Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Is Ramadan more popular in Germany than Oktoberfest?

"German journalist and board member of the Association of European Muslims Eren Güvercin says Ramadan is more widely known in Germany than Oktoberfest. He calls the holiday an 'old German custom' and argues that 'Ramadan has long been part of the German religious landscape.'"


Dear friends, the issue has much more significance than we think from this farce. It is not only a mockery of the Germans. A brother in the faith who lives in Germany sent me this link.

He wrote thus:


"I don't know any Germans who would argue that Ramadan is more popular than Oktoberfest or that Islam is part of Germany; on the contrary, the German public is negatively disposed towards this misleading religion and there are many protests because of it, but of course they don't show and say that on TV anymore.


This is what people who have their wits about them see. This view has its second initiation. The first is what the Germans do not see, that they have become guests in their own country.

The second initiation is what I recorded in my first video about the lack of boundary between what is sacred and what is not sacred.

Germany is a Catholic-Protestant country, yet its society does not see itself surrendering without war to Islam in the name of satanic slogans about tolerance, behind which lies submission to the superiors who run Islam.

Why is this happening?



"My people perish because they lack knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, so that you will not be a priest to Me; and because you have forgotten the Law of your God, I will also forget your children." Hosea 4


People do not want to know God, what He expects from them. That is why Satan's kingdom on earth is built more than God's kingdom. Are not the words from Hosea being fulfilled in Germany? The Germans are perishing because they are not seeking God as we on this blog are seeking. They rejected knowledge and therefore God rejected their children, the new generations.

Germans do not see the anti-Christianity of Angel Merkel as a member of a Christian party, just as Poles do not see the anti-Christianity of Tusk or Dziwisz.



"Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the Metropolitan of Krakow, appealed for openness to refugees. During the XXIII Family Pilgrimage of the Archdiocese of Krakow under the theme 'Mercy at Home,' he gave a speech in which he addressed the problem of immigrants in Europe."


Not knowing who represents God led to the support of Hitler in Germany. The lack of knowledge of the Polish people leads to the election of ungodly politicians.

Lack of cognition results in the support of ungodly pastors.


What I personally came to and presented in my video is this:


It is the job of the church of Rome and its daughters to bring about a blurring of the lines between what is holy and what is not.


Lastly. Ramadan is an Islamic holiday, and what is Oktoberfest?

I am not against drinking alcohol, but I am against getting drunk, although it is best not to drink at all.

But what is this German holiday?



Has anyone wondered if this is sometimes a modern form of celebration of the demon Bacchus?

Thank you for your attention


Praise the Lord Jesus for knowing the truth that sets you free.



Updated: 18 May 2018 — 09:56


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  1. The Germans are pagans.I know this nation well,they are oriented only on the pleasures of this world.The god of the Germans is mammon and their current Fuhrer.I haven't seen any higher values in Germany.They live from festivity to festivity,they eat,drink alcohol with liters of alcohol and they don't want to hear about God.This is a nation with an attitude of consumption and materialism.Besides I don't feel sorry for them that they are being Islamized.Maybe it is a punishment for the crimes they committed...

    1. That's not the whole truth. Some of them are pagans, just like in any other country, but here too there are Christians who stick to the Word of God. It depends where you live and with whom you have relations. You can't lump a whole nation together.

      1. I'm expressing my opinion based on my personal experience and I haven't met a single pious person during 10 years of living in Germany.I met a lot of people from all age groups and different social classes. I was shocked by the materialism, pride and contempt for other nations which often came out in conversations with them.

        1. I am very sorry that you had such negative experiences and I know what kind of people you are talking about. I lived for a few years in a place where the faith life was in a Catholic circle. There, we talked about Jesus and read the Bible, not patting rosaries as in Poland. There were also Christian refugees among us, e.g. Coptic Christians, very God-fearing.
          Now I live in another town where I have met a whole group of Christians who hold to the Holy Bible. I have experienced many miracles through prayer, such as healing from cancer and the birth of a healthy child in my infertility,
          There are also many Christian churches in Germany, and Catholics and Evangelicals are not only pagans either, but among them are also desirable and God-fearing people.
          "13 You are salt for the earth. But if the salt loses its flavor, what is there to salt it with? It is of no use anymore, except to be thrown out and trampled on by men. 14 You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot hide. 15 Nor do you light a lamp and put it under a bushel,5 but on a candlestick, that it may shine to all who are in the house. 16 So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. "
          That light is important. in every nook and cranny on earth. just as you were for 10 years in Germany.

          1. I am not sorry for my experiences in Germany, I just expressed my personal opinion about Germans in general. There are probably exceptions, as in every nation. I don't want to say that I met only bad people, but the dominant feature of this nation is materialism and pride. I met many Catholics and Evangelicals but, as I wrote below, they are not Christians. Belonging to this Vatican sect, celebrating pagan holidays and worshipping the Virgin Mary excludes living according to God's commandments.For example, I had a neighbor, a zealous evangelist who read the Bible every day, but she was a very bad person and spoke about Poles and Russians with contempt and hatred-Jesus said: "By their fruits you will know them" and "not everyone who tells me the Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven". Everyone who lived/worked in this country knows what Germans are like. There is no spirit in this country. I don't mean to say that Poles are pious Christian people 😉 I wrote that about Germans because the article was about this country.But in Poland since I came back I can see that many people want to know God, want to talk about it, more and more of our compatriots are turning away from the Catholic Church, but in Germany there is a false tolerance. I was once invited to a Christmas party by a colleague at work and I used this opportunity to explain to her that it was against the Bible. That she doesn't care because she doesn't believe in God anyway and she likes Christmas because of the family reunion and presents - that's all piety in German...

  2. It is worth adding that when we talk about "tolerance", it is most often misunderstood, because normally (at least in my opinion) tolerate does not mean (and should not mean) just a thoughtless and unconsidered acceptance of everything as it comes :/.

  3. Often believers blame Hitlerism on occultism and paganism but forget that this system was created not only by Satanists and pagans like Hitler Hess Himmler Sievers but also by masses of "decent citizens" - Catholics and Protestants - priests, pastors (the shocking case of Ernest Biberstein), doctors, lawyers, policemen, soldiers who went to church every Sunday

    In Auschwitz most of the crew were Catholics, then Lutherans and only in third place neo-pagans

    1. That's right! A believer is not the same as a true Christian who lives according to the Decalogue. For me every person who celebrates e.g. Easter or Christmas (in fact sol invictus) is a pagan. Catholic or Protestant religions are not Christianity.Therefore, you should not put all the blame for the Second World War on Hitler and the Gestapo, thereby whitewashing the German nation, because it was these "decent German citizens" who supported the criminal Nazi ideology by going to church every Sunday, and in the same spirit they raised their children after the war.

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