Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

People spend millions of dollars to fight.

I may lose a segment of readers, but I don't solicit such.

Just watching MMA fights is not Christianity. It promotes aggression, an unbiblical lifestyle, tattoos, and money.

The Bible says:


12 Everything is allowed to me, but not everything is profitable." 1 Corinthians 6. 


You can even watch erotic programs, but know that the Holy Spirit certainly did not lead you there.



I'm not some saintly person in this. I used to do combat sports myself and enjoyed them very much. Until now I am tempted to go to trainings. However, I know that in a dangerous situation God will help me more than my fighting style.

Let me add that I am not against sports, as I play them myself. But sports are not my god and I don't watch them.

The trap is also in the bias against combat sports. Someone who is against killing, against combat sports, against gun permits, can be an expert in killing with words. How many people committed suicide because of the mentally exhausting environment. I don't think anyone has counted it, there are no statistics of word killers.







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Updated: 28 August 2017 — 10:20


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  1. I have this recollection from mma. 3 years ago in May around 18 I was at my friend's place for KSW, after the whole show we had to go back the other way. Thank God no one was killed, only bruises, but I already knew that I have to change something in my life. I listened and read the Word, but somewhere it didn't reach me, and in September I was born again. I believe God used this accident to make me understand that this life can end at any time. Praise the Lord Christ for what He has done.

    1. I had a different instruction.
      Let me preface this by saying that I have driven over a million miles as a driver.
      When I practiced karate a few years ago, I didn't know if I was doing the right thing. So I asked God for an answer. During one of the next trainings sensei said to a long-haired girl practicing kata with us "you Jesus, move to the side". I didn't like it because I knew that if it had been the other way round, i.e. I had been mocking the master of this karate school whose image was on every training session, the sensei would have been furious.
      However, I wasn't sure if it was from God... I asked again because I was (sometimes and still am) a CKM in the faith (hard dripping brain).
      I was about to leave for another training session. I was late, so I put on my kimono right before I left to make it go faster. I was about 600 meters away when I hit a fog like milk, which I have never experienced. Of course, seeing absolutely nothing, I ended up in a ditch. Fortunately, only the car was in the ditch. I asked a few people to help me pull out. I managed to pull out without getting hurt.
      After that I made a decision. I finish my training and I was about to take an exam for the next kyu.

  2. I guess I inspired Detwktyw, because I shared this meme on fejsa this morning 😉 .

    This time I agree with the message of the entry. The world of boxing or MMA is a world where pride of life and lust for money reign, and of course the devil's tentacles reach there as well. The heroes of this meme are not Christians. Mayweather wears a necklace with a Remfan star (like on the flag of Rothschild's Israel), and McGregor says he would beat Jesus in an Okgaton with a sour apple. And even in our country it is enough to listen to the statements of a certain Ró¿al -
    self-proclaimed satanist/neopagan to figure out who is paying homage to whom.

    1. yes of course. You've inspired me 🙂 .
      I think this is an important and overlooked topic. Not much is said about the harm of just watching MMA.
      Well here I agree, in this we agree 😀

      1. It's nice and to the glory of the Lord to seek bridges and threads of understanding, to move towards as much unanimity as possible - especially when you're a guest at someone's house 🙂

        And yes, it is a harmful attraction. Fascination with violence... You get unhealthily excited, you get some kind of primitive animal aggression just from watching it. It is hard to talk about other emotions here, because it is enough to listen to the people in the bar watching such fights live - the stream of slurs, the boorish retching and the joy of finally hitting someone so hard that he convulses and lies unconscious and defenseless in the ring are disgusting and only satiate the body. So is the envy of these modern gladiators of the wealth they love to flaunt. Although no one envies them boxing encephalopathy anymore, but that gets swept under the rug. Unlike the massive corruption and rip-offs prevailing in the boxing world (and MMA too, I suppose), which everyone involved knows about.

        The most interesting cases are not atheists, but fighters declaring almost-Christian faith, because Catholic, like Tomek Adamek, Tyson Fury or Manny Pacquiao. The latter, when asked if he thinks he has a God-given talent to effectively and forcefully beat his fellow man, was confused, saddened and said that although he sees this dissonance, he sincerely believes that God will forgive him, because he earns his bread this way, not steals.

        1. "The most interesting cases are not atheists, but fighters who declare an almost-Christian faith, because they are Catholic, such as Tomek Adamek, Tyson Fury and Manny Pacquiao. The latter, when asked if he thought he had a God-given talent to effectively and forcefully beat his fellow man, was confused, saddened, and said that although he sees this dissonance, he sincerely believes that God will forgive him because that's how he earns his bread, not by stealing."

          and it's a good topic.
          People believe in the conversion of others who beat people in the face.... and make cosmic money from it...

          1. Exactly. We have a discord with a capital "r" here. I don't think it's biblically defensible. Because I already see a lot of options to add some kind of stretched human philosophy to it.

          2. Manny Pacquiao also converted to some kind of Protestantism and is now involved in politics, so there is progress 😛

      2. and by the way, I didn't start the blog to conform to readers' biblical notions.
        I teach the kind of course I teach and therein lies the value of the blog 🙂

      3. P.S. there's quite a bit more circumstantial evidence pointing to links between, say, Mayweather and Freemasonry... as if that doesn't come to mind on its own 🙂

        P.S. and women's fights? (Not in kisiel)... Joanna Jedrzejczyk for example. I guess that's even more evil.

  3. Yesterday, being in front of the hotel where I'm staying, people were talking loudly, pissed off about some lost fight, wishing they had bet on another one. These conversations looked as if they had lost something precious in their lives. The same day I met a new employee who was surprised that I hadn't heard about this 'loud' fight and that I wasn't interested in TV or combat sports at all.

    I just commented that God opened my eyes, which I wish for you too.

    1. with comments like this I am reminded of my obliviousness 🙂 about praying for people stuck in evil :-(.
      Maybe today we should pray for these people.
      Thank you Radek for your comment.

      1. It's also worth mentioning that spending money on such a fight was stupid for sport reasons, because the result was known in advance. The champion Floyd (50 fights without defeat) fought a famous MMA fighter who never fought in boxing. It was a show not a fight. Money completely consumed the sport.

        1. Exactly, just like quite often in soccer.

      2. Yes, I pray for such people. But some people have their eyes closed so tightly (like the colleague I mentioned) that one word about God, Jesus and immediately hatred, disgust... I don't know how to call it...

        He also told me that he believes someone else created us - aliens, hence the pyramids.
        Here, too, I began to explain to him that it did not look like that, and he immediately as if burnt, did not want to listen, he had his truth.

        Please let us pray for this colleague - Paul.
        As well as my work colleague Sylvester, who is teased by people because of his weak psyche.

        Apropos New Year's Eve - 2 weeks ago an employee said to him that he would stab him in the eye. You don't even know what I was going through.
        How I hate evil!!!

        I ask for your sincere prayers for these two. That God would protect them from evil and lead them to where we are.

  4. A few days ago I was tempted to remind myself of a spin kick in the air. But knowing it was violent I didn't approach it.

    1. but to someone, Zdzisiu, or to yourself?

      1. Just to remind myself, for myself.

        1. I don't know, without ideology, fighting is just gymnastics. Maybe I am wrong.

  5. Playing sports for yourself, for healthiness, I believe, is not a bad thing. After all, we are supposed to take care of our bodies. On the other hand, games, violence, competition and making money on it are not God's works... If I recall what kind of games were held in the Roman Empire with the participation of Christians

    1. True...for health it is nothing bad, but indeed- violence, competition etc are nothing good....

  6. Marius I'm moving

    On that day, in that brief moment, unimaginable amounts of money flowed. People around the world to see this stupid fight bought access. In Poland for example on ipla it cost 40 PLN.
    If this money went to e.g.: Christians who live in Iraq, it would definitely change their lives 🙁.
    about the Eagle Guard Foundation

    "The foundation was established in March 2016 by Cmdr. Lt. Res. Bartosz Rutkowski.
    When news of the torture and crucifixion of a 12-year-old Assyrian boy by Daesh (ISIS) terrorists reached him on October 7, 2015, he immediately thought of his sons, the older of whom was a peer of the murdered man.
    He decided he wanted to help victims of terrorists in the Middle East. After 22 years of service, he handed in his notice of termination for professional military service in the Polish Army. He ended it on January 31, 2016, and just six days later he was on his way to Iraq. He wanted to personally assess needs and determine the best ways to provide assistance. His previously obtained ID card as a co-worker for one of the TV stations allowed him to meet with representatives of affected communities, local authorities and reach places with limited access due to the war effort.
    Upon his return, he took steps to establish a foundation."

  7. Of all the sports, I love biking the most 🙂 🙂 I'm not a cyclist.
    Here in the Netherlands, I can't complain about that.

    Once upon a time, back in elementary and middle school when I was smaller and limber I practiced parkour and then I got a bike that I started learning to jump on . There was not a day with a flat tire 🙂 .

    But to be honest I was never into combat sports, ba, even soccer or basketball etc. Every friend was going, whether it was judo, karate or whatever, they were going to Soccer. And I had my own world.

    Ever since I was a little boy I felt different from my peers. I was the only one who chose God, the only one who gave up alcohol, the only one who had other passions, the only one who renounced Catholicism... etc.

    You can see that God has been shaping me from a young age, and even my whole family. Even despite my turning away from God, which served to make me stand where I stand now, acknowledging Jesus as Lord.
    Thank God for my family, who instilled in me values such as culture and good behavior.

    Greetings to you from the warmth of the Netherlands 🙂 I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

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