Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Tradition or Allah's Law? The former is a false human invention and the latter is God's inspired teaching.

  2. Exactly, you are either a fundamentalist or a traditionalist, except that the latter believe that they alone have found the path of salvation from works, dogma and sacraments....

    1. I don't know, after my baptism I noticed that the attacks on me have intensified. Earlier when I told people to read the Bible they took it lightly, but now they even attack me. In the city strangers say good morning to me, they smile and others look at me with anger. All these situations around me lately are created only to make me sin, to provoke arguments, etc. I feel overwhelmed by this, I cannot handle it alone, so much patience and gentleness is needed.

      1. It's exactly the same for me. But the percentage of crisis/nervous/quarrel-oriented situations has reached its peak. This old nature of mine is the most difficult to fight against, so Satan uses others to provoke me. Unfortunately, he succeeds. The attack from every direction, especially in the environment where you live, is difficult to resist. I pray daily for perseverance and help to "crucify" the old nature... Please be with me Brothers and Sisters.

        1. Nom I'm just praying too. Even if we have a bad week, we have to trust and believe. God wants our good and for us to learn lessons.
          And there were still so many important things I was supposed to do but thank God little by little He will lead me to it all. The Holy Spirit will be telling me everything.
          I have recently come to understand the meaning of the verse, "Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Strong in faith, resist him!" Phew, our God is amazing.

    2. And Francis called those who are fundamelists dangerous people, at the UN in 2015.

      1. That's right, not only are they dangerous, they're completely lifeless in the 21st century....

        1. If we take God's teachings seriously, people can really become very annoying to us, and this is not their own will but an influence exerted on them by the forces of the prince of darkness (of course we are talking about deceived people, but about normal spirituality).

      2. Dangerous may be those who do these bombings in subways, bazaars, stores etc. ...someone's head is messed up :/

  3. What is the Law of God all about? Admin, you've been writing about it a lot lately. Is there any list of laws that must be followed? I am reading, ST and I have learned the 10 commandments that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai, but beyond that I don't know what the Lord expects of me.

    1. In general, much of the Law is contained in the NT. There is no such list. God will lead you to His Law. Seek God and He will show you what He requires of you.

      1. Let us surrender to His Spirit and He will guide us.

        Ezekiel 36

        (26) And I will give you a new heart, and put a new spirit within you, and remove the heart of stone from your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh.

        (27) I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My ordinances, to obey My provisions and to carry them out.

  4. Hey Peter and today I was reading Isaiah this morning and the Lord inspired me with this verse, 28.17″ to be exact

    "Therefore thus saith the Almighty, the Lord, Behold, I lay in Zion a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, firmly established: He that believeth shall not be shaken.
    And I will make law the measure, and righteousness the balance. But the shelter of lies will be swept away by hail, and the hiding place will be flooded by waters."

    And either I don't understand or I don't want to understand how you can reject God's Law, after all you can't live God's way without God's Law, but you also have to know that without Jesus the Law is dead greetings

    1. People make up their own theology and are afraid of the law because the law is strict, and they want to live their own lives without wondering if they are doing the right thing.
      Well from church of Rome to church of Rome change, only Mary is not worshipped.

      1. The problem is that modern man does not want to and, what is worse, does not think of making sacrifices for the sake of salvation and eternal life, because the way he lives (lukewarmly) is simply good for him.

      2. It's true that Mary is no longer honored, but she boasts knowledge, conspiracies, superiority over others, and the authority of a pastor.
        Matze go on fb you will see how easy it is to find excuses and reject the words of Christ.
        Oh, and by the way you will be challenged with Jewry and literalists.
        May the Lord Jesus Christ open the eyes of His children to obey His commandments.Amen.

        1. Sis I am 🙂 (you wished me a happy birthday on Sunday )
          I just don't get it 🙁

          1. Oh see Darius I forgot your dp nickname? Sorry.
            Old age is no joy ☺

            1. And you're not that old, what are people who live to be a hundred and more supposed to say 🙂 😀

            2. That's okay Lenka 🙂
              I've been so infrequent on the blog lately, you were right

  5. There are only two groups of people in the world. One is the followers of Abel and the other is the followers of Cain.
    Abel did the will of God and worshipped God as He required. Cain, on the other hand, worshipped God as he saw fit and thought fit, ignoring all of God's laws and commands. He even went so far as to kill his brother in order to do what he thought was right.
    Abel represents the small group that listens to God, while Cain represents the huge group that decides how and when to worship God, and that goes as far as to use violence to authorize the religion they have created, which only pretends to worship the true God, but is in fact worship of the creature, not the Creator.

    1. True. Only a small minority of people put spiritual needs (relationship with God) ahead of physical needs (worldly happiness).

    2. Thanks for your comment Cupak,very wise in presenting the essence of the problem of listening to God and belonging only to Him.

  6. Read the very important and very interesting text from the series The Paradox of Paul Part 3. Simply REVELUTION. FINALLY SOMEONE HAS EXPLAINED THE SUBJECT OF OBEYING GOD'S LAW PROPERLY AND WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS. PRICELESS! READ AND PRINT:


    1. Thanks. Valuable material. I've passed it on... 🙂 .
      Those who can, will understand...

  7. "And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall say to the children of Israel. Exodus 19:6" - to the Israelites

    "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people, that you may proclaim the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" 1 Peter 2:9 - to the exiles scattered in Ponta, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia.

    Israel is the same or God today

    "Faithfulness and law are the works of his hands, All his precepts are infallible, Established for ever and ever, Performed in faithfulness and righteousness. He has sent redemption to his people, He has established his covenant forever. Holy and terrible is his name." Psalm 111:7-9

  8. But a nicely done meme- fits the theme... well I didn't know Franz had such yellow teeth 😀 too much coffee probably 😀

  9. Do not owe anything to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For the commandments: you shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not covet, and all the others are summed up in this word: Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13

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