Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jehovah's Witnesses a daughter of the CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Compiled and edited by David J. Stewart

       Jehovah's Witnesses are a Satanic organization based on the occult and Freemasonry. Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd degree Mason; as was Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon sect. Notice the Masonic cross in the upper left corner in the photo below ...




Masonic cross used by Jehovah's Witnesses.


Russell and Watch Tower Bible and Society Tor w Greatest at Masonic Center.

The image below is the same scene as above, but without the zoom. 
Notice the Illuminati pyramid. The place where Charles Taze Russell was buried.



Below is a close-up of the inscription on the pyramid above.
This is clear evidence that Jehovah's Witnesses are inseparable from Satanic Freemasonry.



Below: Notice the cross of Freemasonry, the symbol of the Knights Templar. Charles Taze Russell was a Templar!


Below: Notice the Masonic cross in this Freemason's meeting room.




The founders of both "faiths," the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, were of the Illuminati lineage. Charles Taze Russell, who founded Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), came from the Illuminati Russell family, who also founded the famous "Chonks and bones "Society at Yale University. Charles Taze Russell was a satanist, pedophile, and friend of the Rothschilds. In fact, it was the Rothschilds who financed the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses along with other Illuminati bankers, through "contributions" by organizations such as the Rothschild controlled B'nai B'rith (many Polish politicians are in this lodge). This was proven in court in 1922, and one of the key people involved was Frank Goldman, later president of B'nai B'rith. Why did an organization created (in theory) to help people promote the Jewish faith fund the existence of Jehovah's Witnesses? I think the name Rothschild answered that question. Russell was also a high ranking Mason and a Templar. He promoted Zionism and other Rothschild creations.

Read to open your eyes, Watchtower and masons  political prisoner and Christian, Fritz Springmeier



Jehovah's Witnesses a Daughter of the Catholic Church



This satanic community used Catholic sources to write the New World Translation. Westcott and Hort were two former Satanists, founders of the Hermes Club and members of the famous Russian witch club Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy cult.


Dr. Bill Grady said it best in his excellent book:

Wescott and Hort, were a pair of nondescript liberals who openly sympathized with the Vatican, only to become seasoned bred  Jesuit plants."

"To regain its ground in the marketplace, Rome created an elite paramilitary unit that makes Himmler's SS Gestapo look like Sunday school , what historians call, the Counter-Reformation. The infamous Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1534, better known as the Jesuit order ...




It is the most militant arm of papal power to this day. Their goal has been to recover those who have left Catholicism and attack the reliability of the Textus Receptus. They will use any method to regain control including confiscation, treason, torture and murder. The Jesuits will stop at nothing to bring the entire world under the subjugation of the Vatican. The Jesuits' ploy was to encourage Protestants back to Rome. They knew that they could not force every one back into the bondage of Catholicism as long as true believers clung to the pure text. So the Jesuits replaced our Bible with a pro-Catholic reading of the Jerome Vulgate. Once programmed, scholars attacked the pure text, all the while believing they were doing God's service ".

Westcott and Hort took from two Catholic waste sources ( Sinaiticus and Vaticanus ) to produce their own version of the waste Bible, Nestle and The New World Translation Jehovah's Witnesses, written by Jesuit Elders Jose Maria Bover and A. Merkz, followed by Westcott and Hort.

At the front relative to the 1950 NWT version :

"The original writings of the Christian Greek Scriptures, commonly known as the New Testament. The lack of translation of these sacred writings into another language is inspired ... In the Greek text that we have used as the basis for our NW translation is widely accepted Westcott and Hort Text (1881) because of its admitted excellence. But we have also considered other texts in that prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle and developed by the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover and that by other Jesuits scholar A. Merk ... "

  1. * Jehovah's Witnesses used Jesuits and Roman Catholics Manuscripts to assist in the translation of the New World Translation.

Greek Text : The Greek text we used as the basis for the New World Translation is the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text (1881), because of its recognized excellence. But we have also considered other texts, including those prepared by D. Eberhard Nestle, the Spanish Jesuit scholar Jose Maria Bover, and another Jesuit scholar, A Merck. The UBS text from 1875 and the Nestle-Aland text from 1979 cinsukted to update the critical apparatus of this edition. "The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures 1985, page 8.

"In the column to the left of the broadside will be the Greek text edited by BF Westcott and Hort FJ and published in 1881" For clarification, The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures - 1985, page 5.


As we see, the church of Rome murdered some people during the Reformation and convinced others of the various quasi-biblical trends, obviously tainted by the Jesuits. In this way almost every branch of Protestantism is controlled by the biblical mother of harlots.

Because their knowledge of the Bible and conspiracies is quite large, some former Jehovah's Witnesses, as a result of the truth coming to light, started their own small groups and on the Internet their own websites and forums. One example is Mariusz Szczytynski who redirected the fascination of truth-seeking Christian candidates to the theories of non-Bocentrism, after which he became a politician, a councillor of his town, and then the MASTER of his local assembly:

Which is contrary to SJ principles:


Like Jesuit agents, Jehovah's Witnesses become leaders of small groups. They are usually well trained in the subject matter.

The mass of witnesses are being misled by power hungry people. There are more and more testimonies of former witnesses on the internet:


Ultimately, to the witnesses themselves if they read me, I offer a book that has opened the eyes of a great multitude of SJs:


Kryzys sumienia - Klub Książki

Book Description:

The conflict between loyalty to God and loyalty to one's religion.

This book simply shocked Jehovah's Witnesses!

Wa scathing observation of the supreme religious council and its dramatic power over people's lives.

Ahe author of this book was for many years a member of the Governing Body-the supreme authority of Jehovah's Witnesses. While in that position, he witnessed events that undermined his trust in the organization. He experienced what he calls a "crisis of conscience," leading him to leave Jehovah's Witnesses.

W based on irrefutable evidence (often secret documents not available to ordinary Jehovah's Witnesses), this book directly reveals the true face of the organization. Most of the photocopies of documents in the book are unique.

Whe book is considered by most experts to be the most important book ever published on Jehovah's Witnesses. The number of people who have left Jehovah's Witnesses after reading this book is estimated in the tens of thousands.

WNew edition revised and updated. The book is now available in 13 languages.

Dhy is the new edition of Crisis of Conscience worth buying?


PThe previous Polish edition was a translation of the second American edition of this work and was published in 1997. The new edition is based on the fourth American edition, which has been updated and expanded. Since the period between the second and fourth editions of the American Crisis of Conscience has seen some changes in the Witnesses' organization and a number of new directives and publications, the new edition is most timely. The author also cites valuable new sources.

Full documentation

Phe Polish publisher has made every effort to include photocopies of original documents, both English and Polish translations, in the latest edition.

MThis is of great importance to Jehovah's Witnesses who are unfamiliar with old Watchtower Society publications. The scanned originals allow readers to see for themselves what prophecies and statements were made in archival editions of Watchtower magazines and books that are generally unavailable. This is important because current Witness leaders are trying to downplay the issue of missed prophecies or other extravagant pronouncements in the organization's literature.

PA great deal of effort has also gone into finding Polish equivalents of English-language editions of the Watchtower, so that readers can find specific issues of the magazine published in Polish. It is worth noting here that until 1988 the Polish language versions of the English language versions of Watchtower appeared with a delay of many months. Therefore, the person preparing a new edition of Crisis of Conscience had to check the bound volumes of the Watchtower magazine number by number to finally find the relevant article or articles."



One of the signs of leaders of groups of supposedly former Jehovah's Witnesses with their current criticism of the SJ organization is their adamant against Jesus as God incarnate on earth and the changes in Scripture (deleting gospel books, throwing out sound doctrine) causing a departure from sound doctrine.

Remember that the enemy is far more prepared substantively than we are, and only a sincere relationship with Jesus will provide the Holy Spirit's guidance.

By the way, I have noticed that SJs or former SJs bear bad fruit. They denigrate and often have inappropriate language. A few months ago I was talking to elderly female Jehovah's Witnesses. By the way, there is no such God as Jehovah. There is YHWH. We had an argument about the divinity of Jesus, but when we found agreement at the Vatican level, one of the ladies said of her pastor roughly "that son of a bitch...". Here is the fruit of faith.

Former Jehovah's Witnesses are mostly unborn again. They have not come to know Jesus as well as Catholics. So talking to an unregenerate former Jehovah's Witness is like talking to a Watchtower. The difference is only in the criticism of the witnesses themselves, but internally they are unregenerate people of the Spirit.



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  1. The JEW is a quarter of all Christianity. Christianity also claims that the Lord Jesus Christ is not God, i.e. that He is not "THE GOD" but is "A GOD" if you know English you know what I am talking about. Christianity claims that the Lord Jesus Christ is "ALSO" God. And there is a difference because the Lord God is one.
    When the Lord Jesus Christ stated "if ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins," did He mean belief that He was another God, or belief in the IDENTITY of the ONE GOD who announced His call to later generations by uttering the Word "I AM"?
    This is identifying with God, not putting yourself next to the One God.
    "...they will ask What is His name, then what shall I tell them?

    And God said : "I will show whom I will show". And he added: thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM sent to you....

    This is my name for ever and this is my call for generations to come."
    (2 Moses 3:13-15)

    Did he call out to God in this way "for generations to come"?
    The world will say no .

    I will say YES.
    "Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM " (John 8:58)

    "For unless you believe that I AM, you will die in your sins."
    (John 8:24)

    "Even now I say to you, before these things come to pass, that when these things come to pass you may believe that I AM."
    (John 13:19)

    "The Lord Jesus said unto them, I AM. When therefore he said unto them, I AM, they drew back, and fell on the ground."
    (John 18:5)

    "When you exalt the Son of Man, then you will know that I AM."
    (John 8:28)

    1. And therein lies the key: "if ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins. The key to everything.

      By the way (I don't know how it is now) the popes up until the 1960s of our century in their encyclicals clearly wrote Christ = God Most High and One.

      In these old encyclicals you can read really great things, remembering, of course, to take into account some aspects raised, such as the question of who is the Church of the Lord, because there they push the so-called replacement theology ...

    2. Why did you remove Paul of Tarsus? God himself called him to be an apostle to the Gentiles.... Are there still bloggers on the internet who acknowledge the entire Bible? (Except the admin).

      1. Fxx. The Catholic Church has chalked up the doctrine of the trinity from the very beginning. Therefore there cannot be three supreme gods. Lip service to someone by using the title HIGHEST is only apparent when there are other supreme ones besides this "highest" one.
        Think about it, if you told your wife that she was your only one, and you had 2 or 3 mistresses that you would treat de facto equally. This is hypocrisy, the same as all of Christianity, the father of which is (like demoralization) Satan, giving up quickly before being bound in chains and locked up for 1000 years, to his beast (i.e. the historical events described in the apocalypse, right after Satan was cast down to earth) .

        1. The Catholic (or universal) Church is a very interesting institution. On the one hand they can actually present a doctrine that is consistent with the Bible, as we can see in the encyclical of Pisua XII concerning the Church, where the Pope himself clearly states that Christ is the only God. That Christ is the head of the Church, that salvation takes place only within His Church (read: Christ's Church) and interestingly enough the Pope did not mean here the Catholic Church. But this true teaching is only let's say 10%, and it is covered up by everything else in the form of pushing the Marian cult (de facto the cult of asherah or queen of heaven), replacement theology and other dozens of dogmas of human origin.
          So there are two possibilities:
          1* or the CC at some point in history went astray and went almost entirely into derogation;
          2* or the other much worse version, that from the very beginning it is a false church pretending to be Christian and under the guise of Christianity it propagates the old proven paganism

      2. The matter with Paul for me personally is simple to explain. Today we see a media hype (mainly on the internet) to convince Christians to return to the authority of the Torah.
        The whole issue is whether the modern Christian is to keep the Law or is completely free from it. Analyzing Paul's writings we clearly see that the Christian is to keep the Law but the authority of the Law changes.
        The source of the Law ceases to be the Torah and becomes the Law that the Lord puts directly into the heart of such a converted, new man.
        Such a person keeps the Law not because of the authority of the Torah but because a real transformation into a new man has taken place in him. So I do not steal because it is written in the Torah and thanks to this I will earn salvation, but I do not steal because I want to, because I feel this way, because I love the Lord. And here there is a fundamental difference. The positioning of such a person changes - he is lifted from the "curse of the Law", the Law of works.
        And only now does keeping the Law in this way carry real works of faith.
        If we reject Paul then we must return to the authority of the Torah.
        Why do the Jews today say that they do not keep the Law, the whole Law. Even if they observe the Sabbath they still say outright that they don't observe the Law. That's because they don't have a temple. And I guarantee that when the temple is rebuilt they will restore the sacrificial ritual and only then will they recognize that they have come back under the Law. And now if such a Christian recognizes the authority of the Torah then what will he do - he will probably go and offer a blood sacrifice without remembering that the only true, perfect and complete sacrifice has already been offered.
        Do I keep the Law because a transformation has taken place in me or do I still keep the Law because it is in the Torah or Catechism.

        We have the Law, the living Law in new hearts, in new me and not on tablets of stone or scrolls.

        This is my opinion in relation to Paul

        1. The best example of this is Saturday day. "Remember to keep the day holy"; "Remember to keep Saturday day holy"; "Remember to keep the Lord's day holy".
          If one begins to hallow Saturday day then on what motives does he do so:
          - Whether he has succumbed to the influence of so-called Judaizers on the principle of Christ is Christ but the Sabbath and circumcision must for salvation must be;
          - whether it results from a transformation of his heart and he actually keeps that day, which the Lord already blessed at creation.

          All of this is what Paul is writing about.

          1. It's a pity that the cat didn't answer, maybe she is also a daughter only that of the salutary teachings.
            More and more I feel in my heart that the internet is not for me and more and more I see an agenda that ridicules the Bible and God.

            1. I am also increasingly finding that the internet is not for me, but... it is a struggle. If we go away, what's left....

              1. We cannot give them (Luciferians) this satisfaction and end our activity voluntarily. Let us proclaim officially as long as we can.

              2. You have the calling and patience, so I think you won't give it up despite the hard times. Fortunately, women can't teach and I don't have a lot of patience so I can hit the "switch off" at any time 🙂 .

            2. Answer. The Lord God Jesus Christ bore witness to His disciples, especially His beloved disciple, John, whom He made an apostle and a prophet, so John wrote down the Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, commonly called "The Gospel of John," and also personally called by God to be a prophet, wrote down the Apocalypse.
              The Lord Jesus Christ chose His disciples who were different from the people of this world, i.e., those we are dealing with today - i.e., all those who do not serve God. And we had to deal with such people also in the denominational hierarchy. That is why the Lord Jesus Christ was not recognized by the Judeans, but by "THE WORLD". The JUDEIANS (the world calls them Jews) recognized the Lord Jesus Christ, these included the apostles to whom He revealed Himself as the Holy Father.
              "He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he loveth Me; and he that loveth Me, the Father will love him also, and I will love him, and I will reveal Myself to him." (John 14:21)

              "And Jude said, Lord what is the matter, that thou shouldst reveal thyself to us, and not to the world?" (John 14:23)

              Therefore, to the simplest, pure-hearted disciples, the Lord Jesus Christ revealed Himself, but not to the WORLD, for the world cannot know Him, because it does not see Him and does not know Him. The disciples recognized this Spirit:
              "The Spirit of Truth whom the WORLD cannot receive, because it does not see Him and does not KNOW Him; you know Him, because He dwells among you and will be in you.I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU SIEROTHY I WILL COME TO YOU"
              (John 14:17)

              And He did not leave them orphans, the Holy Father, for WITHOUT HIM (without His Holy Spirit) they could do nothing

              "He that abideth in me(the Holy Spirit i.e. God), and I (the Spirit) in him, he bringeth forth much fruit; for WITHOUT ME (without the Holy Spirit/God) ye can do nothing" (John 15:5)

              Whoever does not abide in ME (the Holy Spirit) will be thrown out like a dead branch, and will be gathered together and thrown into the fire, where they will burn. ( JOHN 5:6)

              Only abiding in the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ can give life and only this is the way to the Kingdom of God. Any other way is tantamount to experiencing God's severe wrath on that day when the Lord God Jesus Christ, the Holy Father will judge and act as an Accuser of those who have desecrated His Holy Name.

              If anyone claims that ETERNAL LIFE is somewhere outside of what is written down by the Prophet John, they are totally mistaken and being dragged away from the One inspired Gospel, where God has covered His face with eternal life for those who will seek Him and find it, in His saving work. For only the knowledge of the Lord God Jesus Christ can give life, and only His are works wonderful and worthy of praise and worship, and His grace endures forever.
              And this very Gospel in connection with the prophecies gives one great Testimony and light of eternal life which is found only in one God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

              "SHOUT FOR JOY and rejoice, O daughter of Sion, for behold, I will come and dwell among you, says the Lord Jesus Christ" (Zechariah 2:14)

              "GRIEVE greatly, O daughter of Sion, EXCELLENT daughter of Jerusalem, behold, your KING COMES to you, righteous HE and victorious, gentle, and riding on a donkey on a donkey's foal" (Zechariah 9:9)

              the same in Sofonias

              Rejoice O daughter of SYJON, shout with all your heart, O Israel! Rejoice and shout joyfully with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has dismissed your enemies, the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Israel IS WITHIN YOU, you will suffer no more misfortune. In that day they will say to Jerusalem: FEAR NOT ZION! Let not your hands fall. The Lord Jesus Christ, your GOD, IS INSIDE YOU, THE POWER, HE WILL SAVE! " (Zophaniah 3:14-17)

              and now the final stage of this described by Zechariah. The Lord Jesus Christ made no provision for Baals and Christian gods:

              "Then shall the LORD JESUS CHRIST my GOD COME, and with HIM all the saints.... And the LORD JESUS CHRIST WILL BE KING OF THE WHOLE EARTH. In that day the LORD will be ONE, and ONE WILL BE HIS NAME" (Zechariah 14:5,9)

              The ONE NAME that the world has trampled on and hated - especially Christianity, whose father is the devil, and whose children in this structure worship him by desecrating the name of the Lordskeig. So all the names of the gods who did not create heaven or earth will disappear, and so will all the jehovahs, mother gods, "Christian holy spirits," Christian jesus'.
              Therefore Jeremiah announces disaster for all false gods :

              "Thus say ye of them, The gods which created neither heaven nor earth shall perish out of the earth, and out of under this heaven." (Jeremiah 10:11)

              1. He quotes the only inspired Gospel of John. Well, there you have it...

        2. I couldn't have put it better, beautifully written.

      3. For me, the whole Bible is important 🙂

        1. It is fashionable to establish new canons which shows that God has not kept the pure Word to the end and this is what ridicules God. Someone writing a blog article in defense of the One God (against the so-called Trinity) at the same time knocks down some books. How can you believe in anything if you don't know which books are useful for study and which are not?
          That's why I don't want to read the posts that people link anymore, because all of a sudden when I read them I find that they have any theology they want based on the books of their convenience. I am going to focus solely on Scripture and only read Detective. I waste my time on anything else. Even the polemic with the cat about God the Father the Son and the Spirit I have declined.

  2. Did I already tell you what I said to the JJ after they knocked on my door? No 🙂 I didn't.

    1. Speaking of ways to get at them - I once read that two student friends renting an apartment together were visited several times; for the n-th time these two friends were already quite upset by their coming and came up with this idea: one of them opened the door and, having listened patiently to the matter on which they came to them, shouted to his friend who was in another room: "Vladimir, I think we have two new candidates for the gulag!"; the two "witnesses" ran away from them somewhat frightened and did not appear there again 😀
      Ta-daaaaaaaaaaaam! 😀

  3. This sect ( it's not even a church! ), ridicules Christianity even more than their Vatican superiors.

    1. that was the whole point of ridiculing the Bible reading. They succeeded

  4. The pyramid because Rusell took over from the New Age Adventists the so-called pyramidology, or "science" according to which in the so-called great pyramid are to be encoded the fate of mankind from its beginning to its end.

    1. Error, should be Adventists of the Coming Age.
      And what do Adventists and Witnesses have in common ? The year 1844 in which the Lord was to return. Miller's "prophecy" did not pan out, so Adventists made this the beginning of the so-called court of inquiry in the heavenly temple.
      Future witnesses seized upon the idea of the year 1874, in which the Lord would return invisibly - and this doctrine they maintain to this day.

    2. I am just now researching the subject of this pyramid. Russell was very interested in it and from its dimensions they counted the "times" ("time of trouble" , "time of the second coming"). It was alleged that Melchisadek built the pyramid. The Judeans rejected the pyramid doctrine, which is why I never heard it from them, and they don't even mention anymore that a replica stands on Russell's tomb. This is another false teaching that they are ashamed of. The dates didn't work out....

      1. And that crowned cross logo in the wreath is unused because the Judeans claim that Jesus died on a stake.
        By the way, the whole religious movement went through multiple splits due to differences in beliefs, the way the community was run and probably a lot of dirt came to the surface.
        Many got off the leash... The others, well...

  5. The faith professed by an average Pole is such a conglomerate of opposing values and principles that it can hardly be called Christian, or rather, it certainly cannot.

  6. I once read a great book about the beginnings of Jehovah's Witnesses, about financial scams and a whole lot of unknown but compromising events from their past. For me personally they are a parody of Christianity.

    1. +

      Francis indirectly (ordered to resign) dismissed the Chancellor of the Order of the Knights of Malta because he distributed condoms in Africa. This is probably the first time this has happened because the office is held for life (according to their tradition).

    2. and what church doesn't have scams now ?
      Even Buddhist monks have become incredibly entrepreneurial. At one time, a money embezzlement scandal broke out at one monastery.
      One of the monks went crazy, and after the slip-up he explained why he spent the money, because monks are forbidden to have money. He explained himself in a very interesting way, quoting "the Buddha didn't say anything about credit cards"...

  7. Young people in the broadest sense (spiritually normal) are discouraged from believing in God when they see church grandmothers "burning with love"...

  8. The thought occurred to me to print this article and give it to the witnesses when they visit us or when they are standing somewhere with the Watchtower

    1. They probably wouldn't be happy 🙂

      1. Probably not... but maybe this text will inspire them to check this information for themselves 🙂 .

        1. It would be good if they checked the information from outside the watchtower 🙂

  9. A Christian cannot be conformed to the fallen world, but this does not mean that he has to be "eccentric" or bizarre. He just has to have a firm moral backbone and that is all.

  10. Recently I was doing a day job and I ran into one such lady... She opened the door and started talking about the Bible, I said cool, I can talk, we stood in the cage for a while and then she invited me inside for a while. I crossed the threshold of the door, but I got out of there even faster :D. I was immediately hit by such an energy that I started to feel dizzy, with pictures everywhere, angels, etc. Chaos. Chaos. Then we talked for a while and she came on the subject of God's name, and when she said that his name is Jehovah, it all became clear to me, I ended the conversation and went on. Now I think that I could have put the woman on the right track, but I didn't have much time anyway. And the other thing is that she didn't seem to be open-minded, but firmly stuck to her religious beliefs...

  11. By the way, if C.G. Jung were alive today and if we were to ask him what he thinks about Paul (diagnosis of psyche) he would say 1000% that he was "possessed" by the "Christ archetype". I must say that his (well, not really his because the first foundations were laid by the Theosophists - yes, yes them again) concept of archetypes is deceptively brilliant. The careful observer will note that it was used a lot in the matrix trilogy.
    But this lends itself to a long story

  12. My cousin and her family have been stuck in this organization for about 20 years, but she can't explain, they are seemingly nice and don't idolize, but it's a façade behind which is pride, and as she writes pride walks before a fall.

    1. So I think Satan in this case is letting the bible be known and the cost is the pride of the witnesses and former witnesses....

      1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

        In fact, they have perfect knowledge. Some of them can even remember the page number of some unpopular quotation, which makes a good impression and puts to shame people who often haven't had the Bible in their hands even once 🙂 .

        1. It's not quite like that, what they have learned is what they have and that's all they have. I know what I'm writing because I've been a witness for 30 years, it wasn't until the facts surrounding pedophilia and the affiliation of this so-called organization with the United Nations and the investment of money in armaments plants, blood banks, cigarette plants, and the book Crisis of Conscience really opened my eyes.

  13. I asked a jehovah's witness today before entering amsterdam central station why russell was a freemason and an octoberist, he laughed and said nothing....

    1. For most of them, the truth doesn't matter. They are lulled into pride. Usually it is the lower class, without disrespecting anyone, because I just want to show some mechanism. I don't want anyone to accuse me of categorizing people, I think we all know that we are poorer than someone else. We are not as good as the upper class earning about 10 thousand dollars a month. And here we are around the middle class and only downwards. So in a way we have a common denominator with the witnesses, but....
      We are rich in Christ, in faith, and they are rich in biblical intellectualism. They feel chosen. The famous 144,000...

      1. Yes, but with the 144,000 they have a serious problem because according to their teachings all the places have long since been filled, so logically it makes no sense to continue to be among the witnesses.

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