Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. May this man recover,I will pray for him.
    I would like to talk about something, maybe someone has heard the teachings of a certain Fabian Blaszkiewicz, a former Jesuit priest who left the order after seeing the truth in the Bible. I must admit that his series of lectures, probably from Lublin, shed new light on the gospel for me. I admit that I always had problems with logical understanding of salvation by grace, the fruit of which are works. And now precisely what kind of works, the "religious" works or the new ones which we have to do when we listen to the voice of God. We know what is at stake: either the Law or grace; some believe that these good works are still in a sense a continuation of the Law, because it points to what is sinful. The reception of the Spirit, according to them, is to ensure the awareness of sin, gifts, etc., and the pursuit of perfection, but still under the law. Meanwhile, Fabian explains that such thinking does not make sense ... A man born anew is a whole new creation, which ... Well - I recommend listening to the lectures with understanding, they are not easy but the support of the quotations almost knocking in the armchair ... I recommend for reflection because the subject attracted me and I intend to study it based on Scripture. The series "The Secret Plan" is also valuable.

    1. I listened to several of his lectures and the one on Mary was even recommended to me by others.
      Fabian is very knowledgeable, but from my anlaysis of his lectures it seems that he does not recognize the validity of the Moral Law. It's so do whatever you want.
      One must be well prepared to separate the wheat from the chaff.

      1. That is why I wrote that I am studying this, it is worth listening to the whole series because it explains the subject of works from his point of view. I am not ignoring the moral law because it should be written in the heart and is called conscience. I am not ignoring the moral law because it should be written in the heart and it is called conscience.

        1. The lectures are very interesting but someone said that there are no former Jesuits.
          You have to be careful.

          1. I do not exclude a wolf in sheep's clothing, but every wolf must smuggle a lot of truth to make itself credible, so it is worth investigating to filter out the truth.

          2. On the other hand, if there are no ex-Jesuits then the testimony of Alberto Rivera (I think that was his name) should also be put among the fairy tales and he was quoted by Veith, among others, when exposing TJ.

            1. Either way, former Jesuits whoever they may be should be approached with caution.

        2. I watched a few of his videos and frankly it's a waste of time.
          Time spent investigating his beliefs could be better spent studying the Word of God or interceding for those in need.

          1. I think I've been misunderstood, I don't admire his interpretation, I think he deceives very cleverly, for example on the subject of the antichrist, seeing him in Islam. And so up to a certain point everything goes nicely and according to the truth until finally it jumps sideways and we have not the fault in Rome but in Berlin 🙂 However he elaborated on some issues well and it is worth listening to it provided that you have a good filter to catch the deception. Study everything....

      2. That's right...well prepared is only God. Now only love and give all of ourselves by the works of the Spirit of God that is in us...for there is no faith without works as Piamo says...for we do not belong to ourselves. It is God who is to do through us and we are to obey Him. "So also faith, if it is not joined to works, is dead in itself"/James 2.17/ Simply put, there must be a relationship with the living God because
        "And he hath made us servants of the new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit: for the letter killeth, but the Spirit quickeneth.

    2. Be careful with Fabian, because in his lectures among the truth there is well integrated falsehood... Besides, he lectures in ASBIRO school, please check what this school is, and in the link about lecturers it says among other things: Ethicist in the psychology of influence and manipulation. I am sure that a pastor serving Jesus would not make money at such a university. Stay with God and study everything as the scripture says.
      Jesuits are trained in manipulation, so they have knowledge and are good speakers.

      1. Oops...asbiro is such a success school. Strange thing....

      2. I just wanted to add that when evaluating Fabian's films it is worth taking into account the date of recording. Nevertheless I can see some development in his preaching and in his personal attitude since he left the Order. If I hear about Christian - an ethicist of psychology of influence and manipulation it makes me sick. If he is doing it now, there is nothing to talk about - the man is unmasked.

        1. I also came across this man's films relatively recently. I decided to watch all of them. He speaks quite interestingly and sometimes even jokingly. You can see that he is a former priest. I started with the first one so it will take me a while. The videos are quite long so I divide them into several days ;)I also think they are worthy of attention and recommendation.
          With the Lord God Dear Ones.

          P.S. even my husband has taken an interest in the topic which I am very happy about 🙂 .

  2. May our good God bless,guard,protect and heal Pastor Godawa in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    I join the fight for health.

  3. Too bad for the man, he really has a lot of interesting lectures....
    Of course I will pray for his health 🙂 May he be an even better, healthier and happier man, may he help even more people and may his family be healthy, happy and "God's way" strong 🙂

  4. May the Lord give strength to the Pastor and his family and bless them with peace...Amen

  5. Gone:(
    Human sadness, those left behind, the orphaned....

    1. He's gone?

      I'm sorry. It's a shame...

  6. The will of the Lord is to happen in our lives,not to impose God and proclaim healing,I don't read about such a thing in the Bible.It pleased God to dismiss Paul from this world.

    1. That's true, though I don't know if you're writing that to me.
      I did not proclaim healing, but in the video it actually is.

      Let Pastor Godawa's death be a lesson to all quasi-charismatic churches, because as you rightly pointed out we cannot force healing on God. He must want it. In this case, in spite of the tragedy of the family, God wanted it and this must be clearly stated.

      1. I disagree. Even though I don't understand the pastor's lack of healing, I don't acknowledge and see in the Word of God who wants to heal some and doesn't want to heal others.

        1. disease sometimes is God's will. Even the movement of the field grass is dependent on God.

          1. Pastor Godawa despised the Torah, he did not want to keep God's eternal law, established eternally with power-Ps 111:7-8 He did not teach about the Sabbaths, he taught that supposedly Jesus cleansed the unclean meat. Yet Jesus made it clear in Matt 23:2 to keep everything the Pharisees read from the lectern-and the only thing they could read there was the Torah. Besides, to come to Jesus - one must become a disciple of the Father - Jn 6:44-45. He who listens and keeps the law - dies full of years - like Abraham, and he who preaches deviation from God's law unfortunately does not live in abundance - Jer 17:11To the partridge that broods what it has not borne, is like one who gains wealth by unrighteous means; in half a day he must leave it

      2. "And if you say in your heart, By what shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? If the word which the prophet hath spoken, not in the name of the Lord, be not fulfilled, and come to pass, it is a word which the Lord hath not spoken, but in audacity the prophet hath spoken it; therefore be not afraid of him."

        V MOSES 18:21-22

        The Spirit of God did not speak through this pastor. The talk of a full closet of shoes (why didn't he give them to the poor, not here then in Africa?) indicates a total lack of confidence in his teaching. I wonder how he reacted to this .

  7. Death and life in the hands of the Lord. It was God who dismissed Pastor Godawa and it was meant to be. It is not true that with the new birth we get in a package "health till death" and we are guaranteed success in this life. In all things we must trust Jesus-in poverty, in sickness, in misery. To ask Him and not to announce something, He is God. It is a pity that such painful lessons do not appeal to the followers of the prosperity gospel... As if someone blindfolded them so that they would not see the truth. As if someone "waved" it in front of their noses.

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