Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Emergency input

    Detective, have you written about the pizzagate scandal before?

  2. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    Today I came across a photo of Agnieszka making this gesture in a newspaper, but she was seen from a different perspective, the photo was probably from another concert.
    I thought I would find this photo somewhere on the internet, and while searching I came across a completely different photo of Agnieszka with the same gesture - the one you see in this article.
    As you can see she happens to perform this sign quite often 🙁

    1. Well her master didn't make her famous for nothing, now you have to pay him back.

      1. Oh yes I was reminded of the T.Love song Lucy Phere...I am lucifer and you will be a big star....
        Let us rejoice in belonging to Christ's Guard, let us feel His chosen ones every day, always and still ❤.

  3. pray for such persons.- I will make enmity between thee and the woman between thee and thy seed-

    1. Contradiction. Since they are the offspring of the fallen one then let us not irritate our Father by praying for them. Let us pray for our sisters and brothers to persevere in the commandments and trials.

  4. If you walk among the crows, you must caw like them. Whether she likes it or not, she has to show these and not other gestures in order to stay in this business and earn her bread. I first came into contact with Chylińska's music in 95′, on the wave of popularity of the band O.N.A. I know all of Agnieszka's achievements both within her mother band and as a solo artist. I don't want to make small talk, but I don't know how my life would have turned out if it wasn't for Aga's music which helped me in very difficult moments. I was on her last two concerts in Katowice and Zabrze. Volcano of energy, in between each song she was telling jokes, funny anecdotes from her life, mentioning her husband, children (she has three of them) and she seemed to be very relaxed, but it was only a pretence... It's enough to read what she says about herself in recent interviews, see how terribly she lost weight, listen to the lyrics of songs from her new album... She undoubtedly suffers a lot, suffers because she has a sick, battered soul. And here there is nothing to laugh at. As Detective wrote: , "It is up to us to pray for such people."
    Ps. Remember at least the Amy Winehouse story?

      1. Karol Szulawiak


        You are right in that one should pray for such people. That said, I have to disagree with your comment as a whole.

        "Whether she likes it or not, she has to show these gestures and not others in order to continue to be stuck in this industry and earn her bread. "

        (24): No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will cling to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (25) : Therefore I say unto you, Take no care for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor for your body, what ye shall wear. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing? (26) : Look at the birds of heaven, that they neither sow nor reap nor gather into granaries, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much more precious than they? (27): And who among you, by worrying, can add one cubit to his height? (28): And why are you anxious about clothing? Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither work nor spin. (29): And I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not so clothed as one of them. (30): If, then, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow will be thrown into the oven, God dresses it thus, is it not the more so for you, men of little faith? (31): Take no care therefore, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or: What shall we wear? (32): For all these things are the concern of the Gentiles. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. (33: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (34: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of its own needs. Sufficient is the day of his affliction. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Matthew 6].

        "I don't want to mince words, but I don't know how my life would have turned out if it wasn't for Aga's music, which has helped me through some very difficult times."

        I am glad that this music helped you. Polish rap helped me at one time, but today I don't listen to it because I know that the message of some artists in some of their songs is satanism (maybe not intentional and not literal, but what is not a Christian message). I could name the artists and songs here directly, but at the same time their other songs used to help me.

        "She is undoubtedly in great pain, suffering because she has a sick, battered soul."

        (15) : But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a man who meddles in other people's affairs. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, 1p 4].

        (20): For what glory is it if, when you sin, you endure patiently, even though you may be beaten with your fists? But if you do well and endure suffering, it pleases God. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, 1p 2].

        This comment may have sounded a bit accusatory, but neither can one justify sinful behavior by saying that one must promote Satanism to earn one's bread. Whether we like it or not, we must turn from our sins.

        1. For me it is also an exaggeration to say that he must earn his bread this way.
          She chose this path and by her behavior shows young people who she serves.
          I understand that she is blind, living in this world.
          For me, as of today, it leads hundreds directly into the arms of the evil one.

          1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

            You can earn your bread by singing about God, or God's truths 😉 "and all else will be added to us" 🙂

      2. No, it wasn't a tribute to Agnieszka Chylinska and it's a pity that you took it that way. It was rather an attempt to understand what she and the rest of the artists are stuck in. The most important thing in this profession is passion for music. They just want to play, create songs and share their emotions - experiences that listeners then identify with. I think most of them are unaware of the dangers of entering show business, and then they have to dance to their tunes and show signs like this.

  5. Show business is dominated by a tribe of vipers. Actually, it is a viper's nest. Big money, creating trends and power over the viewers. Some people think they are just showing these signs for fun. I think that they are not entries in the book of life. For example, Chylińska, in my opinion, is either strongly possessed or has their genes. Have you seen the new commercial featuring her? She looks like some kind of demon, or a wraith [ ], Szpak also often shows a horned hand gesture.Have you noticed that all celebrities are tattooed? The stronger the possession, the more tattoos they have. Popek even has his eyeballs tattooed.

    1. interesting observation and ad like text....

  6. It doesn't surprise me much from Chylińska's side, because this "hit" of her time is what?

  7. The topic is a river and Chylińska is only a small, I would even say marginal thread in the theme of the music industry. Simplifying the industry is to produce certain goods, the music industry produces or creates literally creatures whose task is and this task they undertake consciously, let no one tell me that it's different making water from the brain of their fans. It's enough to look at the careers of all these stars to notice a repetitive scheme, effective and extremely dangerous especially for young people. Many of the stars started out as "polite" girls and boys, and Miley Cyrus is a prime example. She started out as the painfully polite Hannah Montana and ended up as a slutty, boorish, perverted, gyrating, sexually-explicit slut. Another gag Bieber, a polite boy with a fringe combed into a tooth 😉 and now a slutty, burning this and that, running around naked "artist" performing his "songs" in a castrato voice! Another Rihanna (as for me it's RYJanna :P), starting with an innocent song about an umbrella and ending up as a perfect image of Babylonian (eastern, because I think she creates herself as such) prostitute. Katy Perry, Beonce and a whole host of others etc. By the way, it's a scary evolution! They started as the polite ones. Chylińska started out as a rebel, an anarchist who likes to rub booze down her throat, and now she's become more polite, which is evidenced by colorful floral tattoos, a bit lighter performance of songs, etc. But the idea is the same as in the case of the others - to deceive as many of your fans as possible so that they blindly follow you to your doom.

    1. A small correction: Rihanna's song about an umbrella and rain is by no means neutral, but has a Masonic, occult message. Search for yourself about the symbolism of rain and a certain Rainmen. "It's raining" is also their phrase to warn initiates of the presence of a profane person who cannot hear a given conversation. (Similarly, diamonds falling or shining in the sky. M. Monroe already sang about them, and it's by no means about trinkets).

  8. Do you think that she shows like that on purpose? Or just because there is such a trend in this industry and our stars copy everything they see in the West.

  9. Seek information and you will understand. Start with Katy Perry The MK Ultra Illuminati.
    I wonder if prayer is enough. I think action is also needed. Talking about it with people around us. Let's keep our eyes open....

  10. Read about Katy Perry MK Ultra Illuminati.

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