Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


David Wilkerson

The Holy Spirit prompted me to read Genesis 12, where the exodus of Israel from Egypt is described.

On the door of every house of the Israelites was the blood of a lamb, on both doors and the lintel. This was to protect God's people from the passing angel of death. When that day came, a multitude of Israelites came out of captivity, including 600,000 men plus women and children. "On the very day that the time was passing, all the hosts of the Lord departed from Egypt" ( 2 Genesis 12:41).

In the next chapter I stopped at verse 3 where it says: "It was the Lord with his strong right hand who brought you out of there" (13:3). God's people were delivered only by the power of the Lord, not by human efforts.

David declares, " God is my fortified stronghold; he leads me safely through life. He has stretched out His hand from on high and seized me and brought me out of the watery abyss. He has delivered me from a dangerous enemy, from those who hated me and were stronger than I. . . You are a shield to all who trust in You." (2 Samuel 22:33,17,18,31).

Our faith and strength may falter, but in our moments of weakness God has given us wonderful promises to renew and strengthen us.

Beloved, do you believe that our God is strong? If He is strong, then no power can stand before Him. Therefore, entrust everything into His mighty hand of strength and power. He will open the way. Above all, believe His Word: "You heard me in the day I cried out to you, and you strengthened my soul greatly". (Psalm 138:3)

God bless you!

Updated: 14 April 2017 — 08:50


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  1. I keep repeating Jesus, my Lord, guide me every minute and second, from everywhere we hear about the approaching war, and I am not afraid, because I know that the Lord is my strength, let us not pour fear into our hearts, let us rejoice and be glad, because the Lord is with us and will not let His servants be harmed. Physical death and suffering is nothing compared to the destruction of the soul that the evil one wants to do to us. Sometimes I think that death for the name of Jesus, for faith in Him, is a real honor. When I listen to the supposed "prophets" of the end times who say that we should prepare ourselves, make provisions, etc., a warning light comes on, after all, if they have the Lord, why do they need any preparations and human efforts, Faith and prayer are the only weapons we need 🙂 I thank the Lord Jesus every day, that He pulled me out of the darkness, repaired my relationship with my husband, healed me from my addiction (I used to do drugs half my life, I've been through rehabs and other therapies, and He with His power pulled this burden off me). His strength and power is unfathomable and wonderful, Praise the Lord!!!!

    1. Praise the Lord Jesus

      1. Because He's great!!! 🙂 🙂

    2. Deer dear ❤ write your testimony for the edification of us all and for the glory of our wonderful God.
      Greetings in the love of Christ?

      1. I hope that my testimony will be useful not only for people with addictions, but also for women who have the spirit of Isabel - now I am aware that I was under her influence and how much she messed up my life, how she desecrated my body, the temple of God. Jesus pulled me out of the spiritual swamp, now I see how much He fought for me and knocked for a long time before I woke up to life :) Glory to Him forever, Jesus is my Lord <3
        I just ask for a little guidance on where to put such a testimony once I have written it all. Sending you warm love in Christ's love <3

            1. fęk ju verified fly.
              The fly doesn't sit still 🙂

              1. Nothing will be hidden 😉

  2. Sarna-May the Good Lord bless thee .

  3. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    0 (us) + infinity (God) = infinity

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