Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Baha'i Houses of Prayer seed the world religion.

A regular reader sent me a very interesting thread that somehow escaped me.

What is Baha'i?


„W 1844 r., niejaki Bab, ogłosił się posłańcem nowej religii. Duchowni w Persji (Iran) uznali, że jego nauki, głoszące równość kobiet i mężczyzn, zagrażają ich pozycji, i rozstrzelali Baba. Jego zwolennicy zwrócili się o przewodnictwo do drugiego przywódcy duchowego – Baha’u’llaha. Zaczął on rozwijać zasady nowej religii. W Bagdadzie Baha’u’llah ogłosił, że jest długo oczekiwanym posłańcem Bożym.


Jest to młoda religia, ale popatrzmy jakie „skromne”  budynki posiadają:




Wyjątkowo nie lubię weryfikować takich religii gdyż kiedyś miałem książkę pt „Źródłem życia jest życie” i jest to taki stek bzdur, że trzeba być wyjątkowo zdemonizowanym, aby przez to przebrnąć.

In this case it is similar, although I found it much easier to pick out than in the above mentioned book.


Fortunately, someone has already developed, in part, these anti-Christ theories and assumptions of this religion:



  • The Oneness of God.

  • Unity of religion.

  • Universal religion built on a common base of great religions.

  • The unity of the human race.

  • Independence in the search for truth.

  • Abolish all forms of prejudice.

  • Harmony between religion and knowledge.

  • Gender Equality.

  • Common auxiliary language.

  • Universal and compulsory education.

  • A spiritual solution to economic problems.

  • World Peace.

  • Abolishing the extremes of poverty and wealth.

  • Obeying the government and not engaging in divisive politics.

  • A world union governed by representatives of all nations.

Regarding the achievement of world peace, Bahá'u'lláh enshrined a world-wide system of common security as an essential element in establishing lasting peace.

source: wikipedia



Bahaism raises some problems in the formation of a world religion because:


  • Bahaizm jest szczególnie ostro krytykowany przez muzułmanów, ponieważ, według nich wiara baha’i podważa islamską koncepcję Mahometa jako „pieczęci proroków.” Islam nie akceptuje możliwości kolejnego objawienia, po objawieniu Mahometa.


This means that religious engineers will have to tone down Islam. Hence the fighting between Shiites and Sunnis.


In Christian countries, Bahaism is naturally a sect.

But the tenets of Bahaism are a New World Order program.

The noble slogans: unity of religions, abolition of all forms of prejudice,

Let's rephrase that biblically:

„jedność religii”


„Odpowiedział mu Jezus: «Ja jestem drogą i prawdą, i życiem2. Nikt nie przychodzi do Ojca inaczej jak tylko przeze Mnie. „John 14


„światowy pokój”



„Gdy mówić będą: Peace and securitythen sudden doom will come upon them. like pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."



„Zniesienie wszelkich form uprzedzeń.”


„Nie chodźcie w obcym jarzmie z niewiernymi; bo co in common justice with iniquity, or what fellowship between light and darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6.


„Równość kobiet i mężczyzn.”


„Do kobiety zaś rzekł: Pomnożę dolegliwości brzemienności twojej, w bólach będziesz rodziła dzieci, mimo to ku mężowi twemu pociągać cię będą pragnienia twoje, on zaś będzie panował nad tobą” Rdz 3




Sightseeing in Polish:





In conclusion, Bahaism is a dangerous sect and its tenets are already being implemented in Poland. My reader probably followed my text about ecumenism, because the first temple of Peace is in Kielce. In the video above a believer of this sect says: temples are the result of the progress of faith.... (religion said Dan Brown). The 9 gates symbolize the 9 major world religions.

It follows that religions will not be abolished, but brought to common denominators like peace, tolerance, and forced education so that children will not think differently than these religions and the NWO.

It is estimated that there are currently between five and six million Baha'is worldwide in over 200 countries and territories.

Thus we have every basis for the rule of the antichrist.

The next article will only confirm this.




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Updated: 24 January 2018 — 18:49


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  1. What's scary is that a lot of people are fooled by such a highly frosted idea. All the more so since the "authorities" support it ☹ . Guide us, Lord Jesus, so that we don't go astray! Ps. You once wrote Admin that you were interested in and read various books, at least no one can accuse you of not knowing the enemy ? Greetings from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for your hard work! May the Lord Jesus guide you !

  2. Brrrrrr... Even those temples don't look nice....
    And the premise...well, it's nwo...

  3. Of course you write well, Peter. Idol worship of various kinds will exist until the end.
    Are we to believe the false prophecies of the Jews or illuminati or Jesus?
    The destruction of idol worship is a bluff by the Jews.
    The Lord Jesus tells us that belief in false deities will be to the very end.
    And it is His prophecies that must be believed.

    And the rest of the people, not having been killed by these plagues, have not turned away from the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons or idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, or wood, which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk*. Neither have they turned away from their murders, their sorcery, their whoring, and their thefts. Rev. 9:20

    Others need to be warned, starting with those closest to them.

    Balsazar the king made a great feast for a thousand of his princes, and drank wine before them.
    And when Balsazar had drunk the wine, he commanded that a vessel of gold and silver should be brought, which Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple of Jerusalem, that the king and his princes and his wives and his foundresses should drink of it.
    And they brought the vessels of gold, which they had taken from the temple of the house of God, which was at Jerusalem, and the king and his princes and his wives and his mistresses drank of them;
    And while drinking wine they praised the gods of gold and silver, copper, iron, wood, and stone.
    That hour the fingers of a man's hand came out and wrote against a candlestick on the wall of the king's palace, and the king saw part of the hand that wrote.
    And the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts were troubled, and the bindings of his hands were loosed, and his knees were beaten one against another. Daniel 5:1

    We know that our True God does not like religious ecumeny!
    The Lord Jesus wrote - you are light, speaking peace and safety in the name of the united idol-denominations.

    Thou, too, Balsazar his son, didst not humble thy heart, though thou knewest all this.
    Nay, thou didst rise up against the Lord of heaven, and the vessel of his house was brought before thee: and thou and thy princes, thy wives, and thy maidens, didst drink wine therefrom: and the gods of silver, and of gold, and of copper, and of iron, and of wood, and of stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor know anything, didst thou praise; but the God in whose hand is thy breath, and in whom are all thy ways, didst thou not honour.
    Now therefore this part of the hand is sent from him, and the writing is expressed.
    And this is the writing that is expressed: Mene, Mene, Thekel, upharsin.
    And this is the interpretation of these words: Mene, God has numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end.
    Thekel, weighed on the scales, and found you light. Dan.5,22

    Let it be known to all that we will not worship the statue of Nebuchadnezzar!

    Daniel a picture of God's child -

    Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was sixty cubits, and the breadth of which was six cubits, and set it up in the field of Dura in the land of Babylon.
    And king Nebuchadnezzar sent for the princes, and the chiefs, and the governors, and the elders, and the assessors, and the experts in the law, and the officers, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image, which king Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
    And there came together the princes, and the governors, and the governors of the provinces, and the officers, and all the rulers of the provinces, unto the consecration of the image, which was set up by Nebuchadnezzar the king, and they stood before the image which Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
    And the usher cried out with a great voice: Unto you it is said, Men, nations, and tongues;
    When ye shall hear the voice of the trumpet, and of the pipe, and of the lute, and of the violin, and of the harp, and of the symphony, and of every instrument of music, fall down and worship the golden image which king Nebuchadnezzar hath set up;
    And whosoever shall not fall down and bow down, at that hour shall be cast into the midst of the furnace of burning fire.
    And immediately, when all the people heard the voice of the trumpet, and of the pipe, and of the lute, and of the violin, and of the harp, and of every instrument of music, then all the people and all the nations and all the tongues fell down, bowing down to the golden image which king Nebuchadnezzar had set up.
    And at that time the Chaldean men came and made a complaint against the Jews;
    And speaking they said to King Nebuchadnezzar: King, live forever!
    Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man which heareth the voice of the trumpet, or of the pipe, or of the lute, or of the violin, or of the harp, or of the symphony, or of any instrument of music, shall fall down and bow himself to the golden image;
    And whosoever shall not fall down and bow down, that he may be cast into the midst of the furnace of burning fire.
    And there were certain Jews, which thou didst overrule in the affairs of the land of Babylon, Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: these men lightly esteemed, O king, thy decree; they glorified not thy gods, neither did they bow down to the golden image which thou didst set up.
    And Nebuchadnezzar was wroth and wroth, and commanded Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to be brought before the king.
    And Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said unto them, Think ye not, O Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that ye worship not my gods, nor bow down unto the image of gold, which he hath set up?
    Now therefore be ye ready, that, when ye shall hear the voice of the trumpet, and of the horn, and of the lute, and of the violin, and of the harp, and of the symphony, and of every instrument of music, fall down and worship that image which he hath made: and, behold, if ye will not bow down, in that hour ye shall be cast into the midst of a furnace of burning fire; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hand?
    Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered, and said to the king: O Nebuchadnezzar! We are not concerned about what we have to answer for;
    For behold, our God whom we praise, (who is mighty to deliver us from the furnace of burning fire, and from thy hand, O king!) shall deliver us,
    Or, though he will not tear it out, let it be known to thee, O king, that we will not bow down to thy gods, nor to the golden image which thou hast set up.
    And Nebuchadnezzar was so full of wrath, that the form of his face was changed against Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednegoh, and he answered and commanded that the furnace should be lighted seven times more than it was the custom to light it,
    And he commanded the stronger men that were in his army, that they should bind Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednegoh, and cast them into a furnace of burning fire.
    And they bound the men in their coats, and in their clothes, and in their caps, and in their garments, and cast them into the midst of the furnace of fire.
    And the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace was very hot, and therefore the men that threw in Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, were smote by the flame of the fire.
    But the three men, Sadrach, Mesach, and Abednego, fell into the midst of the furnace of blazing fire bound.
    And king Nebuchadnezzar was astonished, and rose up quickly, and said unto his captains, Did we not cast three men bound in the midst of the fire? And they answered and said unto the king, True, O king!
    And he answered and said: Behold, I see four men untied, walking in the midst of the fire, and there is no breach with them; and the person of the fourth is like unto the SON OF GOD.
    And Nebuchadnezzar came to the depths of the furnace of fire, and said, Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, the servants of the most high God! Come out, and come yourselves: and Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the midst of the fire.
    And the princes, the chief clerks, and the king's governors, being assembled, examined them, that the fire reigned not over their bodies, nor a hair of their heads burned, nor were their coats disturbed, nor the smell of fire passed through them.
    And Nebuchadnezzar said, Blessed be their God, that is, Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednegoh, which sent forth his angel, and delivered up his servants, which trusted in him, which obeyed not the king's word, but delivered up their bodies, that they should not serve, and should not bow down to any god beside their God.
    Therefore I give this decree, that whosoever shall utter blasphemy against the God of Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, of every people, nation, and tongue, shall be cut in pieces, and his house turned into dung; for there is no other God that can deliver like him.
    Then the king highly exalted Sadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the land of Babylon. Daniel 3

    For those who don't already know, we announce to all and sundry that the fourth figure in the fire is the Lord Jesus.
    And it is to him that the Hymn of the Three Young Men is sung 🙂 Daniel 3:52

    The continuation of Daniel, the child of God

    And it pleased Darius to appoint an hundred and twenty governors over the kingdom, which were in all the kingdom.
    And above them were three princes, of whom Danijel was the foremost, to whom the officers of the king's government should do number, that the king should not be harmed.
    And Danijel himself was superior to the other princes and elders, because the spirit was greater in him, from whence the king thought to set him over all the kingdoms.
    And the princes and the governors sought to find a cause against Danijel on the part of the kingdom; but they could find no cause or fault, because he was faithful, and no fault or defect was in him.
    And the men said, We shall find no cause against this Danijel, save what we find against him in the law of his God.
    And the princes and nobles came together unto the king, and said unto him, Darius the king, live for ever!
    And all the princes of the kingdom, and the governors, and the aldermen, and the officers, and the governors, were resolved, that the king's decree should be decreed, and the decree established, that whosoever within thirty days should ask anything of any god, or of any man beside thee, O king, should be cast into the pit of the lion.
    And so now, O king! confirm this judgment, and give it in writing, lest it should vary according to the Median and Persian law, which does not vary.
    Whence King Darius gave in writing this judgment.
    And when Danijel heard that it was written, he went into his house, and the windows were open in his room against Jerusalem; and three times in the day he kneeled down on his knees, and prayed, and gave glory to his God, as he had done before.
    And the men came together, and found Danijel praying, and pouring out prayers unto his God,
    They came and told the king of the king's decree: And hast thou not made a decree, that whosoever shall ask any man or god for anything for thirty days, beside thee, O king, shall be cast into the pit of the lion? The king answered and said: This is true speech according to the law of Media and Persia, which is not changed.
    And they answered and said unto the king, This Danijel, which is of the prisoners of the children of Judah, hath no regard for thee, O king, nor for thy decree, which thou hast given: for he prayeth his prayers three times in one day.
    When the king heard these words, he was greatly grieved; and the king set his heart on Danilel to deliver him; until the sun set he strove to deliver him.
    But the men came together unto the king, and said unto him, Know thou, O king, that this is the law with the Medes and with the Persians, that no judgment or decree, which the king shall make, shall be altered.
    And the king commanded that Danijel should be brought and that he should be cast into the pit of the lion, and the king said unto Danijel Thy God, whom thou servest continually, he shall deliver thee.
    And one stone was brought, and laid in the hole of the pit, and the king sealed it with his signet ring, and with the signets of his princes, that the decree against Danijel might not be altered.

    Of course, in this case, too, the Lord of Hosts saved Daniel, for it is He who works all things, even the lion obeys Him. 🙂

    This is our True, Living God and there is no other!

    He plucks and delivers, and does signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, who delivered Danijel from the power of the lions. Danijel 6:27

    Finally, let's all still be reminded of how much false idols are worth, and let's show Daniel, the child of God, once again.

    King Astiages1 was reunited with his ancestors, and the Persian Cyrus took the reign. Daniel was the king's confidant and surpassed all his friends in importance. The Babylonians, on the other hand, worshiped an idol named Bel; to him were offered daily twelve measures of the purest flour, forty sheep, and six pints of wine. And the king also worshipped him, and went every day to worship him. And Daniel worshipped his God. And the king said to him, "Why do you not worship Bel?" And he replied: "Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who created the heavens and the earth and has dominion over all creatures." So the king said to him, "Do you think that Bel is not the living god? Do you not know how much he eats and drinks every day?" Daniel replied with a smile: "Do not delude yourself, king! He is made of clay inside and copper on top, and he has never eaten or drunk."
    The angry king summoned his priests and said to them: "If you do not tell me who eats these offerings, you will die. But if you prove that Bel eats them, Daniel will die, for he has defiled Bel." Then Daniel said to the king: "Let it be done as you have said." And the priests were seventy in number, not counting the women and children. So the king went with Daniel to the temple of Bel. The priests of Bel said: "Behold, we depart; and thou, O king, prepare the food, mix the wine, and put it up. Then close the door and seal it with your signet ring. When you come in the morning and do not find that Bel has eaten all, we shall die; otherwise let Daniel, who slandered us, die." They were not alarmed, for they had made a secret entrance under the sacrificial table, by which they constantly entered and ate everything.
    So when they had gone out, the king prepared food for Bel. And Daniel commanded the servants to bring the ashes and to scatter them throughout the temple in the presence of the king alone. When they had gone out, they closed the door, sealed it with the king's signet ring, and departed. The priests, however, came as usual by night with their wives and their children, and ate and drank. The king rose at dawn, and Daniel with him. The king said: "Daniel, are the seals intact?" And he replied: "They are intact, king!" As soon as the door was opened, the king looked at the offering table and cried out very loudly: "You are great, Bel, and there is not the least treachery in you." Daniel, however, smiled and stopped the king from going inside, saying: "Look, just on the floor and see whose footprints these are?" The king in turn said: "I see the footprints of men, women and children." Then the angered king ordered the priests, their wives, and their children to be seized, and they showed him the secret entrance through which they were entering and eating what was on the table. So the king had them killed, and Bela handed him over to Daniel, who destroyed him along with his temple.

    A story about a snake

    There was a great serpent and the Babylonians worshipped it. And the king said to Daniel: "You can no longer say that this is not the living god"; and he worshiped it. Daniel answered: "To the Lord my God I will worship, for He is the living God. And thou, O king, give me authority, and I will slay the serpent without the aid of sword and club." And the king said, "I give them to you." So Daniel took tar, tallow, and bristles and kneaded cakes of them and threw them into the mouth of the serpent. After he had eaten them, the serpent burst; and he said: "See what you have worshipped."
    When the Babylonians heard of this, great indignation seized them and they gathered against the king, saying: "The king has become a Jew. He has let Bela be smashed, the serpent killed, and the priests murdered." Having gone to the king they said: "Give us Daniel, otherwise we will kill you and your household." The king perceived that they were coming very hard upon him, and of necessity he handed Daniel over to them. And they cast him into the den of lions, where he remained six days. And there were seven lions in the den, and they were given two flesh and two sheep daily. But at that time nothing was given them to devour Daniel.
    And in Judea there was a prophet named Habakuk. He prepared soup and broke bread in a vessel, and went into the field to bring it to the harvesters. The angel of the Lord spoke to Habakuk: "Take the meal you have to Daniel to Babylon, to the den of lions." Habakuk replied: "Lord, I have never seen Babylon, nor do I know the den of lions." So the angel took him by the top of his head and, carrying him by the hair of his head, carried him to Babylon to the edge of the den at the speed of the wind. Habakuk called out, "Daniel, Daniel! Take the meal that God is sending you." And Daniel said: "God, you have remembered me, and you have not abandoned those who love you." And Daniel arose and ate. The angel of God immediately moved Habakkuk to his former place.
    And the king came on the seventh day to mourn for Daniel. So he came to the pit and saw Daniel sitting. Then he cried out with a loud voice: "Great are you, O Lord, the God of Daniel, and there is no [god] but you!" He ordered him to be brought out, and those who wanted his destruction he ordered to be thrown into a cave. They were immediately devoured in his presence. Daniel14

    "For I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God who created the heavens and the earth and has dominion over all creatures." !

    Let's be like Daniel, and I encourage the rest of you to join the " rebellion" of holiness. 🙂
    Since they rebelled against God, and so it is written, we too can rebel in a good sense against what the world will impose on us.
    Did you notice how Daniel prayed?
    Exactly as the Lord Jesus instructed us, in His peace, in solitude, in spirit and in truth 🙂 and not in plain sight before all men. His actions were an expression of FAITHFULNESS to God.
    Encourage others to be so faithful, for the Lord Jesus was also faithful to His Father, teaching us to be faithful to Him to the end.
    Great was Daniel's faith, belief AND trust, as they say, into the fire he would jump for God... And it almost happened. That's faith 🙂 .

    "God, you have remembered me and have not forsaken those who love you."

    Ps. I'm sorry to write so much, but the topic appalled me a lot....

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