Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Don't delay your conversion to the Lord or put it off from day to day

" Do not delay repentance to the Lord, nor put it off from day to day: for suddenly his wrath shall come, and thou shalt perish in the day of righteousness" Sirach 5


I've been lying about conversion lately because I think more than half of Christians are haters.... Unfortunately.

As I mentioned recently, there is no conversion without conversion.

He who stole, let him steal stop. He who hated his neighbor, let him hate cease, he who smoked pot let him smoke cease, etc....



Updated: 6 November 2017 — 14:41


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  1. Detective, what would you think of me if I started to convince you that

    1. the Bible was written by Satan.
    2 Incarnation is truth.
    3. Jesus Christ was a mere man and is no intermediary to God. God in heaven can be addressed directly.
    4 God is in a sphere in the middle of the earth in which I live.
    5. anyone who disagrees with me is suspected of being a hybrid

    1. You are asking me an infantile rhetorical question Kubo.

  2. As they say, "I can take anything but this."

    Would you like to live in such a world where everything is a lie and yet reincarnation applies. That is, someone with my wife in this life, someone else in another life. Of course everything inside a closed ball under the supervision of a loving god? That would be fun, wouldn't it? Now I understand why Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world, if this world looks like a certain Mr. internet preaches

  3. Unfortunately this is the truth, I would say that even less than half are converts.
    Today it is carried out on the internet Christianity on doctrines....
    There is a lack of followers doing what the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of.

  4. Peter, I follow a certain film channel and there such a message goes. And these are questions so that I don't go astray myself or undergo psychomanipulation. And for others to see what is being conveyed there.

  5. When they started talking about reincarnation, I knocked myself on the head and just saw where this road leads and what it can lead to....

    1. Henry Kubik and I don't recommend it, I used to read into it a lot, but I was young and stupid (though I still am, actually :P)

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