Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Japan is far away 🙂 Interesting things are also happening in Poland, we had a visit of Giuliani, Trump's closest advisor (former mayor of New York), on the same day General Różanski, the most important commander in the Polish army, respected by allied generals, the main organizer of the recent exercises "Anakonda", resigned. The reason for his resignation is not very clear (especially that today he participated in a "Christmas wafer" meeting with President Duda, after the meeting he informed about his unexpected decision. I guess something is being prepared? and we beetles, as always, don't know anything. Interesting. I would also like to add that the Americans are deploying their troops in a total of 4000 soldiers in bases near the western border (all the information was in the news today and aroused my suspicions, too many coincidences).

    1. ha, meaning they are implementing the Illuminati card game.

  2. The interior of the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple in Washington, DC.

  3. Dear Friends, I have been thinking so much about the final judgment etc. and I am at the beginning of my journey of faith in the Lord Jesus.
    Have you talked, thought about how God will judge people like Hitler, Stalin, in general genocides, the worst scum that existed or existed and for example atheists, people mocking Jesus, mocking Him or people of little faith.... because, no matter how you look at it, an atheist can be a good person with great love in his heart for another person and so can a person of little faith or people who do not believe that Jesus is the only one but who believe in God because, for example, they think that these are divisions between people and in reality goodness radiates from them.How can this be, because it would be unjust to judge Hitler by the same standard as the individuals described above.
    What do you think ?

    1. It is written that whoever believes in the Father and the Son will not be judged and that without sanctification no one will see the Lord.
      It is God who chooses and seals His servants.
      "(16) You did not choose me, but I chose you and predestined you, that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should be lasting, that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give you." J 15.
      "(44) No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day.(45) For it is written in the prophets: And they shall all be instructed of God. Everyone who has heard from the Father and is instructed comes to me.(46) Not as though anyone has seen the Father: The Father hath seen only him that is from God.(47) Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life." J 6.

    2. "because no matter how you look at it, an atheist can be a good person"

      It can't.
      The term "good man" is a concept that was introduced with the lie of Eden.
      If you look from the Bible, even Jesus stated that only God is good.
      If atheists use the statement "good person" then they are hypocrites. I might as well say that a lion that eats a young antelope in front of its mother is bad and a lion that helps a wounded antelope is good. Atheists clearly admit that they are animals, so how can you say that some animal is good and some animal is bad.

      "how can this be, for it would be an injustice to judge such a hitler by the same measure as the individuals described above..."

      You're right.
      It would be fair for all of us at this point to be cast down to hell for eternity.
      However, God, in all His graciousness, sent Jesus the Messiah to take our sins upon Himself so that a light could shine on us in the darkness.
      This is fair, yet gracious at the same time. It would be unfair if God ignored all the conditions He gave. And by the way, why did you list Hitler or Stalin as the worst scum? How many times a day does an ordinary, grey person hurt another person? An alcoholic who tortures his wife, a man who in all his selfishness thinks of himself, a liar, a rip-off, etc. Such people are the worst, they do not see their "little sins" but look only at the big ones and immediately judge.

    3. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      There are "good" people, but only under favorable conditions, or when they can get away with something in a given situation.
      Christians, on the other hand, are good even when someone gropes them behind their back or plots against them. This is not natural human behavior and reaction. Such "inhuman" 😀 reactions can only be caused by following Jesus, who did just that 🙂 .
      Besides, it's not good behavior that saves us, but accepting our Savior's sacrifice 😉 .

  4. This is a normal phenomenon, one of the types of clouds occurring under exceptional atmospheric conditions in certain climate zones of the Earth, at least according to meteorological knowledge 😉

    1. However, it is worth noting that it looks quite unusual, so someone who might not know that such clouds exist, might get a little scared 🙂 .

  5. Pentagon's message on the security of Europe. The military emphasized the role of NATO's eastern flank:

  6. Black, black clouds are gathering over our country:(
    The only hope is prayer, the Savior's love and His promises.,nId,2322920#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome

    1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

      Jesus foresaw this course of events, which is why He told us about the narrow path leading to salvation and the broad road leading to perdition.
      I used to be irritated by such messages, but now I know that it simply cannot be otherwise....

  7. There are really many kinds of clouds that you don't even know exist, and I recently read about a kind of cloud that I had never heard of or rather had never seen before e.g. Mammatus or Undulatus asperatus

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