Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Adolf Kudlinski - Polish preppers with charisma.

It's often the case that when I write or post videos, counting on people's intelligence, I don't comment on those videos, and I know after many that it's worth it.

This is also the case here. Adolf Kudlinski is quite an original person and I recently found out that he is my fellow countryman from ¦wiêtokrzyskie region.

Straightforwardness, honesty, sense of justice - these are his positive character traits. Unfortunately, to others he may seem eccentric or even out of touch with reality, but I definitely recommend his films to people who will be able to separate what is valuable from what is unreal in his perception of the world.

Nevertheless, such people are missing from the Polish net. Such raisins on extinction.

Mr. Adolphus while not born again as we understand it - and neither are a large number of Christians themselves including pastors - his life and value system is largely strictly Christian.

Incidentally I remind you that we are still living on earth...:D

Below is a sample video. Expert in herbal medicine, preppers, highlander from Świętokrzyskie - Adolf Kudlinski.


"you are stupid parents giving money to kids for chips, flips"


One must accept such words with humility. I also recommend other videos on herbal medicine that may inspire you to learn more about the subject.


From researching his profile on the net, I was still captured by his program concept of the Slavic party.


Here are selected points:


I. Honor your parents and keep them in their old age, for as you show concern for them, so your children will care for you.
II. Preserve the memory of all the Ancestors of your Tribes and your descendants will remember you. Protect the old and the young, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, for they are your relatives, the beauty and wisdom of your nations.
IV. Do not create (miracles) for your own sake, but create what is great for your Nation and the Nation of Heaven.
V. Wash your hands after your work, for he who does not wash his hands loses the strength of God.
VI. Deepen in your children the love for the holy land of the Race, so that they will not be greedy for overseas miracles, but will be able to do more wonderful and beautiful miracles for the glory of your holy land.
VII. Do not sell your land for gold and silver, for you will bring a curse upon yourself and there will be no forgiveness all your days without rest.
VIII. Whoever flees into the wilderness in search of an easy life, he is a deviator from his people, and his people will not be forgiven, for the Gods will turn away from him.
IX. Do not boast of your strength by grabbing weapons, but boast of your successes on the battlefields. Keep the wisdom of God in secret. Do not give secret wisdom to foreigners.
X. Do not convince those people who do not want to listen to you and hear your words.
XI. Help your neighbor in his misfortune, and when misfortune comes to you, your neighbor will help you.
XIII. Do not abuse hoppy drinks, have moderation in drinking, because whoever abuses alcohol loses the human dimension.
XIV. Establish on your Earth the Heavenly Laws, which your Gods have given you.
XV. Wives, do not wear men's clothing, for you will lose your femininity; but wear for your wives what is natural to you.
XVI. Love the wives of your husbands, for they are your protection and support and that of your whole family.
XVII. Do not kill a child in its mother's belly, for whoever kills a child in its belly will draw down on himself the wrath of God, the One Creator.
XVIII. Do not rejoice in another's misfortune, for he who rejoices in another's misfortune calls misfortune to himself.
XIX. Live by the laws of RITA and the laws of God Rod, the One Creator, for all worlds and Earths in all universes live by these laws.
XX. Do not harm people of other faiths, for God, the One Creator, is on all Earths and in all Worlds



Others are more pagan...But by reworking them into God's Law, Biblical Law, it will be consistent with Scripture.

I became fascinated with the subject of Slavism about 5 years ago until I came across information about worshipping the equivalents of the same gods as in mythology. Anyway, Slavic morality was very close to Christian morality. Only the surrender to the Vatican in 666 (966) began the process of degrowth, which was sealed by Casimir the Great, who distinguished the national minority.



All in all, I can honestly say that I find people like that very heartwarming. Uncommercial, sincere and with a lot of childishness in them.

Let us pray for Adolf Kudlinski, and let us preserve what is valuable from his videos.



Updated: 19 February 2018 — 15:06


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  1. Yes, yes let's also add turbolechita discovering quote: "the crypts of the Slavic kings on Bald Mountain".

    In this internet we have a growing rash of dressers in uniform, pastors, spiritual teachers, presidents (Sokolnicki, Potocki) and even kings themselves (Leszczyński).

    1. Do you know that our wszecheskpert and guru of nebocentrism Mr. Szczytynski was a member of the General Sejm organized by our reigning king Edward Leszczynski?

      What do the names Szczytynski, Leszczynski, Kudlinski, Szydlowski, Nikodemowicz, Bialczynski or Bieszk have in common, other than social engineering under the name of the Great Lechia or Lechic Empire.
      After all, His Majesty the King intended to restore, quote: the empire of the Lachs, the Lechits and the Sarmatians.

      Today you really don't need much. It's enough to put on a uniform (vide Kundliński or Olszański/Jabłonowski), set up a channel on YT (if it wasn't for YT, their activity would have died after a week), talk nonsense to a camera and by the way sell the Lechickian dream (Kundliński) or the dream about Alexander the Great (Olszański/Jabłonowski) or illegality of the Third Republic (Potocki and late Sokolnicki).

      In the same way, you can jump into your pastor's robes and preach about loving "biblical" America and Israel.

      You can talk nonsense, sprinkle phantasmagorias with herbal medicine and by the way visit the crypts of Slavic kings at Łysa Góra. Mr. Kudlinski and company go down to the city sewers and admire ..... the craftsmanship of the Lechitic builders, who probably knew concrete or reinforced concrete already in those times.

      1. Hello, you are not alone in this way of thinking. Regards.

        1. It's just that people are first sold a pretty paper that acts as a sticky.
          And so we have packaging in the form of herbalism (itself as much as possible) or the art of survival and the actual product is the myth of the Lechic empire or packaging in the form of Christ and the actual product will be easy faith or hyper grace.

          1. I doubt that this Kudlin is doing it on purpose. I myself believed in the uniqueness of the Slavs. Then, too, someone might have accused me of deliberate deception.

            1. It's hard to tell if he's doing it on purpose or if he's just being what we'd call a sincere believer in the Lechic myth.

              On the other hand, how does the fact of running around the city canals and claiming that they are remnants of Slavic kings ? And this I pointed out to him on his channel. The result ?. Ban.

              1. They do no harm to anyone, maybe it would be better to vilify those who have been hurting Poles for centuries and tell people that only chemical medicine gives results.

            2. you should watch videos of jerzy jaskowski a lot of historical and other interesting facts there are a lot of very wise videos

              1. I would just like to add that in his wise videos, Dr. Jerzy Jaskowski emphatically and often emphasizes that the only true and right faith is the Catholic faith, and all others are sects.

  2. And that's why gerson therapy for cancer is so effective. Juice carrots, apples, oranges and greens - and people can't believe it can be that simple.

    God is incomprehensible, but how cleverly He created fruits and vegetables for our benefit

  3. As a soldier of the Foreign Legion, he must have been good at hunting people, the question was how many and where, but he did not start the Second World War.

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