About 4 weeks ago, I saw a man among my friends on Facebook who took the action of doing 22 push-ups for 22 days. I did not really know what it was about. Then, about a week ago, I noticed another old acquaintance declared participation in this action. A few days later she nominated her friend.
I don't know much about the hidden purpose, it may have already been written about somewhere on the US site, but I want to present how I see it.
For the very first, let's look at what the action is:
On polska-zbrojna.pl website we have description and source of the action:
“Every day, 22 veterans suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) commit suicide, according to a study. To draw attention to the disease, which mainly affects servicemen returning from combat missions, the U.S. military has launched a media campaign. For 22 days they do 22 push-ups. The action is also joined by Poles, including major Piotr Jaszczuk, our editorial colleague.
It is not known exactly when the action "22 pushups for 22 KILL challenge" It was the first time that it came to Poland and who was the first to start practicing. - I was nominated by a colleague from Szczecin. He was also nominated by someone, so it is hard to say who was first in Poland," says Lieutenant Jacek Zebryk, a soldier serving in the Veteran's Center. The lieutenant has been doing 22 push-ups for 11 days, and he posts the videos on his Facebook profile. - I want everyone suffering from PTSD to know that they are not alone. I also want to tell Poles how serious Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is. If left untreated, it leads to death," emphasizes Lt. 呕ebryk."
What's notable about this action, I think, is that these soldiers aren't praying presumably Catholic, they're just doing push-ups, as if those push-ups send energy to disadvantaged soldiers with PTSD. Where is Jesus in all of this? On December 24, everyone will celebrate the birth, but of a god. Not God.
Since all Poles are Christians, maybe it is better to pray for these soldiers for 22 days. It guarantees a greater effect.
The strange coincidence of 22 days of push-ups and 22 days of prayer for missionaries.
Yesterday I received text messages with the following content:
"Please pray for the 22 Christian missionaries who, as has been happening for the past year in Ethiopia, have been sentenced to death. Now it is the same in Afghanistan. The sentence is to be carried out this afternoon by Afghan Islamists. Please pass this message on as soon as possible so that many people will pray for them."
It was first sent to me by Kesia. I began to think how good it is for us, and somewhere in the world people are dying in the name of Jesus. However, after a while something told me: but where did you get such information? So I asked Kesja this question. She answered that from the Baptists in Gizycko. She must have been intrigued by my question, because a moment later she sent me an sms saying that she had asked GPC (G艂os Przeladowanych Chrzesciajn) and it turns out that there is no such action at all... One big bluff.
After a while I received several more text messages from other brothers and sisters with the same content. I could be wrong, but to me it seems very clear. Well, a thought occurred to me.
But before I write what I think of the action itself about the 22 supposed missionaries, I will give by way of introduction how I see the near future.
My sense is that we are living on the threshold of the Great Tribulation. Trump has all the makings of an antichrist. Even some of the so-called Christians like the gun-toting Chojecki are fascinated by Trump, and Kowalski is already full of praise.
The phenomenon of Trumpomania may be imminent.
I don't know if we are reading this part of the Bible correctly:
"Then the Wicked One will appear, whom the Lord Jesus will crush with the breath of His mouth, and overturn [by the very] manifestation of His coming. 9 His appearance will be accompanied by the work of Satan, with all his power, among signs and false miracles, 10 [acting] with all deception toward iniquity of those who perish because they have not accepted the love of the truth to receive salvation. 11 Therefore God allows deception to work on them so that they will believe the lie, 12 That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have taken a liking to iniquity." 2 Thess.
We all expect fireworks, supernatural events, when in fact the signs have been on the ground for a long time. It was the same with September 23 a year ago. Waiting for a comet, and here's Franko in the US. Seemingly just... I'm not saying on 100% Trump is the antichrist, but he has all the makings.
Here are the signs:
Are there signs? ....
Additionally, Trump will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old when he is sworn in.
On election day 8/11/2016 at 9pm I wrote, about Trump winning. Not because it was a certainty, but because he just had almost no chance.
Here's a headline in an American portal after Trump's victory:
"The wonder and significance of Donald Trump's victory"
Surprisingly some of my Christian friends support Trump.
" For false messiahs and false prophets will arise and work great signs and wonders to mislead, if possible, also selected." Mt 24
Yesterday I also spoke with Grazyna, a devoted woman to God, who said she had a dream in which some people came to check if she had a Bible at home.
We are an interconnected system of vessels and who knows if God isn't letting us know this way what is to come. I have slowly stopped believing in the rapture before the WU. Not because of weak faith, not because this dogma is wrong, but it is my gut feeling and logic. If we are raptured, who will testify of God? Apparently two witnesses. That is not enough for the whole world.
It seems to me that we are going to be slaughtered like the Israelites in Egypt.
Let's go back to the text message campaign with the 22 missionaries.
As we can see it is a bluff. A false action. The question is why. One thing that comes to mind is the catching of Christians under roundups during the reign of the antichrist. I may be floating my thoughts too much, but that's my gut feeling and the facts as above. Additionally, there is the Pokemon Go game. If anyone has watched the Death Games or heard about it, then you can elaborate further.
Conclusion on action.
Don't believe mass text message or email campaigns. Check your information.
Lately, I feel that Christians are the most naive people in the world.This is due to an idealized idea of faith. The life of Christians is devoid of life wisdom, as if it were a complete denial of the Book of Proverbs.
I may be wrong in my observations, but I'd rather write about it than have people on my conscience.
Behold, I send you out as sheep among wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. Be on your guard against men! They will judge you and scourge you in their synagogues. They will even bring you before governors and kings for my sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. When they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you should say.
There are two possibilities. Either this is the real antichrist or a trap like Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, etc.
one thing is certain: we should not get involved in any political initiatives
What about pro-social activities, i.e. activities in non-governmental organizations, local associations, etc.?
I'd like to know too, because sometimes I wish I could get involved in e.g. helping others... :/.
The 2 Thessalonians 1-9 you quoted is about Babylon - the Vatican.And that antichrist is the pope, because he is the one who exercises religious power over mankind with the complicity of
secular power. It has been so for centuries and it is so now.This is evidenced by ecumenism. Nominal Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism are all under the control of Rome. One who knows the history of Rome knows who Paul writes about in his letters. Besides, all the great Reformation scholars pointed to the papacy as the deviant Babylonian church.
Your view, Anne, is one of several views of the apocalypse.
The Bible says: the antichrists were already many. In Paul's day.
So there's no telling that he'll be from Rome
Regarding Rome, the Bible informs us that the harlot will be destroyed and shows us the criteria that define a harlot. After her destruction and the smoke of the fire, the world will still exist because communities and "kings of the earth" will see the smoke of her fire.
Only then may we learn who the antichrist is, perhaps by the fact that he will want to take both religious and secular/governmental power into his hands at the same time (introducing one government and one religion). This may be the pivotal moment for understanding God's Word (the seals from possible conjecture and interpretation will be uncovered - in the logical sense: seal these words until knowledge grows).
Looking at what is happening in the world, if a false messiah is going to appear it will be in the system that the Vatican has created and is now creating. This is all one big analogy to God's Messiah which is Jesus Christ and the temple system. Just as there was a High Priest in the Temple of Jerusalem, so now the Pope considers himself a High Priest, Paul VI even carried the Koshen with him.
He was the last of the popes to be crowned king of the world with the tiara. In the 21st century, after 9/11, popes are increasingly renouncing their high position. Benedict has given up the tiara even in his coat of arms, not to mention Francis who wants to humble himself as much as he can.
The question is why are they doing this? Perhaps they are waiting for someone to come to take their place, just as Christ took the place of the High Priest in the Temple in Jerusalem with his supremacy over the whole world and his warning to everyone that whoever does not believe in him will die. Satan wants to do exactly the same thing, but he can only threaten our earthly lives.
The demolition of the two WTC columns marks the opening of the gate for their god, who will come as a false messiah, his supremacy encompassing the entire world. Many messages indicate that this is very close.
The new WTC 1 tower built on the ruins of the old ones is exactly 541 meters high. The Hebrew word Israel is 541. America (the beast from the earth) are doing all the work for the beast from the sea to make it possible for the whole world to receive the messiah.
To better understand why this happens I recommend Walter Veith's lecture.
one thing that surprises me is that there are no comments after Trump's win from both Pope and AD7.
So interesting ie, WTC in the US and maybe Antek in the US will show up
New York City has been and continues to be called the gateway to the new world and the capital of the world, so the entire world theater of end times events is taking place there.
I found another tidbit to keep in mind about why world events happen in NY.
Constantine I the Great the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity ( he married paganism with Christianity to form the basis of Greater Babylon) was proclaimed emperor in the British city of York in 306 (666).
When the English took control of New Amsterdam they named it New York in honor of James Prince of British York, the same place Constantine was staying in when his father died, who was there with him.
Can someone explain these cards to me? Did they commission someone to make these cards to make it funny that everything fills out and to mock people or what?
There is also a card about a flat Earth, so maybe the theory came from the rulers of the world and specially NASA prepares the photos?
What is the purpose of this misinformation?
To Cupak.
1 Thank you for the video, I wrote my comment when you previously posted it because it also relates to ecumenism.
2. if it is as you write and a false messiah appears in the system created by the vatican, this too can be linked to the fall of the harlot in my comment above.
I.e., when the smoke of its fire appears, i.e., the harlot falls, then we have two options: the pope rescues himself by fleeing and on the ruins of the world chaos takes over the power of the world, or in the meantime of this fleeing his successor will appear who will take over the power of the world (religious and secular) just from the system which created the Vatican.
Stupidity and bullshit
I share as much as possible Ani's opinion, as that which is clearly indicated by the pages of Scripture, and the spiritual nature of the Vatican institution.
And antichrists plural:
"But every spirit that acknowledges not Jesus is not of God; and this is the spirit of Antichrist" (1 J 4:3).
There were and are a mass of such people on this planet. For example, those who recognize a "substitute Jesus" in the form of the Pope, or do not recognize Jesus at all. A Pope who gives himself the attributes of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
"The antichrist is coming, for behold, now many antichrists have just appeared" (1 John 2:18) clearly suggests that at a time when there were many antichrists, the right one was just coming.
"You know what is holding him back now, that he may be revealed in his own time." (2 Thessalonians 2:6) he (the Vatican) was being held back by the Roman power of the day.
Even if Trump pretended to be a super God-fearing man, he will never achieve 10% the kind of authority that the Pope had and still has over the entire world, not just the US.
Trump, despite his significant support, also has large numbers of opponents, while the ecumenical pope's opponents are a handful. And by spreading the philosophy of ecumenism and throwing away principles in favor of gathering as many sheep as possible, these opponents will become fewer and fewer.
I have been thinking about this and according to me, since these feasts are to be the last, time will tell, it is highly possible to reorganize the existing structures of the serpent in the world, including mainly political-religious. The archetype of the antichrist is Antiochus IV. He was a secular man much like Pharaoh persecuting the Israelites.
We'll wait and see.
You cited a quote:
"But every spirit that acknowledges not Jesus is not of God; and this is the spirit of Antichrist" (1 J 4:3)
This quote applies to a wide range of people who meet his criteria, it is not limited to just one pope (even though most church reformers as well as Protestants were certain about the pope and this was their teaching - but was it true?).
Just as God has inspired us for Christ's work, the devil has deceived them for antichrist's work....
To me, this action of praying for 22 Christian missionaries, gave me food for thought when I received a text message.
I saw this earlier than yesterday and it didn't match what was on fb with the text message.
In the end, I found confirmation that it was a bluff, a fake.
Well done for thinking. We cannot trust everything without limit. The evil one uses our goodness for his own ends
We need to have limited trust, investigate, check(I am not talking about morbid distrust :p)....
Regarding the Simpsons and the Tramp, the case in this material is somewhat different:
By the way, that episode about Trump in "The Simpsons" is probably actually from 2015!I say "probably" because I verified it for just a few minutes, and that's poor/short verification of information :)...The medium of information that is the internet has a lot of advantages, but also disadvantages. One disadvantage is that it is a huge information "dump".
I wrote the above comment without seeing Magdalena's comment, with the video about Trump and Simpson...I understand that the video explains more....
A healthy distance always comes in handy 馃檪
Here's the thing...there are plenty of lies all around in the official media. But a lot of information from sources opposed to the mainstream, isn't true either. Human error is the cause, and probably some of the information is also deliberate disinformation. The only true source of truth is God!
Peter, it would probably be a good idea to remove that graphic with Trump so as not to mislead people. Or correct it in the comments :p
Thank you.
Please 馃檪 I'm sorry.
Thanks super job? To the glory of our God.
Summing up the article with verses from Matthew a masterpiece, this is how we are to behave.
I don't really believe that the rapture will be before the great tribulation either, but it remains to be seen, we are to purify ourselves, sanctify ourselves and bring the truth to our neighbors.
Contrary to what you might think, I guess the rapture before the Great Tribulation is not provable on the basis of a single verse. And that strongly makes one think, doesn't it?
Yes, and that's what I'm relying on. The kidnapping theory before the Great Tribulation is a collection of circumstantial evidence.
Nowhere in the Bible does it explicitly mention rapture before.
Not only that, but there will be another problem just like in the film of those messianic Jews 119 ministries.
They think that the raptured will be evil....
It's me again... No one will be surprised... 馃檪 .
"Captured" (?) bad:
"Though it fall by thy side a thousand,
And ten thousand at thy right hand,
You, however, will not be affected by this.
Yes, you will see with your own eyes
And you will watch retribution on the ungodly"
I recommend the entire Psalm 91
"Captured" is not a good term;
more accurate is uprooted from the earth...
It also seems to me personally that the rapture will not be before the Great Tribulation. People who have God in their hearts will be tormented and eventually murdered...How it will be, we may be given to see....
Yes I watched this flimk with this thesis it gives you food for thought https://youtu.be/BioaWexWeu4
I finally managed to watch this thesis of 119 Ministries. The beginning held together and everything seems logical, but the end with leaving the good guys and taking the bad guys makes absolutely no sense.
After all, Lot was taken from a land that God had judged. Same for Noah, God took him into the ark and punishment fell on the land from which he came. The analogy of the virgins - the bridegroom took the wise inside.
"My people come out of her..." In Revelation itself we are told to come out of a bad place. The wicked always left and did not know that judgment had come.
If Jesus will be taking away at the time of His return after the Tribulation it will be the elect, not the wicked....
Well, what about the verse Philippians 3:17-21?
Long topic...
I've already tried to explain this in many commentaries, but I'll just quickly say that Paul writing these words as a native of Israel and also being among the first Christians was hoping to live in heaven along with the 144,000 - the firstfruits to God and the Lamb (Rev. 7 and 14).
The rest of the saved will inherit the earth.
The wicked of the earth will be exterminated.
I don't know why such a simple scheme of salvation remains misunderstood....
But what land are you talking about? About the 1000-year kingdom or the New Jerusalem? It's not that simple. Where else is there room for heaven...
Rev. 21:1-5
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first...have passed away".
"Behold, I make all things new."
Matt. 5:18 "Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one dash will pass from the law..."
The earth as we know it and the works of men upon it will burn up (II Peter 3:10), but also the heavens with a crash will pass away, for in them evil has been done through fallen angels.
The 1000-year Millennium will be some sort of transition period in which Christ will teach, heal the nations, raise the dead, and at the end of those days destroy all evil and restore order as in Eden. But it must be something much more wonderful, because it takes longer to prepare it 馃檪 .
Eden was a garden, and the New Jerusalem will be a city state where God will dwell with people....
Gotquestions: What is 119 Ministries?
Note: The following information is based on our overall assessment of the 119 Ministries organization. As with any active organization, this can change dynamically depending on the organization's activities at any given time. The information is correct in our opinion at the time of this writing.
119 Ministries is an organization with Hebrew roots that operates primarily on the Internet, where it actively promotes its theology. The group takes its name from Psalm 119, which deals with the Law of God. The movement believes that Jesus did not invalidate many Old Testament restrictions like dietary restrictions, ceremonial purity, etc. This is a view long rejected by most Christian theologians.
Many of the teachers in the so-called "Hebrew Roots" movement (Hebrew Roots) present correct views of salvation, sin, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. However, they often reject the Trinity. The approach they present forces them, as it were, to consider the New Testament problematically. The clear sense of Scripture is that the Law found its fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ which marked the end of legalism.
119 Ministries claim that clear statements in scripture such as the letter to the Galatians have been misinterpreted. However, this conclusion is based solely on what one is trying to prove. (As we see in every movement whatever, almost everyone is able to prove their point with Scripture-unless they understand it).
The guiding principle of 119 Ministries is to "test everything. ("test everything"), which emphasizes their apologetic-testing stance to promote their beliefs. However, unless a person is upfront that their assumptions are correct, the information provided by this group does not stand up to detailed scrutiny.
Another problem with 119 Ministries as with many "Hebrew Roots" organizations is the tendency to focus on minute details. For example, they determine the exact day or lunar cycle of a biblical festival. Or speculating about blood moons or whether the day should begin with sunrise or sunset. Legalistic overemphasis such as this (Titus 3:9) is exactly the kind of bureaucracy we are supposed to be freed from by a finished work. Such legalism seems convenient because our spirituality becomes a matter of following a "list" from event to event instead of continually submitting to God's will for our lives.
Paradoxically, despite recommendations to observe the entire Torah as currently binding on Christians, most Hebrew Roots (Judaizing) movements indulge in behaviors that for Old Testament Jews would have been gross abuses like having a smoothly shaved face or wearing clothes made of cloth woven from different materials. 119 Ministries is no exception, rejecting the Torah's explicit teaching about not cutting one's hair (Leviticus 19:27 "You shall not cut the hair around your head, nor trim the end of your beard.") as a reference to pagan practices at the same time claiming that eating pork is unclean despite overt statements (Mark 7:19).
There are many questions, things to examine within the teachings of 119 Ministries. Those involved in Hebrews-rooted movements generally have good intentions, and their core message regarding salvation is essentially true. However, their approach to Scripture is heavily prejudiced and cannot be truly sustainable except for those who have assumed their truthfulness from the beginning.
I translated it when I had a moment from gotquestions, out of curiosity who are the ones from 119 Ministries, if anyone finds it useful I'm uploading it, because I don't know if it's possible to add to the Polish page.
There doesn't seem to be any deception.
Thank you for the translation.
I haven't explored this site, but I generally support following the Law, but not the Ritual Law.
A topic for a very long article. I am able to prove the obligation to keep the Law. I probably won't satisfy everyone, but I will show the seriousness of God's Law to the reasonable.
Then there is this page that Kesia provided with the 1050 commands of the Lord Jesus from the NT listed. If this is indeed the New Covenant between God and men, then I think that although grace is sufficient, as we know faith without works is dead, so joining the New Covenant should be followed by good deeds and keeping all the commandments, that is these 1050? The Lord Jesus repeated 9 of the 10 commandments, therefore I do not have an inner need for today, especially to keep Saturdays holy, but I may change my mind.
I have read in two places that the Torah is not divided into ceremonial and moral because it is holy in its entirety with its 613 precepts and a Jew would be offended by dividing it into lesser and more important precepts. I can't comment because I don't know it. Besides, I have only read the entire Torah once and it took me a long time....
For the time being, I am crawling in my faith.
The problem is that we do not have to fulfill these 1050 commandments to be saved. Jesus fulfilled them for us. On the other hand, if one is born of water and the Spirit, he will be led alone to the Law of God.
Not only me but many people wrote that they had some of their sins removed at the new birth even though they did not ask God to remove them. This is how the Holy Spirit works. He removes some and shows some later. Some sins I had to interpret in Scripture, some on the internet, and some my conscience (DS) told me. Likewise with transgression. I would have to be hypocritical to myself, eating pork and at the same time knowing that pigs were the vacuum cleaners of the city and do not sweat and therefore retain toxins.
I'm not imposing it on anyone and I'm not going to chastise them for it.
I can only push away people who do not recognize the divinity of Jesus, who delete the Scriptures, who do not deliberately respect God's Law (mainly the Decalogue) and who do not love their neighbor. All others are brothers and sisters in the faith to me.
We don't have to fulfill anything for salvation, because we can be converted an hour before we die and that's all thanks to Jesus, but we do need to have a signpost on how to act in life. Hence the commandments.
It just happened to me that some sins were taken away from me right away, and some I will call stubborn ones I still have to work on. The Divine Word strongly convinces me of sin. If I am not sure about something and the Word of God does not reveal it to me, I ask other Christians and read their teachings. There is no other commandment as divisive as the commandment about the Sabbath, so I left it for this moment. I do not know what to do, so I wait.
and you're doing the right thing.
You can see that you are seeking God and God Himself will show you everything, not any website or priest.
Oh, then I see that Emilia and I are on a very similar page regarding the Sabbath, we see it similarly. The link with the 1050 Commandments of the Law of Christ from Kesia was at least really helpful to me here, as was that translation above warning against 119 Ministries, for which I also thank you in the name of Jesus (they had already seemed suspicious to me). And that Fruchtenbaum article linked by Adi that I translated was also helpful, also thank you.
I got text messages about these missionaries from Aldona and Diana yesterday and I was fooled... Overall, this article brings up so many issues that I have to sit down and sort it all out....
Yesterday I received a letter from Agnieszka and Diana and I forwarded it to Jack, Lena and Zdzisio, so someone did a hapening, well it's a pity that such false actions appear. But you can never have too many prayers, maybe it will help other oppressed or imprisoned Christians that we do not know about. Greetings:) With the Lord God 馃檪 .
Exactly prayer is never too much?
Now we have learned our lesson and should check the source.
On the other hand, it's good that prayer support requests are going out so quickly, because you never know who needs support.
This is true. Because Christians are indeed persecuted and humiliated in many places on earth.
So even though there are text messages with false information, it does not change the fact that prayer for all Christians is most needed and advisable.
To Aldona
I actually wanted to write you later that it was a fake, but I gave up.
I got it from 2 people, including Christopher, so I decided to let it go. But well done Lenka you write, we tested the line, it works great 馃檪 .
Whether it's Trump or Killary I wouldn't believe them even if I asked them the time. It seems to me that at such high levels of power there are no coincidences, and Trump is very pro-Israel so he is definitely in someone's favor. And as for the antichrist, John writes that he will come in the midst of FALSE/RELATED miracles (depending on the translation). John lived and wrote in the 1st century and if people of that time saw today's technology they might have taken it for witchcraft or miracles. Airplanes, holograms on buildings, wireless communications, etc. Also the miracles agree in my opinion but whether Trump is the antichrist, well time will tell. I personally do not believe in the rapture and consider it a doctrine for cowards because if Christ suffered how much more will we. The key will be the appearance of the two witnesses and it is them I am waiting for.
"And as for the antichrist, John writes that he will come in the midst of FALSE/WONDERFUL miracles (depending on the translation). John lived and wrote in the 1st century and if people of that time saw today's technology they might have taken it for witchcraft or miracles. Airplanes, holograms on buildings, wireless communications, etc. Also miracles agree in my opinion but whether Trump is the antichrist, well time will tell."
Good point, and that's why I was thinking of it when I wrote about signs understood differently
I'm not sure if it's a blue beam project or not... :/
Whatever the case, I'm not worried...
Rev.5 And one of the Elders says to me:
"Stop crying.
Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah was victorious,
An offshoot of David..."
Hallelujah!!! 馃檪 馃檪
Peter, with trump it's a fake, the episode was from 2015, not 2000 as someone misspelled on the internet.
Which doesn't change the fact that in a 1999 episode (available on youtubeE) of Bart to the Future, hillary clinton congratulates president trump.
I'm sorry in advance that I put this here. This is not my text, but I borrowed it from fb from my brother in faith Arkadiusz.
Chronological list of Catholic dogmas
inconsistent with Scripture.
The dates given at the beginning of each paragraph are approximate in some cases.
320 - Under Emperor Constantine, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Then many half-converted pagans entered the Church, who continued to worship the pagan Queen of Heaven (Isis, Diana, Kali), but under the name of Mary; they celebrated pagan feasts under Christian names; they continued to worship images, statues and idols, but under the names of saints (martyrs), e.g. the cult of Dionysus was transferred to St. Dionysius, and the cult of Isis to St. Isidore. All this had no support in Scripture, which Rev. W. Zaleski openly admits when he writes: "In the New Testament we have no testimonies confirming the veneration of images. "1 God's commandment forbids such worship: "You shall not make any statue or any image...worship them or serve them" (Ex.20:4-5). The Lord Jesus instructed us to worship God only in spirit and truth, not through objects made by human hands (John 4:23-24). Sometimes this is justified by saying that sacred objects only symbolize God, but the pagans who worshipped them also believed so, yet God called their practices idolatry (Is.44:9-20).
321 - Constantine the Great, whose family worshipped a sun god called Sol Invictus, when he began to preside over Christian councils, exalted the pagan sun holiday, Sunday, by a special edict: "On the venerable day of the Sun [venerabili die Solis], let officials and townspeople rest, while all stores and workshops should be closed. "2 Professor Alexander Kravchuk aptly observed: "It may be said without exaggeration that the edict of Constantine is in force in most countries of the world up to the present day; for this ' dies Solis' is, of course, our Sunday. "3 The name Sunday in some languages (e.g. English Sunday, German Sonntag) still refers to the worship of the sun. In the first centuries Christians celebrated the seventh day of the week - Saturday, according to the fourth commandment of God (Ex.20:8-11). In time, many stopped doing so (especially in Rome), but not for theological reasons, but to avoid persecution directed against the Jews, who were known to keep the Sabbath holy, so the Romans confused Christians with them. The second reason was the popularity of the day of the sun among the pagans, whom the Church wanted to win over at all costs. Yet still in the fifth century a Christian historian wrote: "Although all the churches throughout the world have a service every week on the Sabbath, the Christians in Alexandria and Rome, on the basis of some ancient tradition, have ceased to do so. "4
431 - The Council of Ephesus renamed Mary from Christotokos, meaning "mother of Christ," to Theotokos - "Mother of God. "5 This title is inappropriate because it implies that Mary gave birth to God, whereas a human being cannot give birth to God - a creature cannot give birth to a Creator. God's Word says that Jesus "though He was in the form of God" denied His divinity (Phil.2:6-7) and was born as a human being. And just as His human nature had no father, so His divine nature had no mother! Significantly, Ephesus, where this dogma was enacted, was the worship capital of the Queen of Heaven, Diana. Pagans erected shrines to her along the roads and placed images of her in their homes long before these customs were associated with the worship of Mary.
500 - The clergy of the Roman Church began to be distinguished by their dress from other believers, although previously they had dressed like government officials and therefore like the rest of society.
508 - The first Catholic king of the Franks, Chlodwig defeated the remnants of the Visigoths, allowing the papacy to subjugate almost all of Western Europe. From then on, secular authorities were subordinate to the Church.6 God's prophets have always called such a relationship between the Church and secular authority "harlotry" (Jer.2:20-31; Ez.16:17-19; Hos.2:5) and "abomination" (Rev.18:9). Daniel foretold that this condition would last for 1290 years (Dan.12:11), that is, until 1798. And in fact, the same France whose armies in 508 helped the papacy gain influence over the secular government of Europe, exactly 1290 years later, in 1798, abolished the papal state, inflicting upon it what is called a "mortal wound" (Rev.13:3), and the French Revolution introduced the separation of Church and State, which in many countries of the world continues to this day to the benefit of the State and the Church.
538 - With the Arian Ostrogoths expelled from Rome, Emperor Justinian's decree putting the Bishop of Rome above all other bishops came into effect. Roman bishops claimed apostolic succession from Peter to strengthen their claim to authority over all of Christendom, though the first bishop of Rome was not Peter, but a certain Linus. The apostle Peter was never bishop of Rome. Apostolic succession is pure speculation, which the Bible does not support, and history disputes, because sometimes two or three people have held the papacy at the same time, excommunicating each other, buying or selling the papal throne for money, such as Pope Benedict IX (1032-45), who sold his office to Gregory VI (1045-6). Thus it is impossible to speak of any apostolic succession in Rome.
538 - At the Synod of Orleans, the Roman Church issued a stricter Sunday law than Constantine's edict of 321 forbidding all work on Sunday.7 The prophet Daniel announced that a derogatory religious power would venture into the Middle Ages to change God's Fourth Commandment, the one related to time: "He will intend to change the times and the Law" (Dan.7:25). Cardinal J. Gibbons admits this openly: "Of course, the Catholic Church claims that changing the Sabbath to Sunday was his doing. "8 Commandment IV in Fr. James Wujek's translation reads as follows: "Remember to keep the Saturday day holy. Six days shalt thou do, and shalt do all thy works: but the seventh sabbath of the Lord thy God is: thou shalt do no work therein... For for six days did the Lord make heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; and therefore did the Lord bless the sabbath day, and consecrate it." (Ex.20:8-11).
590 - Early Christians prayed exclusively to God. In later centuries, however, they began to pray and seek mediation from the saints and Mary. But the Bible teaches clearly that the only person through whom we can come to the Father is Jesus Christ: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1Tim.2:5). Jesus Himself said: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6). The words "only through me" exclude the mediation of the living (e.g., priests), the dead (e.g., saints or Mary), heavenly beings, or spiritual guides (e.g., angels). Jesus warned us about other intermediaries: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever does not enter the sheepfold through the door, but by some other means gets in, he is a thief and a robber...I am the door for the sheep" (John 10:1.7).
593 - Pope Gregory I began teaching about purgatory - a place where the souls of the dead suffer until they pay their debt or are redeemed by the sacrifices of the living. However, there is no mention of purgatory in Scripture. Cardinal N. Wiseman, in his lecture on Catholic doctrines, acknowledges this, writing that in Scripture the reader "finds not a word about purgatory. "9 Instead of purgatory, it reads: "Decreed unto men once to die, and then judgment." (Heb.9:27). People will receive reward or punishment at the resurrection, not immediately after death as the pagans believed. The Lord Jesus said: "Behold, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to render to every one according to his deeds." (Rev.22:12).
595 - Pope Gregory I was the first to order repression of Christians who celebrated the seventh day of the week, Saturday, many of whom lived in the Alps and the British Isles, among other places, where the power of the Roman Church had long failed to reach.10
600 - Gregory I imposed Latin as the only language used for worship, even though Latin was not known to everyone at the time. This order was contrary to the Bible, which recommends that only commonly understood language be used for worship (1 Cor.14:9).
709 - The popes, by ordering people to kiss their feet, introduced a pagan custom inconsistent with the teachings and spirit of the Gospel (see Acts 10:25-26; Rev.19:10; 22:9).
787 - The Council of Nicaea allowed the cult of the cross, relics and images of saints, although the Synod of Elvira (306) ruled that "images should not be venerated, nor should one pray before them". By allowing the cult of images and relics, the second commandment of God, which forbids it, was annulled (Ex 20:3-6). However, in order to still agree on the number of God's commandments (ten) the last commandment was divided into two parts, so in Catholic catechisms it does not even have a subject and reads: "Nor any thing that is his". A consequence of this change in God's commandments was the cult of relics and images that continues to this day.
1079 - Pope Gregory VII, who came from religious circles, introduced celibacy, which before then was only for religious. By the 11th century, the clergy had wives and children, as the apostles were also married, e.g. Peter (Matt.8:14-15; 1 Cor.9:5). For Scripture teaches that a clergyman or bishop can only be one who has previously proven himself as the head of a family: "If anyone aspires to the bishopric, he desires a good task. A bishop, therefore, should be blameless, the husband of one wife...ruling his own household well, keeping his children in subjection." (1Tim.3:1-4).
1090 - During the first Crusades, Christians took over the rosary in the East. It was used by pagans to say prayers in honor of the goddess Kali, revered in the East as the Virgin and Queen of Heaven, which is why most rosary prayers are addressed to the Queen of Heaven. The rosary has spread a kind of mechanical prayer, where the praying person repeats the same words over and over again, sometimes and mindlessly, as the pagans did, who were concerned with the quantity of the trowels, not their quality. The Lord Jesus warned against such prayer, saying: "And in praying, do not be many-sided like the Gentiles; for they think that for their many-sidedness they will be heard." (Matt.6:7).
1163 - The Council of Tours led by Pope Alexander III ordered secular authorities to imprison people declared heretics by the Roman Church. Confiscation of the property of the accused was an additional motivation for the secular authorities to imprison and burn at the stake as many of the accused as possible.
1184 - Pope Lucius III claimed a portion of the possessions of those accused of heresy for the benefit of the Church.11 He and German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa ordered the persecution and killing of heretics through secular authorities, marking the formal beginning of the Inquisition as a church-state institution. Church inquisitors handed over those judged to the state with a clause not to put them to death, but this was a hypocritical formality, as they were present to see that the death sentence was carried out, and when it was not, they accused the officials responsible of aiding heretics. The intolerance and persecution born of this union of Church and State was contrary to the spirit of the Gospel. The Lord Jesus and the apostles never imposed their beliefs on anyone, nor did they use force or secular authority to impose their doctrines on society.
1190 - The Church began selling indulgences for sins, even though the New Testament teaches that salvation is a gift of God in Christ and cannot be purchased with money: "For by grace are ye saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves, but is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. (Eph. 2:8-9); "But if by grace, then it is no longer on account of works; otherwise grace would not be grace." (Rom. 11:6). Salvation cannot be purchased because it is the fruit of Jesus' perfect sacrifice, to which nothing can be added. It can only be accepted or rejected. If we could save ourselves from our sins by ourselves, such as by suffering or sacrifices, Christ would not have to come to die for us. Salvation by grace does not negate good works, of course, except that they are the result of accepting salvation, not a means to it (Gal.5:22-23).
1200 - Until the 12th century, baptism by immersion was practiced because only such baptism could symbolize the death of Christ and his resurrection, and the burial of the old man and the raising of the convert. The New Testament word "baptize" (Gr. baptidzo) means "I immerse" (Matt.3:16; Acts 8:38-39). Even today in Gniezno or in southern Europe, where early churches have survived, one can see baptisteries where baptism by immersion was performed. Cardinal J. Gibbons acknowledged: "The earliest form of Baptism was immersion. This is evident not only from a reading of the Church Fathers and early Latin and Eastern rituals, but also from the letters of St. Paul, who conceives of Baptism as bathing (Eph.5:26; Rom.6:4; Tit.3:5). "12 The biblical prerequisites for Baptism are instruction in the principles of faith, belief in Jesus, and repentance (Matt.28:19; Mar.16:16; Acts 2:38). An infant cannot fulfill any of these three conditions, so in the first centuries only adults were baptized by immersion. It was not until the Council of Carthage in 418 that children were baptized.
1215 - Gregory VII (1073-85) wanted to introduce ear confession when he became pope, but it wasn't until the Fourth Lateran Council that dogma on the matter was issued.13 Yet Scripture does not contain a single example of ear confession! It speaks of confession of the heart, for which no human mediation is necessary (Ps.51:1-11). It encourages the confession of sins to God, for "everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name". (Acts 10:43). The Lord Jesus taught to confess directly to God, for only He can forgive: "But thou, when thou wilt pray, enter into thy chamber, shut thy door, and pray unto thy Father...Ye therefore so pray, Our Father which art in heaven...forgive us our trespasses." (Matt.6:6-12). The apostles, had they been given the authority to forgive sins would have exercised it, for there was no shortage of opportunities, e.g., when Simon of Samaria committed a sin, Peter, instead of confessing him, instructed him to confess the sin to God: "Turn away from this your iniquity, and ask the Lord if the thoughts of your heart may not be forgiven you." (Acts 8:22).
1215 - The most important ceremony of the Roman Church is the sacrifice of the Mass, that is, the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, which is then offered for sins. The theory of transubstantiation was put forward by the monk Radbertus Paschasius (800-865), but he encountered opposition from Catholic theologians. It was not until the Lateran Council IV approved it as dogma in 1215. According to a handbook for Catholic clergy: "God himself-obeying the priests' spoken words B Hoc est corpus meum ("This is my body")-descends to the altar, comes where he is called, whenever he is called, placing himself in their hands, even though they be his enemies. Once he comes, he remains entirely at their discretion; they move him from place to place as they please, or they may, if they wish, enclose him in the tabernacle, leave him on the altar, or remove him outside the church, or they may, if they so choose, consume his body or give him to others as food."14 According to the Catholic catechism, during the Mass "the real body and blood of Christ are offered, not their symbol. "15 The dogma states that "the Mass is a real and literal sacrifice offered to God. "16 However, this contradicts Jesus' last words: "It is done!" (John 19:30. Scripture says of Jesus' sacrifice: "Having offered one sacrifice for sins once for all, He sat down at the right hand of God, only waiting for His enemies to become a footstool for His feet. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified...and where their remission is, there needeth no more sacrifice for sins." (Heb.10:12-14. 18). The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was perfect and needs no repetition. The sacrifice of the Mass, therefore, is not only unnecessary, but calls into question the perfection and sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice.
1220 - Pope Honorius commanded that people give the host the same reverence that is due only to God (Latin: latria). Parishioners give the wafer such reverence by saying goodbye as they pass by or enter the church, or at the sight of the host being carried in procession. The wafer, however, is the product of human hands, and therefore to give it the worship due only to God is idolatry, contrary to both God's second commandment (Ex.20:4-6) and the spirit of the Gospel (John 4:24).
1229 - The Council of Toulouse forbade under penalty of death all except the clergy to possess or even read the Scriptures, not only in the national languages but also in Latin!17 God, on the other hand, recommended that all believers read, understand, and know the Word of God: "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for doctrine, for the detection of error, for correction, for education in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, unto every good work prepared" (2Tim.3:16-17).
1252 - With the bull Ad extirpanda Pope Innocent IV approved the use of torture and starvation on those suspected of heresy.18 Inquisitors, usually Dominicans, tortured people by twisting and breaking bones, tearing out fingernails, crushing fingers and heads, blinding them, burning them with red-hot irons.19
1414 - The Council of Constance forbade the laity to consume wine during communion, even though Scripture mandates communion under the two forms of bread and wine - both in remembrance of Christ's pierced body and His shed blood on the cross (Matt.26:27; 1 Cor.11:24-26).
1439 - The doctrine of purgatory introduced by Gregory I (593) caused much controversy, but the well-paying indulgences and masses for the souls of the dead proved such a lucrative business for the Church that the Council of Florence enacted the dogma that salvation could be purchased by suffering in purgatory and by sacrifices. Thus, human works (indulgences and sacrifices) challenged the perfection of Christ's sacrifice, which is sufficient to save every repentant sinner (Titus 2:11; 1 John 1:9; 2:1-2). The Second Vatican Council maintained this dogma, explaining: "From the earliest times in the Church, good works have been offered to God for the salvation of sinners. "10 Scripture calls salvation by human works "the mystery of ungodliness," contrasting it with "the mystery of godliness," that is, the Good News of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ: "For by grace are ye saved through faith. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, but is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. (Eph. 2:8-9). The Roman Church's practice of buying indulgences sparked the Reformation and contributed to the rise of the Protestant churches. Unfortunately, it continues to this day.
1441- The Council of Florence formally prohibited the observance of Saturday as a holy day.11 Saturday was still celebrated by many Christians in the fifteenth century (as is evident, among others, from the records of the Council of Bergen22), especially by the Waldenses and Anabaptists, and through them by many Christians including in Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and Silesia.23
1545 - The Council of Trent recognized human traditions accepted by the Church as an authority in matters of faith at least equal to Scripture! And the Lord Jesus said this about unbiblical religious traditions: "Rightly did the prophet Isaiah say of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people honors Me with their lips, but with their heart they are far from Me. But they worship Me in vain, teaching the rules given by men. You have abrogated the commandment of God, and you cling to human tradition." (Mar.7:6-8).
1546 - The Council of Trent added several books to the canon of Scripture, namely: Tobias, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, the prayer of the three young men, and two chapters in the book of Daniel.24 In Catholic editions of the Bible they are called "drugocanonical." To consider them inspired is a mistake, for first, they contain chronological, historical, and theological errors, and second, God's Word warns against adding anything to its content: "To his words add nothing, lest he rebuke you: lest he deem you a liar". (Prov.30:6). Jesus announced: "I testify unto every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: if any man add anything unto them, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book" (Rev.22:18).
1846 - Pope Gregory XVI (1831-46) condemned the idea of separation of church and state in his encyclical Mirari Vos, called freedom of conscience "a pernicious error which brings states to ruin",25 and freedom of the press "a contagious error. "26 Pius IX (1846-78) said: "Doctrines or rantings in defense of liberties of conscience are an absurdity and a most contagious error, a terrible scourge to be avoided like fire. "27 Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) wrote: "It is unlawful to demand, defend, or confer upon men the unconditional freedom of thought, speech, pen, or worship. "28
1854 - Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Not everyone knows that it is not at all about Mary conceiving Jesus as a virgin, but that Mary was born without sin and therefore just like Jesus. Not everyone knows what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is about. It is not that Mary conceived Jesus as a virgin, as all Christians agree. This dogma holds that Mary was born without so-called original sin, just as Jesus was, and therefore that her mother gave birth to Mary in a supernatural way. The implications of this doctrine are serious, for they suggest that Jesus is not the only one born immaculate, as God's Word teaches (Rom.3:23-24). Mary was a model of purity and obedience, but she was not without sin, for all men are born in sin (Ps.51:7; Rom.3:10). Mary needed a Savior, so she said: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior" (Luk.1:47) and offered the sacrifice instituted for sin (Leviticus 12:7-8; Luke 2:22-24).
1870 - Pius IX declared the dogma of papal infallibility, de facto equating the pope with God, since only God is infallible. In this way, the papacy fulfilled another element of biblical prophecy foretelling a derogatory power that would persecute people in the Middle Ages, introduce a union of church and state (Dan.8:11), try to change God's commandments (Dan.7:25), sit in God's Church (2Tes.2:2-12), divert people's attention from Christ's sacrifice and from Christ's mediation, and turn it to their sacrifices and to human mediators (Dan.8:11-12), ascribe to themselves God's attributes such as infallibility or the right to forgive people's sins (Mk.2:7). The Bible calls this power "antichrist." The word "antichrist" (Gr. antichristos) means one "who puts himself in the place of Christ." This is the meaning of the official papal title Vicarius Filii Dei, meaning "one who stands in the place of Christ." This title in Latin has the number 666, and according to Revelation the number of the name of the Antichrist was to be 666 (Revelation 13:18):
5 1 100 1 5 1 50 1 1 500 1 = 666
1950 - Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of Mary, elevating her worship as "Advocate" even though Scripture says that "the only Advocate between God and man" is to be Jesus Christ (1Tim.2:5). The Apostle John wrote: "If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, who is righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins." (1 John 2:1-2). The Lord Jesus warned against other intermediaries: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever entereth not in by the door into the sheepfold, but by another means geteth therein, he is a thief and a robber...I am the door for the sheep" (John 10:1.7). The Vatican has been preparing for years for another Marian dogma, this time about Mary's complicity in the redemption of mankind (Latin: Coredemptrix), even though Scripture says that the name of Jesus is the only one by which men can be saved (Acts 4:12). Many Marian dogmas have been influenced by Marian apparitions, but apparitions can be devilish deceptions, since according to Scripture the devil can easily counterfeit the figure of the dead, Mary, an angel, and even Christ: "And no wonder; after all, Satan too takes the form of an angel of light. No wonder; for Satan also takes the form of an angel of light, and no wonder if his servants also take the form of servants of righteousness. (2 Cor.11:14).
Thanks for the dose of interesting knowledge!!! 馃檪
I personally don't care about such stupid actions, I don't know what the said 22 pumps are supposed to do to anyone? I don't know what it's supposed to do to anyone. If it did, I'd pump 200 for you every day 馃槈 Piotr is right, it's better to pray. What bothers me more and I can already see it on my micro scale i.e. on my fey profile is the already mentioned trumpomania. See how the very victory of this guy influences people, especially Christians! I can see it among my friends, Christians, who are actually delighted with him and it scares me! How little it takes to fall away. And this is only the beginning of the SURVIVAL. How many more will fall away and be deceived? Unfortunately, but many. For my part, I thank God for this blog, for the fact that I was able to join it, get to know you, shape my worldview and strengthen my faith in God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The times are coming my dears that we will be considered extremists, fundamentalists, etc. Papa Franek has already mentioned Christian extremism 馃檪 Soon they will put us under this category and the blog is probably already spying on us noting our activity.
Hi. It's nice that you can talk to each other on the fly. I unfortunately can't at work, but it's nothing. As far as Tramp is concerned, I guess we cannot count on his Christianity. Today a very interesting article appeared http://wolna-polska.pl/wiadomosci/sanhedryn-prosi-putina-trumpa-o-zbudowanie-iii-swiatyni-jerozolimie-2016-11 It shows that Israel wants Tramp and Putin to contribute to the rebuilding of the temple together. By the way has anyone watched all 36 lectures by Professor Walter Veiht? Could it be that the ADS Church are the closest to the truth.
"His appearance will be accompanied by the work of Satan, !!! I don't think there has been anything like that yet, well maybe there have been attempts e.g. Fatima or Medjugorie but all those who didn't recognize Christ are waiting for their messiah e.g. Zionist Jews and Muslims the one they are waiting for will be the antichrist. The Tramp seems to me to be too thin unless he pretends to be the antichrist so that later they can reveal their messiah instead of Christ, which by the way the name antichrist indicates. I think he will have supernatural abilities or power from the devil, hence the miracles and signs. But who knows, it is interesting and many would like to know more.
Greetings from the Lord God
"French Freemasons in conflict with the Queen of Heaven"!!!
Probably need to make more room for allah worshippers... 馃檪 .
Masonic associations remove statues of Mary from France. Court agrees
French Freemasons believe that the Catholic religion is incompatible with the republic and intend to continue removing monuments depicting the Virgin Mary. Their action is supported by the French courts, which agree with them.
The Freemasons demanded the removal of a statue of the Virgin Mary from the French commune of Publier. Some residents were outraged and rejected the demands of Freemasons. The case went to the court which agreed with the Masonic association. According to the verdict, the monument is to be removed. What is interesting, even the mayor, known for his leftist views, was surprised by the court's decision.
- I never thought it would get this far," said Mayor Gaston Lacroix.
The statue was erected in Publier with the permission of the municipality, but the court ruled that it was done illegally because it violated the religious feelings of a group of citizens. In reaching its verdict, the court cited the principle of separation of state and Catholic Church, which was finally established in 1905.
Masonic associations have announced that they will continue to remove statues of Mary from France. They are the ones who challenged the erection of the monument in the municipality. They believe the court's decision is a victory for secularism.
- This is a victory for secularism. Now the mayor must remove the monument. This will be a beautiful example for the youth. We ask ourselves whether the Catholic religion is at all compatible with a republic.
I don't know, for me "rapture" , is the taking of the bride to himself. Jesus chose us, paid the price for us, went to the Father to prepare a dwelling, and then will come unannounced to take us away - makes sense, so does betrothal and marriage in those days - it all adds up. If the rapture was after the great tribulation, it would be as if the Lord allowed us to be scourged, tormented, murdered first and then took us to Himself ... Somehow that doesn't make sense to me ...
People are already dying and were dying during the Inquisition and Reformation.
They may not all die, but Satan will haunt the apocalypse boy.
Even in this day and age this is evident from the Voice of Persecuted Christians website
Actually, I did not look at it through the prism of the whole world. And that's just the way it is. Just when I think I had some knowledge, it all turns to uncertainty all over again. There is only one thing left: faith, prayer and hope 馃檪 With God Brothers and Sisters.
And it is not there that the rest of the seed of the woman ? I guess the boy that the woman (Israel) produced is the Christ who will graze the nations with a rod of iron. The boy came forth from the people of God and now from the throne of God exercises authority over the whole world.
"And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, that, as soon as she had given birth, he might devour her child. And she bore a son, a boy, who shall rule all nations with a rod of iron; her child was carried away to God and to his throne."
Then when Christ ascends into Heaven Satan and his hordes are cast out to take revenge on those remnant of the Woman that is Christians (spiritual Israel) who believe in Christ.
Very interesting lecture by the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DASoBsJtyZ8