Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Barack Obama dressed in the garb of a Satanic priest.


Photo of Obama wearing a jaw-dropping mask of Satan

Barack Obama according to truth seekers and occult researchers is part of the Illuminati and participates in satanic rituals.

A shocking picture of a former president of the United States.

Barack Obama dressed in a Satan costume has now become a viral photo on the internet. The image originally uploaded on Instagram by Annemarie Hope, an artist known for illustrating Satanic churches in her profile.

The photo appeared with the title "class and grace, you are my favorite," and soon became popular in the online space. However, hope soon deleted the photo for unknown reasons.

When the image was removed, he responded "to this accusation: excessive hatred and lack of support."


I understand the person, as I have had this happen many times myself. I posted highly controversial and debunking texts, but the wave of heckling was bigger than the wave of support.

After the image went viral, people began to investigate the veracity of the image. However, even after applying several filters to the image to test its authenticity, those skeptical could not find the anomaly.

The video of Barack Obama's mysterious outfit was then shared on youtube by the conspiracy theory channel " Ufomania The video, which got on youtube yesterday amassed over 5,400 views.

Barack Obama is a member of it. Proponents of conspiracy theories have begun to claim that the world is secretly controlled by satanists. According to these theories, the most important people in the world participate in secret satanic rituals.

" fooled everyone! Especially the black race. He was the one who spoke to the school kids. " commented mikesline, a Youtube user.

Proponents of conspiracy theories say Obama doesn't want to dress like this for a Halloween costume contest. All loyal to Obama is Arthur Davis, a lawyer and politician who is a member of the Democratic Party of the United States. Representative for Alabama's Seventh Assembly District from 2003 to 2011.


Satan offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus during the temptation. Others took advantage of this as you can see....


Updated: 28 June 2018 — 08:40


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  1. Obama is undoubtedly an anti-Christian politician, but there are a few questions about this photo.Where did this Annamerie Hope get this photo? How did she come into possession of it? Is it by any chance a well processed photo e.g. using photoshop or other such program?

    1. If you take part in such rituals, the "top" is sure to record it in order to keep tabs on you. You have money and power, but you can't leave us because we will reveal well-documented things that people can't stand. Satanism is not a game of dress up, it is evil in its pure form, with all evil deeds.

  2. From what I gather from "conspiracy theories" that are often later confirmed this is true. Bush, Clinton, Obama were in the service of the Rotschild crew (satanists, pedophiles). Trump has messed up a lot of their plans because there is supposedly a war on top between the European-American Jews who supported the Democrats and those in America and Israel who support Trump.
    I know that some people claim that the Great Harlot is the Vatican, but according to me the Vatican is also controlled by Kabbalist Jews (i.e. Satanists). And if I am correct then the sins of the great harlot should be exposed, the cabalists-financiers of the world will be destroyed. And the one who is supposed to be before Jesus will be revealed so that the nations can worship him.
    I thought it would go faster to expose these satanic rituals, but so far almost the entire media is cabalistic and nothing is getting through to the public. Even the "pizzagate" scandal has been dutifully swept under the rug.
    We have to wait. It's going to be interesting.

  3. After all, this is a photomontage and of poor quality. How can you fall for such a thing

    1. others argue that they don't.
      Let the Photoshop experts speak for themselves

    2. If something doesn't fit or is too unrealistic, it's immediately fake news, Photoshopped, or a conspiracy theory.
      I, of course, will not cut off my hand for the truth of some things, time will tell. God has promised us that He will show us the nakedness of the great harlot and all will be revealed. However, satanism, cannibalism and pedophilia in the circles of power and in the cabal have been spoken of for centuries, and in our time more and more (Kate Perry - ate human flesh - under normal circumstances she would be at least called to the prosecutor's office, Gibson spoke about pedophilia in Holywood only after those people died, a guy from the financial world, a rabbi from NY, Clinton officially supports the Church of Satan, a bit of a lot of these sources saying the same thing)
      When I read in the Bible about sacrificing children to the moloch god I thought it was a distant past of 2,000 years ago, but apparently they do it all the time. God will show us the truth 🙂 .

  4. It's hard to say this is Obama. There's a lot of evidence that it could be Michael Madie, who dressed exactly the same way at an event called Burnin Man.

    Only the original photo with recorded time data can provide an answer to this question.

    If you type Burning Man Michael Madie into your browser. Then graphics will appear at the top of the page with the corresponding photo.

  5. 😮 Shock... Whether or not there's an Obama in this picture, it's awful anyway....

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