Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

WAT on secret mind control weapons. Weapons of directed energy.


The topic is brought closer to the new age by NTV, yet there is much truth there. The topic of directed energy weapons is no conspiracy theory. You can find this topic on government websites:


Below, a magazine specializing in militaria also writes about it:



  It is forecasted that the budget of the entire program (directed energy arms) necessary to finance all six projects will not exceed the amount of PLN 400 million, and their implementation period will be from 6 to 10 years from the start of the program.,1,7326,aktualnosci-z-polski,systemy-uzbrojenia-w-zakresie-energii-skierowanej


In the video below it talks about how such a weapon can: disrupt sleep, kill a person at a distance, make him say things... Brón energy directed supposedly already got into the hands of criminals and developers.


Here are some interesting facts about BES:


If the projects are successful, we will shoot photon beams instead of bullets - says in "Puls Biznesu" Ryszard Kardasz, president of Przemysłowe Centrum Optyki and PIT Radwar.

The new electromagnetic projectile weapons will be usable both in peace, war and transitional conditions. In case of peace, the weapons (especially incapacitating ones) can (after adopting appropriate legislative solutions) be used by uniformed services, especially the Police, to control aggressive individuals/crowds during mass events (...). Such weapons do not cause damage to health and their effects are felt only during direct exposure. In transitional conditions these weapons will be able to be used to fight terrorist actions, for example in case of taking hostages by terrorists/aggressors -.reads the assumptions for the project "New weapon systems and defense in the field of directed energy" published by NCRD.


How easy it will be to fight Christians, although I suspect the rebels to the system will go first.

How does it work?



Freedom of speech will soon be eviscerated....


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  1. These criminals sold out to the devil will stop at nothing...

  2. A project specifically designed and orchestrated for the NWO to direct the people, and the main intent is to control the agrarian Euromuslim peoples after a complete process of Islamizing half the globe and implementing a one world government....

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      I can already imagine what the "tribulation never was and never will be" predicted for the end times in the Bible will look like.
      A similar project that involved controlling human minds and behavior was HAARP.

  3. off topic someone is very defamatory about your blog online type in youtube

    1. i.e. a man sick with hatred. He specializes in vilification. This is his life's purpose. He realizes himself in this. Greetings.

      1. They would be ashamed, there is so much wrong in this world and they score Christians.
        That's just a mole job.

    2. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      "Woe to you when all men praise you. For so did their forefathers to the false prophets." (Luke 6:26)

  4. Hello everyone. I have been visiting and contributing sometimes to this virtual church for two years... maybe longer - I don't know. Today I would like to ask for your prayers for my friend's mom, as well as possible financial support. If anyone can and wants to, I will provide links where you can read about the case. Thanks to all of you for being here and greetings in Jesus Christ.

    or here

      1. Thanks on behalf of a friend and his mom.

    1. I will pray for his mom to recover 🙂 May God support them with His help 🙂

    2. Of course Luke we will help you. We are also glad that you are with us 🙂 May the Lord protect you and keep you from evil. I am interceding for Mrs. Halina with God almighty...may our Dad take care of her.

  5. It reminds me of the movie "War of the Worlds" from 2005 with Cruise. At the beginning aliens in machines that came out from under the ground (demons) shot at people with a laser beam and whoever got it turned into a pile of powder. Now we are in the final stage before the Tribulation begins, where electromagnetic waves are wrapping the world. Cell phone masts are everywhere, on the roofs of public buildings like schools and on blocks or tenements. Cell phones and other data-based devices disrupt human functioning and cause cancer. In this world of Satan, there is nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide. Masts and high voltage power lines crisscross the world. Cell phone masts are even placed in mountains like the Tatras. That is why God will destroy the earth with fire. He has to do it. Every month I feel the tribulation coming more and more. In fact, I feel the tribulation every day. It is the conviction of people that everything is wonderful, everyone is busy, that this is how it should be, that this world is one and there will be no other. May a new Earth be created as soon as possible.

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