Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Read on a forum, comments, someone wrote : "Kaczynski (Kalkstein) , is heart and soul a zealous philosemite , whose goal is to give Poland back to the Jews , all of Poland , with its natural resources and slaves . He is a very skilful manipulator on the domestic political scene and in cooperation with the broadly understood opposition, he throws time and again emotional nonsense into the media space in order to pretend on TV screens "a fierce political fight" with the traitorous, anti-Polish with a sell-out, anti-Polish opposition. The only opposition that Kaczynski has to fight on the orders of the Jews are the patriots from national movements. Electorate of PIS are naive, wishful thinking patriots, but manipulated by the historical cult of Unbroken Soldiers, apparent demand for reparations from Germany, apparent reform of the judiciary, or recently the claiming of dignity by the act on IPN, with the anti-Polish clangor of "opponents" think that it's really and that the President is a great Pole. They do not see that the President forbade to finish the exhumation in Jewabne and to conduct a proper investigation, which, if properly publicized, would destroy in fine dust the "revelations" of JTGross and the whole Jewish narrative about the Polish participation in the Holocaust. A separate thing is the truth about the "Kielce pogrom". It is a separate thing to the truth about the "Kielce pogrom" and the thick register of crimes committed by Jews against the Polish nation, or licking their asses and financing bandits (because such was the order from the headquarters). Isolation in the international arena is a fact, but it is a planned media treatment of Poles in the style - despite the fact that we are patriots, we must yield in the case of Jewish claims, because we will lose allies (sic!). The press will absorb it, the opposition will criticize unimportant details and Mr. Brudziński will take up the task of pacifying the nationalists so that on November 11, without the "fascists" we could celebrate together with our friends from Israel the 70th anniversary of the establishment of this country and the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. Let's just hope that this little bastard doesn't plan any bloodshed".

  2. Thank you for posting...

  3. This is far too little in my opinion. The Jews laugh at this. The name of the camps is a tertiary thing, cleverly used by the treacherous Polish government as well as the Jews themselves. The ONLY weapon against their fraudulent accusations and to prevent reprivatization claims is to SHOW the collaboration of many thousands of Jews with Germany and the handing over of their Jewish brothers to death! There is a lot of material on the internet about this starting with the Jewish police in the Ghetto, the sonderkomandos in the camps, the Gestapo agents, and the service in the Wehrmacht.

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