Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Controversy Around the Subject of Release

A very important topic taken up by a pastor from Krotoszyn.

He confronts the criticism of streetprosta release, among others, with the teachings of the Bible. Personally, I am not for either side, but we need to be clear:

Is it possible to be freed from demons in this day and age or not? Do demons still exist and torment?


Someone has to be wrong. Only one side, because it is impossible to stay in the middle by stating that only a little can be released.

Unfortunately, I have no practice in this subject, but only theory, which does not exclude the existence of this problem typical of the time of Jesus.


The question also arises, can a Christian be demonized? Believe me it can be. Out of tact and culture, I won't name instances, but by virtue of blogging, I deal with a wide cross-section of people and lament the condition of some. Some people have even told me about demonic manifestations. These are not jokes. Christians have demons just as much as pagans do.

Theology alone does not make someone a Christian. The Pharisees also knew the Scriptures.

So, can Christians still operate with the power of God?

In my opinion, yes. So someone can call me a charismatic. Ok, I was already a Jew, a Sabbatarian so I can be a Charismatic and even a Colargol Bear :-).

The demon world is a real world. I see how much bitterness, lack of forgiveness there is among Christians. They are filled with envy and hatred. They love God at the same time they are filled with bitterness and lack of forgiveness. Gro is masturbating, WORRYING, smoking cigarettes, marijuana and they CANNOT stop. This is the spirit of intellectualism that makes you think that if you know the Bible, you have already achieved everything.

Second point. Gro Christians don't smoke anymore, they don't drink alcohol, but life shows that all it takes is a return to stimulants for a while, and to return to addiction. This means being demonized.


It is good to realize the following problems.






Updated: 7 May 2017 — 21:43


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  1. Arthur S. (detmold)

    A Christian must be as independent as possible from the fallen world and its dirty game. He must simply be a human being, i.e., help his fellow man (provided they are people worthy of such help).

    1. Atrur S. forgive me but every man is closer and the measure of your Christianity is to forgive and pray for those who err . In the name of Jesus Christ amen

  2. I agree with you, Peter. It is true that a Christian cannot be possessed, but many experience demonic oppression.
    If someone has doubts, I recommend to watch testimonies of converted witches, new age people, yoga practitioners. I regret that these things are mainly in English and this message will not reach at least many Poles.
    And at the same time, it is beautiful that the Lord Jesus is so wonderfully repairing the lives of people living in darkness. Glory to you, Lord Jesus.

  3. tourist mince

    I've been watching a lot of Charisma and in my opinion the case is as follows:
    1) when it comes to demonism and deliverance I am almost 100% sure that the issue is valid,
    2) It sets many people free and it is effective, which does not mean that they keep the full truth of the gospel, in my opinion, these are the ones about whom the Messiah will say: ...I never knew you, go away, you who do lawlessness..." - Greens also celebrate Sunday as if the Law can be changed, bypassed, because after all we do miracles. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    3) I believe that Babylon the Great is a system of erroneous religion, noting that no denomination maintains the full truth and yet God works in each (even the renewal in the Holy Spirit of the church has numerous testimonies), allowing miracles which would prove that it is the Creator who chooses people and draws them into His kingdom at His discretion.
    There remains the question of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, whether it is "automatic" through the laying on of hands (which I rather disagree with) or as a result of prayer at the moment when God wants to baptize us recognizing our repentance (closer to the truth).
    3)We can't assume that because something hasn't happened to us (charismata) that it isn't there. Maybe we are in a place where we are just knocking and waiting for them to open.
    Finally, I have a question for readers - how many of you have prayed in tongues and this is the least of the gifts. I admit that I look with envy at people who go out into the city and heal, I don't think it is deceptive.

    1. Reasonably written, brother.

      I personally have never experienced praying in tongues. But from what I have observed, people pray in really baaavery strange tongues, if you can call them that. Mostly words like "pararara srata tata"...
      And I personally have my doubts about the nature of this gift.

      Which is not to say that this gift does not exist. But rather it applies to a handful of people. And there will usually be an interpreter in the group of people.

      Has anyone encountered the language of angels?

    2. I do not believe that speaking in tongues is a tralalala, for what purpose would the Lord God give such a gift. Speaking in tongues is about easily getting along, learning, understanding people from all over the world and beyond.
      If a man with his larynx cut out and you understand him or a man suffering from paralysis or a mute person speaks to you and you understand him.
      Your translator is your heart, your willingness to understand the other person.

      1. The gift of tongues that the Bible speaks of is the gift of a language that another person can understand. It is clearly written in the Acts of the Apostles. The apostles and disciples needed such a gift to preach the Gospel. The language of "blablatralalaszlala" is certainly not a gift of the LDS. Unfortunately, many people are fooled into believing that if one does not have this "gift" it means that one does not have the Holy Spirit. Many teachers claim that this can be learned and, as it were, force the Holy Spirit to give this gift to everyone. And it grows...the pride of such a "gifted" person grows, and the devil rejoices 🙁 .

        1. tourist mince

          Magdalene, I am serving a quote explaining whether so-called glossolalia is a language of communication with people. First letter to the Corinthians
          Strive for love; strive also earnestly for spiritual gifts, and most of all for prophecy.
          For he who speaks in tongues speaks not for men, but for God; for no one understands him, but he in the power of the Spirit utters mysterious things.
          And he who prophesies speaks to the people for edification and exhortation and comfort.
          He who speaks in tongues only edifies himself; but he who prophesies edifies the church.

        2. Well, I have a problem with praying in a flowery way. I don't know how to pray like that and I don't want to defend myself, but I know people who pray beautifully but their actions are without love

          1. tourist mince

            I have the impression that Christ rubbed the nose with this quotation mainly to philosophers (especially ancient) famous for their flowery speeches and far from the truth.

      2. I am exactly of the same opinion as you dear ones. The real gift of speaking in tongues would be if someone who has never had contact with a given language would suddenly start, for example, to speak Chinese, Portuguese, etc. I believe that the gift of speaking in tongues still exists, just like the gift of prophecy (because why should it disappear), but it must be a language that is understandable and, most of all, alive. I believe that the gift of speaking in tongues still exists, just like the gift of prophecy (why should it disappear?), but it must be a language that is understandable and, above all, alive. The possessed also have the "gift" of speaking in tongues, only that mostly in ancient, dead languages, as Aldona aptly made me realize yesterday.

        1. But then there is the gift of praying in tongues, for the edification of self. This is what Paul wrote about. The gift of speaking in a language that one does not know but that others understand is another gift of tongues.
          I myself pray in tongues and it is not a random blablabla, because if it were, each time I would say a completely different "blablabla", and this "blablabla" is the same from the TM. That is, when I pray, I speak a language that I do not understand, but I know from hearing.
          Yes, you have to be careful these days, not trusting everything "supernatural," but knowledge, prayer, and trust in God can result in real gifts of the LDS.

          1. I used to pray like this: Father God if you think I should speak in tongues, then I ask you for this gift.
            If you ask God for bread, He will not give you a stone.
            I know several women, children of God who speak in tongues. This is not to say that they are not vulnerable, but I see in them a love for God that is genuine and not hypocritical

            1. Peter (admin) then why did Our Lord confuse the languages under or after the tower of babel!

              1. tourist mince

                It is mainly to individualize yourself from the enthusiastic crowd (a joke, but try to say it, you can break your tongue ;))and seriously, people in a crowd seem to be very strong and do not pay attention to authority, do stupid things like a herd of rams (sorry rams for the comparison because they are nice animals). The smaller the group, the greater the humility (see, for example, stadium fans - in a group they are barking, aggressive, individually - you can say normal people with their tails tucked)

          2. Aaaa. that has cleared up a bit for me 😉 .
            When you pray in this language, do you know what you are saying? Or do you feel the meaning of the words?

          3. tourist mince

            I once heard a great talk by Derek Princ about the filling of the Holy Spirit. He argued that the visible (audible) sign of the filling is the outpouring, otherwise we do not know if we have been filled. Then prayer in tongues comes out of the person as a sign of the filling. I recommend Princeton because he was a great interpreter of many things, and he knew the original languages of the Bible. Where other biblical scholars were slow to interpret, Derek was able to interpret accurately.

      3. I have nowhere said that the gift of tongues that God bestows is the 'tralalala' ones.
        As I said I have only seen people praying with similar words which I would describe as glossolalia.
        I believe that the gift of tongues coming from God is a living language. Certainly not that kind of thing. Even the apostles as they preached the gospel spoke in various living languages and dialects that the hearers understood.
        At least, that's how I understand it as of today 😉 .

      4. Interesting insights-the topic of speaking in tongues is not yet very clear to me, also, nevertheless, thank you to those who have spoken in this discussion 🙂 maybe this will brighten my mind a bit....

    3. The Lord Jesus fights for us but we have free will and must make a choice.
      For the devil all tricks are allowed, he has no rules, because he is a deceiver and he is very intelligent so his plan is elaborate and simple, that's why it is hard to see.
      Every addiction holds us by the throat and soul, so after every fall we need to pick ourselves up and not lose hope, because that would mean surrendering to the devil.
      I am also under attack but I will never give up.
      The Bible tells us that in difficult cases we need prayer and fasting. Of course, fasting is not only about eating.
      It works, not only on the bodily level but also on the spiritual level. You are jealous punish yourself and banish the thoughts (demons) you are spiteful punish yourself and don't do it and so on....

    4. Hi,
      As far as the gift of tongues is concerned, I have been praying in tongues for about 2 years now. I am speaking because I have researched the subject a lot, as I myself did not recognize the speaking in tongues at the beginning. I have described the basic information about it here:

      The basic thing that there is a problem with is that Christians think that there is only 1 type of tongues, which is not the case. After the baptism with the Holy Spirit one has access to a language that is individual to each person, it is called a NEW language in the Bible and it is used for prayer, mostly personal prayer. And it is incomprehensible to people.

      On the other hand, there is also the gift of tongues, which is known and used to communicate with foreigners, as in Acts at the beginning. This gift is rare (people have had it a few times in their lives) and you only have it for a moment when you need it.

      I covered the rest of the basic stuff in the link. And I speak out mainly because there is too much misunderstanding on this topic.

      If anyone wants to ask anything on this topic you can let me know. I'll share what I know.

      Greetings to you all 🙂 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

      1. I confirm, that's exactly what it looks like.

        1. NNunderstanding

 Gunk's brother, from KZ, is no longer alive, but I think he was the voice of reason. The first 20 min is about languages. I will summarize: if someone speaks an unknown language to us and we do not feel peace but anxiety and it happens several times we have to ask the Lord if it is definitely from Him and even tell that person that it is possible that it is not from God, of course with love not judgment.
          I have dealt with people who pray in tongues, it always sounds the same, it is unintelligible, but after a long time you can hear the "words" repeated. The people I have heard are a Catholic and some Protestants. Interestingly the "language" of the Catholic was very nice and the person is a mystery, I couldn't tell if a convert or not....
          I felt anxiety once when I heard a prayer in tongues in a certain convert, but then I never heard it again so I don't know.
          I have prayed like Peter, but I know that God will not give me a tongue because I do not ask for it with conviction. Everyone I talked to who has this gift said that it somehow comes out by itself, but you have to want to speak, that you can stop it and not speak even though the words come to your mouth, there is no compulsion to speak as in the case of demonic manifestations when an evil spirit speaks without the will of the speaker, so a person skeptical about this gift is unlikely to receive it.

          1. tourist mince

            I like to watch testimonies of converted people and I have observed that almost every one of them at the beginning of the "adventure" with the Lord was in a state of downfall, humiliation, in a voice of desperation called on the Lord saying more or less:" God, if you are begin to work in my life, I give you my whole self...". after which God responded. It is interesting that the vast majority of these people did not seek God beforehand through the Bible, but somehow from the depths of their own hearts. Only by being tested by God did they find His Word. God says that He will exalt the humble and vice versa. So I guess simple people with a good heart on the verge of total collapse are kind of "privileged" in the eyes of the Lord, and on them He reveals His power uniquely. Torben Sondergard explained that in order to humble ourselves consciously, we need to fast, then the barriers of our unbelief are broken down and God works in us intensely, doing miracles. Some of his prayers were not answered, as if he was banging his head against a wall and then he started fasting (even up to 40 days like Christ, then he overcame further obstacles. I sincerely admire him, a 40 day fast is only possible with God, but here is probably the secret:).

          2. I agree with most of what you wrote NNunderstand, except that I would add:
            1. anxiety when someone listens to a prayer in tongues can be either because they are not real tongues OR because they are real tongues and the demon in the person who is listening begins to feel bad
            2) People usually have the idea that the Holy Spirit will suddenly take control and they will speak in such a way that they will not be able to stop. Sometimes when someone prays for the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the words really do come to the mouth (although I have often seen people block it out because they are ashamed to speak in front of others). For example, a brother prayed for me and I did not speak in tongues right away but I had to "reach" for it by faith. The first thing is that if we are not sure we are going to get it, it's not going to happen. Faith is certainty. I received tongues when I was sure I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and knew I had access to it. How do you reach out by faith? Ask God for tongues, believe and MOST IMPORTANTLY - start speaking. You either believe or you don't. Trying to speak is the very step of faith. Most wait until God Himself opens someone's mouth, and that's usually not the case.

            Maybe what I wrote will help someone.

  4. there's a problem with me. The addictions... The demons come back, sometimes I feel like it won't end. But there has to be hope...

    1. These young ones I'll talk to you already! 😛

    2. Sometimes the battle is long and there are lost battles. He who perseveres will be saved. Szymek 🙂 Hold on - if God is with you, who can be against you? He has overcome the world and he who remains in Him will also overcome (I know what I am saying).
      Call on HIS name and HE will fight for you. It will be alright 🙂 .

  5. Without God we are helpless. Notice - you can be firm in your resolutions and persevere for days, weeks, months and even years, but the devil's stinkers make such attempts that they will find a weak spot in almost everyone and what? We are finished but... there is Someone powerful, a winner, Jesus "If the Son sets you free, you shall be truly free".

  6. Amazingly, but on a similar topic I was talking to Aldona yesterday hehe I open the internet and here it comes. Honestly admit that we squeezed a little in this conversation tel some who see a demon literally at every step, especially in those who express a slightly different view on some issues and no matter what. The amazing thing is that today while reading the gospel in the morning or rather before noon I came across a passage about a wretch possessed by Legion. Nearly 2 thousand pigs fell into the depths of the waters and it terrified me how this man was terribly possessed. At the same time, this passage reassured me that nothing is impossible for Jesus, even this demon-possessed man, or rather the demons in charge of him, knelt before the majesty of Jesus! The issue of demons and freeing from them is still current here for 2 thousand years literally nothing has changed. I am maturing slowly and I notice more and more how great a battle is being waged for each person, what forces are confronting each other fighting for each of us. There is literally no rest and we have to choose sides. It pains me how many people choose the wrong side, wandering with a smile on their face towards perdition. Unfortunately I lack the gift of "smooth" language with which I could convince people of these reasons, and unfortunately most or rather all of them treat this quite negligently, listen and forget. I'm very sorry but I don't know what your name is I suspect that rather not "mielonka" 🙂 A lot of right in your comment I agree with most. When it comes to the gift of tongues for me the matter is obvious - it must be a language understandable to people, i.e. one of the languages currently spoken by a person, e.g. a Christian in China suddenly starts speaking Polish etc. No habla blabla doesn't appeal to me, even less does the explanation that it is a language understood only by the Holy Spirit, the language of angels, etc. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with this comment, but this is how I see it. When the apostles started to speak in tongues the crowds gathered there were astonished that everyone spoke in their own language, that is a human language understandable for a given nationality and not some strange gibberish. Recently on christiannews there was an entry about a murderer who before his death converted and prayed in tongues unfortunately it was just such a gibberish translated by many as the language of the Holy Spirit. These are just two examples that clearly show that the problem of demonic possession is still current.

    1. You know, I too wish I had the gift of a smooth tongue to explain our faith to my parents in a calm manner. Unfortunately, like Moses, I can't speak or speak well.

      And here's the thing: My sister is due to give birth in 2-3 weeks. There is already talk of baptism!!! I explain that she doesn't have to baptize the baby at all, I would understand if she was an active Catholic, but she is not. She is not an active Catholic. And I don't know what to tell the mother, because she has already made it clear to me "What do I care what the Bible says!". The weirdest thing is that she's not even an 'active' Catholic.
      Is it the spirit of religiosity or perhaps a commitment to the traditions of man?

      1. Arthur S. (detmold)

        What will people say? An attitude overexposed in Poland by the church's monopoly on "being a good person"...

  7. Marius I'm moving

    A serious matter :-This comforted me Mr. Peter 🙁
    I have the same experience as Szymek, for example, I have peace for 1 or 3 months, but the evil thoughts come back, they are persistent and do not give me peace, and then I return to my desires, although I hate them. And this happens first of all with temptations, harassment and accusations of the evil one, he reminds everything bad, without exception, and even shows new sins to accuse and humiliate, he knows how to drag a person to the bottom, without mercy, no matter how hard he tries. The bottom! And the Lord Jesus looks and sees the poverty and misery of man and calls to everyone, come to me, man who is sick, I will heal you, wash you, dress you, feed you, without me you can do nothing, there is no other way! I am the truth, the way and the life. So simple and yet so difficult? And that's why there must be some kind of de-demonization in it, some paths are open and yet we only need one 🙂 that I didn't think of it like that earlier yh :-) Writing this I felt even more love for our savior, realizing that I am a wicked sinner deserving of hell and yet our merciful Lord still has mercy on me 🙂 and so God's will be done 🙂 let me persevere to the end.
    I ask you to pray for me too, I pray for you too as soon as I remember 🙂 - I pray for you too.
    All Blessings to you Peter, you do a great job, you help a lot of people. It is indeed a straight path you keep and teach, I would like to ponder the Word of God like that too 🙂 .
    About the topic I don't know if any of you have seen the video of what happens to children. I wasn't going to post it but I will, I guess it's true. I find it horrifying and it's only for adults and people with strong nerves, my head swelled up.

    1. Praise God Mariusz for leading us all and I wish you also many graces of God and God's guidance.

  8. Marius I'm moving

    The gift of tongues, a modern phenomenon, and the Bible
    Yes to watch, think about what is biblical and what is not

  9. Arthur S. (detmold)

    Konstanty Bulli ( AD7 ) "W poszukiwaniu zagubionej drogi" Znaki Czasu Polska 1981 Circulation 10000 copies. I will ask for Admiral Piotr's opinion.

  10. I gather from this post that you belong to the colargol bear denomination.:D

    1. well you just pigeonholed me Peter into a new denomination 🙂
      How easy it is to create a virtual profile of a person and in a way that person doesn't even know about it....:-)

      1. Our Lord God of hosts confounded our tongues so that we would stop going the wrong way (against the Lord ) !!!

  11. What do you guys think about Catholic exorcisms? Supposedly effective and amazing things happen

    1. Karol Szulawiak

      Yes, for example, Satan says he is afraid of the rosary, so Catholics pray the rosary, and Satan is just happy that he fooled Catholics so easily.
      Seriously, there are such arguments, there is even a video on yt "what satan says about the rosary" or something like that.
      you don't argue with Satan. Eve debated and what did we get out of it?

  12. And about the gift of prophecy... if it is one of the charisms, why can't I count on the fingers of one hand the real prophets nowadays? You will notice, that even the very popular by admin Peter David Wilkerson had some really serious "slip-ups", which cannot be forgiven for a true prophet (for example he predicted the financial crash on Wall Street in 2000, when there was the greatest prosperity). I do not want to attack Mr. David, I think that I do not grow to his feet in his imitation of Christ (as well as many Catholic clergymen and laymen), but it follows that one can hardly find a true prophet nowadays and that a prophet is usually the one who seems to be one at first glance. Nevertheless, I myself am looking for a prophet, who at the same time calls for keeping the Law, because according to my research such a one is a true prophet. It may also be that prophets are among us, and we just don't notice them.

    1. tourist mince

      It is interesting that the true prophets never prophesied literal, specific dates, at best they had to calculate them for themselves, such as the beginning of the work of Christ on the basis of the book of Daniel and the decree of Artaxerxes.

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