Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Martial arts, yoga, Mary, priesthood - an interview with Father Dominik Chmielewski

I incredibly rarely post material by Catholics. Perhaps once a year...

I am posting this below video because of its extremely valuable and essential description of the danger of martial arts. Part of the thesis confirms my earlier experiences, which I described in a dedicated text.

Without unnecessary eloquence and spouting off, this priest talks about more than I knew. For example, that bowing to Aikido master Ueshiba is something more than paying homage and respect to the creator of this style.

In everything concerning combat sports I agree with this priest, because I myself have practiced four styles of combat and I cannot say that sensei have God's character.


He also talks very succinctly about yoga, which has never been separated from religion. Yoga is supposed to take away the ability to love.


Topics covered in conversation: priesthood 1:53; martial arts 5:18; aikido 9:55; yoga 18:52; Our Lady 22:19.



I will add something significant to this testimony and warning. Well, this previously subjected to martial arts demons notabene charismatic priest, came out of martial arts spirituality, but replaced it with the essence behind Mary. It is impossible not to see this.

There are many conversions that follow the same pattern. The flight from evil, to the worship of Mary exalted above God. One fascination is replaced by another. Such an example is the former DJ Leszek Dakowicz. Identical situation.

I mentioned Gualdalupe the other day. Human sacrifices were replaced by Mary's sacrifices.


Thank you Diana for providing the link.



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  1. One important point that is not talked about in the West today.
    Namely, classical yoga in classical Hinduism denies western man the possibility of self-salvation and a way out of the wheel of reincarnation.

    Yoga was created only for the classical Hindu, it was not given to the western man.
    Yes yoga has been sold to western man as let's call it pop-yoga, even on some levels it works, but according to classical Hinduism a western man will never realize yoga (unless he converts to Hinduism and receives the necessary blessings - rituals).

    P.S the problem is that the Bible speaks of Mary (Miriam) while the Roman church speaks of some Mary who in revelations described herself as the queen of heaven. Who is the queen of heaven according to the Bible we know.

    It's impossible to listen to. I plead. "How to arrange the relationship with Mary in relation to the Trinity." Oh, please...

  2. As for yoga-I have always seen it simply as gymnastics. Is gymnastics a sin?
    As for the priest in the video, I found some of his videos e.g. "Mary saves the world" etc. I still don't understand why people focus so much on Mary and what is so amazing about her since she was only a human being and ended her life normally, she didn't perform any miracles. As you can see people are still attracted to paganism. Ah this syncretism...

    1. Yoga, even the popular hatha-yoga unfortunately cannot be separated from the philosophy of Hinduism because according to classical Hinduism all forms (hatha, raja, djan, laja, kundalini, prana etc.) of yoga were given to man probably by Shiva.
      Hatha yoga (or popularly known as gymnastics) provides the foundation (preparing the channels and chakras) for the higher degrees of yoga.

      Secondly, almost every so-called asana is directed to a particular deity and in this way one worships that deity. For example, surya namaskar, which we call sun salutation, is actually a ritual of worshiping the sun, which in our country would be idolatry.

      1. Thank you for the information on yoga, at least one knows what to watch out for....

    2. I don't understand putting her on a pedestal either....

  3. When he talked about martial arts or yoga it was still ok, but this new birth in Mary is some kind of foolishness. We can be born again only of water and the Spirit, we are to imitate Christ, but his deeds of love. We do not have to imitate e.g. his diet or work, but his help for the poor, his love for humanity, even his enemies in general, his spiritual teachings, his commandments. And not for example that he ate fish or that he was a carpenter.

  4. When I was a kid my dad signed me up for judo. I always thought it was funny to bow down to images of a constipated grandfather and say some strange words. I also read that God's people should not learn to fight because God will win every one for us. For example, sending an angel who alone defeated a huge army in ancient Israel.

    1. That's why I quit four years ago, even though I loved it.
      However, I received two clear signs from God.

  5. I was just wondering why martial arts and yoga. We trust uncritically without even checking what we are dealing with. And in meditation I've always wondered, how do you stop feeling? It's not normal. It is good that the Lord Jesus watches over me and leads me. Although sometimes He speaks awfully quietly and before I hear a hint I turn the wrong way. Thanks Peter!

    1. Praise Jesus because he is the vine and we are the branches. One of them is Diana, who sent me (the vine) 🙂 .

  6. No no, my hands are dropping. I just found out my mom started going to yoga 🙁 .

  7. Yogi and Bubu always stole picnic baskets, me mom always brings a food basket 😀

    1. you know, Dianka, in old age, people rebel. If mom becomes a Yoga Bear follower, there may be a risk that no longer will mom be able to sing to you on the phone "I'm bringing you a basket of gifts, tasty food with pumpkins..."

  8. This priest is obsessed with Mary.

  9. I fired up the part about Mary, the man is crazy!!!

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