Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I left myself seven thousand men who did not bend their knees before Baal.

" Or do you not know what Scripture says about Elijah, how he complains before God about Israel: (3)O Lord, they have slain thy prophets, they have destroyed thy altarsand I'm the only one left, but they're coming for my life too. (4) But what does the oracle of God tell him? I left for myself seven thousand men who did not bend their knees before Baal(5) Likewise there is now a remnant according to the election of grace."

Romans 11



I've been getting answers from God a lot lately, and pretty quickly. Like it's an online conversation. I reached out to Romans chapter 11 and God spoke.... This is how Christians talk to God. Through His Word.

During the Great Tribulation, God will also leave Himself a handful who will not bend their knees before the church of Rome and the antichrist system.

Praise the Lord Jesus.


Updated: 10 January 2018 — 21:54


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  1. Beautiful quote, very important....

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