Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Come to the cross before it is too late.


Accustomed to bad teaching, we take from the Word what suits us, what we think is good for us, and we seek such teachers.

Jesus suffered torments, and we would like to believe by living as we lived when the Lord Jesus Himself said:


" And Jesus, hearing this, said to them, It is not the healthy who need a physician, but those who are unwell; I have not come to call to repentance the righteous, but sinners. "

 Mk 2


Today it is fashionable to have cheap grace. such a transition from the Catholic church to a supposedly Protestant church, and it would be more appropriate to write protestant. The problem is not only in the lack of protest, but in the ubiquitous grace without conversion. There are worships in churches after which the believer feels better, and snake fruit in homes.


When we baptize at reunions we quote a dozen verses concerning baptism. Among them is this one:


"Therefore, by baptism immersing us into death, we were buried with him so that we too might enter into new life - as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father. 
Romans 6:4″ 


What new life can there be when people have not abandoned the old one?

If there is no change visible by your surroundings, if you are hurting loved ones, living the world, then there is no question of death immersion baptism. All that's left is the conversion of church buildings from Catholic to Protestant.


I remember a few years ago several people talking to me about the cross. I was disgusted treating coming to the cross as a bad omen....

I thought that if I read the Bible and prayed (the Pharisees did too), I was born again. But there came a time when I had to come to the cross, and that moment is like giving birth to a woman: painful but giving birth to the character of Jesus.

The early Christians were handed over to the lions, hanged. All so that you today can read the Scriptures, but not for the intellect, but for transformation....

The Lord Jesus in the third chapter of the Apocalypse says:


"I advise you to buy from me
Gold purified in the fire,
To make you rich,
and white robes,
so that you'll get clothed,
and your shameful nakedness was not revealed,
and the balm to anoint your eyes,
you'd see.
19 I chastise and exercise everyone I love.
So be zealous and repent!


How many churches are interested in how people behave at home and at work? A sermon like in the church of Rome, maybe agape some more and heya home.

Drunkenness, tobacco addiction is easy to recognize. It's also easy to see conversion from that, but how much harder is it to see conversion from a vapid tongue? The result: churches full of haters. Like Rome's signed and Sunday attendance list, a false impression of being born-again through dissent from reading Scripture, and thus self-delusion takes place.

The Lord Jesus in the apocalypse is already different from the gospel of John or Matthew. He says:

"I chastise and exercise everyone I love."

If you don't understand that, then you will be eternally chastised, and in what way is that, look at your life.

Going to the cross means killing the old self. It is marked by humility, humbleness, the ability to forgive. How many of those who call themselves Christians are the first to hide their pride and reconcile with their opponent?


The Lord Jesus in this 3rd chapter of Revelation uses an exhortatory phrase:

I advise you purchase from me
gold purified in the fire"


If you don't listen, the rest of your life will be very painful.

I advise you to buy from me ( from Jesus himself) something of great value, but tried in the fire of the cross and pain.

The cross that the Lord Jesus carried was certainly very heavy. But He conquered death, but not so deceived man that you should be the same being!


How many of us can say today and now:

I am a completely different person.

Jesus comes first in my life. Not the pastor, not the nice teaching, but Jesus.


Jesus was in opposition to religion and in opposition to Rome and now what do we have? Cheap and flimsy grace.

The Lord Jesus came with a sword. Can you feel that sword around you? If not, you are deceiving yourself as a follower and others. Do you feel the entrenchment that Jesus spoke of?


Want to get to know Jesus, here it is:


Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.


I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

35 For I have come to divide the son from his father, the daughter from her mother, the daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law 36 and man's enemies shall be his household.

37 Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.


What does this mean? That we are not ashamed of God's Law before our family, that we do not assimilate with the world.


38 Whoever does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. 39 Whoever wants to find his life will lose it. and whoever loses his life because of me will find it.


You are not taking up that heavy cross on the way to the death of the old IAM, there is no transformation in you, then you are not worthy of Jesus.


Today's Jesus is a cool feeling in worship services. No more Tyndals and Hus. Well, except on YT.


God says:


"I advise you to acquire gold

your shameful nakedness was not revealed,
and the balm to anoint thy eyes"


Anointing the eyes means restoring sight. However, people have veils of religiosity. I pray, I read the Bible, then I am a believer. None of that. You are a believer if you obey God and love your neighbor by having Jesus tongue, not a viper.


It is under the cross that the old IAM is dying.

This is the prescription and meaning of the Christian life:


"Verily, verily, I say unto you: If a grain of wheat falls into the ground and does not die, it remains alone; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest. 25 He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 And whoever would serve Me, let him follow Me, and where I amMy servant will be there. And if anyone serves Me, My Father will honor him. "


For many, a slogan.

Only the death of the old IAM changes us. God will show you your every dirt. God can only test you in hard situations.

When you experience such, it is equivalent to asking God: do you really love me?




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Updated: 25 January 2018 — 18:37


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  1. For us, the Lord Jesus gave up all His dignity.
    If the world insults our dignity, those around us look at us strangely, do not accept us, and we sink lower and lower, it means that the Word becomes exalted and we become smaller and smaller.

    Does it happen to you that people look at you strangely, as if you had something written on your forehead?

    1. I had that about a year ago nonstop.

  2. A very well prepared note...

  3. Since yesterday a passage of Scripture has been walking for me: "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me! (A small digression: in several translations of this fr. is very different, for example, I quoted the PBG and already in the NBG is "and he will remove his cross"). etc., but somehow I didn't understand these words, and specifically - how should I do it? Say them out loud? Change my occupation? Goals? It may sound silly, but I also feel silly writing this 😐 The answer prompted this post, renouncing myself is renouncing my old self, coming under the cross....
    Sorry to write chaotically, but I'm not very comfortable...
    I have no one to tell it to (except God, of course, although He already knows everything anyway) so I'll write it here. Since the beginning of the year things have been bad with me. I feel that Satan is attacking me because of my emotions (after my conversion I became quite sensitive), it's more or less like moving a slide rule from 0 to 10, within a few minutes I go from joy to some strange anger, discouragement (and no, it's not the symptoms of women's days, it lasts too long), the accusing voice came back, that I'm a liar, I don't want to do anything, nothing works out, reading the Bible goes quite awkwardly...And I feel despicable that I behave like that in front of God... Because, yes, unfortunately I lie, but not with words but with actions. I go to church (krk) at my mother's insistence and I am afraid to tell e.g. my grandmother that I don't believe as she does etc. I hate it! I just feel like tearing up because it's disgusting! Now I understand what the cross is, the renunciation of self - it's that struggle, isn't it? That I'm not afraid to stand up to fight, to hold that sword, that shield, that I'm wearing the armor, the helmet, the boots. That I'm willing to suffer, to give up certain things, to be insulted..Eh. I remember praying to God that he would make me his warrior, that he would give an assignment, this was before I gave my life to him. And He did, He showed me the truth, He gave me an assignment to preach in my home, but what am I doing? Yes, I speak about the Lord Jesus, about the lies of the entourage, I have given up many things, I have understood many things, but I am so afraid of rejection! Rejection of my mother, my grandmother, my aunt brothers... Not only will it hurt me, but they will attack my parents too, it will break my mother's heart. People, I don't know what to do! Yes, I know, whoever loves father or mother more than Jesus is not worthy of Him. I know, I really know...And I feel disgusted with myself that I can't do anything, say anything, stand firm and say enough. But right now I feel like I'm at a dead end, I don't know what to say, what to do, what to run away from. So many thoughts, so many questions, on the one hand there is the will to fight in me, there is that rookie in there somewhere, but something is blocking me like that.

    I'm sorry I wrote so much, but I don't really know who to tell about this. Thank you admin for the article, it is another guidance from God for me, may I somehow embrace it all... With God

    1. Remember that you are not alone in this, at this very moment you are trying to buy from Jesus this gold purified in the fire, just persevere in it. You won't change your family in a few moments but you can change yourself. Jesus sees your struggle and He is certainly proud of you and gives you a cross which He knows you will bear.

      1. Thank you for your reply, greetings, with God 🙂 .

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