Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Great meme 🙂 As for preaching a different Gospel , it is true , there has been a lot of this hypocritical teaching lately . People preach that by grace they are saved once and for all and that all their sins are nailed to the cross even the future ones and it is enough that they "believe" ...veritable Sodom and Gomorrah 🙁

    This is all contrary to the truth the Savior preached. What's more, they teach that water baptism means nothing until we realize that the commandments have been abolished. This is another lie of Satan.

    Sadly, those who teach this way are none other than jesusbezreligion and and the worst part is that they have an incredibly large "take" 🙁 But what's the wonder since they preach such a sweet Gospel, sweet only to those who like sin. There is no fooling themselves.

    There is a Post on my profile that I wrote them what I thought about it... Of course I was attacked by a pack of wolves (their supporters) 🙂

    I pray for these poor lambs who sadly flock to their hypocritical teachings. I am sorry to write so much, but it hurts so much that they have thousands "under them" .

    May the Good Lord draw out as many of those lied to as possible .

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      In the end times people will not be able to stand sound doctrine and will follow false teachers. That's exactly what Jesus said about it, and as befits God, he wasn't wrong.

  2. Damian let me ask you a question. For which of your sins did Jesus die? Which ones he nailed to the cross. And if you were to invoke the sacrifice of Jesus - standing before God - which sins would you want to be covered with his Holy Blood? And for which ones would you accept responsibility yourself? Which ones are no longer covered by this sacrifice?

    Or put another way - where does God's Word teach - that by learning the TRUE Gospel you will never commit sin again. Even in thought?

    I'm curious about the answer.

    1. for occasional sins.
      The Lord Jesus told the harlot - go and sin no more.
      But let Damian have his say

      1. I sin daily by my lack of patience despite my prayers to God to take the anger away from me. It dawns on me that I will not be saved.... It's certainly not an occasional sin, there are times when I don't lose patience for a few days only to explode out of helplessness even worse at the end.

        1. anger is not a fixed sin like onanism, smoking, alcoholism, vindictiveness, etc.
          Scripture is clear: be angry, but do not sin.

          1. But I sin because I yell, curse sometimes, slam doors. I would like to make excuses that I have everything on my mind myself, etc. but thousands of people have a lot on their minds and can control themselves at critical moments.

            1. Besides, it is lack of love. Although the sun doesn't set on my anger, I yell, the pressure subsides and I forget about the whole thing (choleric) but the person I exploded on may remember it for a long time. So what if I apologize when not everyone has such an explosive nature and not everyone understands that this anger is temporary and ends with the outburst? It hurts other people and is selfish. I should be shedding my old nature in favor of a gentle one, but it's not working out for me at all. Unfortunately. Hence, I think it is a constant sin.

              1. i.e. fight, everyone fights and the dirtier someone was the more fight they have.
                Fight, don't give up is not a disqualifying sin. God knows your heart.
                I myself was angry and asked God. Now it is rare a great rarity, but I still pray for the eradication of this swine.

              2. "Let all bitterness, exultation, anger, uproar, insult - along with all malice - disappear from among you. (32) Be kind and merciful to one another! Forgive one another, just as God has forgiven us in Christ.
                Ephesians 4:31-32

                1. " another." Paul wrote to the converted, and in my case no one is converted but me, which makes it very difficult to fight my anger. I don't want to put the blame on myself, because I often explode inappropriately to the situation, but just as often I am provoked or offended because of my faith in the Lord Jesus. I can't get a word in edgewise, because someone interrupts me and makes fun of me for being in a "good cult" and "a bunch of freaks" until my screaming drowns out everything :/ I have given such an anti-testimony more than once and been driven to total anger. Avoidance is not there either as I would have to cut myself off from my family....

            2. Paul wrote about the fruit of the Spirit. This is against the fruit and so you are in the nursery of faith 🙂 .
              You came out of your crib as a baby and now you're rebelling . Probably if you were a man you would have kicked many a man's ass 🙂 .
              I don't know a single person that Jesus took away ALL their sins at once in one day.

              1. Right Peter.
                NN I understand - I struggle with the same thing, for the same reasons. I ask the Lord daily for love, patience, wisdom, self-control, etc. Day in and day out. Every day - I take a deep breath, every day I bite my tongue, every day ... But I fight, I suppose that you also do it, because probably after such an outburst, you feel sad and angry with yourself and your own powerlessness. That is the whole point, to give this powerlessness to the Lord. Even when I feel anger rising in me, I ask the Lord to take it away. I always hear in my head, be willing to listen and not to speak, curb your tongue, etc. Emilia I will pray for you because I know exactly what you are going through. In Jesus Christ our strength!

                1. I used to be like that too I was an impatient person I know it was God who changed me by giving me two makes perfect 😉 .

                2. Thank you, I will return the favor 🙂
                  For me, it's the other way around - kids make noise and sow "destruction" which makes me feel more confused and more easily angered 🙁 .

    2. Mr. DukeR 🙂 Come on Lord there is One - at the top.

      "Where does the word of God teach - that by learning the true Gospel you never commit sin again - not even in thought ?"

      Please write me where I wrote such a thing ? Why are you putting something in my mouth that I didn't even think of and NEVER said let alone wrote....

      Let me explain to you as simply as I can, and oh and please do not twist this message and burden me with something I did not write.

      They teach: "the irreversibility of salvation". , this is inconsistent with Scripture which says quite the opposite, well unless I am thinking then correct me according but according to the Bible only.
      They teach that: "baptism is not valid until you realize that God's law no longer applies to you", this is also contrary to scripture, and if I am wrong correct me according to God's word (the Bible).

      They teach: "that it is forbidden to use soap on the Sabbath, that it is forbidden to carry anything from point A to point B". I would very much like to know where this is written, because it is certainly not in the Bible.

      They teach: "that you don't have to FEEL because you are clean forever" Where does it say that ? I think it's in the newspaper GoWithTheTruth 🙂

      The new born has all sins forgiven and those of the future will also be forgiven BUT under the condition that there is a struggle with sin, with the orderliness of the flesh, there must be a turning away from the old nature, we can no longer SPECIALLY sin but we must NO longer want to sin. Falling away from the habits of the old nature is different from continuing to sin SPECIFICALLY. If there is repentance then God is faithful and will forgive us our trespasses (so the Bible says) but if you do not want to fight against sin and do not fight then.... woe.

      Why are you asking me;
      "Which sins would you want covered by his holy blood?" A question that has nothing to do with my statement, because I didn't mention anything about such a reference for you to ask me such a question but I will also ask a question.

      It is we who can choose the sins that can be covered ? In this life or after the resurrection ?? I have never heard... I did not write anything like that and it is not supported by the Bible so I do not understand why you asked me such a question.

      And I won't answer the rest of your questions because they have nothing to do with my comment, something you obviously misunderstood or for some reason offended you, or you want to put me to the test, and if so, please write openly and directly (what I wrote contrary to the Word of God)

      And to the question:
      "Which ones does this sacrifice no longer include?"

      For if we sin voluntarily after we have received the full knowledge of the truth, there is no longer for us an atoning sacrifice for sins, but only some dreadful expectation of judgment and the heat of fire to consume the adversaries. Whoever transgresses the Mosaic Law suffers death without mercy on the [testimony] of two or three witnesses. Think how much more severe the punishment will become, whoever tramples on the Son of God, and defiles the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and insults the Spirit of grace.

      To NN Understanding:
      Sister, don't ever think like that, because as long as there is a fight against sin and hatred of it, there is victory. God will take it from you and I believe he will take it from me because I have a big problem with it too.

      1. Damian 🙂

        You wrote quote: People preach that by grace they are saved once and for all and that all their sins are nailed to the cross even the future ones and it is enough that they "believe" ...veritable Sodom and Gomorrah.

        So I drew a (perhaps erroneous) conclusion from this - which led to my questions. Since it was implied above that you do not believe in salvation by Grace - I asked the logical question - how will you be saved. Since you are still sinning and Jesus died for your (not all) sins. And if not for all of them - then the next question is for which - and following this logic you have the complement - why these questions. If at the end you say that He died for all our sins - then don't be surprised that you could be misunderstood.

        Of course it is known that whoever deliberately continues to sin has not come to know Jesus and is not under Grace.

        Understanding to teach who is under Grace and who is not - also requires that God remove the scales from our eyes and ears.

        I don't know all the teachings and quotations you cite when you write "THEY TEACH" - but in listening to or reading the above I have not seen any condoning of sin - instead I have seen many "wishful" interpretations of these teachings - which based on out of context sentences - present it this way.
        Even considering sentences like "they teach that soap cannot be moved" - I am able to sense the irony in this sentence without seeing the rest of the text.

        "They teach that you don't have to REPENT." Hmm, what is repentance if not turning away from a particular sin? If someone repeatedly commits the same sin - and does penance - is that really penance? Or self-justification?

        By the word atonement many people mean other practices in general - so perhaps you have also understood it in these teachings contrary to the intention of the authors?

      2. Damian.
        I fully support you and your statements.
        First words of the treatise "On the Imitation of Christ" by Thomas Kempis pdf
        It's exactly what they say and it explains the whole essence-key to the Word of God.
        The only possible Divine interpretation

        To the ancient Romans, the letters XP were a sign of Christianity.
        X P is a symbol derived from the first two letters of Christ's name in the Greek alphabet.
        X = chi, P = rho

    3. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      "where does God's Word teach - that by learning the TRUE Gospel you will never commit sin again. Not even in thought?"
      This is not an argument that you can sin at will now. You are suggesting with this question that since Jesus gave our lives for us and we accept his sacrifice we become like "super humans" perfect and without blemish, of course we cannot categorically commit sin.
      Jesus' sacrifice is similar to an antibiotic. When you catch a disease from external causes the antibiotic is able to get you out of it.
      But just because there is such an antibiotic doesn't entitle you to completely disregard your health anymore by eating unhealthy greasy food with dirty hands, drinking alcohol, and rolling around in the snow in a t-shirt afterwards - because there is an antibiotic 😀 .

      1. yet
        So these three examples of demons in the gospel will also be saved by so-called grace
        as I've written before

        The three-fold example in the NT where the demons worship Jesus, the three-fold presentation of their (demons') faith along with the confession of the Son of God in public, which I understand to be counted as justification?
        Does this mean that demons will also be saved? (based on Paul's formula)

        1/ Example Mark 5:1-17 (Matthew 8:28-34 , Luke 8:26-38 ) legion of demons inserted into swine in possessed
        Mk5.6 "6 When he saw Jesus from afar, he came running, RETURNED TO HIM 7 and shouted in an uproar: "What do you want from me, JESUS, SON OF THE Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me!"

        2/ The worship of the demon in the temple in the possessed body Mark 1:21 - 28,,
        Mark 1.23 "23 There was just in the synagogue a man possessed by an unclean spirit. He began to cry out: 24 "What do you want from us, Jesus the Nazarene? You have come to destroy us. I know who you are: the Holy One of God." 25 But Jesus commanded him sternly: "
        3/ John 18:6 in the Garden the demons in the cohort of people who were to apprehend Jesus
        18.6 "6 Since He therefore said to them: "I am," they REFUSED and fell to the ground. 7 Again He asked them: "Whom do you seek?" And they said: "Jesus of Nazareth."
        This was not an accidental stumble as a result of backsliding! It was a sign of respect before the Son of God as in all three examples.

  3. Good thought, from God's conversation with Cain 🙂 (I think so-I don't know if I'm guessing right, but something similar was said by God at the time)

  4. A little off topic entry about the weather. It was pouring today and pouring mercilessly and it was just when I was supposed to go to work. I thought for a few minutes and I was wet as a mouse. I got down on my knees and asked God in a humble prayer to stop or reduce the rainfall by at least half for those 15 minutes so that I could get to work relatively dry. And what happened? I went out and after a few minutes the rain just disappeared and my mouth was laughing all by itself 🙂 SZACH mat atheists 😛

  5. Where is it written that onanism is a sin, please provide a biblical verse.

    1. ooo I see I hit a sensitive spot, hence the emotional comment above.
      Anno already provides a substantive source:

  6. Let's establish one thing at the outset:
    Of course, if someone justifies by God's Word that he wants to sin - will sin - and enjoys sinning - can we say that he knows Jesus? That the Word of God is leading him? It doesn't matter if this man tells himself that Jesus will save him from all his sins. Because does such a person have faith in his heart? It is not for us to judge. Although the Word of God speaks specifically about those who, having come to know Jesus, deliberately sin. And these can rather be lined up with those about whom it is written, "And on that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord! for undoubtedly they will also call out to Jesus in this way.

    Jesus' statement is clear: "Go and sin no more." There is no mention of occasional sins - much less condoning them - so this is, in my opinion, over-interpretation or wishful thinking. For what is an occasional sin? Forgetting oneself? That you are a child of God? Is it even possible to justify forgetting?

    Logically If Jesus dies for my sins until I repent - then I have 2 options - either He saved me from ALL sins - and future ones - or I kill Him again with each sin - and He dies again for my "occasional mistakes" To have His sacrifice re-constituted. Alternatively, after each occasional sin, I renew my acceptance of Jesus as Savior - because the previous one was untrue - after all, I did sin - Isn't this kind of thinking reminiscent of the Sunday wafer and mass in the KRK? And offering Jesus nonstop?
    For how can you even say that Jesus died for MY sins up to the point of conversion and a few occasional sins committed later - that just sounds absurd.

    If Jesus' death is not the Gospel of Success - not the Gospel of Grace, not the Gospel of Joy - then what kind of Gospel is it? The Gospel of RIGHTEOUSNESS? The gospel of works? What did we have before without Jesus? - Well, this is a mystery - Saved by the Law - Jesus comes and dies - so what? Nothing has changed for those under the Law - they didn't even KNOW Him. Isn't it puzzling?

    I still don't understand - and I haven't read anywhere - what the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross gave to those who keep the Law? If the Savior had not revealed Himself, would it have made any difference to people under the Law? Would it have made any difference? Well, unless Jesus raised the bar. It used to be that sins could be taken away with the imperfect sacrifice of Aries once a year (ALL). Now there is the Perfect Sacrifice of Jesus - it's just a shame that according to many it's a one-time thing - I accept it - I sin and bye bye .... (unless occasionally) - not a bad Perfection of that Sacrifice from which comes greater condemnation than before the coming of the Savior. No matter how you look at it - GRACE is not what I would call it.

    1. Jesus freed us completely from all sin because the Law in the ST was imperfect and only showed people before the coming of Jesus that they were sinning and doing wrong. God wanted to teach them and show them what to do and what His will was. By accepting Jesus into our hearts we also put His Law into our hearts. It is simple because we are simple people 🙂 .

  7. ROME
    I 7-9

    those who by


    They strive for the glory and honor of immortality,


    but those who seek recognition for themselves and
    are opposed to the truth,

    and they will meet with wrath and revenge.

    Yeah, the strain and the pressure will fall on everyone's soul.

    1. Exactly so: "but those who seek recognition for themselves and oppose the truth"-that is, they know the Truth, that is, those who have come to know Jesus because they sought Him and let themselves be known by God but sadly turn away from Him and prefer "the world" and what it offers and continue to live as if they did not know Him...They return to other people to be considered cool to the world.

      God knows the heart of every man. We cannot judge because we do not know what Jesus knows and sees. We do not know the circumstances of the emotions that drive someone. What we see with our eyes is insufficient and superficial.
      It is a known fact that a TRUE CHRISTIAN will reject sin from himself, will hate it as Jesus hated it, will abhor it, and such will be saved. Not those in appearance, and that is that. We cannot consider man in the category of what we see when it comes to salvation because it is spiritual and we are carnal because we live in this world.

    2. "But exhort one another daily, as long as that which is called 'today' lasts, lest any of you become hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ, if only we hold fast to the end the confidence we had at the beginning" Hebrews 3:12-14


  9. Do you know how to recognize a sect? The sect preaches the words of the Bible that where 2 or 3 gather there I am among them, but in reality they do not gather, in addition they bark at the neighboring churches that there is no God there, only here on the forum, Jesus will come at 9 a.m. or he will wait until 12 p.m. when 2 people gather in the chat room, and on Saturday he will not come to the sect because there will be no one here, and do you know what Jesus did on Saturday? He did not lie on the couch like you.
    But he who knows how to do good and does not do it sins.
    James 4;17

    1. Anna, where is it written, in what dictionary, that a sect is characterized by the fact that they preach gathering in 2-3 people?

      I recommend a real definition:

      Can a Christian woman use the word "bark".

      You don't understand the message, but that's not your fault. You've been indoctrinated.
      There are Godly people and deviants in every church. From my blog, many people have ended up in churches, so your comment is not only misguided but immature and emotional. If you are a Christian, i.e. consider yourself one, then repent of your behavior as soon as possible and let go of anger, bad thoughts, hatred, etc.

    2. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      Anna, Jesus is where His followers are.
      I don't think Jesus is paying attention to the number of people gathered in His name, but rather He is paying attention to those who are walking the path that He walked 🙂 .
      Of course, it's great if more people gather on this path, but as he announced a small handful of people will be hiking on this path when the wide road has whole crowds marching to their doom....

  10. Admin I know what disqualifies a person from salvation,I also know the 2 new commandments of Jesus,but nowhere do I find the sin of onanism.Where in the 10 commandments is it written that you can not do this?
    Should a woman who has no assurance that her child will be saved bear children?
    The Lord said in Matt.7-13-14 that most people go into the eternal fire? What is the point of giving birth to children - people predestined by God to be killed? As He says in Rev.9:15
    I have two children and at this moment I know that they will be tortured by fire for all eternity.
    If I had known this from the beginning I would never have let any guy in.
    there is no point in giving birth to corpses,

    1. Life is a gift from God; a woman is just a "subcontractor" of God's will... 🙂

      "I am the resurrection and the life;
      He who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.

      And whoever lives and believes in me will not die forever.
      Do you believe this?" John 11:25

      1. Andzelika why are you evading the question I asked you and Emile?

        1. I don't evade; it stood written 🙂 .
          I believe in God the Father and in the Son of God.
          Two people.

          1. But is Jesus Christ God according to you?

            1. It's there too 🙂 .

              For Him
              and through Him
              everything was created...

              "In the beginning was the Word,
              and the Word was with God,
              and GOD WAS THE WORD" John 1

              1. OK, so Jesus is the only God and there is no other, no Jehovah etc etc etc

                1. You're not going to "kill" me with the view of the JJ on Jesus.

                  However, on the logic of Peter; I cannot write what you expect.
                  If I believe,
                  that Jesus is the Son of God
                  and is not also God the Father
                  it can't be
                  "the only one."

                  Consider the meaning of John 17:3

                  "And this is eternal life, that they may know thee the only true God
                  and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."
                  And the whole context...

                  1. You think carnally. How can Jesus and God be you alone. It goes beyond logic. You want to examine God with a glass and eye as one would judge a human being, and that is the Creator.
                    30 years ago if someone had told me there were phones where you vibrate a number on some tiny 5 inch monitor I would have considered him an alien.
                    God became incarnate in the flesh of man, hence he is the son of God.
                    As for the legal basis:

                    Jesus is God

                    Angelica now I know why you feel good about salvation com e on.

                2. I'm leaving the house, I'll be there in two hours, as if that's what it takes 🙂

                  1. bdb. talk to Jesus.

                3. Why are you trying to fight me and deliberately attributing me to belonging to some controversial group?
                  Am I scattering the sheep of our Lord here, or am I continually promoting the virtues of knowing the Scriptures?
                  I don't judge anyone based on how they understand the unity of the Father and the Son.
                  "Understanding" is given to us in advance, and everyone has - as much as they have 🙂

                  I propose in a separate post an analysis of Psalm 110, especially these words
                  "The Lord said to my Lord:
                  Sit at my right hand,
                  until I put thy enemies as a footstool under thy feet!"
                  Mat.22:44, Mar.12:36,
                  Acts 2:34-35,
                  I Cor. 15:25

                  Who is saying this to whom and why?
                  I encourage others to discuss, including those who are silent.

                4. I was struck by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in John 18:5
                  There we have definitively shown that Jesus is God and the Book of Testimonies testifies to this.

                5. To Lena
                  John 18:5
                  A matter of interpretation, the whole context:

                  - Who are you looking for?
                  - Jesus Nazarene.
                  - I am (implicitly Jesus the Nazarene).
                  - If you are looking for me let the other people go.

                  I don't see it there: I am God.

                  1. To angelica
                    Well, maybe you don't see it, but the DWA made it clear to me.
                    Besides, later in verse 6 it is clearly emphasized I am.The evildoers hearing I am will retreat and fall to the ground.
                    And from the ST we know exactly who the Self is.

                6. How is the interpretation of the verses I have given going?

                  1. Andzelika you have been banned a few times already.
                    I haven't had the time, which is evident by not writing comments, but I guess I'm the only one who still puts up with your online taunts and now there are the guardian views.
                    If I have time, I'll write you Monday or Tuesday if you don't show your peculiar culture

                7. Peter!
                  You started the topic today, not me.
                  No one but Rafael is blocking me.
                  The view of the watchtower or any other publication does not apply if it contradicts Scripture.
                  Am I quoting from the watchtower or giving verses for analysis from God's Word?

                  If you have the Warsaw translation, check that the verses given are from the references to Psalm 110:1.
                  Thank you. Good night.

                  1. Andżelika your nickname itself indicates a rebellious character.
                    Unfortunately you are presenting the views of Jehovah's Witnesses. A God who never existed, because that is not how the Jews spoke of God.
                    You say you believe in binary. And this is like witnessing.
                    So DS is not a person, ok just how can energy because that is what you of the guardians call DS grieve?

                    " And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with which you were sealed for a day "

                    According to such thinking, electricity as energy can get sad.

                    Since you are a provocateur and not born again as befits a watchtower or ex-watchtower I give you arguments ready for SJ beforehand:


                    And there is no other.

                    As for calling others per god. The septuagnite refers to judges as gods in the psalms.
                    However, just for "I am" the Jews wanted to beat Jesus.
                    Get back to your own Angelica. This is not a blog for everyone. It is not an ecumeny.
                    When I say Lord Jesus come, I do not mean an angel as SJ says.
                    Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. The psalms refer to one Lord. There are not two.
                    I don't want to change you. Just leave this blog.
                    Live your life the way you want and may God watch over you.

                8. Angeliko 🙂

                  "My Lord and my God" (confession of Thomas J.20

                  "God revealed in the flesh" 1 Timothy 3:16 (Danzig Bible and KJV)

                  "For a child has been born to us, a Son has been given to us, on His shoulders rests power.His name is called: The Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty GOD, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace" Is. 9:5

                  God introduced Himself to Moses "I AM THAT I AM" - how often the Lord Jesus used this phrase in relation to Himself. Scribes and Pharisees perfectly understood what he said, so they accused him of blasphemy and therefore decided to kill him (this was the punishment for blasphemy in the law of Moses).

                  The verses cited are a small part of the arguments that support that JESUS IS GOD.

                9. At "I am" they stepped back and fell to the ground.
                  God was the Word. The Word came to His own, but His own did not receive Him.
                  Lord Jesus: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those who were sent to you, how many times have I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling!"
                  From memory quote: "You call me Lord and Teacher, and you speak well..."
                  "...before Abraham became I Am."
                  "Do not be afraid, I am."
                  From John 17: 12 As long as I was with them, I kept them in Your name which You gave Me, and I guarded them, and none of them perished except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled; 26 I revealed Your name to them, and will continue to reveal it, that the love with which You loved Me might be in them and I in them."

                10. The name JESUS means YHWH IS SAVIOR. (Name John - YHWH is gracious)

                  1. and Jesus saved. Short ball.

    2. Sorry to butt in, Anne...
      Hmmm... new commandments to be honest I haven't heard. Everything Jesus said is an expansion of the 10 Commandments. And they seem new to us because we haven't fully understood these 10 commandments which must be seen as a moral backbone and the Lord was just fulfilling them, I would say that we were told about the bowels, the rest of the body but as we know everything supports the backbone... Regarding onanism we also have to see the backbone, is it written that I can't kill anyone with an armored knife? Can I not make stabbings on my body with a knife? Well, where is it written about that... We are intelligent people and therefore we have a "template" bible. Onanism is self rape and what does the bible say about rape??... So I can't kill others but I can kill myself 🙂 ?? Because it is not in the 10 commandments... 🙂 Anna please think calmly, after all no one has bad intentions towards you... Regarding children I have two kids myself so let me send you a link I know it may seem complicated and confusing but I hope you will understand if you need anything please write to me 🙂 Regards

    3. anna - as long as they live there is always hope....

  11. the Doe.
    My baptist saved by grace does this a lot-she raises her voice and yells. It's a form of domination, domination and it certainly doesn't come from God. But it is legal - you won't put anyone behind bars for it. It's also provocative, because the other side needs to be kept in line. Boys from a very young age (kindergarten) deal with it with a fight, a punch, etc., which usually closes the opponent's "yell-scream" or other cotton wool. They are simply afraid of the pain they might get in return.
    Women wives are no longer afraid because they will be victims, for which in the Polish and other legal systems they will be rewarded with property from the persecutor husband, a female boxer who will face public humiliation, prison and likely alimony.
    Don't be misunderstood and you like other women know about it and take advantage of the situation. You provoke and of course you enjoy this sin. Everyone likes power.

    If you once felt a slap from the open air and you twisted your leg, you would remember it for the rest of your life, and the screaming and shouting would take your mind off it. To the boss at work, who is superior because of respect and fear of losing your livelihood, you wouldn't dare.
    Watch these lizards in action for the faces of mouthy women in public (street) on youtube at muslims in the west (yesterday I watched them by accident - terrific)
    Unfortunately, many women also lose their health and sometimes their lives because of this 'choleric-arsenic-provocative' nature, because in a guy something can also break and sometimes it can be a coincidence, e.g. he was going to push her away and she fell like a fly and went to the land of eternal sobriety.
    You are simply taking advantage of a devilish situation and sinning with a permanent sin, and in addition you are "polite" or, let's call it by its proper name, deceiving - you are creating a false testimony about yourself that you are such a choleric personality.
    In an eye for an eye system, they'd cure you in a day. One slap, and you'll NEVER get hurt again. This is exactly how boys are brought up from an early age - such a skeleton for screaming, shouting, stomping, domination in decibels, etc.
    You're just boasting that no one's sat you down yet, sister, but you'll get your reward for indulging in dominance at the final judgment.
    How many times have you washed your husband's feet after screaming like that and apologized? I'm listening to
    When did Jeus in his mission enjoy dominating and humiliating others? And could he with a host of angels and the power he had from God the Father.
    To the ancient Romans, the letters XP were a sign of Christianity.
    X P is a symbol derived from the first two letters of Christ's name in the Greek alphabet.
    X = chi, P = rho

    1. I know you have a problem with your wife and I'm sorry, but please don't project that onto my marriage.
      I don't have to explain myself, but let it be my loss: it's rather a situation when, for example, something is boiling, the dog is digging a hole in the wall at the same time, my children are fighting and I kick the cupboard with my little finger. Then I start screaming at the ceiling or I smack something uncensored.
      The second situation is when an Izebel-type person who I have been arguing with all my life, but is my family and I can't separate (take my word for it) comes and makes fun of my every stumble.
      I am not the type of wife you write about and you can believe me as a Christian, I am subject to my husband, he rules in our home as he manages to be in it at all (he is rarely there, such is his job).
      I know my weaknesses and I have honestly written about them and I feel very sorry for you for having such a nag at home....

      1. XP is bitter, and he's probably largely right, but that bitterness clouds the larger horizon. As they say, not every dog is a burro.
        Yes, there is a serious problem with false faith, show piety, but let's not project this onto others who are struggling with sin, fighting against it.
        From what Emila writes, she's fighting it and it's probably a beautiful phenomenon when a Christian/in fights sin.

        1. I've been thinking about this a lot and drawing conclusions. I've noticed that a lot of noise and a lot of things that I have to do immediately (I don't have a lot of divided attention) make me get so panicked. Always before I explode I get into some kind of panic that I won't be able to be in several places at once and respond to several people at once. I try to avoid those situations as much as I can. And hyperactivity is another thing.

          1. Emilka, look, what you've already noticed that you're getting into a bit of a panic is a warning for you.
            When you see or feel something like this happening, automatically put everything aside for a while and call on the Lord Jesus Christ for help, even silently in your mind, and help will come.
            Just don't let your emotions and demons take control of you.
            It will get better each time,don't beat yourself up just cry out for help.For our victory in our weaknesses,then the power of our God is evident.
            Hang in there Emilka ☺ and you can do it, with the kind of God we have everything is possible.❤

            1. Thanks Lenka for lifting my spirits 🙂 I know it is possible, the hardest thing to fight is the sin that has been with us all our lives. Already in school I had my behavior lowered to the level of the worst bullies, because I couldn't concentrate in class for anything. Now it is called ADHD.
              The Lord Jesus took away so much evil from me, so He will take away this too.

              1. Exactly so! Just give God a chance, put it all in His hands and He will find a way. Jesus wants to fight these battles for us, we just have to give Him the signal that we want to do it too.
                Remember what once was does not matter anymore it is in the past now you are a new person in Christ and He will lead you and what is more He will win because He is the Winner of the world. Trust Him and believe that He is able to do it! Let it happen

              2. Of course he'll take
                Emilka dear ?.Think about fasting.
                Ask the Lord in what form and how to fast.This will help you deal with your problems and bring you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.
                Best regards Emilka, I will remember you in my prayers.

          2. I don't understand Admin once wrote about how evil rejoices when we do evil and I personally find it very helpful ? . Lord Jesus had compassion and this is also helpful, knowing that these poor people are lost you have to have compassion for them - this is a very beautiful and pure feeling ? Nothing by force. Don't be provoked! I was recently terribly thrown off balance by my grandmother. I didn't expect such horrible and crude words from a loved one. I prayed for peace, prudence, etc. And the Lord helped me ☺, the day went on, chores came back from school, etc. ? I am very positively influenced by my husband who often explains to me calmly ?

  12. Eurakylon ...get back to me privately. You have my email.
    You're very welcome.

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