Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Does the falsity of the Khazar theory change anything about the perception of Jews?

A few days ago I was sent a link to the website wolna-polska with a copy of a text from radtrap. The text concerned the falsity of the Khazar theory and without going into the polemics about whether Kwasniewski and other Jews are Khazars or Sephardim, I will try to present this problem with journalistic integrity, in contrast to the vast majority of portals and websites such as wolna-polska.


Let the point be that I do not belong to any group, organization, or religion, which makes me credible and I have the unheard of comfort of writing tinged with justice.


A text translated by radtrap - a blogger known for his conspiracy and occultism - assumes that the so-called Khazar theory that most Jews are of Mongolian-Turkish descent is false. The author of this text argues that the Talmud, as a racist book regarding non-Jews as Gentiles, was written long before the potential conversion of the Khazars.

From what I remember the original text was written by the famous anti-Zionist David Duke. By the way, the fact that he was in the KukluxKlan does not invalidate his contribution to anti-Zionism, since he was a member of that organization only until 1980...,


Yes, this is true. The Babylonian Talmud, though written only in the 4th century AD, must have originated in Babylon, as the name suggests.


When the Jews went into captivity in Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar, many Jewish scribes were faced with the challenge of interpreting the laws of Moses for their own purposes. Jewish historian Solomon Grayzel declares that the scribes "shaped the destiny of the Jews .

After the return of the Jews from Babylon and after the death of the major and minor prophets, "The whole transformation in the life of the Jews since then has been the result of the teaching and interpretation ... [the scribes] created literature; they formulated laws. From the sacred books they drew those ideas that would guide their own people and in time inspire others " .

These scribes "added a new dimension to the Sabbath" and, like the later rabbis, "differed among themselves. Their discussion became the embodiment of the traditional interpretations of the Bible, which, under the name of the Oral Law, guided the Jews in later centuries ".

Several generations after Alexander conquered Asia Minor and after the Hellenization of the conquered peoples, the scribes were divided into two groups: the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They used to be purely political, they gradually became religious.

Moreover, from the beginning, both parties were involved in political wrangling and covert operations and often disagreed with each other.

The Sadducees upheld the written Torah only as the only truth and sought to adhere to its words; the Pharisees believed equally in the written Torah and oral Tradition.


After the destruction of the temple in 70, the Sadducees disappeared completely, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. From then on, Jewish life was regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past ...

"Pharisaism has shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of Jews throughout the future .


In Judaism shaped by the Pharisees, the Torah was only valid if they were proven right; when they were not, they reinterpreted it to fit their ideological framework. Pharisees


The Hellenized Jews more or less sympathized with the Sadducees, while the Orthodox Jews sided with the Pharisees. Because both parties were heavily involved in politics, their doctrine eventually led to political wars that took the lives of thousands of Jews.


Ben Zakkai gathered around him a number of people who wanted to erect a new rabbinic Judaism.

His school, with its teaching based primarily on oral tradition, eventually produced many erudite rabbis who compiled and codified the oral tradition into a text-the Talmud-which "became the law and religion of the entire race of Israel."

So from the very beginning Judaism was not established on the basis of the words of the Torah scriptures, but on the interpretations of the scribes, which culminated over time in the Talmud.

By the time of the New Testament, the Pharisees and Sadducees had become the legal authorities to interpret the Old Testament according to their traditions and hermeneutics. As the historian Graetz put it,

"As experts in the law, the Pharisees formed a learned body of the nation. Their opinions were formulated, their actions governed by one cardinal principle-the necessity of preserving Judaism. Individual and state were to be governed alike by the laws and customs of their fathers.

"Any deviation from this principle manifested itself to the Pharisees as a betrayal of all that was most precious and holy ... The Pharisees owed their influence primarily to their knowledge of the Law and the application they derived from it to the affairs of daily life, and were called interpreters and teachers of the Law.


This is the main source of confusion between Christianity and rabbinic Judaism: when Christians hear that Jews follow the Torah, they assume that Judaism gives the same divine weight to the first five principalities of the Old Testament, which they do by making the two religions fundamentally similar. This is not the case because Jews believe that the Torah is useless without the Talmud.

Louis Finkelstein (one of the most dedicated Talmudists and an expert in Jewish law) declared:


"Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became medieval rabbinism, and medieval rabbinism became modern rabbinism."


Perhaps this text seems convoluted to some, so I will paraphrase it down to a few sentences:

Current Jews, unlike Christian converts, not only do not believe in Jesus as the messiah, but they interpret Scripture as they wish, not as it should actually be interpreted. It all depends on the circumstances.


To summarize. Yes, the current political and financial power of Jews in the world derives from the Talmud and Pharisaism, not from the Khazars.

However, as I pointed out in the introduction, the issue requires journalistic integrity, and it consists of a fair assessment in the perception of Israel today. Not long ago I showed how it is Orthodox Jews who burn the flag of Israel.


Jews beat Jews.


Incidentally, the hexagram is the star of Remfan, the god mentioned in


Biblia ostrzega przed tzw „Gwiazdą Dawida” czyli heksagramem. Szokujący wers z Dziejów.

It is openly apparent who the current Israel adheres to.

However, the world is not that simple. If we pigeonhole all Jews as bad people, we automatically become like the Zionists towards the Goyim.

The truth of the matter is that there are God-committed but deceived Jews as well as God-committed but deceived Catholics and Protestants deceived by the perception of the present Israel as a chosen nation. In light of the present above information, it is a chosen nation, but by a different god. Not the same as our I Am.

If we follow the example of the "Wolna-Polska" website, which is pro-Catholic by the way, we will throw the baby out with the bathwater and explain in the simplest way possible how wrong those who lump all Jews together are.

Well, the Lord Jesus was a Jew and he himself said that salvation comes from the Jews. His earthly parents were Jews and the apostles were Jews as well as Paul, writing that there is no longer any Jew or Greek.

The Jews are a mixture of Sephardim, Judeans, Edomites and Khazars.

This is a problem for those Catholics who would like to accuse an entire nation of the evils of this world.

This is why the Lord Jesus said, "From now on, true worshippers will worship me in spirit and in truth," because such people cannot be pigeonholed into any organization, denomination, party, etc.

Followers of the Lord Jesus glorify him in Spirit and in truth, not in a nation, an institution.


In the end, there is no such thing as a good thing. The Jewish question in the Polish media is bringing to light revealing Polish Zionist Jews. I will write about this successively.


Unfortunately, anyone who believes in our liberation from the Jewish yoke is a utopian, because the Bible implies an even greater enslavement until the time of the second coming of Jesus. This is why I will not side with either organization.


The most important matter. What is happening now on the Polish political scene is a great war between the Empire of Rome, called for the sake of deception the Catholic Church, also composed of Jews, and Zionism (Talmudic Jews).

In my estimation, it is closely related to the apocalypse and it is hard to say anything more at this stage.


Those who don't understand this should look at who Gazeta Wyborcza hates and who the fans of Radio Maryja hate and then everything will be clear, but they are on both sides of the conflict and a model example are the Kurski brothers. One works for GW and the other is in the Catholic PIS....

Thank you for your attention.


Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords.






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  1. Polish ultra Zionists have already shown their true face and goals. I am referring here to the duo from Lublin.

    1. How they annoy me....

  2. Fxx,what did they show,that duet with L.specifically,can you justify,because I don't know what you mean?

    1. To understand what I wrote about one would have to watch a couple of their recent yt programs. I mean the Itp. channel. I would like to warn you in advance that the blood of any more aware person may boil on the spot when they hear the specific rhetoric of the gentlemen from Lublin.

      1. Is it about Kowalski's duet with this supposed "pastor"? They are sometimes even pathetic with their actions, I am also no longer surprised by the fragments of Mr. Ch.'s statements in various alterations of songs known from radio stations ?

      2. Fxx,
        Ok but I would like you to write specifically what is there ULTRASIONISTIC, some specifics, or specifics

      3. Fxx, whatever you say, a lot of people started to read the Bible thanks to IPP TV, a lot of people got baptized and there are some Bible study groups out of it.
        If they register a party for them, we would vote for them at the present time. I emphasize that we are not blind, on the contrary.

        1. Here I will exceptionally agree with Kesja insofar as I myself believe that the site that helped me to lift the veil from the lies of this world, but I will not do advertising for it, so IPP serves a similar function with both sides, both men are haters.
          And yes the Holy Spirit works as He wills. Even in the NCC.
          If Chojecki preaches Jesus, but at the same time keeps away from both the Vatican and Zionism, he also has my vote. However, I am afraid that having good contacts in the USA, he will stick to the latter...

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