Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


David Wilkerson


The author of the Letter to the Hebrews extols the testimony of those believers who have been sated by faithful prayer: "Recall the days before, when, after your enlightenment, you persevered in many struggles against afflictions, or when you were publicly exposed to insults and afflictions . . . you welcomed the plundering of your possessions." (Hebrews 10:32-34).
Think about it: The people described here lost their homes, their livelihoods, everything. And yet they were able to testify with their pastor Paul, "Despite all these trials as they fell upon us, the Lord stood with us. He came daily to give us the strength we needed to overcome."
Beloved, have you come to this place? I trust that you can say, "In spite of it all, I know that Jesus will keep me in difficult times. He will give me everything I need because He is my source of strength."
Paul learned this secret of strength during his conversion. After losing his sight on the road to Damascus, he spent three days in fasting and prayer determined to experience the real presence of this Lord who had revealed himself to him.
It was then that the Lord sent a believer named Ananias to go and minister to Paul. "For behold, he prays" (Acts 9:22).
We see this truth illustrated in the simile Jesus said of the man who asked his friend for bread in the middle of the night. This man had no bread himself, but he knew that his friend had as much bread as he needed. So he kept knocking and tapping on the door until his friend got up, opened the door, and gave him bread.
Beloved, this friend with bread is Jesus. He is closer than a brother and He will supply us with everything we need. This includes not only food, clothing and a roof over our heads (see Matt. 6), but also, encouragement, strength and peace.
Updated: 8 June 2017 — 10:35


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  1. Arthur S. (detmold)

    A lot of people have nothing but biological drives in their lives because they are just "soulless biorobots". Let me explain. They come from nowhere and go to nowhere (spiritual non-existence). They only outwardly resemble humans... They may have a normal level of reasoning, but they lack the ability to COMPASSION, they are incapable of it... They can be recognized by their "blank stare" and lack of ability to grow spiritually. Instead, they are perfectly capable of adapting to spiritualized human beings, and they often prey on them in any way they can... It sounds like a nonsensical rant, but this is the terrible reality...

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