Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Conversion Test.

It is not theology that makes you a convert. I myself have borne disastrous fruit in the first few years that were not worthy of repentance, so I know what I am writing. But without digressing too much, let's define what conversion is:



Conversion is the process of making a conscious decision to break with sin and turn to God and trust in His love.


That's the definition I found on the internet in 1 minute and that's exactly how I understand it.

If one has not broken with sin, he is not converted.

Support in Scripture:


(8) Remember this and cover yourselves with shame! Sinners, repent with your hearts! 
(Ks. Izajasza 46:8″


Isaiah is exhorting sinners, someone who lives in sin.



(15) And I have sent to you continually all my servants, the prophets, with the command: Repent every one of your perverse conduct, correct your deeds, and do not follow other deities to serve them, and then you will be able to dwell in the land. Jeremiah 35:15


Jeremiah makes very clear what conversion is to look like. The sinner is to walk away from perverse conduct. Not to turn it over to God, but he is to do it himself. Someone will say this is the Old Testament, that now there is grace. Okay, let's go to the so-called New Testament:


2) Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near . 
Matthew 3:2



(38) Nawróćcie się – powiedział do nich Piotr – i niech każdy z was ochrzci się w imię Jezusa Chrystusa na odpuszczenie grzechów waszych, a weźmiecie w darze Ducha Świętego. Acts. 2:38



(19) Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be taken away, Acts. 3:19,


Jesus' own words:


(5) Pamiętaj więc, skąd spadłeś, i nawróć się, i pierwsze czyny podejmij! Jeśli zaś nie – przyjdę do ciebie i ruszę świecznik twój z jego miejsca, jeśli się nie nawrócisz. Apokalipsa (Objawienie) 2:5,”



Take the first ACTIONS and

-quit smoking

-drop the pot

-let go of the anger

-abandon vindictiveness

-Drop or severely limit alcohol

-throw slander, backbiting

-throw your pride

–walcz z goryczą

-drop masturbation

-drop your pride

-Drop the swearing

-abandon greed and mammon


Nie można dwóm panom służyć. Nienawidzisz bliźniego a kochasz Boga…Absurd.


Many Catholics have been converted. Yes, they are living in idolatrous deception, but they don't know it, but you know you are living in sin. I am very sorry, but anyone who continues in sin is a hater.

One cannot be converted without being converted.


Nienawrócony  idzie do grzechu ———————–> GRZECH

Nawrócony zawrócił od grzechu ————–  <—- |  GRZECH


So at what stage are people who see the otherness of the kingdom of heaven?

At the stage in John 3.3 They see the kingdom of heaven, but do not enter it. They are on their way to conversion, but they are not converted.

I would love to hear voices to the contrary, but this is unfortunately the painful truth. A person living in sin is not converted.





Updated: 27 September 2017 — 10:44


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  1. Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be taken away, Acts. 3:19,
    What is atonement?

    1. sorrow for sins:

      conditions: repentance and remembrance.
      Being born again results in repentance for past sins and moving on from them.
      It is known that we may sin, but not live in sin.

  2. Mark 1:14-15
    “A potem, gdy Jan został uwięziony, przyszedł Jezus do Galilei, głosząc ewangelię Bożą I mówiąc:
    Wypełnił się czas i przybliżyło się Królestwo Boże, UPAMIĘTAJCIE się i wierzcie ewangelii”

    Acts 3;19
    “Przeto UPAMIĘTAJCIE i nawróćcie się, aby były zgładzone grzechy wasze”

    Acts 26;20
    “Lecz głosiłem najpierw tym, którzy są w Damaszku, potem w Jerozolimie i po całej krainie judzkiej, i poganom, aby się UPAMIĘTALI i nawrócili do Boga i spełniali uczynki godne upamiętania”

    Pełna, Biblijna definicja “upamiętania” dotyczy zmiany sposobu myślenia, która przejawia się w zmianie sposobu postępowania.

  3. Riddle.
    Why were the disciples of John the Baptist in Ephesus baptized a second time by Paul?
    Odpowiedz w Dziejach… ?

      1. No. Two baptisms in water. Acts ap. 19

        1. John baptized him with repentance and remorse, while the apostles added the necessity of faith in Christ (as commanded by Jesus, anyway). This is why John the Baptist's disciples received a second baptism in water. These three conditions testify to the validity of the baptism. Then Paul put his hands on them and they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
          Opponents of baptism say that John's baptism has no value. Perhaps, but combined with faith in the Son of God, it can bring heaven down to earth ?

    1. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, we are unable to be free from sins.
      “(9) A Ja wam powiadam: Proście, a będzie wam dane; szukajcie, a znajdziecie; kołaczcie, a otworzą wam.
      (10) Każdy bowiem, kto prosi, otrzymuje, a kto szuka, znajduje, a kto kołacze, temu otworzą. (11) Gdzież jest taki ojciec pośród was, który, gdy syn będzie go prosił o chleb, da mu kamień? Albo gdy będzie go prosił o rybę, da mu zamiast ryby węża? (12) Albo gdy będzie go prosił o jajo, da mu skorpiona? (13) Jeśli więc wy, którzy jesteście źli, umiecie dobre dary dawać dzieciom swoim, o ileż bardziej Ojciec który jest w niebie da Ducha Świętego tym, którzy go proszą.” Ew. Łuk. 11.
      Szukałem, a Pan Bóg poprowadził mnie ścieżkami prawdy do miejsca, w którym już nie miałem wątpliwości, że On istnieje. Jednak jak sądzę było to świadectwo bardziej na poziomie intelektualnym. Wtedy Bóg Ojciec postawił jeszcze “kropkę nad i”. To było tylko dla mnie. Cud nie mniejszy niż pisząca wiadomość ręka na ścianie pałacu dla króla Baltazara.
      Then came the conversion. But the changes in my life didn't come easily or immediately. At least not all of them.
      Bardzo pomogła mi analiza modlitwy “Ojcze nasz”. Polecam każdemu. Zorientowałem się, że aby świadomie zwrócić się do Boga Ojca słowami tej modlitwy to wiele musi się zmienić w moim życiu.
      Remember, dear ones, that if you have failed the test you cannot have communion with the Lord Jesus. If our Lord directs any of you to a particular church, you will not be able to partake of the Lord's Supper without giving up sin.
      Wędrówka Izraelitów po pustyni była czasem, którego oni potrzebowali aby wejść do Kanaanu. To był czas uświęcenia. Był to zarazem cień tego co ma nastąpić w przyszłości w odniesieniu do każdego, którego Bóg powoła. Napisane jest: “(44) Nikt nie może przyjść do mnie, jeżeli go nie pociągnie Ojciec, który mnie posłał, a Ja go wskrzeszę w dniu ostatecznym.” Ew.Jana 6.
      Without sanctification no one will see the Lord, for it is written:
      “(14) Dążcie do pokoju ze wszystkimi i do uświęcenia, bez którego nikt nie ujrzy Pana, (15) Bacząc, żeby nikt nie pozostał z dala od łaski Bożej, żeby jakiś gorzki korzeń, rosnący w górę, nie wyrządził szkody i żeby przezeń nie pokalało się wielu,(16) Żeby nikt nie był rozpustny lub lekkomyślny jak Ezaw, który za jedną potrawę sprzedał pierworodztwo swoje.(17) A wiecie, że potem, gdy chciał otrzymać błogosławieństwo, został odrzucony, nie uzyskał bowiem zmiany swego położenia, chociaż o nią ze łzami zabiegał.” Hebr. 12.
      Jesus was aware that it depends on the fulfillment of the Father's will that people powerless against sin receive help in the person of the Holy Spirit. He is given to us so that we may use His help abundantly and not be naked before the Lord on that day.
      “(12) Przeto, umiłowani moi, jak zawsze, nie tylko w mojej obecności, ale jeszcze bardziej teraz pod moją nieobecność byliście posłuszni: z bojaźnią i ze drżeniem zbawienie swoje sprawujcie. (13) Albowiem Bóg to według upodobania sprawia w was i chcenie i wykonanie. (14) Czyńcie wszystko bez szemrania i powątpiewania, (15) Abyście się stali nienagannymi i szczerymi dziećmi Bożymi bez skazy pośród rodu złego i przewrotnego, w którym świecicie jak światła na świecie, (16) Zachowując słowa żywota ku chlubie mojej na dzień Chrystusowy”. Filip. 2.
      Glory be to God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
      Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

  4. I failed the test ;(

    1. and that's what it's all about for you to realize, Wojtek, if you've been converted.
      I will be praying for you.
      Może warto reaktywowac forum dla wszystkich, bo pewnie n ie jesteś sam w tym…

      1. Thank you for your prayers

        1. if I remember then I will pray constantly, but you must hate it.

      2. I ja też. … Szukam Boga … Jestem.jak zbłąkana owca… Potrzebuje wsparcia. Jest mi wstyd tak bardzo Przykro. ..

    2. Ja niestety też, a chciałabym go nie oblać…

  5. Great, informative article. This is exactly how I understand conversion.

  6. A few days ago I came across this blog. I am a Catholic who has long seen the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the Catholic Church, and I also see that something very disturbing is happening in the world. However, what depressed me the most was the lack of knowledge of the Bible. I am like almost one hundred percent of Catholics, I don't know the Scriptures at all! After years of attending mass, all I know is what the priest serves up. You may find it funny, but I am devastated that for years I have been praying not as I should and not where I should. I have been in shock since Thursday so forgive me. Godspeed

    1. Praise God in Jesus' name for opening your eyes.
      It is Mexican with translations. Many may bother you with them, but the Warsaw Bible, the Danzig Bible or the Catholic Poznan Bible are enough.
      I use but for research purposes many translations. The main thing is that you start reading. There are even NT Gedeonites distributed free of charge.
      Good luck Pati.

      1. I also have the Poznań translation, which, although it is a Catholic translation, is reliable and understandable for modern generations. I remember that I found several passages where the Warsaw translation had problems with conveying the correct message and the Poznań one did very well.

        1. In my opinion, apart from calling God in the ST Yahweh, this translation is one of the best on the market.

    2. I believe, Pati, that it will be ok! For those who are established in the Lord, as well as those who sincerely want to be like God. The most important thing is that the Lord knows hearts 🙂 .

    3. Hi Pati, glad you are with us 🙂 Praise God for showing you this. May He bless you and keep you, and grant you His Holy Spirit to guide you in the knowledge of His Word 🙂 If you already have a New Testament that's great, start reading the one you have 🙂 On the other hand, if you are considering buying the whole Bible I recommend the translations suggested by Admin and Cupak 🙂

    4. Thank God Almighty for another uprooted person from the krk!
      Hello Pati?
      You can download a bible app to your phone,great stuff.
      I did after the new birth and fed on the Word nonstop.
      When you can't read, you can turn on your listening and soak up the love and goodness of our God.
      Start reading from the beginning, from the book of Genesis.
      Take care and may our Wonderful Father send the Holy Spirit to you to fill you with His love, wisdom and goodness.
      And write to us, and someone will always be happy to help you.
      Welcome to the family,glory to you Lord Jesus,we ask for more.The angels rejoice Pati,for you are returning to the Father.❤

  7. I failed the test ?. How do you place a man who sees his sins and repents. He confesses these sins to God and persistently fights to eliminate them, not to commit them. He changes his life, departs from the rhythm of the world, i.e. does not live from one party to another, does not drink, avoids everything that has the appearance of evil. I am the kind of person who turns his world on the way it should be - God's world. It is getting better and I can see the effects. I know for whose sake it is happening and I am grateful for it. But... Exactly. Who is this person? A born-again Christian?

    1. Seeing sins and repenting is the first step to repentance. It is impossible to repent if we see evil as good.
      “20 Biada tym, którzy zło nazywają dobrem, a dobro złem, którzy zamieniają ciemności na światło, a światło na ciemności, którzy przemieniają gorycz na słodycz,” Iz 5

      You know, if sometimes you lie, sometimes you are unkind, sometimes you show anger, that is not the sin of conversion, that is the occasional sin. The sin that excludes repentance is the sin of bondage.

      1. Referring to the admin graphic of conversion as a path : you convert and go to the first one. When you go back to the starting point, you necessarily have to go through the places where you were (sins). This doesn't mean that you have to stay in those places (keep committing them), although sometimes it can happen (you can't get rid of them all at once), especially because Satan will deceive you all the more when he sees that you are returning and that you are already tired. God will give you the strength to go on and eventually you will get where you want to go and you will see the gate that you missed unwittingly in the pursuit of the crowd. And behind that gate you will see a place more beautiful than any you have seen so far. And then you will get living water to drink and rest truly.

        1. “Nawiązując do adminowej grafiki nawrócenia jako drogi : nawracasz się i idziesz do pierwszego. Gdy wracasz jakąś drogą do punktu wyjścia to siłą rzeczy musisz przejść przez miejsca, w których byłeś (grzechy).”

          No, Luke, that's not what I meant.
          Let's say, someone goes to buy pot and turns around. There's nothing on the way. No half-measures.
          Pan Jezus powiedział do prostyttuki: “idx i nie grzesz więcej”.
          Nie powiedział: “idź i potykaj się, kiedyś ci się uda”. Ma być totalne zerwanie z grzechem. Nie chcę wnikac w metody zerwania, ale dyspozycja Jezusa jest czarno biała: idx i nie grzesz WIĘCEJ.

          In Matthew 24 there is a warning for all of us:

          “Lecz jeśli jakiś zły sługa powie sobie w myśli: Pan mój odwleka swoje przyjście – (49) i zacznie bić swoich towarzyszy, i będzie jadł, i upijał się z pijakami – (50) pan takiego sługi przyjdzie w dniu, w którym się go nie spodziewa, i o godzinie, której nie zna. (51) I usunie go. I podzieli on los obłudników. Tam będzie płacz i zgrzytanie zębów. ”

          This can be paraphrased:
          shall drink, smoke pot, watch porono ( authorize with others), slander, avenge, etc., then the master of such a servant shall come on a day he does not expect him, and at an hour he does not know. (51) And he shall remove him. And he shall share the fate of the hypocrites. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

          By the way, I wanted to point out an important aspect of Matthew 24. Well, the environment is very important. If someone goes around doing bad things, smoking, drinking, cursing to other people of the world, then he confirms their sin and makes them worse, because he does not show the light that he does not have. If we call ourselves a priestly family, I don't think anyone can imagine that the priests could get high, smoke cigarettes, drink vodka, etc.
          Musimy więc wiedzieć, miec świadomość gdzie nas nogi prowadzą i jakie tam dajemy świedctwo. Czy to my ewangelizujemy nie intelektewm, ale swoją osobą, czy świat nas “ewangelizuje”.

          1. I rather meant:

            . You are not aware of all sins at once, sometimes you have to see them again ( in a different light or just in the light) to see the evil in them- this I understand by going through these places again

            I'm not talking about continuing to sin, but about what I wrote next, which is the temptation to sin. Satan, after all, will not forgive.

            . Przekaz miałem taki by ukazać właśnie to, że np. jak rzucasz palenie to nagle dookoła wszyscy cię częstują i palą. Od ciebie zależy czy “zatrzymasz” się w tym “miejscu”, czy z pomocą Boga pójdziesz dalej zostawiając za sobą ten przystanek.

            In this journey of conversion you have to be consistent and keep pushing forward, but it's always harder to come back when you know how far you've come (gone), hence my comparison to the road.
            I did not intend to authorize remaining in sin( but this is not the first time I have thought someone only superficially understands what I am saying).

            Nie jesteśmy w stanie wyrwać się ze wszystkich grzechów naraz bo nawet nie wszystkich jesteśmy świadomi…

            1. It is true that we are not aware of all our sins, but this is the battle for the sphere of influence within us: God and demons.
              God says tj sin.

              Demons: sometimes you can flirt. Sometimes you can get drunk. If I drink a bottle 3 times a month with my friend, the world will not collapse. Everything is for people.

              1. All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable, and I will not give myself up to anything, and be holy, for God is holy. Therefore, let us eliminate our weaknesses, because for a great price we were bought and so that we would not be like those washed pigs and dogs that return to their own vomit. The above words often come to mind when I think about sins or other things I have given up. They are blunt and true.

  8. Ogólnie, widze, jak Pan prowadzi naszego bloga 🙂 W tej chwili jest ukazywana najprawdziwsza Prawda biblijna, której nigdy nie przyjmą “fani” Pana Jezusa. Są 2 opcje, albo taka wiadomość dotknie naszego serca, i z bólem nadal będziemy isc za Panem, albo obierzemy droge “taniej łaski”, która jest niczym innym jak po prostu wygodnym chrześcijaństwem. To dlatego ludzie wchodzą na tego bloga. Czują ze tu znajdzie się prawdę, jednak nie każdy przyjmuje ją do swojego serca

  9. I passed 🙂 I was freed from onanism, from cursing and from envy. All thanks to the spirit of sv.
    Sometimes the temptations return but I fight them, sometimes with tears in my eyes.
    Don't think that the converted are perfect, we all fall and so do I. But after showing repentance for our actions, Jesus reaches out to us as He did to Peter when he began to sink and we rise again. But after showing repentance for our actions, Jesus reaches out to us as He did to Peter when he began to sink, and we rise again.

    I wish all those seeking the way of truth the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for guidance in the Holy Spirit, for me it was the key to leaving sin.

    1. Is it possible? It will. Praise God for your freedom.
      Ask and it will be given to you.
      Oppose the devil and he will depart from you.

  10. Ja bym jeszcze Piotrze, w ramach testu, który ku mojemu zaskoczeniu zdałam, dodała, by być uległą, bo to chyba najtrudniejsze w przypadku kobiet…
    Or maybe just the hardest for me, raised within the matriarchy I've been used to for over 30 years.
    Pamiętam, jakie przerażenie mnie ogarnęło, gdy zdałam sobie sprawę, że to jawny bunt przeciwko Bogu… co może dla niektórych chrześcijańskich kobiet, wcale nie jest takie oczywiste… Pozdrawiam w Chrystusie Panu!

    1. That's true, but it's good Anita that it was you as a woman who wrote it 🙂 I think it's good.

  11. Great text.
    And very necessary at a time when it is in fashion (because it is convenient) to hear about grace and not mention sin.
    It was as if God suddenly began to like sin.
    If that were the case, then God might no longer pay attention to the sin of Eve and Adam and make such a small exception as most today believe He does with regard to them.
    Jesus' sacrifice takes away sin, but not sin committed knowingly and with determination. This is trampling on Jesus' sacrifice, not using it with thanksgiving.
    Sin is sin. It will always be abominable in the sight of God, because God is unchangeable.

  12. And in my case the test is passed by Christ, because I am decreasing day by day, and He is increasing.
    The GOD has set me free from sin, from addictions, from bondages and to Him be the glory!
    I just gave up and wanted to follow my Lord.Because He is wonderful! He proved it 2000 years ago by dying on the cross for me and you.He took all the sin,filth on Himself so we could be free.
    He shows every day that He loved us, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to Him be glory forever!
    We need to trust,believe in Him more then every day we can experience His presence,goodness,mull.So real being with Him throughout the day.
    Praise you, Lord, for it is only through you that we become new creatures.

  13. Thank you all for your warm welcome and extremely helpful advice. I know it won't be easy, my family is not very devout, so I expect to be misunderstood.
    Zauważyłam, że od momentu poznania prawdy, ja – nerwuska, stałam się bardziej wyciszona, przestałam wpadać w bezcelowy gniew.
    I have one huge addiction. I read books compulsively, I don't know if I can stop. I have hundreds of them at home, even buried in my couch. I need to start getting rid of them.

    1. This is great with this compulsive book reading ? just make a substitution.Instead of books start reading the Word like this.
      Do not be discouraged by anything, the Holy Spirit will guide you and give you strength to follow the Lord Jesus.
      We will intercede for you to God.

    2. May God bless you and lead you into the truth :). Greetings from the bottom of my heart

  14. I agree, since I was converted God has taken everything away from me, I have no addictions, I can forgive and if I do something wrong I immediately apologize to God and I feel at peace But I have only been converted since March which is 8 months now so I am learning everything But thank God I can do it all greetings to all ????

    1. Greetings to you, Justina. God bless you.

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