Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Do not shy away from coexistence with one another."

"Do not abstain from conjugal intercourse, except by common consent and only for a time to devote yourselves to prayer. Then resume cohabitation, lest Satan tempt you by taking advantage of your reticence. (6) I speak to you of these things, not in the form of a command, but with understanding." 1 Corinthians 7.5


Being a former Catholic, I have never heard from the lips of any priest to teach in this way according to Paul's words.

In the world, or system of pagans, there is a saying that is cynical, yet appropriate to this quote:

"Why go eat out when you can eat at home."

The Bible does not wrap marriage intercourse in mystery and taboo. The "Song of Songs" is a testament to this.

The above quote also mentions a trick of Satan. Namely, he sets the stage for abstinence in intercourse to break up a marriage. Paul was not living outside of reality, he was not in another world. His letters were practical in nature. He knew the purposes of the flesh and took a pragmatic approach.

Another further example of Paul's realism is the following quotes from the First Epistle of Corinthians:


" But if they are not restrained, let them enter into marriage. For it is better to marry than to burn with the fire of lust."


In other translations, and this is the Poznan version, it is like this:

"for it is better to enter into matrimony than to die" Warszawska.

Incidentally. You ask me in emails which translation is the best. After reading the Bible for about 5 years I personally think that the Poznań Bible is the best. Catholic, but the best...

Notice how much this translation changes. Many people who submit to religious templates translate it this way:

for it is better to get married than to go to hell.

This is a theological error and overinterpretation.

Corinthians 7 shows that it is better to get married than to burn with lust. We are dealing with two aspects here. The first is a matter of the nature of the flesh. The second is the marital status. Let's not kid ourselves, we live on earth and we are carnal. However, it is the marriage relationship that is the commitment. Outside of the marriage relationship, adultery, that is, the quick breaking of a relationship for someone else, can occur more quickly. Of course, I wouldn't dare pigeonhole all Christians who live in single, cohabitating relationships as sinful. Often these relationships are better than marriage. I do not want to develop this, but in my opinion the fear of leaving the partner causes care about the relationship, the partner. There is a fashionable saying in life, about which I wrote several times:


"a woman thinks her fiancé will change after marriage, and her partner thinks his fiancée won't change, and they are both sadly mistaken."


That's the way it is, a woman feeling her husband's dibs changes for the worse, but that applies to a non-Christian relationship. A true Christian relationship, not a religious one but a biblical one, gets better every year. It goes through storms, but after these tribulations the muscles of this one body that is marriage are stronger and stronger.


In summary, "Do not shy away from fellowship with one another in order to  Satan will not tempt you by taking advantage of your reticence."





Updated: 7 February 2017 — 09:07


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  1. Kzn 9:9 Enjoy life with your beloved wife after all the days of your miserable existence he has given you under the sun, for this is your share of the life and hardship you have endured under the sun.

    As to entering into marriage. Our minds are warped by earthly church doctrine. In the Bible a woman becomes a wife when she first has intercourse with her husband. Then she becomes his wife before God.

    No weddings:
    James 5.12 " Above all, my brethren, swear neither by heaven nor by earth, nor by any other oath; but let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no," lest you be brought into judgment."

    1. As in Norwid in one of his poems:
      "yes-yes, no-no, no chiaroscuro." 🙂
      As for getting married, of the two evils sometimes and civil is necessary 🙂
      (e.g. tax settlement or other taxes, possible visits to the hospital in case of illness or after an accident, possible inheritance or succession etc.) 🙂 🙂 I will be happy to help you.

  2. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    "And if they are not in control of themselves, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to be embittered." (New Danzig Bible) - also a great translation in my opinion.
    A very wise article, and one that speaks to completely unaddressed issues in the general misconception that simply thinking about intercourse (even with one's own wife) is a sin....

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      "It goes through storms, but after these compressions the muscles of this one body that is marriage get stronger and stronger." You put it very well Peter.

    2. I like this article, too 🙂 I do.

    3. For me, the New Danzig Bible, for the most part, hits the mark when it comes to translation.
      And the text is great Peter, as usual.

      Peter, have you ever broached the subject of death?
      I recently had a conversation with a Catholic nt and I'll be honest, I'm a little confused.
      The Catholic approach to this subject is nowhere near the Bible. That I know. But I have some doubts myself.
      The NBG translation says that we fall asleep and go to the Land of the Dead where we await judgment. We have no consciousness. But how does this relate to the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. One ended up in Hades (where he suffered) and the other in Abraham's bosom. Then how is it actually? The subject is close to me, my grandmother passed away. Can anyone elaborate on this?

      1. P.s.
        no more need to explain 🙂
        The DŚ guided me 🙂 .

        Praise the Lord!

        1. My understanding is that the parable is about eternity, and the dead have no consciousness. How did the Lord lead you?

          1. I would also like to know- I also had a funeral in the family some time ago, and also my grandmother 🙁 (from my mother's side)

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