Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I know that goodness does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh. For the desire to do good quickly comes to me, but not to do it.

"I know that goodness does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh. For the desire to do good comes quickly to me, but the performance does not. For I do not do the good that I want, but I do the evil that I do not want." Romans 7:18


When I was born again I began to see fellow believers as saints on earth. Yes in God's eyes we are holy, but not sinless. After that came a sobering moment. Some of the people using the Bible turned out to be Pharisees fluent in the Scriptures, and the other part grew in the Spirit.

I think pride is the determinant here. The truth is regardless of the degree of knowledge, each of us is a sinner. There is no person who is not one. If someone considers themselves sinless, then they are not a Christian. Throw the first stone if you think you are sinless. Someone may maliciously think, "I wonder if the admin considers himself a sinner". Yes, I consider myself a sinner. No one is born again and immediately becomes a new article of manufacture. Yes, some sins go away right away and without our requests. Some go away after we ask, and some may not go away for the rest of our lives. The main thing is to fight against sin.

There has been a video like this circulating on the internet for a few years now indicating who will be saved and I agree with it:


He is a Christian who is a sinner and recognizes his sin, abhors it, and resists it in his heart when he feels it.

This is why the Lord Jesus said :


"blade in the eye You see your neighbor, but you cannot see the beam in your own" 


You are not a Christian if you feel no sin. I remember when I was a Catholic like other so-called believers who did not practice. I often said: I do not sin, and I was miserable in my behavior.

Now I can see for myself those false Christians who cannot see the beam in their own eye but see the speck in others. This is most evident in the comments, where there is ill will, show-off, and manipulation. That's why I'm glad we have a community of mostly justified sinners on the blog. It means we acknowledge our own sick condition.

Ask God to wash your filth and you will see if you are so sinless. One who feels no sin is an opponent of Christianity. Only Jesus was sinless.







Updated: 11 December 2016 — 10:08


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  1. The closer I get to God, the more I see my sins and imperfections and I know that only the Lord has the power to change me.
    But it is I who must submit to His guidance.Not my ideas, however good they may be.Just listening to what I have to do,to do what the Lord wants me to do.

    1. Sometimes it overwhelms me, but it's supposed to hurt.
      we should be ashamed of ourselves.
      Now it is fashionable to cheerfully baptize the saved by grace, hulaj dusza nie piekla.

      1. Yes it is supposed to hurt, but after that pain comes solace, joy and the peace of Christ, which no one can take away from us.
        No matter what difficulties we may be going through, He is always close to us.
        Just like he said he will never leave us or forsake us.Glory to our Lord Jesus!

        1. First God, through His Holy Spirit, shows us our sin, then He forgives us and washes us of our guilt, then He gives us the strength to fight against that ever-recurring sin, and finally He completely frees us from any inclination to that sin.
          Our task is to repent and ask for release. If we show sincerity and humility, the LORD Himself will act and we will become more and more like HIM every day 🙂 .

      2. I agree with you 100%

  2. Firing hurts. But it is a step forward.

  3. I concur with these conclusions as well.
    Sin is meant to make us feel disgusted.
    If someone boasts that they are sinning they need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 🙂

  4. A church roof collapsed in Nigeria:

    Coincidence? God, probably can no longer look at these blasphemous "temples".

  5. Thank you in the name of Jesus for this text 🙂 I think that pride of knowledge and overconfidence of being under Grace is what loses Christians, and instead of leading to repentance, it can strengthen in sins that one does not see, like the proverbial beam in the eye, which is why we are not to trust in ourselves in the first place, Then God's Spirit in us makes us watch at every step to see if we sin in anything, shows us our own sins, our actions, and does not make us focus only on other people's sins.

  6. Are all men children of God? And the viper tribe?

  7. Beautiful and pertinent words!!! 🙂

  8. What a cool video 😀 well shown.

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