers and Bush



As if anyone thinks Putin has no influence in Ukraine:



Tusk and Lubavitchers:



Just so you know, Poland has been gone for a long time. We are a province of Israel and you have to get used to this idea of bondage.


" When Rabbi Sholom Ber Stambler presented Donald with a mezuzah with the intention that it would protect him and his home (a mezuzah is hung on the outside right-hand doorframe), and then he wanted to keep it in an ornamental casket so that it would not interfere with the Prime Minister's further journey and experience of holy places for Judaism - Mr. Tusk did not give it back, he said he would carry it himself".,zydowski-dziadek-d-tuska-podaje-izraelska-agencja-izrael-national-news-arutz-sheva?fb_comment_id=1351978104873125_1352015988202670#f3b623e491f4c5c


Below is a photo of the pastor:


Below, Pastor Olechnowicz  leaders of the Poland for Jesus movement said to the Jewish woman Hanna:


In it, the pastor points out The messianic mission of Poland and Poles, which can be realized only under the leadership of new leaders, chosen by God. In his opinion the chosen ones from the generation of David are the Platform - Donald Tusk and Bronislaw Komorowski, who after ending the old era with the Smolensk catastrophe, will lead Poland to renewal and unity.

On September 18, 2010 during the National Conference of the Poland for Jesus Movementtalks about it openly:

God has given our nation, I am not afraid to say it, leaders with a heart of David. This is not a political statement, it is a spiritual statement. When David became king because God wanted him to, it wasn't politics, it was the Kingdom of God coming. God gave this nation leaders with the heart of David. And the church, the best thing it can do is bless them. Not everything we need to understand, not everything we need to know, not everything we need to witness. A little bit sometimes you have to trust what God puts in your heart. Trust in us. The only thing we have to do during this time is pray and bless."



This is why I believe that any political freedom movement is pointless. The Jews are everywhere, and with such impotence I only realize how powerful and indestructible the Kingdom of Heaven is. It is indestructible because it has no earthly boundaries, no Jewish political influence. Even if the churches are filled with Jews, the community of the Kingdom of God is the community in the Spirit of God, and there are no agents here.


This article is a curiosity and an awareness-raising text. It shows us that we should not place our hopes in any denomination, in any party, but in Jesus Christ



Updated: 13 July 2018 — 12:18

1 Comment

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  1. Coincidence? I don't think so... :/

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