Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Protestant band Exodus 15 assimilates into the Church of the Empire of Rome.

This is sad news, though in truth there would be some Christians who would question the Christian sound of such music.


I would like to be understood correctly. Either we are different from Catholicism in something, or maybe we should go to our pastors right away, apologize, and admit that we were wrong with all this questioning of the dogmas and errors of the church of Rome.

Below I insert a description of the announcement of the concert that took place:


In Celebration Corpus Christi (15 June) on the Philadelphia Boulevard in Toruń (stage on the Vistula River) a Worship Concert will be held with the participation of the band Exodus 15, which has been performing Christian music at a very high artistic level for many years. The concert will start at 18.00.

The concert is a valuable proposal of spending free time not only for young people, but also for whole families. It will also be a great opportunity to promote Christian culture and religious music as a form of evangelization. The concert is addressed not only to the citizens of Toruń, but also to all citizens of the region and diocese.

Honorary patrons of the event include: Bishop Andrzej Suski of Toruń, Father Bernard J. Marciniak, Provincial Minister of the Province of St. Francis of Assisi, the Governor of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province, the Marshall of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province, the Mayor of Toruń.

The media patronage was taken by Głos z Torun - the Toruń edition of the Sunday.


I am one of the advocates of evangelism, and my blog is evidence of that. However, what good can evangelism do under the auspices of the church of Rome? Isn't that how the Polanians and Vistulans were sold to Rome in 966? Somewhat subverting a single digit, this is a very strange date....

The Teutonic Knights also evangelized, the deceptive tele-evangelists evangelize, and the Jehovah's Witnesses evangelize, so to speak. The question is whether this is the same Jesus?

I sometimes talk to Catholics, including deep believers. They often go to prayer meetings, oases, etc. The problem is that they also listen to world music, they participate in Satan's world. This is religiosity. Just let them leave the world and they will see what an uphill battle it is.

Jacek gave me the news with the discussion on Facebook. There were accusations that if it had not been for the evangelisation of the Roman church, we would not have known the gospel. Yes and no. Firstly, the Church of Rome forbade reading the Bible for almost 15 centuries, burning people at the stake for spreading the Word. Second, if not for Rome, the gospel would have come to us in its purest form from Asia and Greece. There would have been no disputes about the Sabbath, the hog, the freedmen, etc.

As a politician, at one point I came to one very important conclusion, which I conveyed at meetings: Jews in Poland, not Messianic Jews, but Khazars who believe in a different god, act in an extremely cunning and intelligent way in politics. Well, they are on all possible sides of the conflict. How do they do it? Some problem arises. Let's say hairdressers protest against the tax on bald people :D, an association is formed and on the basis of such a rebellion and dissatisfaction they have a group of hairdressers under their control, which is also the electorate. This is the case with NOP, which is led by Justyna Socha with new age views. There is a vast amount of truth out there about vaccines, but new age is not from God, and incomplete truth is not truth. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John

So it is with the church of Rome. Without them, Christianity would have been all over the earth long ago, including the Eskimos and where the yetis are, but they manage every sphere. Is gangster hip hop trendy? Ok, we get into it by evangelizing. Either way the delinquent will bow to the monstrance and celebrate SunDay and SolInvictus.


If this is not a problem, what would you say if I evangelized on the streets of Warsaw with Dziwisz?


Poor Hus, Tyndale and others. They wandered poor instead of immediately making a party of bishops. (Irony.) Preferably around a campfire. Then every opponent can....


To sum up, Exodus 15 honors not only the so-called mass with the monstrance at its head, but the authorities of the same church that fought the Bible and considers itself the monopolist in spreading the Christian faith while changing according to the prophet Daniel the Law of God.





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Updated: 22 June 2017 — 10:10


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  1. Praise God brothers and sisters!
    Unfortunately, but more and more, here we are mixing truth with lies.
    In the name of so-called love, God's Law is being blurred.
    You can see by this that the time is near, and the adversary of God is trying to do everything to deceive the elect as well.
    This quote always comes to mind at this point:
    , "But though even we, or an angel from heaven, preach unto you a gospel different from that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed!
    As we said before, so now I say again :If anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to the one you have accepted, let him be accursed!" 1 Galatians 1:8-9
    And to you, Brother Peter, thank you for having the courage to preach.
    May you be blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. Captured the heart of the matter 🙂

  3. We may disagree on many topics, but surely none of the people reading Detective would go for something like this. It is simply unthinkable when one grasps what blasphemy it is to claim that the wafer swallowed and then expelled is Jesus Christ.

    On Facebook, commenters floated speculation as to why this team did this. What do you mean, are these musicians biblically illiterate? Or maybe the priests just got paid well and messed with their heads so that they weren't quite aware of what they were doing? Either way, the fruit they have produced is rotten. It's a sad thing for me, because I enjoyed listening to their music, especially because of the interesting instrumentation.

    And by the way, it was surprisingly nice to see some of you again at your sister's wedding after that rather long time apart 🙂 Peace and blessings be multiplied to you, and may the Lord's grace sustain you!

    1. Yes, weddings connect 🙂
      God bless the young couple.

      1. Make it happen!

        I'm absolutely sure that it's no coincidence that everything worked out so nicely 🙂 Especially since I just happened to finally receive an understanding of Romans 14....

        1. 😀 😀 😀
          There are no coincidences in the lives of Christians 🙂

          1. And I said: Amen! 😀

    2. Oh but cool 😀 who did the wedding? 😮 Happy bride and groom!!! 🙂 ❤
      And as for the band-I'm shocked, especially since I even liked a few songs at one time :/ 😮

    3. I have only one question. And what did Jesus' disciples eat and some time later , as you write this, excrete , when Jesus gave them bread saying : Take and eat , this is my body ?

  4. Nom ? then I count myself among such people, undermining their Christian sound.
    To me it was a worldly sound with an attempt to mix in Christian lyrics at times.
    Such a typical, proverbial heated frog.
    Thank God it happened,let people wake up and learn from it.

    1. the author of the lecture "Dilemmas of Music" would be much more harsh in judging the music of Exodus itself than we are.

      1. Rather yes
        It would be good for as many Christians as possible to hear the lectures in this series.
        We can all see how, the deception is growing in circles.
        And music will play a big part in this, especially pseudo-Christian music.
        This is the wide road, sadly, because many gave their lives to spread the truth, expose the deviation of the church.
        And now everything is becoming mealy-mouthed in the name of ecumenism.
        It breaks my heart how easily we allow ourselves to be robbed by evil

  5. I was converted by B. Graham's evangelism.
    He said, start Bible study circles in YOUR churches and read the Bible.
    Maybe he was motivated to start reading the Bible and a love of the Truth would lead you out (man).
    It is important that the priests called for this evangelism and there was a crowd instead of just a handful. I am not in a position to judge Graham's motivations, especially since Protestants attended and offered Bible study groups at their homes, not at their churches.
    The truth has freed me from the Catholic Church, while others have remained faithful to the priest.
    I talked about 10 people into a home group at Baptist.
    4 people stayed,the rest (reborn )remained faithful to KRK,because what the family will say and the church can't be wrong and returned to the idols.

  6. NNunderstanding

    Uuuuu, and I liked listening to them.

  7. It's a pity, and what an occasion for this concert... "Corpus Christi"...

  8. The newborn David

    I'll tell you something else, maybe this comment will reach people thinking more broadly and not: because it is from the fathers and that's it.
    On June 15 there was a Catholic concert, a shock because some Protestants from the Green Church (the church I attend) asked if there was going to be a group outing for it, shock and disbelief on my part,Shock and disbelief on my part that something like that even came out of my mouth, but the leader of the youth group denounced something like that, that it is Marian (because there is a picture, etc.) unbiblical, there were voices that you can even go there to evangelize (rly? Who?) Shock. Recently while listening to this band I thought why they are so popular in the Catholic circle, today there is an article on DP listen to the Romans it's not about destroying us (not officially) they only want to blur the boundaries of division, and this is already blurred or is only in name, the rest will fall on its own, will be unstable, they succeed in this. We were not saved to keep quiet! A simple example: You used to be a Sunday Catholic with a holiday observance (typical), now you are a Sunday Protestant and you observe holidays so as not to offend others (you are present, typical) where do you see the difference? Is there a difference? Then it begs the question what about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Was it necessary or not? Did it make sense or not?

    1. Right, I didn't take that into account. They want to blur the differences. In fact when we look at the Exodus feat, there is no difference and that is their goal.

  9. Hello, without bragging this photo is of me. I wanted to refer to the strategy of "blurring borders". This is one of the basic strategies in politics and wars today. The idea is to make the opponent not see where the target is, so a lot of fake targets similar to the original are released to make the opponent run after something else and be interested in something else and spend forces/resources on something else. The Roman Church has used this method for hundreds of years and often successfully, if you can't defeat something outright then you have to make it invisible. Military aircraft use the tactic of releasing thermal flares pretending to be the aircraft's engines and the enemy's missiles get lost and fly behind the flares. Krk distracts from the real goal, which is Jesus, who saves through faith in His death for the sins of people. Greetings. Michał

    1. Thanks for the photo and for the healthy reaction to this very subtle tour.

  10. Ah you Protestants are blinded!!!

    1. We are not Protestants but Bible Christians.
      Is that your only argument?


    Thank you for this article I was wondering what is the truth now I know for sure not You we are all Christians and if you condemn the exodus 15 then you are hypocritical. This was nicely described by Joanna Uchanska in her article " Only my "Catholic" God is real? "You are like the Pharisees - you think you are the most holy and spotless, but if you get into contact with others you are seen in a negative light.

    Thank you again I know you are not what I am looking for because you do not want reconciliation.

    1. Marian, in such situations I don't know what to write. The list of sins of your church is so long that I would have to have a paper as thick as a master's thesis to paste it as an answer.

      The biggest sect is the Vatican. You can't even get out of this sect because they hide data.
      No one considers himself to be flawless. We all have pride, other faults, but we are aware of it and Catholics are not.
      As for reconciliation. With whom are we to be reconciled? With the Jesuit Bergoglio? Or with Karl Katz? Or Mary and the unbiblical rosary?

      Watch the video from TVP:

      or maybe this:

      If you are not impressed by these videos, then you are just a simple religionist without a heart.

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