Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

PIS has rightly divided Poland.

What the post-communist opposition accuses Pisownia of, for me as a potential voter, becomes attractive and speaks in favor of PIS.

Various left-wing columnists, editors and politicians tell people the duty of unity and togetherness.

The Bible itself definitely says something different. The Lord Jesus said:


" Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peacebut a sword? Matthew 10.


These kinds of emphases are plentiful in the New Testament.

Let's add one more just for the sake of example:


"(4) Believers, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity against God? So if anyone wants to be a friend of the world, he becomes an enemy of God."



The Bible speaks of two value systems. About a value system based on the Law of God and about a system based on the unrighteousness of Satan.


Of course, PIS is not a strictly Christian party, but it represents Christian values, and I as a voter will vote for parties that represent such values.

The entire opposition including Kukiz presents values opposed to God.

Communism has not yet been settled. However, it was PIS that cut the pensions of SBekeks and now PIS wanted to reform the impunity courts.

They are finally showing that they are doing something, not just telling them to do something.


What values does the opposition present?

We already had PO governments full of speed cameras. Under sld, the roads looked like a colander, but there was always money for party cronies. Palikot waved his penis and a homosexual became the mayor of Słupsk.

FOR PIS, thanks to 500 plus mothers returned to their children. As it should be in a Christian family.

Finally, you can cut trees from your own backyard.

The ones who go behind bars are the VAT extortionists, not the small entrepreneurs.


If anyone in this parliamentary constellation is in favor of the opposition, he is thus in favor of the devil. The opposition presents the worst qualities against which the Bible warns.

It was PIS that voted against the Sld bill on civil partnerships, allowing same-sex marriages. I remember how in 2010, when invited to a debate in one of the radio stations in Kielce, I pointed out to a PSL deputy that supported such unions. The PSL, a peasant party originating from the countryside, where faith and church are important, supports homosexuals.


What possible attitudes do we have about what is happening?


  1. Support PIS or any other party in parliament that will oppose God's Law.
  2. Not to endorse anyone, but in this situation it makes no sense to be interested in politics, much less to criticize.



Unfortunately, though, we don't have much to choose from. The battle is over biblical values. We have a choice either between the godless left or the godly socialists.

I wish there was a conservative/liberal party in the parliament, but there isn't.

To support even in your environment the current PIS opposition, is to support the actions of the devil. Who should we support? Tusk, Kwasniewski, Walesa, Balcerowicz, Michnik, Petru?


Christians do not have a party because Christians vote for the kingdom of Heaven and that is cross-party. It is a kingdom and consequently we have a monarchy and our king is Jesus Christ. So what to follow? That which is closest to our King. If PIS goes against the Law of our King, we should also go against PIS.

As far as I can see, PIS is demanding justice and I have been demanding it since the 90s. I was wronged by this system several times and I will patiently wait for the triumph of justice.


There must be differences. It is not that God does not have His people in parliament and only Satan rules. Satan rules with God's permission, but not unconditionally. Even when the Great Tribulation comes he will have limited power. There will be world communism, but Christians will be the salt of the earth. Christian values will be destroyed by killing people who present these values and these will be mostly Catholics.....



This is why Christians should lead by example and fight for God's Law to be respected on earth. Unfortunately, some people supported the SBeks and Union Communists in this conflict.



If there was no Smolensk, PIS would pretend to act against communism, but because there was an assassination attempt in Smolensk and this tragedy happened, people want to settle the account of history. The mechanism of this is similar to the mechanism of being born again. Often in the life of a Christian candidate there is a tragedy which causes him to turn away from a bad life, to change his system of values. That's why I believe in the honesty of at least a considerable part of Law and Justice members, and even more so in anti-communist organisations like the ONR.

There must be divisions so that there is a line of demarcation between what is close to God and what is close to a world opposed to God.


If I'm wrong about something, feel free to discuss.


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Updated: 25 July 2017 — 15:30


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  1. A little off topic, but.

    Satan with his henchmen wants to turn individual sovereign states with their own culture, language, origin, history, anthem, etc. into one mush with everything thrown in together. The result is to be one godless mass according to their recipe, the devil's recipe.,128/pomylono-hymn-mistrzyni-wioletta-skworcowa-uciekla-z-podium,759566.html

    See here for an example:
    The Belarusian woman won the gold medal, after which they played her the anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    Is this supposed to be some intended subtext to what we know about. It doesn't matter what anthem, what difference does it make and so you will be one pap, without nationality, flag, anthem, mother tongue.

    1. Basia, very on topic.
      This is the point, to blur all the differences, principles and that's what the communists are screaming about, that PiS divides.
      Like Peter wrote: it's good that it divides.

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        Many people for "forcing them to think (to move their heads)", pulling them by force from the Babylonian blogging seclusion (the spirit of this world), are ready to blow their heads off in gratitude... This state of spiritual death is apparently so intoxicating for them....

    2. I watched videos of the protests at the market square in Krakow.
      The slogans shouted to the crowd by protest representatives were:

      We are for a democracy based on laws that protect every person regardless:

      the state of his portfolio
      sexual orientation

      Let us stand on the LIGHT SIDE of the power


      The crowds gathered chanted these very 'lofty' goals.

      I ask you to comment on this.
      I don't want me to comment, but I want you to do it.
      I just had a conversation with someone who was at that protest.
      I am devastated by her opinion, the position she has.

      I have never watched movies that depict slogans - on the "bright side of power"
      All I know is that Satan himself takes the form of an angel of light. If you could outline for me the movie message of this slogan, I would appreciate it.

      1. I already commented on this with an analysis and review of the last installment of the Star Wars series.

        1. And where can I find this about these star wars, I mean just the movie reflection of this slogan.

  2. Let me add a verse from 1 Corinthians 11.19
    "First of all, I hear - and partly believe - that there are disputes among you when you come together as a church. 19 Besides, there even MUST ! be rifts among you, so that it may turn out who are tried."
    Once upon a time, Lech Kaczyński, as the mayor of Warsaw, did not give permission for a gay parade in the capital and then a massive, disgusting attack on him began.
    He then invited a pastor from Sweden who had been in prison for calling homo...sin, evil, and it was then that I noticed he was different from the rest.
    If he were the same, he'd be alive, I think.

    How about an apology for Kukiz and more.
    When I warned this I had waves of soft hate here at your site.
    I said he is a pumped up blowhard of a service because he is promoted by the LEFT wing media.
    This is always the litmus test.
    I was also poked at PIS, even though I said it was not my cup of tea, but as long as there is nothing better with real power, it must be supported, because the sodomy will spread, and they are still salt here and preserve the remnants of God's order, morality.
    I'm glad you see it as healthy now.
    Pastor of the Army of David from Gdynia Majdylo praised the outreach.
    Are Christians in favor of the kooks?
    Christ would be against it.
    They do not see through pride, for to the humble God would give the grace of sound vision.
    Thank you for trying to open people's eyes.
    In this matrix, it is difficult to discern.
    Only studying God's Word in humility and in community can give a healthy view of the matter.

    1. I would be careful with Kukiz.
      In my opinion, he was crossed out not for PIS, but for the way he treated Paweł Bednarz by calling him s...j.
      You didn't have Kesja here to be a hector, but rather an admonition as to form....

      1. The Kukiz people on important votes get obstructed in the toilet,on the tapes you can hear what attitude Kukiz has towards the nationalists,whom he hugged so much.
        It was a shell to dismantle the National Movement, because it was already beginning to have structures, the March of Independence and young hearts.
        I didn't trust Winnicki himself and I don't either.
        Now the Kukizas will pose as the opposition.

      2. I did not call anyone names and I did not insult, you were annoyed that I spoke out strongly and bluntly and I have an opposing opinion and I pursued the topic to the end.
        The Lord Jesus was very specific and did not suck up to anyone or stroke anyone.
        The Word is compared to a sword, for a sword chops, wounds, and cuts off, but then bears the blessed fruit of the Truth.
        Mt 22.16
        "Teacher, we know that you are truthful and teach God's way in truth. Nor do you care about anyone, for you do not look down on the human person.>
        The Lord was crucified precisely because he did not incense anyone, but--today we might say--he "smote" the truth in their eyes until they hated him for it and sought a formal reason to kill him.
        It would be different today if the world could say the same about Christians as those religious Pharisees said about our Lord:

        "We know that you are truthful(a) and teach God's way in truth. Nor do you care about anyone, for you do not look down on a human person.>
        That's the ideal I think we're supposed to strive for. Strive for.
        Narrow Way.

      3. Well... it is a pity that Kukiz behaved in such a way, unfortunately... maybe he knew something about Bednarz's case but for various reasons did not want to say anything?
        I agree that he did the wrong thing by using an ugly word towards this man....

  3. 1 No, the hand of the Lord is not that short,
    That she could not save,
    nor His hearing so dulled,
    so he couldn't hear.
    2 But your trespasses have dug a chasm
    between you and your God;
    your sins have covered His face
    before you so that he does not listen to you.
    3 For your hands are stained with blood,
    and your fingers are a crime.
    Your lips speak lies,
    And perversity whispers your tongue.
    4 No one complains to the court in equity
    and no one there honestly gets the case:
    so long as you lean on the falsehood and tell a lie,
    To plot deceit and beget wickedness.
    5 They crack viper eggs
    And they weave webs;
    who eats these eggs, dies,
    when he bruises them, a viper hatches.
    6 Their fabrics will not serve for clothing,
    you can't wear their products.
    Their deeds are deeds of wickedness,
    The work of harm is in their hands.
    7 Their feet run to crime,
    They rush to spill the blood of the innocent.
    Their intentions - criminal intentions,
    Desolation and doom are in their paths.
    8 They do not know the way of peace,
    integrity is not in their conduct.
    They have made winding their own paths for themselves,
    ...whoever walks them will have no peace.
    9 Therefore the law is far from us
    and justice does not reach us.
    We expected light, and behold, darkness,
    bright rays, and we walk in darkness.
    10 Like blind men we mac the wall
    and it's like we're walking blind.
    We stumble at noon as if it were night,
    in the fullness of time we are as if dead.
    11 We all roar like bears
    And like pigeons we keep moaning.
    We expected a law, but there isn't one,
    and deliverance, but it is far from us.
    12 For our transgressions are multiplied before you
    And our sins testify against us.
    Yes, we are aware of our transgressions
    And we acknowledge our iniquities:
    13 transgressing the commandments and denying the Lord,
    departures from our God,
    persuasion to infidelity and rebellion,
    devising and uttering lying words from the heart.
    14 And so the law was pushed away,
    and justice stands in the distance;
    shook the truth in the square,
    and righteousness cannot enter there.
    15 And so there was a lack of faithfulness,
    And rarely does one avoid evil.
    Rev. Isaiah 59

  4. Korwin, on the other hand, always did some kind of stunt, when the polls rose before the election and the polls immediately fell and Korwin never entered the parliament with his party.
    It's not a coincidence.
    Besides, whoever betrays his wife can easily betray the nation.
    He has a reward for completing his task - a seat in the Union.
    I think it's important to publicize Kowalski.
    He has the economic views of Korwin, but without the stunts and has the courage to call a spade a spade, e.g. about Francis and the bishops.
    For the time being we have to swallow his language and pray that God will protect them, because IPP speaks very courageously, although not in 100% we agree with them.
    I have noticed that whoever has been with Korwin longer tends to call people like Korwin idiots and see agents like Korwin.
    They came out of Korwin but Korwin hasn't come out of them yet.

    1. Corvinism is, I regret to say, the Union of Unreal Politics.
      I knew Korwin personally and found out that these gaffes were not accidental.
      Perhaps after Korwin's death this will change, but by then it will probably be too late.

    2. Kowalski shouts a lot and nothing comes out of it. He has no chance to enter the big politics.

      1. Wafe,

        If you don't vote for him but go by the strength of the so-called polls, he doesn't stand a chance.
        You have to forget about the polls, and go by the values of the candidates and pray.
        Programming the people with polls (because X has no chance) is clever veiled manipulation.
        Recently, they cancelled his meeting with the youth in the YOUTH CONTRRA program at the last minute, which means that they know that he has an impact on people.
        This is a charismatic guy, not a soapbox in varnish, and such are fought if they don't stick with the NWO...

        1. He has no chance in the election. Just look realistically and it's not about the polls. His muscular appearance and poor education disqualify him in the eyes of many people. He is also too radical and even PiS is not like that. And this attacking Duda that he is a traitor....
          Recently Kowalski was riding on Catholics, in a country where the majority are Catholics. And how are people supposed to vote for him?

        2. I agree with you Kesja. Marian Kowalski is a great patriot, a very courageous man and a charismatic leader. He is an excellent speaker and has a unique ability to express in simple words important content. Despite the lack of formal education, Marian has a great knowledge of Polish history and other fields. Unfortunately when he speaks in public he is not always careful with words and that's why a lot of his statements are so called "uncensored". This is the easiest way to attack him and this is how his opponents do it.
          We should support Marian Kowalski and pray for blessings for him.
          There are fewer and fewer people who "don't beat around the bush" and tell it like it is. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the truth, so if someone speaks the truth it means that we Christians are on the same page with him.

          I find the text of admin Peter very necessary, because it refers to real problems. Faith manifests itself in the fact that what we do is consistent with what we say.

          When Marian Kowalski's appearance on a TV show was cancelled at the last minute, he was replaced by another "patriot", Tadek Polkowski. Tadek, singing patriotic songs, had the opportunity to take Marian's side and refuse to perform in his place. In this way he could show that he does as he says. However, Polkowski did not behave that way.

          The Warsaw Bible - Gospel of St. Luke 22
          22,31 Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has asked himself to sift you like wheat.
          22,32 But I have asked after you, that your faith may not cease; and you, when you are once converted, confirm your brothers.
          22,33 And he said to him: Lord, with you I am willing to go both to prison and to death.
          22,34 And He said: I tell you, Peter, no hen will crow today, and you will deny three times that you know me.

          1. I think the devil wants Christians to be uninterested in politics, and then he can introduce ungodly laws and the preponderance of his people will dominate the parliament.
            For the above reasons, I do not write about Marian Kowalski, because I believe that I cannot treat him as a person of ill will. Yes, I see foul language, aggression, but he is not a born person.
            I see it as all of us before birth, which is why I don't trust individuals who promote themselves as Christians, but at the same time don't follow the commandment - Jesus - about love.
            Marian is simply hungry for honesty, justice. People like Marian are a brake on evil-soaked politicians, just as a true follower of Jesus is the salt of this earth.

            1. Kowalski considers himself a Catholic, but you can see that he is beginning to read the Bible.
              May the Lord give him a true conversion.
              We need honest people in government.
              Renewed Christians support KOD which means sodomy.
              Hair stands on end.
              The Lord said, "Will I find faith when I come?
              The onslaught of evil is becoming more and more ruthless.
              The Lord spoke of the great tribulation.
              We don't think we understand what is ahead for the world and what is ahead for God's children.

            2. Wafe,
              I think that Chojecki drives him to some extent to such an attitude, although he himself sees the evil of the Catholic Church and calls it superstition.
              You know, you have to choose between the polls and telling the truth.
              Clearly, he chose the latter.
              There is no telling what our Lord has in store.

              1. I even like Marian Kowalski, but because he hangs out with a supposed pastor Chojecki, he's a big minus for me.
                Okey, Kowalski sees the evil of the Vatican through it, but so what if his language is not Christian.
                I watched some of their show on go against the grain. It's full of stupidity, insulting, attacking people throughout the program. From their words it seems that anyone who is against the government, anyone who criticizes it is a traitor, a traitor, etc. You give credence to probably the most pro-Israeli government. Later people are fooled that PiS is good and the rest is bad, but they are all bad just playing different roles.
                Recently they called Ziemkiewicz (whom I even like for his views) a journalistic scumbag because he was against these poorly written laws.

            3. This is what the Catholic bishops promised the communists, that they would teach the people "biblically" not to get involved in politics, and they-the Reds-would not persecute.
              In Bohemia, Christians were persecuted, baptized once a year at night.
              We have a relative freedom of religion at the price of NOT getting involved in politics.
              And so in mentality it has remained.
              And now there are such spiritual christians in the churches that they will not go to vote and the devil is carrying out his own,just as you say.

              Christians do not fulfill the role of salt preserving morality here.

  5. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Looking at things from a completely secular point of view. We completely screwed up in the 1990s (1980-81 is a different story). Instead of finding our own way to capitalism, we started to follow the aborted (how many times?) version of socialism that was taught to us.

  6. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Let me guess 😉 . If we ( this may sound a bit shocking ) had "sold" ourselves to the people with hard currency more profitably after 1989/90 i.e. much more thoughtfully like e.g. Czechs then we would be much richer today. Unfortunately, it was thwarted by the way our elites (leadership layer) were selected by the public, who gave the steering wheel not to the most suitable from the point of view of the long-term national interest, but to those who "promise most beautifully the pearls on the willow tree". (which usually brings terrible/catastrophic results...)...

    1. Arthur S. (detmold)

      What was built in Poland in the economically inefficient communist Poland (of course, what had a significant value, not the economic things for which you have to, sometimes even today, to pay extra such as, for example, state-owned coal mines, because they are deliberately mismanaged, so that you can get rich), was quickly wasted/overfed/sold for a priceless foolishness in the "greatest under the sun" (according to official propaganda) III RP. (according to the official propaganda) III RP... It proves that our management is not good...

  7. Arthur S. (detmold)

    A human being has to live as a human being, i.e. to create new and useful values, and not as an animal, i.e. only to consume and excrete. The servant of God-Jesus Christ must be able to separate the good-spiritual (not to be confused with those driven by the desire to worship any false religious doctrine, for example, the worship of Mary, Queen of Heaven) from the evil-bodily (who are preoccupied only with everyday, mundane matters).

  8. Arthur,
    the commune has an anthem:
    She has never fallen, this satanic creation, but continues her march as a reborn.
    The Lord calls it the synagogue of Satan.

    1. Arthur S. (detmold)

      Kesjo, the world cannot be fixed 😉 . All such attempts to improve it by force, only made it worse. The point is that people do not fall through this in the blog complacency or apathetic lethargy, because it brings only the same misery. With God.

  9. As far as PiS is concerned, it really does not make such cardinal mistakes as the opposition, which has somewhere Christian values and loyalty to what they promise for the good of Poles.
    As for the ONR, I would be rather cautious about counting on them being honest and following a good path. They burn with complete hatred for Muslims, gays, have vulgar speech and have no respect for public order. I think there are people out there who are looking for a good way to live and comprehend what is wrong here, however they go to the other extreme and bad culture and that is not the point.
    Greetings from Croatia. Godspeed.

    1. In Croatia there are also such big traffic jams when entering tourist cities?

      1. Yes, they probably are. Such cities as Trogir, Split, Makarska, Rijeka are almost certainly jammed with considerable traffic. I have been to these cities in previous years. Smaller cities like Orebić, Baška Voda have smaller traffic jams, and sometimes there are none. This year, I am behind Dubrovnik, so there are less people living here, and also less tourists, because it is really far. So the traffic jams are there, but not where I am 🙂 .

        1. Apparently the costs are similar to the Polish seaside, which is overcrowded....

          1. Yes, this is true when it comes to apartments. It is more expensive with services (stores, restaurants, fuel). And plus the longer distance. Nevertheless, it is worth coming here. Warm climate, mountains and sea in one place. You can break away from this everyday reality. Thank you, Lord for what beautiful you have created for us 🙂 .

            Baltic Sea in Poland smaller than the Adriatic in Croatia. And the number of tourists is comparable. However, the density of population is already incomparable. In Poland, the squeeze, in Croatia also sometimes a lot of people, but there are also many quiet, free places. Well..., there are always some pros and cons in both these countries by the sea. I will add that the percentage of tourists in Croatia, from foreign countries, the Poles are in the lead.

            1. "I would also add that in terms of percentage of tourists, in Croatia, from foreign countries, Poles are in the lead."

              so you can meet your neighbors 😀

              Thanks for the description.

              1. Case in point. I was on Peljesač from the previous Sunday until today. It was in one apartment, during that time, that we were with Polish people. So they were very close neighbors 😀 And as of today, I'm outside Dubrovnik, so it's even quieter here, but I don't doubt that there are Poles around somewhere.

                1. then have a nice holiday Krzymik 😉

                2. have a nice holiday too 🙂 and with the recent fires in and around Split, please be careful 🙂

    2. It is known that the average onrowiec does not have in himself love of the neighbor, but..... You only have to visit a few Christian blogs to see the pride, bile, vindictiveness

      1. I don't see it there, because I only go to your blog :))
        Here I have enough people sealed by God.

  10. Arthur S. (detmold)

    We are human beings, not superhumans (or even gods), and we have our weaknesses due to our flawed spiritual nature, but this does not exempt us from caring about our own salvation and the salvation of those close to our hearts in any useful way. Let us do this to the glory of Jesus Christ, so that our country may be more pleasing to Him than disgusting.

  11. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Polish society is strongly caste-based (!), i.e. 5% live well, 10% live moderately, and the rest are mostly poor (who constitute the vast majority of the ~80% emigration)... The flow between these classes is strongly impeded by various factors, especially of a spiritual nature (unjustified self-esteem under the influence of Babylonian teachings)... Therefore, we are not an extremely wealthy country.

    1. Arthur S. (detmold)

      A community with a high capital of trust (people who form it want to enter into various voluntary contacts, because it simply pays off) = a prosperous community. Poles by the breaches of the Catholic Church are the opposite of such a congregation (socialism of the People's Republic of Poland by its malfunctioning, in a way, forced their activity, which was not entrepreneurship, but ordinary cunning, so that after its transformation into the Third Republic, they could again fall into the blog retreat of vegetation ...).

  12. Why is 500+ a plus for PIS? It is a minus in my opinion. Don't give it away, but lower taxes, simplify regulations, especially for small businesses, encourage emigrants to return, let them see that in Poland you can easily set up a business, make a profit and live in your country. And not just controls and taxes, because that's how it looks now. Why doesn't anyone understand that by lowering taxes you can boost the economy tremendously. Let them look at Romania, they cut VAT and have a budget surplus.

    1. Of course you are right about the substance, i.e. lowering taxes, but in this arrangement it is almost impossible. Why? Because they'd have to start with cuts and budget cuts and so with firing the bureaucrats...
      No party other than Freedom will do it, so in sum PIS is the best party in the parliament because it gives something....

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        2,5 million of our 3 million emigrants will return to Poland after 1999 when they get 5000-6000 thousand salaries in their hands (which is probably never...). The rest, on the other hand, apart from the financial side, just want a better general standard of living, which means a much more efficient functioning of the structures of society and mechanisms of the state.

  13. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Poles and Polish women are not idiots (they have quite a high collective intelligence quotient, considering the historical experience they went through). However, they have the wrong ideological matrix (counter-reformation Catholic instead of reformation Protestant), which blocks us mentally, thus thwarting all good individual and communal development...

  14. I agree with everything, but the Smolensk bombing is idiocy, they could have landed at another airport and that's it.

  15. Thank you, Peter.

  16. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Poland is an absolutely "spiritually boring" country (although the world finds its increasing bestialization intriguing, but I'm almost talking about normal things here 😉 ). Nothing so interesting happens here that the world would follow and imitate with interest. None of such things. Just Catholic mediocrity.

  17. I may not be a PiS supporter, but all in all they are better than sodomy so far....
    Nevertheless, I have to admit admin that you have expressed your opinion on this topic very nicely and culturally here 🙂
    and some music, I discovered by accident but I think it might be interesting 🙂

  18. and the fierce youth.
    It is good that the Lord will come for us.
    Broad beans, hummus and veggies...

  19. Kowalski's name was mentioned in the comments and frankly speaking he is the only valuable person I could vote for. As far as Chojecki is concerned, this guy is already gone. I watched his program when the number of subscribers didn't even exceed a thousand. I don't know how many there are now, but there must be tens of thousands. I stopped watching them when I fell asleep during one of their programs and woke up having nightmares. For me, it is a clear message that the demonic fell is mixing there, so the program landed in the trash. Chojecki may be a pest, but he does more harm than good, especially in his blind idolization of the USA and its current president. As far as PIS is concerned, there is only one thing worth mentioning: let them forget about Smoleńsk and leave the dead alone. Nothing good will come out of this commemoration. People are fed up with it and these hype months of Smolensk make Poland bleed for real. The truth will never be known in our lifetime. From the pages of history we know that in Smolensk a lot of Polish blood was shed. It is time to bury this Smolensk once and for all.

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