Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. What is an individual who is the cause of the anger of the servants of Jesus Christ in the sight of God? Ashes that never lived?

  2. "The wrath of the fool manifests itself immediately; but the wise man conceals the insult."
    Proverbs 12:16

    1. Good addition to the topic 🙂

  3. How is it possible to be influenced by Isabel after baptism? She must be the one who's been putting this crap in my head. There's something wrong with me, Peter.

    1. People think that baptism will take care of everything. If that were the case, then all Protestants would be walking ideals, but it is not. In fact, it is worse than that. Many are demonized without even realizing it.
      It is good that God shows you your sins.
      Fasting, prayer, fasting, Bible, prayer, etc.

      1. I wonder if a newborn can be influenced by demons? The answer that comes to my mind is no, but I have come across various teachings by Derek Prince, among others, that supposedly Christians have a demon.

        1. I don't remember the difference exactly, but that is, he may not be possessed, but he may be under demonic influence. The very fact that many people find it difficult to recover from addictions, depression, etc.

          1. But isn't this demonic influence simply temptation? The Lord Jesus was also tempted, but won over the flesh. But somehow I can't imagine the spirit of Jezebel dwelling in a Christian woman. If she was actually born again of the Spirit.

            1. issue in dispute.
              Sometimes there are apparent conversions as well.
              However, it is my current knowledge that the ducj jezebel is in the churches also, and if in the churches then why not in the Christians.

              1. I was fine after my baptism until I started hearing two voices. And it weakened my faith terribly. It wasn't as if something was inside me, it was just the voices, I had a choice, then thoughts intertwined. .. I feel like I woke up from a dream. What a shame.

                1. when you wake up, it means you're on the right track 🙂

      2. Yesterday I prayed and fasted because I felt something was wrong. And today God showed me chicken don't be mad at me... I didn't expect it to be her.

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