Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A biblical look at the "rule" of the man in the marriage relationship.

Text and photo by Piotr Petros (blog reader). The text fits into the profile of the blog where I put emphasis on women's rebellion as an element of satanic culture.


We live in a country where the vast majority of people profess to believe in God. At the same time, it is puzzling why there are such horrifying statistics on divorce, the breakdown of an institution that God Himself established? Over 30% marriages get divorced, unfortunately we have no statistics on how many of the remaining 70% are happy with each other. I think a small percentage. So in such a God-believing country, doesn't God bless the institution that He Himself established?
God has indeed established marriage as a union between a man and a woman who only together form a complementary whole, but that is not all. God is not a God of chaos, but of order, and He has established a certain order in this area as well. This order is currently unknown at all, but it is also (precisely because of this ignorance) effectively turned upside down. And it is through this - without knowing why - that beautiful feelings turn into misunderstanding, anger, and ultimately end in divorce, or isolation from each other.
Satan changes all of God's rules by 180 degrees. It would be strange if he didn't also want to turn upside down the rules of marriage that God gave us.
Let's take a closer look at this. Let's take as a basis the fact that God's Word clearly states: "but the man is the head of the woman" (1 Corinthians 11:3) However, this does not actually look as dire as it seems
However, before we begin one basic point. All the verses quoted here apply only when the husband also has his head, which is Christ. These principles cannot be applied (because they will be fatal) when the man is not a servant and follower of Jesus. This is the key element that guarantees safety in a woman's application of these principles because "the head of every man is Christ"! (1 Corinthians 11:3).
1) Already in the Garden of Eden, God gave certain roles in marriage: "It is not good for a man to be alone; therefore I will make suitable help for him" (Genesis 2:18). (Genesis 2:18). So the woman is to be the complement of the man and while such an image causes a storm in the minds of women where images of incapacitation and unhealthy domination arise, it is worth asking ourselves whether women really feel good when it is the man who is to complement them and thus they do not look for support in the man, but want to become one themselves? In such an image, both lose out and suffer without knowing where this state comes from.
2) An interesting story is described in the Book of Esther, where Queen Vashti disobeys her husband's command probably following the advice of her friends. What does the Word of God say about this? "Not only against the king himself did Queen Vashti transgress, but also against all the princes and all the peoples who inhabit the countries of King Ahasuerus. When the news of the queen's behavior spreads among all the women, then they will despise their husbands in their eyes and say to them: King Ahasuerus commanded to bring Queen Vashti to himself, and she did not go" (Est 1:16) Today, despising your husband is very common and very much promoted, even entertained. Just look at the repertoire of cabarets. When a woman yells at her husband it is funny, but if a man yelled at a woman it is domestic violence. Satan programs our minds in a certain way and we don't even know it.
3) "But I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to be a leader over her husband, but I want her to remain quiet." (1 Tim. 2:12) Isn't it exactly the opposite today, when women are leading in relationships destroying (often unknowingly) the principles God has given us, and the relationships between each other?
4) "Let wives be subject to their husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church: he the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so are the wives to their husbands - in all things." (Ephesians 5:22) This scripture also associates most women with bondage, so they throw it in the trash saying "that's the way it used to be". So we should "modernise" the Bible by throwing out the passages that do not fit with what the world offers us today? We are already doing this, and unfortunately we see the effects of such a "modernization of God's words" at every turn.
Dear Women. A man also has many responsibilities in marriage. He is supposed to take care of his wife, love her, treat her like a treasure. And he will do it with pleasure (after all, that is what he was created for) when, instead of a bully and a boss, he sees in his wife his complement, support and part of himself. Our caring nature is only triggered when we have someone to care for. You don't give us that opportunity, because a bully boss is not likely to be cared for especially in marriage
Notice how Adam addressed Eve when Satan had not yet corrupted their relationship, "She is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh! This is how every man wants to see his wife. The apostle Paul confirms this relationship by saying that a wife is to be a literal part of her husband's body, "Husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies!" (Eph 5:28)
What happened when that first marriage fell into sin? Adam began to see his wife very differently, even as a stranger "The woman whom you set by me, she gave me the fruit of the tree, and I ate." (Genesis 3:12) He no longer saw her as part of himself.
All these principles have a second, equally important bottom. Because we know that the relationship between a woman and a man can be compared to the relationship between a congregation of Christians and Jesus: "The mystery is great, and I say, in relation to Christ and the church" (Ephesians 5:32) I am convinced that the current situation in male-female relationships is due to the reversal of this healthy Christian-Jesus relationship and vice versa. As we see the church's relationship with God, so we apply the woman's relationship with man. Satan works on both of these levels. And so in regard to the principles mentioned above:
1) "It is not good for a man to be alone; therefore I will make provision for him." (Genesis 2:18) Today Christians do without Jesus by replacing Him with Mary, the saints, the pope and the bishops.
2) "The women despised their husbands in their eyes and said to them: King Ahasuerus commanded to bring Queen Vashti to himself, and she did not go" (Est 1:16) Today we despise what God says. Christians pick and choose the parts of God's words that are convenient to them, and the parts that don't fit are rejected in every way possible (e.g., the 4th commandment, dietary recommendations, worship of objects, images, statues, relics, or persons).
3) "But I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to preside over her husband, but I want her to abide in meekness." (1 Tim 2:12) Today it is not Jesus teaching the Church, but the Church teaching Jesus. Priests, bishops, popes, and sometimes even pastors invent new dogmas and "rules of faith" that are inconsistent with or do not exist in the Bible, elevating themselves in golden robes above Jesus who hangs in the background on the cross.
4) "Let wives be subject to their husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife." (Eph 5:22) Today it is Jesus who is to be subject to the Church when, theoretically, at the command of the priest He descends to the altar where He is sacrificed again. It is well illustrated by the words of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski from 22.VI.1957 >.
Let us not allow Satan's venom to change our perception of our wife or husband (and by extension the Church and God) in a similar way. He won't have the opportunity to do so only if (just as with Adam and Eve, by the way) we hold fast to His words and His principles. Which I wish for all marriages now and in the future, Amen!


Updated: 13 April 2018 — 07:57


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  1. Great text-appreciation!

  2. Very important text. Many women want to lead, to be in the first place, to satisfy only one party's needs. From my personal experience I know that the attitude of an arrogant wife who wants to have everything under control does not lead to good. Being born again and having my beloved wife with me, who is not yet converted, I know how often we clash, even over small things. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a cage, even though I'm a rather assertive person I often can't break through this wall, saving myself by running away to some other place, but nothing is impossible for Jesus, I pray for her and my family to be closer to the Lord. Greetings!

    1. Lots of patience for you and her! Hang in there man!

    2. Vojtěch, is your goal. after conversion, to obey your wife? If so, that's not the way. We live in different times, it will not be so easy for you. First of all your wife is emancipated, educated, has her own opinion, in such a world she grew up, it's not the Amish world, where you can breed an obedient wife. I'm sorry, but everything there is so forced, imposed from above. For her to be submissive to you, she has to trust you. That takes time. She needs understanding, help her with everything, when she is tired clean up after her, when she is sick take care of her. This takes patience and she is influenced by the world. With time she will see that you are devoted to her and she will trust you, maybe she will convert. Every woman subconsciously wants to be submissive to her beloved man, she wants such a care of a sinful, but also noble, good husband. Where are such men? We are only human.

      1. "Where are those?"

        Eve, there are many like that, but you're not likely to see them on TV 🙂 .
        I met (and still meet) many such at DP reader conventions. To make it more interesting - they weren't always like that. We talk to each other, and we know what we were like even "yesterday" 🙂
        We also know who is the author of the great changes that have taken place in us.

        "We're only human."
        A terrible text - coined by an enemy of the human race and implanted like a virus in the minds of a huge number of people. Terrible evil.
        Eve, we are BOTH human beings - the crowning achievement of God's creation. Each person is equipped by the Creator with everything necessary to live such a life. The only problem is that these "mechanisms" are blocked in us as a result of sin. We ourselves are not able to reactivate them. However, Jesus can do this when we accept Him as our Savior and surrender our lives to Him.
        When He gives us the Holy Spirit, we begin to live in ways previously unimaginable.

        Please come to the convention sometime and you will see for yourself.

        With the Lord God.

    3. Adalbert, a woman needs to know that she can rely on her husband, that her husband makes the right decisions - not in emotion, asking for her opinion. He is poised, responsible for the home, the family. This breeds her trust. Add to that love and a woman will be able to succumb to you with peace of heart. I just added that because men do not know what women want.

      1. Women don't know what they want either 😀

      2. I confirm what Eve wrote regarding a woman's expectations. However, just changing your behavior/lifestyle/... is not enough.
        God's help is necessary, and that requires prayer - patient, prolonged, and humble prayer. If a change in lifestyle comes only from one's own efforts, it will be artificial and short-lived, and will cost many sacrifices and, consequently, many frustrations. Only the transformation of a person brought about by God (following prayers and entrusting one's life to Him) will be permanent. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are impossible to miss - even for a very hardened man (wife/husband). What's more, after a short time you will no longer be bothered by his wife's biting comments and behavior that used to drive you crazy. And I am not saying that they will be ignored, but treated as never before.
        Persistent prayer for your wife is also necessary.
        The result is a marriage (and really a family) that functions according to God's design - with right relationships, with mutual respect, love, joy,'s hard to name them all.
        The effect is a confirmation of the words of the Lord Jesus:
        "But he who drinks of My water will not thirst for ever. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water gushing with eternal life."

      3. I would also add that the results are not necessarily visible after a few weeks or even months. But what is 2 or 3 years even in terms of mortal life expectancy.

  3. For such a model of a man as you describe here, I can happily be obedient, as long as he loves me, just like the Lord Jesus the Church. That is why women rebel, because they do not feel loved, surrounded by love, respect. Is a woman not supposed to have her opinion, not allowed to discuss with her husband and others about the Word of God. For centuries it has been the case that women in public life were discriminated against, they had no access to education, they had virtually no rights. They were often ugly-bought by their future spouses. Women were supposed not to think too much, not to read, especially not romances, because this created a danger for men that a woman would want to decide for herself about her life, would start wanting something more in life than just running a house and giving birth to children. The life of those women was marked by silent suffering, always obedient. It is the nature of men to like to have power. Men subconsciously prefer female submission. They just can't get it with kindness, and it is so simple. It is enough to love your wife as Jesus loves them or all of us. In public life women do not have it easy, they are often not appreciated and discriminated against. Often they have to give up their dreams because men stand in their way who will not allow it. Colleagues write here about rebellious women, they sit comfortably at home, their wife does everything herself, cleans, cooks, washes, gives birth to children, raises them, and they talk on the Internet about how bad women are, how disobedient. Peter, there are not many husbands who love their wives as Jesus does the Church, just as there are not many Christians who walk the Narrow Way.

    1. What does it mean to "love your wife as Christ did the church"? Why does everyone relate this to one act of love, which was his death on the cross and leave out his entire life and words after the resurrection? E.g. from Revelation. People have an incomplete picture of Christ's love.

    2. Eve, you can write a lot about why women rebel and ..... (type whatever). You can also write a lot about why men ..... (also type anything - if more, separate with commas).
      The real reason for this, however, is a departure from God and the principles He has established for us.
      Because man knows better - as you can see :/

      Fact - there are few Christians who walk the narrow way, but all who walk it are or become such husbands (and wives) as you deem worthy of your love and obedience.
      By the way, obedience or submission should not be viewed in the way the world presents it-as something horrible and degrading. It should be viewed in relation to a relationship with our Savior - I am submissive to Him and try to submit to His leading as best I can. And my own self under the boot - because I've already seen the "wonderful" results of following Him.

      With God

  4. Describing Not Judging

    I am currently working through this topic. I am reading the book "Every Man's Marriage". It is a book based on biblical principles and enriched with personal and courageous confessions of the author. I recommend it to everyone who liked the article above.
    I've read more than half of it now, and I'll admit: I thought I was a little bit more well-versed.

    This is the second book by these two authors. The first was "Every Man's Battle" The subject matter was similar, but after reading it I was devastated. Even though I claimed to know God and His commandments and try to keep them, I was living in a powerful sin that I didn't even notice and that was overshadowing my other smaller sins. I am sure that many blog readers (mostly men) are living in the same powerful sin as I was not so long ago. Just don't hold a grudge against God afterwards.

    Today marks the 31st day since I freed myself from doom

    Every man's battle
    Every man's marriage

    1. " I am convinced that many blog readers (mostly men) are living in the same powerful sin as I was not long ago"
      Why does it sound so mysterious?

      1. Describing Not Judging

        Sexual Impurity Peter. I have at least 6 years more awareness of God's law than the average Catholic. I considered myself superior in many things but that was a bubble that burst after reading "Every Man's Battle". God's law is one and people (including me until recently) create a "mixture" for themselves. Here God's law suits me, so I obey it, and here it doesn't suit me, so I create my own law which is in accordance with my morality and I consider it good. The problem is that after every fall, our morality also falls. What was once a bad thing for us, after a series of falls, becomes an everyday thing.

        Sexual impurity is an eminently fine line that I crossed many times EVERY DAY. I wasn't aware of it. I was still living a life of superiority over Catholics.

        The keynote of the book is the words of the Lord Jesus, "And I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." What then is marital infidelity?

        I enjoy reading. Some time ago I prayed and asked God to show me other books worthy of attention. I think Christopher in one of his comments mentioned a book by A. Palli which I knew but had not read. After reading it I bought "Every man's battle". At first I was afraid to read it because I lived well with sin.

        Now I understand why people get divorced, and why those who don't do so live unhappy lives in large percentages.

        I decided to free myself from the sin of sexual impurity to the level of absolute purity (of course you have to work at it all your life, but I am already working). The worst for me was the third week. For sure there is one result: I begin to find out what I really believe. It's easy to say that you believe in God while constantly sinning (for example, committing adultery 10 times in one hour while shopping with your wife). It is harder to keep the commandments.

        More and more often I ask myself the question (similar to the one in the book): Would Jesus, if He were in a similar situation, act the way I am now acting?

  5. Unfortunately a lot of women want to be the "neck that turns the head" and they make work oxen out of men. Detective check out what the mgtow movement is, amazingly it's quite a phenomenon especially in the west (the richer the society, the more spoiled the women), it's such a reaction of men to the feminism of the courts, trampling on their rights, taking away parental rights, favouring women etc

  6. Feminism is not an invention of our time. This movement is as old as the world. Eve was the first victim, instead of going to her husband for approval she made the decision herself, broke off the fruit and found a way to seduce her husband with new knowledge.

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