Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Australia to ban cash for all purchases Over $7,500 from July 2019.

Australia's Liberal Party government has announced that it will soon be illegal to buy anything over A$10,000 ($7,500) in cash. The government says it's to "encourage the transition to a digital society" and fight tax avoidance. But not everyone is happy about the move.

"This will be bad news for criminal gangs, terrorists said Treasury Minister Scott Morrison in a speech announcing the government's new budget .

The ban begins July 1, 2019, And any payment over $10,000 will have to be made by check or credit/debit card. The government is enforcing the measure by committing about $300 million to what it calls the Black Economy Task Force. The goal is to stimulate about $3 billion in new tax revenue over the next four years.

As The Guardian points out , one of the biggest targets of the new task force will be the illegal tobacco trade. Australia has the highest cigarette tax in the world, with the average pack costing around AU$40 (US$30). But there is a huge black market in cigarettes that comes from both stolen goods and smuggling from outside the country. Taxes are not paid with cigarettes until the point of sale, so theft from tobacco warehouses is extremely common in Australia.

Australians have a strange relationship with money - strange in the sense that they still use it. About 37 percent of all commercial transactions in Australia are done with cash. That number is only 32 percent in the U.S. and 15 percent in Sweden. Many Swedes are outraged by the slow transition to a cashless society , claiming that a complete digital transition causes security concerns. India began phasing out 86 percent of its currency in November 2016, Invalidating 500 and 1,000 rupee bills as legal tender .


While a ban on cash purchases over $10,000 may not seem like a big deal to the average person, many small businesses are concerned about the plan.


We should expect governments to phase out cash over the next decade, just as militant anarchists continue to insist that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are the real future.


Such assumptions show that cashless trading may not be so imminent after all, and thus the Great Tribulation and the mark of the beast. If Australia is not planning until 2019 to limit cash to 10k usd, when might be the complete elimination of cash? 5 years from now?

On the other hand, we don't know what the banksters and Babylon are planning. Perhaps the Third War, perhaps a crisis or something else that will accelerate the introduction of cashless trading.


At the end I'm posting an interesting comment from the net that was sent to me by Krzysiek from Poznan:


From the beginning of this conflict, the actions of the US and other countries and what their politicians said looked

for schizophrenia. One day one thing, the next day something else.

You couldn't make sense of it or what they actually meant.

Assad has to go, Assad can stay, we will bomb we will not bomb.

We will deliver the s-300, we will not, etc. The same goes for accepting refugees

all over Europe. Complete lack of logic.

And now that the Jews have suddenly remembered Poland,

further questions arise. Since they hate Poles so much for the Holocaust,

I can't for the life of me believe that they have forgotten who exterminated them like animals.

They certainly didn't believe they were mythical Nazis.

Now think how you feel thinking about how the Allies betrayed us in 39.

Jews know who financed Hitler despite knowing what his views were.

Who pretended not to know about the death camps. Who didn't want them in the US.

Plus deliberately prolonging the war,

even though each day shorter is the life of many Jews.

The Allies only moved because of the Red Army's advance,

if it wasn't for that, they would have continued to stall.

Read about General Patton.

Had they not removed him from command and stopped the implementation of his

The plan of attack from the south would reach Warsaw.

Even through the Normandy landings he reached Prague only to be ordered to withdraw

and along the way his progress was halted to end the war not too soon.

After all, after the war they murdered him lest he return to the country and tell what the truth was.

The Jews know this very well and remember that they were sacrificed for money.

What they are doing now is leading to World War 3 and

holocaust of those who betrayed them.

Jews in Israel will also pay with their lives,

Of course, those who don't will know that they have to move out of the country.

After all, it was the Jews themselves who called Holocaust survivors soap.

Some things are not forgotten.

And this Just 447 bill they won't want cash they will want real estate, meth in Poland, shelter.

For this reason, I believe that Poland will be safe during World War 3."







Updated: 14 May 2018 — 21:48


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  1. Supposedly this is to prevent tax avoidance, and whoever wants to avoid paying taxes will do it anyway, because they will have a way to do it even with electronic payments....

    1. I read that, but it was already done in Cyprus a decade ago....

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