Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The LGBT movement in the Seventh-day Adventist church.

6:33 - "this is a very merciful church that doesn't care what color your skin is, what nationality you are, or what your political beliefs are. All those things don't matter."


Do we see key words common to ecumenism? "Mercy, multinationality regardless of political persuasion..."

Never mind that someone is in ISIS and hates Christians...what a deception.

Pastors are very eager to encourage people to become members of church organizations, to sign declarations. I wonder what kind of declaration Jesus signed, by the way. My standard question in this situation is as usual: if we are to go to church, then to which denomination? To the Ecumenical Temple of Peace in Kielce, or to the Adventists as in the film, or the Baptists who sign the appeal to celebrate Sunday with the Church of Rome?


You ask me in emails what church to go to? Sorry, I didn't answer someone recently, only now I remembered. Just ask God, or by trial and error. I don't trust any. Sorry, but knowledge hurts....

I am above CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS. I am not in any party or religion.


There may or may not be good churches, but I don't know of any.


Updated: 6 April 2018 — 14:51


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  1. Exactly, I also have a problem with this. I would like to surround myself with Christians in my everyday life, but I must admit that most churches do not match my perception of the Word. Unfortunately, compromise is not an option when you feel differently in your spirit and the "church" preaches different things. I am not going to get into any religion because it is actually a return to the bosom of "mother church". In spiritual reality, the Body of Christ is all those who put the Father's will above all human teachings. To those who say that you have to find a so-called church at all costs, I say if you think that if a man lands not of his own will on a desert island and there sees the works of God and comes to faith in Jesus (having for example the Scriptures), will God forget about him because he was not stuck in any church, or will he accept with open arms as a recovered prodigal son, more valuable than other children... Sometimes I feel a bit like Robinson on a desert island (in the spiritual sense of course)....

    1. But God has his people and in Protestant churches so does Satan.
      If I were others, I would go to a church where God would lead me, and then make friends with people who are open to the Scriptures

      1. Once I attended services in a church in Olsztyn, and what struck me there was that the pastor, the elders and their families were the church elite. They met in their own circle, it was hard to get close to them, only at prayer meetings, but it was so polite. I didn't like many things there, but I remember one Christian, quiet, unobtrusive, always standing aside, ignored by everyone, unnoticed. His life, the way he lived, was a true testimony about the Lord Jesus. I remember that he didn't want to go by train, because he didn't have a ticket, and unfortunately the ticket office was closed. There are true Christians in every church and there are also those inconspicuous, quiet ones who do not give out. However, in these times, I am most afraid of being deceived. And also, I have always been rejected by Christians, from the very beginning. I remember that in one church an older woman refused to shake my hand, and it was so sad that I cried. Later I found out that this woman had two Christian husbands, and she left one to marry the other. I heard from a sister that when she first came to church she was warned about me, that I was strange, that she should watch out for me, and that men said that. Unfortunately, I didn't fit into either the non-Christian world or the Christian world. I began to avoid churches, and if I had to go to one, I would panic crossing the threshold of the church, my heart thudding wildly. My husband's people were very fond of him, and they were attracted to him, but they rejected me. Now I don't go to any church, because I know I won't be accepted. I live in a new town, far from my hometown, in my husband's town. I avoid Christians. I am on my own and it is hard for me. My husband is a "soul of company", he had only friends among Christians, but I didn't want to go out with him anywhere, because I was afraid of them. I don't know why I am writing this. I probably wouldn't be accepted by you either. I confide in strangers...

        1. We don't despise anyone and we don't push anyone away. We also meet from time to time at conventions to talk face to face, pray together and study the Bible. There is no "elite" in our midst either 🙂 .
          The next convention is less than a week away.
          So maybe come to it and see what kind of people we are.
          You are cordially invited.

          With the Lord God.

          1. Thanks for the invite 🙂 I don't know if I could "break through". I think it's already some kind of fear, something like a social phobia that I suffer from. I shouldn't be afraid of Christians. I used to know such kind Christian women, but not from my church; we used to meet for prayers and other things. I also know that you have to find kindred spirits. I tried a thousand times to overcome it, but it is like with a real phobia: if something makes a phobic afraid, he starts to push it away, to avoid it. Now it is hard for me, my faith is so small, but I started to pray at least, because not so long ago it was worse. Because I don't meet with Christians I've become distant from God, I've fallen into a kind of depression, but I know that there is no such thing, that it's Satan and only Jesus. Without faith in Jesus I can't live, I completely lose my sense. I don't want to not believe. But sometimes I think that I have no chance to be saved because I keep on sinning. A friend of mine, whom I had as a model Christian, consciously walked away, did it consciously, and told God so. When I met her much later, she was a completely different person, the opposite of a Christian. When asked why she did it, she said that her faith was lukewarm, and it was no use, only the "hot" in faith would enter the Kingdom of God, so she preferred to be "cold". I would never do that, no way, but there is a danger of slowly hardening the heart. In The Pilgrim's Journey in Part I, Chapter XX this is well described, I think John Bunyan hit the jackpot with this description, nothing has changed since his time: the reasons for backsliding, going away, maybe I'll quote ( sorry for such a long comment), but maybe it will help someone:" 1) By every means they turn their thoughts away from the remembrance of God, death and the coming judgment. 2) Then, they gradually reject the duties of personal spiritual life, such as prayer, mastering their lusts, repenting of sins, and the like. 3) Then they begin to avoid the company of living, warm-hearted Christians. 4. A further stage is to neglect social duties, such as hearing the Word of God, reading it in the circle of family and fellowship of God's children, and so on. 5. notice then that they begin, as it is said, to look for a hole in the whole, and in a devilish way begin to criticize some of God's people. For this becomes an excuse to reject religion altogether because of the imperfections of other believers. 6) Later on, they begin to befriend people who are carnal in nature, unbridled and full of lust. 7 As a result, they begin to engage, though secretly at first, in carnal and licentious conversations. They are also very pleased if they see a tendency to such talk in people who are reputed to be honest, in order that they may be all the more free to follow their example in the same way. 8) Then they begin to sin openly. 9 Finally, when their hearts are hardened, they show their true face. In this way they throw themselves into a vortex of bottomless misery and, unless a miracle of God's grace occurs in their lives, they, deceiving themselves, perish for ever. Also, you can see for yourself... sometimes I feel like I'm close to points 6 and 7, and maybe even 8.

            1. Hey Eve. Faith is not a once given thing from God and forever. We struggle every day with evil powers. But that is why we are given the "Sword of the Spirit", the Word of God, to walk through life with the Bible in spite of the difficulties. Read the Bible as often as possible, ask God for wisdom and the Holy Spirit, and the rest will come by itself 🙂 .
              Greetings and perseverance in your faith!

        2. Eve, keep your head up. If you are being rejected for no reason, that means you are running into false Christians. And as we know by their fruits you will know them 🙂 It is foretold in the Bible that because of His name we will be hated by the world. But not by brothers and sisters in the faith. A true Christian has no right to spurn a needy person. You just run into the wrong people. But it's a fact that people who do the will of God are hard to meet in real life 🙂 Life. We know who this world belongs to. Greetings!

          1. Thank you for the comfort :), but I think there is something wrong with me and Christians see it and I am afraid nothing has changed

        3. "I probably wouldn't be accepted by you guys either. I confide in strangers..."

          I see this has already turned into a demonic obsession. I was rejected there, I was rejected there, so they will probably reject me there too. But it's a lie, just like with sin, Satan is pushing the bullshit that if you have committed the same sin 100 times then God has already rejected you and that's not the case because.

          (14) : Having therefore a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. (15) : For we have no high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but who is tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. (16) Let us therefore come confidently to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. [Amplified Gdansk Bible, Hebrews 4].

          Don't worry if you don't have a church. I know how hard it is when you are the only Christian within a mile radius....

          (20): (...) And behold, I am with you all days until the end of the world. Amen. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Matthew 28].

          (20) : At this Samuel gave the people an answer: "Do not be afraid. Though you have committed great sin, yet do not forsake Yahweh, but serve Him with all your heart. (21): Do not depart from him, going after futility, after that which will not help and will not save, because it is futility. (22): For Yahweh will not forsake his people, for he has chosen to make you his people for the sake of his great name. [Millennial Bible II, 1sm 12]

          (8): And you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen for myself, the seed of Abraham, my friend! (9): Thou whom I have seized upon the ends of the earth! I have called thee from her uttermost parts, and have said unto thee, Thou art my servant, I have chosen thee, and have not rejected thee. (10): Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I strengthen thee, still, and uphold thee; I uphold thee with my righteous right hand. (11) Behold, all who are angry with you will be ashamed and disgraced. The people who have quarreled with you shall be annihilated and perish. (12: You will seek them out, but you will not find them, your adversaries. Annihilated shall they be, and to naught shall the people quarreling with thee. (13): For I, Yahweh your God, have taken you by the right hand saying to you: "Fear not, I come to your aid." (14): Fear not, O wormwood, Jacob, the unborrowed, O Israel! I help thee - the oracle of Yahweh - thy redeemer - the Holy One of Israel. (15): Behold, I change thee into a threshing-sledge, new, with a double row of teeth: thou shalt thresh and bruise the mountains, thou shalt turn the hills into fine chaff. (Thou shalt blow them, and the whirlwind shall blow them, and the whirlwind shall sweep them away. But thou shalt rejoice in Yahweh, thou shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel. (17): The wretched and the poor seek water, and there is none! Their tongue has already dried up from thirst. I, Yahweh, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. (18): I will make streams gush out on the bare hills and springs of water in the midst of the plains. I will turn the desert into a lakeshore, and the dried up land into waterholes. (19):I will plant cedars, acacias, myrtles, and olives in the desert; I will grow cypresses, elm trees, and boxwood side by side in the wilderness. (20): That they may see and know, consider and understand [all], that the hand of Yahweh has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has done this. [Millennial Bible II, Isaiah 41].

          (35): Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Whether affliction, or tribulation, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? (36): As it is written: Because of you they kill us all day long; they consider us as sheep destined for slaughter. (37) : But in all this we are completely overcome by him who loved us. (38): For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come; (39): Neither height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Romans 8].

          (6): Strengthen yourselves and be valiant; do not fear or be dismayed by them, for the LORD your God, he himself will go with you; he will not forsake you nor forsake you. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Deuteronomy 31].

          (10) : Though father and mother forsake me, the LORD will take me in. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Ps 27].

          and I could go on and on with Bible quotations. The fact that they rejected you in one church is nothing. Many people think they are believers because, for example, they have already learned the lies of Rome, they have been consciously baptized, and hullo, I am already saved. However...

          (13): Enter ye in by the strait gate. For wide is the gate and spacious is the way that leads to perdition, and MANY are those who enter through it. (14) : For narrow is the gate and narrow the way that leadeth unto life, and FEW are they that find it. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Matthew 7].

          1. I forgot to add.

            Those so-called "saved" ones I wrote about may reject you after facing the truth of their lukewarmness. They will reject you because...

            (3): For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but will gather to themselves teachers according to their lusts, because their ears are itching. (4): And they will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn to fables. [Modernised Danzig Bible, 2tm 4].

            "go away from us, don't tell us that we have to leave the world, we want to go with the spirit of this world, not with the spirit of holiness..jesus loves me as I am, jesus doesn't rebuke me, jesus is so gracious, I can go to church and then go to a nergal concert or go to a soccer game with the spirit of this world. it's nothing bad, you need to rest sometimes"

            the Son of God has been made into a caricature, he is presented as an effeminate being who loves everyone, regardless of their faults, who lets them live in this world, be rowdy and drunk. jesus has become just a song on sun day, sun day, a song you take a break from for the rest of the week. He has become a curse, a comma. as many denominations, as many effeminate Jesuses. However, there is one, not a jesus but Yahusha the Messiah, the son of God, the lion of the tribe of Judah, of the line of David, the one before whom EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that he is the Lord and Son of the almighty God Yahweh. So resist the devil and use the word of God and shout to him that even if they reject you in 99 churches you still have a place in this one church, in the new earth, if only you live according to the truth as described in the 66 books of the old and new covenant....

            (10): Finally, my brothers, strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the might of his power. (11): Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the snares of the devil. (12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual evil in the heavenly places. (13): Therefore take up the full armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand fast. (14): Stand fast therefore, having girded your loins with truth, having put on the armor of righteousness; (15): And having shod your feet in readiness for the gospel of peace. (16): And above all, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. (17): Take also the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; (18): In all prayer and petition, praying at all times in the Spirit, watching for this with all perseverance, and with supplication for all the saints; [The Revised Danzig Bible, Ephesians 6].

          2. Thank you Charles for your interest in my condition. Now, reading these quotes, I know that God will not renounce me until I renounce Him, that no matter how others treat me, Jesus will love me and help me in my faith. Yes I have an obsession, maybe not an obsession but a phobia and it's Satan's work, but I'm not the only Christian in a radius of a few dozen kilometers, maybe it would be better this way, and yes so many Christians in the city and me alone 🙁 thank you for the good word. At least I have a chance to talk about God and faith with Christians 🙂 Regards

            1. Thanks be to God that he brought me to this blog at this point, to this topic, and inspired the authors of these quotes to write them down and let me know the copy-paste skills 😉 .

              1. Didn't you transcribe it by hand! And I thought you went to so much trouble... 😉 just kidding. Thanks again

            2. I still wanted to add that I have no friends among non-Christians either. Totally not my world. My poor husband.

        4. This is somewhat due to the misunderstood role of the elders of the church, who instead of serving the others (the less established) fall into pride and consider themselves the elite. Scripture warns against this attitude, for in the Kingdom of God the roles are reversed in relation to this world. The greater ones are to serve the lesser ones. For this reason I have an aversion to any structured church where there are equals and equals. I think of Christianity as a family, that walks together with one goal in mind, on the basis of friendship, whereas most churches are hierarchical, on the Roman model, and this repels me and discourages me from attending.

    2. I am the same way my dear, I warn everyone against "Sunday" churches. I can go to church but only and only for the purpose of preaching the gospel and drawing out the lost sheep who want to follow the Lord Jesus and not the pastor who usually tells untruths about our God. I will start doing that soon, so help me Lord Jesus.

      1. Wojtek (Krakow)

        I support :)! Strength from the Lord Jesus.

  2. Let me correct myself and it reads as follows: 6:33 - "this is a very merciful church that doesn't care about the color of your skin, what nationality you are, WHAT YOU BELIEVE, or what your political affiliations are. All those things don't matter." So even more bluntly this man said. It doesn't matter what you believe...ehhh. COME LORD JESUS and destroy this antichrist kingdom....

  3. but that guy in the wig is preaching heresy. If the church he goes to is really a "loving" church, it should shake him up so that he comes to his senses that same day - although with sexual sins this is not a simple matter and may take some time. But with the Lord's help it is possible (!). It is possible because I know it for myself.

    If someone becomes gay or lesbian, they take up that cross and deny themselves. He makes a sacrifice of himself for the Lord and does not make self-justifications such as "God made me this way", "I need to accept myself", "the church should not try to change me", and the like. (nonsense), "I have to accept myself", "the church shouldn't try to change me" and the like.
    And then the worn-out slogan "God is love." No. God is justice, a consuming fire, and is yes love.

    If a gay or lesbian comes to the Lord then he must deny himself. This is his/her cross.

  4. In Poland, thank God such a situation does not take place and may God grant that it never does!
    It is also a fact that Jesuit agents infiltrate Protestant communities precisely to activate themselves in this way causing Protestantism to break down and feel lonely and chaotic.
    It is also a fact that it is not membership in any church, but a personal relationship with Jesus that saves a person 🙂 And if God's people have such a relationship then such things will not be tolerated in such a church.
    "Study everything and keep what is good" and it is also an indisputable fact that Adventists in my opinion have some of the most interesting lectures and seminars, and I am very eager to study them, while what I saw in this video I unquestionably reject, and may God grant that also all communities regardless of denomination do not allow individuals to destroy communities based on the Word of God from within. Amen!
    We pray for awakenings and protection of this country from the spirit of Babylon every Friday at 8pm, I invite you all wherever you are 😉 For this is the only way we will protect this country from the destruction of limping Protestantism and cause God to hear our pleas and cut off the roots of Babylon!!! 🙂 Regards.

    1. I hope it's good... and that people wake up, after all LGBTQitd. don't fit in here, since even the Bible says not to fall into homosexuality... if they want to seek the way to Him, it would be good to first turn away from evil (give up being gay/lesbian or whatever) and then go on the Good Side 😀 .

  5. I don't want to refer to the topic of this post but to the discussion that followed... Regarding the search for the perfect church... The church is made up of people and people are not perfect. I once heard that it's good that the church is not perfect because otherwise there would be no place for me in it. Admin is pushing the attitude that it's not worth establishing churches and that they are corrupt... But apostles established churches and they weren't perfect either. I encourage participation in joint services and some forms of services encourage discussion where we can exchange views and build up together. I don't understand your aversion to churches... Don't expect to find a perfect church and be aware that you are not perfect yourself.

    1. those were different times. Guarantee 100% of the Holy Spirit. Now there is no anointing there is a great deal of deception.
      I wrote earlier that one must ask God about the church or the methods of trial and error

    2. A non-ideal church of God does not promote lqbt movements, does not teach a false gospel, does not preach heresy. Then we are no longer talking about a non-ideal church of God. then we can talk about a demon church.

      1. Hi. When you say false gospel and heresy, do you mean the eponymous church?

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