Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Sabbath and the apocalypse.

My regular reader and sister in the faith Ula, who rarely comments here, wrote a comment that I thought worthy of pasting and with which I agree.



Peter, you brought up the subject of Sabbath-keeping and exposed yourself to criticism and even ostracism from pastors and scribes. This was bound to happen, for the Scriptures confirm us that Christians will be divided in the end times. You are not alone in your stance as a Sabbath-keeper. There are more and more teachings on the internet addressing the important issue of Sabbath celebration. I found a very good video on this subject, unfortunately it is all in English and is 2 hours long. The most important is the last 30 minutes




To make a long story short: The author of the film by studying Biblical prophecies and historical background starting from Babylon, points out the apocalyptic beasts. The first beast was the papacy lasting until the 18th century(the little horn) until it was dealt a blow. At this time the second horn was growing, the last power in the Book of Daniel, which is America, now the world's greatest political power, most economically and culturally influential. In Nabokadnezzar's dream, the statue's feet are a mixture of clay and iron to symbolize the unity of secular power (the state) with religious power. The second beast will be created by the merger of the U.S. state with the religious power derived from the papacy (the revived first beast). Like all earthly powers the American union of the state with the church will have a seal (=sign =mark), and this seal will be the celebration of Sunday, thus the old Babylonian sun worship will become the mark of the beast.

All who submit to the authority of such a power will be forced to worship the beast and obey his law by celebrating Sunday, the day of the sun = the day of the beast. In this way the beast will mark his property (his subjects). God's people, on the other hand, will keep God's seal, the Sabbath (as in Exodus 20:8-11 and Ezekiel 20: 12,20). Since the Sabbath was established for every person and not just the Jew all those who love God will fulfill all His commandments.

Why is this so important? Because even followers of other religions observe moral laws, like thou shalt not kill or commit adultery, but Only true Christians will be recognized by the fact that they keep the Sabbath in their minds (the seal on their foreheads) and make the Sabbath a day of freedomnny (seal on hand) while steadfastly believing in Christ.

On the 7th day we are to know the Creator and worship Him. With such a seal, God will recognize His people. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments on 2 tablets of stone. The first 4 commandments are spiritual laws that must be dutifully obeyed toward God (the Spiritual Kingdom of God). The remaining 6 commandments deal with laws toward other people (civil laws). Therefore, Jesus taught two overarching laws: love for God (Spiritual Kingdom of God) + love for neighbor (civil law). In Mark 12:14-17 we read that Jesus spoke of "giving to God what is divine and to Caesar what is imperial. Jesus was separating spiritual (religious) authority from secular (relating to the civil law of others) authority. In this sense, God controls religious authority, or the Spiritual Kingdom and Caesar, today the government (state) oversees state, secular authority. According to this principle, the church (spiritual authority) and the government (secular authority) are independent of each other. In the end times the American state-church union will subsume secular and spiritual authority (fusion, in Daniel a mixture of clay and iron).

The Book of Revelation says that the image of the beast will speak, which is to be understood to mean that it will establish its new laws contrary to God's laws, which its subjects will have to obey (e.g., buy-sell exchanges). The wrath of the Lord will fall upon all who obey the laws of the beast.



Thank you Ula. 🙂


I am slowly putting the puzzle together. It has been painful, but I will prove to you that a significant portion of the pastor community are Jesuit agents.

Note that at Trump's swearing-in there was a mass of clergy and charismatic circles blessing him.


Updated: 21 May 2018 — 08:29


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  1. I recently watched on youtube an interview with Rabbi Finkelstain from New York, that the Zionists founded the Jesuits in order to infiltrate and take over the Catholic Church (one of many threads), and then with a Jesuit, who is no longer alive, who said that their task was ecumenism, infiltrating various factions of Christianity and taking them over "from within".
    One might disagree with this, were it not for the fact that it is happening...
    In my humble opinion, there will be no official Jesus religion in the end times, because everyone will deviate into the beast. Only Scripture, only Jesus and let's stick to that 🙂 .

  2. All of the above is correct. I talk to people on fb groups a lot and the sanctification of the Sabbath is very much under attack from Catholics as well as Protestants and the JEW and other denominations. They all agree on this topic 🙁 Definitely those who consider the seventh day of the week worthy of sanctification are going about it the right way. ___" Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day IS A Sabbath IN WITNESS OF THE LORD , your God.'' (Exodus 20).

  3. I agree with this approach completely. For only something that blatantly breaks a commandment of the Decalogue can be the mark of the beast.
    Especially since the sign between the God of the Bible and the people is the Sabbath.
    "I also gave them Sabbaths to be a SIGN between Me and them, that it might be known that I am the LORD who sanctifies them."

  4. Karol "Szulwik" Szulawiak

    Great text, it's a pity that the film is in English, maybe someone would like to translate it. I have only one small remark.

    "Only true Christians will be recognized by keeping the Sabbath in mind (seal on forehead) and making the Sabbath a day off (seal on hand) while steadfastly believing in Christ."

    The seal of God can only be on the forehead and represents a change of mind. The seal of evil can be on the forehead or the hand. The seal on the forehead represents consciously going after Satan, the seal on the hand represents compromise and keeping Sunday and pagan holidays holy. The seal of God cannot be on the hand because the servant of God cannot add anything to his salvation. And also because Yahweh God does not recognize compromise.

    1. There is a chance for Polish subtitles.
      Settings > Subtitles > Translate automatically > Polish.
      They may not be super grammatically precise, but they always give you a better idea of the context 😉

    2. Hello Charles, I would just like to add that the meaning of the seal on our hand was to point to our deeds, our actions, the actual Sabbath celebration. First God transforms our minds by making us aware of the need to honor the Sabbath (the symbolic seal on our foreheads) and then we seal our covenant with the Father by our own actions (the seal on our hand) by keeping all his commandments.

      1. Karol "Szulwik" Szulawiak

        Ulu (and I thought it was spelled "Ulo" but it highlights me as an error ;p)

        The covenant with the Father is sealed by the blood of the Messiah, not by our actions. It is God's grace that enables us to keep God's law. If we sealed the covenant with our deeds it would mean that we were adding something to salvation. Look at the book of Revelation and see that God's servants do not have a seal on their hand, but on their forehead. I am glad you preach keeping God's law, for there are many sons of lawlessness who preach precisely lawlessness and lack of torah, inventing some new law brought to them by their invented jesus. However, let us not make the Sabbath and our deeds into things by which we can add anything to salvation.

        1. Very wise words. Salvation is by grace, and if we have grace we WANT to be subject to the BIBLICAL God. Even recently a priest during a sermon said nicely: Let us not make (create) our own God according to our ideas. God is revealed to us in the Bible. You just have to study the scriptures with an open heart 🙂 .

        2. Charles dear, I think we are now arguing a bit about the language of expression, according to SJP PWN: "to seal
          1. "to end something finally or to do something as a sign of acknowledgment, completion of something"
          2. "to put a seal on something." When I wrote about sealing a covenant, I meant the first, non-literal meaning. If I was inaccurate and misled you, I apologize. Man is saved by grace, transformed by the Holy Spirit, and bears good fruit. Such fruits do not come from nothing, they are the effect of our deeds. Will you not know them by their deeds? If someone loves God the Father, he at least wants to do good. Besides, God's law, the Decalogue, as we have already agreed that it still applies to all 10 laws, judges man by his deeds, so being under grace it matters what we do and how we do it. I don't want to argue over "words" like the smug Bible experts on the forums. If I have written incorrectly because I lack knowledge, please pray for me. We started the race for salvation together and may God's Spirit guide us to the finish line.

  5. Trump signed into law in 2017 some sort of let's call it law making Sunday a special day of prayer for the success of the nation (Sunday meetings, services, etc.).

    Protestants who celebrate Sundays cease to be Protestants - as Cardinal Gibbons wrote.
    Protestants who celebrate Sunday are coming back under the authority of Rome whether they want to or not. This is how Gibbons' words can be translated.

    I am interested in something else. The film is eminently Adventist and yes there are many aspects I agree with.
    Who knows maybe something like a restrictive Sunday law will actually go into effect that will involve buying and selling restrictions for those who don't comply but how will they check it out.

    The seal of the beast is supposed to be something tangible that involves something practical like buying and selling.
    I am not convinced by the Adventist interpretation that here, for example, it is about symbolic buying/selling of some spiritual goods.

    The current Sunday law in Poland applies mainly to multi-branch stores or marekts. Private sellers can safely open provided that they themselves stand behind the counter. This provision can be very easily circumvented by, for example, making a florist store in the store.
    Yes, after 2020 there will be a complete ban on trading every Sunday, but we will see who it will affect.

    If we look back, we can see that history is repeating itself. Something similar was in ancient Rome, where great importance was attached to the religiosity (in the sense of worship) of the citizens because it was supposed to be connected with the practical success of the empire.

    A person could believe in any idol he wanted but he had to have some kind of worship, he had to be religious. At that time, people who did not worship were considered atheists, and such people were targeted because their attitude contributed to the fact that some misfortune might fall on the empire.

    And who knows if such a Sunday law as Trump signed won't be a return to the times of Rome (after all, we have the Church of Rome as an heir to the traditions and beliefs of Rome). Anyone who does not keep Sunday will become a public enemy.

    Question. Just how do they test it.
    They will set up a Sunday militia ?

    1. If your theory came true, it would be simple. Every Sunday you will have to go to church to worship the image of the beast. Already there they will scan your face and know who was and who wasn't 🙂 Technology is getting more and more advanced, and the beast will probably be only in a few years (maybe 10 years)

      1. Here it is, unfortunately :/.

  6. Film version with PL subtitles

    * click on the [subtitles] icon.
    * click on the settings icon [gear wheel].
    * click on English - automatically generated
    * then click [Translate Subtitles] and select [Polish].

    translator does the job.

  7. I watched the video and it is nicely explained, especially for someone who is new to these topics. If someone wants I can translate this video.

    What the maker of this film is talking about is a historical approach to Daniel and Revelation, and like the Adventists he focuses on the papacy as the antichrist. But I was curious about one comment under the film in which another brother in the faith sort of straightens out a viewpoint in the film that he thinks is wrong.

    According to him (and I have encountered this view before) this beast and antichrist is to be Islam, and he also points to Turkey as the place where Satan's throne is, and as the enemy of Israel.

    And by the way, the author of the film mentions Poland at the end, speaking in the context of these Sunday laws, that by 2020 all Sunday trading is to be stopped as an example that this is already happening before our eyes.

    If it confirms me in anything it is the importance of keeping Shabbat holy.

    1. Thank you for the addendum.
      Yes, you have to take into account that these are Adventists and they have their own interpretation, not literal-symbolic as I believe today, but historical-symbolic.
      This is why one must be cautious and undogamous in studying the apocalypse.

      I am also considering Islam. I have a text ready for several pages of A4, where I prove that the beast is Islam, but I consider other possibilities and for now I maintain that the beast is Zionism.
      As it will be, time will tell.
      On the other hand, looking at what is happening, and what I have described in the blog, and I am specifically referring to the rise of ecumenical temples, Islam will not rule, but co-rule.
      These are difficult topics and will come out in the wash as the issue of pastors,m on which side they stand

  8. As much as Saturday is a day of rest, one should rest on that day, literally stop working. As for the seals of the saved, the Word of God says: "Eph 1:13 and "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you are sealed for the day of redemption" Eph 4:30.
    As you can see it is not Saturday that is the seal, but the Spirit of the Holy God within us.

    1. It comes to one thing. The Spirit of God leads to obedience to God in all God's commandments of the Decalogue.
      Besides, a person "by himself" is unlikely to expose himself to scorn, mockery and misunderstanding by celebrating Saturday when everyone else is celebrating Sunday. Only the Holy Spirit can encourage this. Because "by yourselves you can do nothing" said Jesus 😉 .
      You can not steal, not lie, respect your parents, and be... a Buddhist. But if you keep Saturday and the other 9 commandments, it must be the work of the Holy Spirit whom you accept as a gift, because only one God created the world in six days, and on the seventh He rested 🙂 And the Holy Spirit brings in "all truth" not 95% truth 😉

  9. This teaching smacks of Adventism as has been noted; first, now the seal of God is the Holy Spirit whom believers in the Gospel receive, second, love for God is evidenced by keeping all the commandments, not just four, "This is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. "Third, with this pope-antichrist you also miss the point because the antichrist, among other things, will execute judgment on the whore, if it were to be the bishop of Rome he would have to destroy the church of which he is the head and in such a scenario it is hard to believe.

    1. Yes, Adventism, as I have noticed, sometimes stretches certain prophecies to suit itself.
      Anyway, Alfred Palla defended the DR work at ... the priest of krk 🙂 ...

      1. Adventists like any other group of Protestants struggle with the spirit of religiosity and the various dogmas. If it were otherwise, Christians like us would not need to organize into home groups or meet at conventions because all God's truths would be available in the Adventist church. What I respect Adventists for in the first place is their excellent knowledge of the historical background of the Bible and their advocacy of keeping the 4th commandment. Where the majority of new born Christians see no obstacle in celebrating Sunday, and as you can see many pastors don't have such doubts either :), Adventists insist on keeping the 7th day of rest which falls on Saturday. Thanks to Adventists I started to practice Sabbath. Unfortunately, with all my sympathy for many Adventist pastors (especially the early lectures of Dr. Walter Veith are close to my heart), I am repelled by their adherence to human doctrines and their association with agents of Rome. Anyway, these were among the reasons Dr. Veith left the denomination.

  10. Apropos the beginning of the video.
    Have you ever wondered what was the sense of building the Tower of Babel on Earth, presented according to the Copernican model? As for me - it makes no sense :).
    At most they would have built outside the atmosphere and suffocated from lack of oxygen...bunch of idiots 😉

    There are two possibilities in such a case:

    - Or Nimrod and company, completely unaware that there was such a thing as space above them
    - The description of Babel is a metaphor, and they were building a spaceship.

    Option number two is so improbable that the description reads that they built the tower from .... fired bricks :D.

    I encourage you Detective (and bloggers), to research the topic of stationary land. Me thinks it is the devil's greatest (in terms of scale) deception....

    Just look at these passages of Scripture and judge for yourself
    (Of course, cognitive dissonance will play a major role here, so if someone is unable to put aside the programming that has been forced upon them since kindergarten - yes there are already globes out there, and children are painting them on the walls - they will, unfortunately, only be outraged.)

    What the Scripture says:
    - Job 37:18:
    (18) Can you stretch the heavens with Him, hard as a mirror of metal?
    - Psalm 119:90:
    (90) From nation to nation your truth; you have established the land, and it stands.
    - Genesis 1:7:
    And God made a span; and He made a separation between the waters that are under the span; and between the waters that are above the span; and it came to pass.
    (check out the Hebrew word for "spread" - it means a hard, pitted shape, this was the word used to describe an armourer patting out armour (!!)

    There are over 70 quotes here:
    Rob Skib's website, your friend because he also prefers Saturday and clean pap.

    Godspeed Seekers of Truth!

    1. Let go of this subject of the shape of the Earth, it is not necessary for salvation although with this spaceship you made a good laugh and I laughed hehe 🙂 Rob Skiba hmmm some family to me maybe who knows hehe 🙂

      1. It is not necessary for salvation Slawek, I agree, but see what confusion it creates....

        If we seriously accept the model of a ball that flies around in an infinite universe, then there must be aliens somewhere.

        And so - we have a closed circuit. God and HIS "terrarium" filled with ants - that is, people.

        Many more people might believe in God if this issue was not lied about.

        Of course - I don't know for sure how it is, God grant that we persevere and one day on the big screen the Lord God will show us the truth about everything (I personally believe He will...).

        I really recommend searching the Scriptures for where we live. The Bible is a flat earth book!

        with God.

    2. I recommend Tyho Brahe's geocentric model. At one time it was the best mathematically proven model, which was admitted by Copernicus himself.
      With this model it was possible to predict eclipses of the sun, moon, movement of the planets and even the so-called retrograde (apparent) movement of the planets.
      This model was very popular in Europe and what made it so popular was that on the one hand it was emphasized as being consistent with the Bible (earth at the center of everything) and on the other hand it worked in the scientific community because of the lack of observations of parallax of distant stars.

  11. Shabbat to celebrate or not to celebrate and if so, whether on Saturday or Sunday? Let me use my own example to tell you how I see it. It has been over two years since I drowned my old self. Of course I am still struggling with the fleshly shell, which would like to take over every now and then, but this is a fight to the end of our days 🙂 So for two years I have not had a well established world view about the Sabbath. I freely admit that I was for and against it and I heard as many arguments for and against it. So what prevailed? What prevailed was a strange feeling of fear, tightness and heat in my heart and kind of questions flying through my mind. As I am a rapturous person (I still fight with it in 60% and win) I made a decision in my heart to celebrate the day appointed by God for rest, i.e. Saturday. And it was the right decision, and I was convinced of its rightness literally 5 minutes later when the accuser sent my ex-wife to my door. Spirituality triumphed and this miscreant attacked the physical and emotional side of my person. We had a cultural chat and she left. Unfortunately, the news she gave me caused a day-long breakdown, stress and weakness of the whole body. So, without further ado, I need to arrange for Saturdays off at work (I've only been working here for 6 weeks). I ask you to pray that I will finally open my mouth and that I will be able to push through with this. God bless!

    1. Tagged with! I support you in prayer that you may rest with the Lord on his holy day. God is Great!

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