Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Polish rapper Chada will no longer show his superiority. He passed away on March 18.

Much has already been said about hip hop on this blog. It is no different in its effects than metal, punk or disco. The same common denominator: victims.


A few days ago I received word of the death of this hip hop artist. Today I randomly listened to one of his songs. I was intrigued by the title referring to a biblical quote:


Gangsta rap...


I listened to the text:


Credit to the team, we don't lack faith,
Here everyone does their own thing and no one is letting off steam,
The organs were going crazy, threatening my woman,
When I graciously appear, you will find me then.
Again Chad on the wallpaper, again giving the word,
Really, there were many times I snuck past,
Still with his head held high, I hit the nail on the head all the time,
And I'm flying here for my own, I owe nothing to the media.
I am the one who dictates the pace and laughs out loud at you,
So does Nasa, Cieleban, and Pawel,
Dealers and thieves - I have them on my side,
And no one will turn away when I call with a problem.
Slowly, calmly I'm driving the motherfuckers,
Fortunately, always with a fart and two steps ahead of them,
Buddy, it's not mocking, I'm trying to be cordial,
At this point, kudos to one lady spokesperson.

(Ref.) (x2)
Seek until you find, Chada doesn't change his mind,
Your search will be of no use anyway.
Get down on your knees, these are verses that destroy,
You must digest this and acknowledge my superiority.

If the police are protecting you, I'm passing the buck,
After all, I expose their helplessness for a reason,
This system is like a swamp, these futile laws,
They put in for 2 years for 4 grams of grass.
I don't need to bog you down, on this topic that's all,
Because all in all, you are making a laughing stock of yourselves,
I was still close, there is nothing to discuss
And the whole situation doesn't seem to bother me.
I hail from Grochow, that's one thing you know,
Spectacular actions, you compromise yourself,
The handbill was in the paper and on TV of course,
Go ahead, brag about what you accomplished with it.
You were circling under the block, tracking Chada,
You guys made me feel like fucking bin Laden,
On the blocks I throw the truth, this is how I carry out the landing
I I feel the satisfaction of ridiculing you.

(Ref.) (x2)
Seek until you find, Chada doesn't change his mind,
Your search will be of no use anyway.
Get down on your knees, these are verses that destroy,
You must digest this and acknowledge my superiority.

They grab the sugar because the truth is too bitter,
Respect to Marzena and the Stroszek fellow,
Black Siemianowice and the rest of the gang,
Here's to supporting Carolina and the team from the Netherlands.
Dogs bite their lips, I fly like a wave
And a rather slim chance of you catching me,
Set up barricades and search for records,
You scared a girl, she's 18 years old.
I'm reeling about the facts, be careful or you'll catch me,
I used to deprive people like you of sandwiches at school,
He murders with a good rap, that's how it goes,
The hide of your meager salary and your quest.
I'm playing it masterfully, I've got you covered,
Girls, good luck! You may be looking for a lead,
And far from Hip-Hop, I salute my pages,
And I would escape you even if I were blind.

(Ref.) (x2)
Seek until you find, Chada doesn't change his mind,
Your search will be of no use anyway.
Get down on your knees, these are verses that destroy,
You must digest this and acknowledge my superiority.




Here's hip hop culture based on the lyrics:


They put in for 2 years for 4 grams of grass.
I don't need to bog you down, on this subject it's all" - truth used for evil purposes. Yes the laws and the state are what they are, but it is because of the godless voters. Hip hoppers should blame themselves because the parliament is a mirror image of the nation.


You scared a girl, she's 18 years old" - influencing feelings. As if 18-year-olds are innocent. The truth is different. This generation of youth is producing fatal women who will one day make their husbands unhappy.

With this song, Chada wanted to convince young people that the police are bad, and thus to whitewash himself. The police are supposed to chase criminals, not defend them, but the girls listening to Chada thought how cruel the police were.



no one lets off steam" - That is, no one will inform the police about their friend's crime. They are aware that they are doing wrong, but they have "their" moral code and it is lawlessness before God. Curses, entering into altered states of consciousness, sex without commitment, etc.

"Still with head raised“, “I hit the nail on the head all the time", "You must digest this and acknowledge my superiority", "I feel satisfaction in ridiculing you": an incredible display of pride, and the Bible is clear:


Before the fall goes pride; and before ruin, haughtiness of spirit" Proverbs.


Magik from Paktofonika who claims to be a god is joined by Chada.


"On March 14, 2018, the rapper jumped from an apartment window on the third floor of a building and was taken to the orthopedic ward of a hospital in Myslowice with a spinal injury." Wikipedia.



Magik's Death:


"December 26, 2000[20] year, eight days after the release of the album CinematographyIn the morning at 6:15 Luszcz jumped out of the window of his apartment in Katowice-Bogucice".


This doesn't mean that every rapper jumps out the window, of course, but it does mean that every rapper is influenced by evil spirits. and their ungodly lyrics attest to that. Others end up differently.

People who want to be happy should not only shun listening to hip hop, but also people who listen to such music. Well, unless for the purpose of evangelizing, because:



"For what on common Justice with injustice? Or what has light in common zdarkness15 Or what is the fellowship of Christ with Beliar or of the believer with the unbeliever? 16 Finally, what does the temple of God have in common with idols? For we are the temple of the living God" 2 Corinthians 6



If you are a parent, don't let your kids listen to hip hop. It's a swamp as you can see from the text above.

I can already feel while writing this how the hip hop idol will motivate someone to write a comment like "but there is also Christian hip hop." 😀

Yes, metal is also Christian and maybe even punk. But read the verse above from 2 Corinthians 6.

There is even a pseudo Christian priest...a Jesuit.


That is their job:





The problem with this kind of deception is that people think that if someone talks about Jesus he is definitely a believer. And they are right he is certainly a believer, but not in the right God.

One of the most shocking verses upon my awakening was this:


" Not everyone who Mi he says: "Mr.Mr.!" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."


When I was Catholic, no one ever told me about it. I thought "how come, after all I and my whole family believe in Jesus".


Hip Hop is a safety valve for childhood traumas. After punk, it is a new form of life-destroying rebellion for young people who are looking for a compass in life.


Here is a psc from a clip by a notabene Kielce rapper...Christian:



...but who cares? The important thing is that the music is cool.


Chada, like the magician and thousands of rappers, believed Satan's lie that he was a god:


the serpent said:

But he knows Godthat when you eat of the fruit of this tree, your eyes will be opened and just as God you will knew good and evil". 6 Then the woman saw that the tree had fruit that was good for food, that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the fruit of the tree was good for gaining knowledge. So she plucked fruit from it and tasted it ...


Tau (Piotr Kowalczyk) sings like this:

"There is always time for you to convert to the right path,
Screw my fejm and diamond rings,
Screw the brass and what they write about it,
I do not want the world to plunge me into sin,
I want to live forever, I have to carry the cross."


Nearly one million views:



I don't know how a million impressions relate to earning money. I know that the text is ungodly.


What I wanted to say at the end is that evil has its beginning somewhere precisely through moral blurring. Chada's Criminal History:


"Since June 2012 in Grodków[19] was serving a three-year prison sentence[20]. Rapper was convicted of assault and battery[21]. In the meantime, there was a judgment in for theft and using another person's document, for which he was sentenced to another two years[22]. Taking advantage of the passes in serving his sentence in prison, he began working on his next album[23]. On December 24, 2013, a single entitled "Bogdan's Son" from the album of the same title was made available, which was released on April 25, 2014[24]. In December 2013, he did not return from leave to prison[25][26]. In July 2014, the court issued a letter of protection to bring the 36-year-old to a place to serve his sentence[22]. In February 2015, the rapper was arrested near Zywiec and brought to a correctional facility. He was arrested on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and destruction of property[27]. On August 9, 2017, he finished serving his sentence."



What's important beyond the demonic hip hop in all of this is the beginning of evil. Somewhere evil bloomed in Chad. Maybe he rejected the teachings of Christian friends or his grandmother, or maybe it already started at home.


He has already ended his life, but you can still change yours.


Desire God, not idols. Read the Bible because it gives life.




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  1. Everything is as you say. I used to listen to "Christian rap" and you always have to look at where the music originated.

  2. Well said, "to blur the lines between what is holy and what is not", and this leads me to support the verse from the Bible, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who make darkness into light and light into darkness, who make bitter into sweetness and sweet into bitterness" (Isaiah 5:20).

    1. Satan is the best liar and manipulator in the world.
      Recently I realized that he is even able to make a pilgrimage of skinheads, nationalists to Czestochowa to worship the BLACK Madonna :-DD
      It is impossible for a mortal to be so "enchanted" 🙂 They have eyes and do not see, they have ears and do not hear.

      1. of course, that's why I gave the link without commenting because there is nothing to comment on :)))

  3. "Dilemmas of Music" - a great lecture series available to watch on YT. I highly recommend it 🙂 .

  4. I would not be so quick to judge a man and throw him into hell in advance, it is well known that people change and it is a process, and from his last videos I conclude that he warns listeners not to follow his example, and that in such a style, because how else to reach the so-called "street children", which he himself was.

    and little that, the punchline in this piece refers back to God

    It seems to me that he was in the early stages of conversion and his next album was supposed to be a breakthrough in the hip hop scene, so just think what kind of a harvest Chad could bring with his past and his audience if he suddenly started preaching that it wasn't all that shit but God is cool.

    As for his death, it turns out that it looked a bit different than the media coverage

    Fortunately, we won't be the ones embedding 🙂

    1. Let me start at the end:

      "Fortunately, we're not the ones who are going to embed."

      Of course, even as I wrote this I realized that he could have been saved on his deathbed.
      However, both videos contain profanity. In the one where he supposedly refers to God, additionally a girl shows her ass passionately.
      Testimony good "more there (prison) doing drugs and drinking than in freedom".
      But.... "The Polish system is a breadcrumb for the same thing elsewhere I'd get the finger waved at..."

      At the end of the clip, a rosary...
      Also a good testimony. He wanted to get out of it, but with a rosary.

      By the way, Peter, I'll ask you: do you listen to hip hop?

      I don't judge people, but I show the path to evil. I strongly advise against listening to this genre of music and I put my laconic answer in my reply to Elisheva.

      1. If he had just started to open his eyes, he still had no idea what was right, what was acceptable and what was not. The second thing is that it is hard to change patterns suddenly, when you have been sitting in a cesspool all your life.
        Peter, and didn't most of us start our journey with God right from the Catholic Church? And of this truth God would reveal to him if he truly sought Him.
        And if someone wants to listen to rap, it's best to listen to niche music that doesn't spread negative energy.

        1. I responded with a new complementary text

      2. There are vulgarities and it doesn't surprise me at all, let's not fall into excessive sanctimoniousness, especially that the recipients are not altar boys, on the contrary, he was supposed to pop up with "Noah's Ark" shanties for "street kids" and then he would certainly be heard 😉 .
        It seems to me that you do not understand an important issue, Peter, that not everyone is born and raised in idyllic circumstances away from all pathology, so it is often a struggle with imposed "demons" that have always accompanied.
        From what I noticed, Chada was describing the reality around him rather than saying it's cool, and that's a big difference.

        Testimony good "more there (prison) doing drugs and drinking than in freedom".
        But.... "The Polish system is a breadcrumb for the same thing elsewhere I'd get the finger waved at..."

        These are facts, if you're surprised, you haven't seen much yet, and the fact that he talks about them is good or bad? Because following this line of thinking one could condemn for example Alex Jones' performance in Bochemian Grow.

        At the end of the clip, a rosary...
        Also a good testimony. He wanted to get out of it, but with a rosary.

        In our beautiful country, everyone circumvents Catholicism in advance to get directly to the Bible, and the use of the rosary in the clip does not seem to me to be equivalent to using it, just something ala figurative.

        I don't generally listen to any kind of music, if I do I prefer melodic music, I listen to hip-hop, but I rarely come back to a track because of the lack of values they carry, and the aggressive aggressiveness and trashiness of the lyrics and message.

        I do not judge a person, but show the path to evil.

        You see he also showed the path to evil by his own life example, only to a slightly different audience, you don't even know how much you two have in common 😉.

        What I mean is that it's not black and white, and if you compare Chada's recent productions to, for example, the album, you'll see that it's not black and white.

        then who is presenting the pathology and who is warning against it?

        I do not like this top-down condemnation, as if his life was a constant idyll and not a fight, because the fact that he was not an ordinary, uncompromising artist cannot be taken away from him, so I am far from a categorical condemnation.

        1. generally before you wrote this com,entary, I second text about it... 🙂 .


          "Testimony good "more dope and booze there (prison) than in freedom".
          But.... "The Polish system is a breadcrumb for the same thing elsewhere I'd get the finger waved at..."

          These are facts, if you are surprised, you must not have seen much yet, and the fact that he talks about them is good or bad?"

          Good thing he sang about it.

          "I do not judge man, but show the path to evil."

          Me too:

          "Chada like the magician and thousands of rappers believed Satan's lie that he was a god.
          What I wanted to say at the end is that evil has its origin somewhere precisely through moral fuzziness."

  5. I've never been a fan of Chada, moreover, street rap in Polish version has never appealed to me (except for single tracks). Hip hop is what it is, everyone can see it, this whole culture is full of evil (although you can find its positive aspects). But a rapper is also a human being, nevertheless I'm really sorry that most of them end their lives quite miserably and without any hope 🙁 .
    I read the comments, Chada clearly wanted to go out on a limb. Interesting that the December 2017 piece mentions that he found God:

    "Painful process of sobriety, I'm fighting the demons inside me
    To avoid calling those who are open 24 hours a day
    It's not like I'm treading water, I'm reliable, dude.
    And I flew for half a lifetime until the ignition cut off
    Thank God he helped me, today I pray every day
    If it doesn't suit you, that's your problem alone
    I'm as well off as I've ever been, having finally found God."
    I would like to believe that his conversion was genuine, but only God knows that. Unfortunately, he lost his battle with demons....
    As for Tau, I sometimes listen to them, I like their music and the message they convey, thanks to "Remedium" I converted to the right God. I just don't like the references to Mary woven in here and there. As for the hand gesture, someone please enlighten me, because I don't understand. After all, these are not horns...

    1. Interesting complement.
      Perhaps he was in an awakening phase. However, the demons prevented him from going any further with it. This indicates that, like pornography, it is hard to come out of it.
      So it's better not to support Satan's system by listening to hip hop because it fuels the economy and authorizes this music.
      If it doesn't show corners then what does?

    2. If it doesn't show corners then what does?
      and does a Christian have the right to say "fuck"? and in public...
      it is the blurring of what is holy and what is not holy

      1. To me these are not the "classic" horns, thumb and little finger? But maybe it's some other version of them, I don't know, that's why I ask 😛
        A Christian has the right to do everything, but there are certain things that deprive him of the right to call himself a Christian. Everyone stumbles sometimes, in this particular song he used such a word, but I don't recall saying anything similar in the others (although I didn't listen to all of them either). I will agree, however, that in public it is not appropriate for Christians.

        1. but thank you and Peter for your comments because it inspired me to write another text about Chad

        2. As for the gesture, it is usually done with the hand symbol of the phone something like someone says "call" and shows such a gesture, but I do not know, here it may mean something else 🙂

          1. I don't know, to me it's weird with the blasphemy. It's not just a rapper and it's supposedly Christian.
            That's the blur. There is no boundary...

            1. Identical situation with papa also does not show horns, but a new sign of love.
              And that's the point, that people unknowingly worship the evil one.
              Introducing more and more desensitization to evil into society.
              Rap is an idol that serves to enslave the children of the Almighty.

              1. Sorry this was meant to go under the admin comment between elisheva about the horns

      2. With rappers it meant the symbol of a pipe, in the sense of I've got stuff to get, let's go smoke, and if he put it to his ear it meant the symbol of a pipe and a phone (call for stuff, I've got stuff to call)

    3. Why the hatred of Mary? After all, she was Jesus' mom

  6. Rap, in my opinion, is a little more complex than most people think. I say yes to rap as a form of expression, but... after disconnecting it from the whole hip hop culture, the style of being associated with it and the whole big music business.

    Unfortunately, many people (and often believers) are a bit ignorant about this. They perceive this music only in the way it has been presented by the mainstream media or based on the most popular recordings - homies, junkies, gangsters and generally speaking godlessness to the rhythm of aggressive beats. And they are partly right, because rap created in this way is the music of Satan. He has appropriated this form of expression and presented it to the people in his version. Of course, there are also good accents, glimpses of goodness, love - because many of these artists do not yet have hardened hearts, though they may still be deep in sin. It's a bit like the Catholic Church - it has a monopoly on representing the Messiah, just as Satan has taken over rap as HIS form of expression.

    Interestingly, rap and punk are completely different in terms of form - rap can be literally anything (even melorecitation for chirping birds, playing the harp or a billion other solutions) - e.g. psalm 4? punk without guitars does not exist.

    To sum up. Rap, the form of expression itself has HUGE potential, but so far it has been exploited by the wrong people. Who are the so-called Christian rappers? They are Protestants and Catholics generally who use rap in a form taken over from the world.

    1. Oh, quite an interesting comment....

  7. link for those who don't believe in the spiritual world, poor girls subjected to the voo doo cult–seksualnych-niewolnic-byly-sparalizowane-czarna-magia-6233264127219841a

  8. The story of rapper Tau is quite a long one, I have been watching it closely. Peter (for that is his name) inspired me to seek God. I will try to tell the story of his conversion from the point of view of a listener/fan (ex). It is known that his father was an alcoholic. As a young boy he lived a lavish lifestyle. When he was 19, his girlfriend became pregnant and he considered having an abortion. Fortunately, nothing like that happened. They separated and took turns caring for the child. When Piotr was 21 years old, under the pseudonym Medium, he released his first underground album under the title "Spirited Séance". The album has a rather dark atmosphere. The author focuses mainly on rebellion against the surrounding reality. The next album, also released underground, is entitled "Alternative source of energy". It is much lighter than its predecessor. The rapper focused more on the form than the content, multiple and dense rhymes and playing with words (in the second stanza of the first track all the words from A to Z, and in the third all the words on the letter P). His talent could not be denied. It can also be mentioned that he produced the beats himself. His third album was released legally on his dream label - Asfalt Records. The album is entitled "Theory of parallel universes". The album is full of metaphors and philosophizing, while writing it Peter isolated himself from the world. In addition to the huge success he gained at the time he started having "schisms", met strange people, became depressed, started practicing the occult, conscious sons, leaving the body and other demonic things. He was very interested in understanding the spiritual world and... finding God. One night when he was feeling completely down, he felt he had to go, he went and met an exorcist priest, the process of his conversion began. Piotr was fighting all the time, some things he managed to let go of, some things he didn't, he was getting better and better. in 2012 he released an album called "Graal". On the album there is complete confusion with confusion. Mixing Christianity with the occult, Far East religions, New Age, conspiracy theories, patriotism, all laced with metaphors and philosophy. After releasing the album, the rapper leaves his dream label and sets up his own one called Bozon Records. He leaves for Jerusalem. There he weeps over the tomb of Jesus and frees himself from alcohol, marijuana, pornography, masturbation, sex, the occult and other things bringing him down. In 2013, he releases the album "Exegesis - The Book of Words." Very "artistic" album also lots of metaphors etc. At the end of the year he changes his alias to Tau. He invents action "Common denominator" together with another Christian rapper Bęsiem and Father Jakub Bartczak. The aim of the action is evangelization. In 2014 he releases the album "Remedium". It is his first album, as he considers himself, after conversion. The album is very successful. You can feel Christian values there more than before. The whole rap scene in Poland begins to consider him a madman, many turn away from him, many laugh at him because of his faith, but also a large part is full of admiration and does not deny the rap workshop that Piotrek has. At concerts during the prayers sometimes healings took place. In 2015 I release the album "Restaurator". A repeat of what came before only with less response. Then he converts his ex-girlfriend with whom he has a child, then they get married (I think this is one of the best earthly things that could have happened to their son). He then takes on another converted rapper on the label who is Anatom. In 2017, Tau releases the album "ON." Listening to this album I got the impression that he was lost, as if he was still searching for God, and I believe that is exactly the case. His conversion process is still ongoing, he has inspired many people to seek God and explore their faith. Please pray for this man. It is interesting to note that Anatom released one album on Bozon Records, appeared on the scene for a while, then left the label and was never heard from again. One remark: there are bigger problems in Poland than the Catholic faith and its doctrines, we should support each other in order to convert those who completely reject God, and let's put the arguments about the validity of dogma into the background and calm discussion without calling each other heathens and heretics. Greetings. God bless you all.

    1. I can also mention that Tau advises against listening to albums when he was working under the Medium name, he repeats it very often and reminds about it. He says that if he had the copyright to them he would take them out of circulation.

    2. interesting and objective commentary...

  9. All the heroes after his death..someone would have said that to his eyes when he was alive, I doubt it... I live in shit myself, I believe in God, but the songs of the late Tomek gave me a kick to live by... many times when I thought to end it, somehow this music managed to uplift me... also such an empty bullshit of a person with a negative attitude towards hip hop... who is spreading discord... just like my wife, hip hop is crap, how can you listen to chada... but disco polo (created for people with little sense...) is fantastic music!!! Don't make yourself ridiculous with this article, man... when he was alive you could have met him and recorded an interview, not like a mega hero on the internet and after his death... and the disco polo generation will eat such bullshit... chada sang mainly about his experiences, the better moments as well as the worse ones... At least the guy had the balls to say it in public

    1. "I live in shit myself, I believe in God
      .... also such an empty fuck of a person "

      You believe in god, but with a lowercase letter.
      The Bible says:

      "Let no indecent word proceed out of your mouth, but only a good word, which can build up, when need be, to bring blessing to those who hear it."

      Hence you are outraged.

      Hip hop is a subculture of rudeness and nihilism.

      Repent to God while it's still early. So you don't end up like a lot of hip hoppers...

      1. Hiphop has the main purpose of conveying values. As for rudeness, there is some in hiphop but look at the newschool songs and think what people should listen to. Hiphop is motivational for me and I see no obstacle in listening to hiphop and believing in the word of God, hiphop has helped me find my way in life. I recommend
        Hempgru- wake up
        Hempgru-when the sun goes down
        Great notes to awaken awareness in people.

        1. I listened to every possible genre and gave up.

          1. You've heard dear admin, Kali-pacyfka, a track worthy of recommendation? The Chakra album in general is very religious, if I may say so, and encourages people to do good, love and act justly.
            Enjoy your evening!

            1. Priests, philosophy professors and pro-Israel pastors teach about the good.

  10. The music itself means nothing. You just can't understand that sounds alone don't mean anything, the real content, motivation of music is in the lyrics

    1. I suggest this series:
      it is explained there that the tones themselves have meaning...

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