Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pope Francis: we need Muslims to pray to Allah.


I don't know how our countrymen can fail to see this blasphemy of the head of Rome's empire.

Mr Bergoglio said:


" In these times the prayer of Christians, Jews and Muslims for peace," he declared."


Maybe let's go for broke: we need a prayer to Swiatowid and Marzanna.

We know very well who Muslims pray to and it is certainly not God the Father but Allah. Catholics, unfortunately, are fooled by the concept of one God (intentionally with a lowercase letter) for all faiths, including Buddhists.

Francis also said:


"The person who does not discern what is going on in the soul (he spoke earlier about the Spirit) has a cold faith, ideologized the scholars of the law who chastised Jesus."


Such a statement pushes all Bible scholars into the circle of the Pharisees, and all subjects of the church of Rome and this supposed holy spirit are led by a supposed god.

So dear ones according to Francis both Catholics and Islamists are models of faith.


The Pope also announced a minute for peace at...13 ej.

They strive for peace, for one god. It sounds beautiful, but the Bible is absolute about it:


"For when they say: "Peace and safety"-so unexpectedly will doom come upon them, as pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape" Thessalonians




This will foreshadow the coming of Jesus because the verse earlier reads like this:


 For you yourselves know exactly that the day of the Lord will come just as a thief in the night"


Conflicts are on the rise and they are working to make the acts of terrorism worse because soon a man of "peace" will come to reconcile the whole world and it won't be Jesus.

All the more real because Francis is also urging an end to the arms trade. Sounds "frothy."


The problem is, we don't believe in that theater.

For the news, I thank Karolina.



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Updated: 8 June 2017 — 19:07


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  1. Shit no no...well just shit no no...with these words it seems to have reached the bottom and is knocking from underneath... :/

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      Satan knows his time is short, and he is no longer hiding too much. Terrifying things are happening in Babylon, but at the same time it is a hopeful sign for Bible Christians of the soon coming of our Savior, who will not delay in the face of this type of blatant heresy....

  2. I recently came across a very cool video summary of the movie X-Man Apocalypse . From what I remember admin recently on your blog I think you did a review of this movie . The movie is presented in a biblical sense very interesting .
    Greetings ☺️

    As in the video above, all is not as it seems at first glance. The sad thing is that even believers believe it was just an assassination. Before our eyes they show and people still don't believe. The same in the Catholic Church they hear, they see and still they do not check it in the Word of God because the Pope is the highest authority. It is known that we do not fight with flesh and blood.

  4. The eternal dilemma of human endeavor...
    all in all, even if they are in error and misaddressing their prayers, it's probably better that they pray than if they don't pray?
    you can pray for them...
    The drama is when a loved one walks toward the precipice and doesn't want to hear any more warnings....

    1. Looking at it this way, we can pray to the Slavic gods for peace.

      1. a christian should not do this

    2. It is better not to pray at all than to pray to Satan.

  5. Arthur S. (detmold)

    the church and especially the Vatican papal staff are not considered bandits in the popular consciousness, because the rulers and kings of the earth are subordinate to it, and whoever more or less openly opposes it ends badly...

    1. Arthur S. (detmold)

      And all these courteous visits of the Snowed loyen are not only for pure diplomacy, but to pay or renew the vassal homage to the suzerain...

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