"In your book all my days will be written, but they are already formed when none of them has yet come into existence" Ps 139
Today, looking through my notes in the Bible (I recommend circling the interesting parts), I was reminded of this Psalm. I think for a reason, because one, I was supposed to do a description of a certain movie, which I will do today, and two, Emilka mentioned it in a comment, although she doesn't know about it herself 馃檪 I think it's a good idea to do it today.
So the entry will be about what Cupak 馃檪 as an exact mind likes.
We live in the physical world in the four known dimensions of space-time length, width, height (or depth) and time. But God dwells in another dimension-spiritual reality-beyond the perception of our physical senses.
His Person is not limited by the physical laws and dimensions that govern our world:
"For thus saith the Most High. The One who dwells forever on high, and whose name is 'Holy among the holy.' I reign in the high and holy place, but I am also with him who is contrite and humble in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to comfort the hearts of the contrite." Is 57.15
God is eternal. He was is and will be. His abode is high above us, though He worries about us contemptible humans.
In Psalm 90 we are shown the timelessness of God:
For a thousand years in your eyes is like yesterday's day that has passed away, And like a night watch. (5) You swiftly snatch them away, they are like a morning dream, Like grass that disappears: (6) In the morning it blooms and grows, By the evening it wilts and withers
God sees everything past, future, and eternity everlasting. The time He passes on earth is meaningless from the perspective of God's timelessness.
God is also a spirit:
聽"God is a spirit" (J 4,24)
Additionally, the science of physics tells us that time is a property arising from the existence of matter. As such, time exists when there is a case. But God is not matter; For God created matter. The bottom line is this: time, began when God created the universe. Before that, God simply existed.聽聽Because it wasn't invalid, and because God doesn't change, time didn't exist and therefore has no meaning, no relationship to Him.聽It is matter that passes away, but spirit does not. In John's gospel we read:
The spirit brings life. THE FLESH HELPS NOTHING. The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and life, (64) but there are some among you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who are unbelievers and who will give it away.
God has no beginning or end. He is beyond the realm of time.聽He is the Alpha and the Omega.聽Eternity is not something that can be completely associated with God. God is even beyond eternity.聽
Scripture reveals that God lives beyond the limits of time as we know it. Our destiny was planned "before the beginning of time" (2 Timothy 1: 9; Titus 1: 2) and "before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1: 4; 1 Peter 1:20). "By faith we know that the universe was created by the command of God, so that what is seen did not come into being from what was visible" (Hebrews 11: 3). In other words, the physical universe we can see, hear, feel and experience was not created from existing matter, but from a source independent of the physical dimensions we can perceive.
After the completion of His activity, including the creation of creation time, what does God include? "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" (Genesis 01:31). Indeed, God is Spirit in the realm of timelessness, not flesh in the realm of time.
As believers, we have a deep sense of comfort knowing that God, though timeless and eternal, is with us at this time in this moment; He is not in the net beyond the reach of the transcendent, but here, in this moment, He is with us. And because He is in the moment, He can respond to our needs and prayers.
Whereas there is a time in heaven:
There is a time in heaven:
-when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour ( Rev. 8: 1 ).
- And when he opened the fifth seal [the martyrs in heaven said]: "And with a loud voice they cried out thus: "Lord holy and true! How long will you delay the judgment and punishment of our blood on those who dwell on the earth?"
- Between the town square and the river, on both sides, the tree of life bearing twelve fruits - bearing its fruit each month - and the leaves of the tree (serve) to heal the nations.
- This one, on the other hand, offered one blood sacrifice for sin once and for all and "sat down at the right hand of God." (13) Henceforth he waits "until his enemies are cast as a footstool under his feet." Heb 10
- I have long been silent, I have not spoken, I have restrained myself; but now like a woman in labor I shall cry out, I shall wail and whine.
- What do you want from us, Son of God, you came here ahead of time to torment us? God came before time to the demons."( Matt. 8:29 ). Incidentally, they know that Jesus is God and that it is He who will destroy them. No angel has that kind of power.
Neither men nor angels can be omnipresent, even in heaven, for they would have to be Gods. The same limitation applies to timelessness. If God exists outside of time, and angels before His throne:
"And the four animals - and each of them has six wings - round about and within are full of eyes, and have no rest, saying day and night: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God, Ruler of all things, who was, who is, and who is to come."
and men serving Him, will always also be timeless, which would mean that they are also Gods. But Jesus said :
"will receive in return far more at this time and eternal life in the age to come" ( Luke 18:30 )
So in this life he will receive much more, and in the next life eternity, because:
"Oh yes, I declare to you: this generation will not pass away until all things are done.33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."
As we note the sky will pass away. The question is which. The first, or the second.
There is something else about temporality. What was in Emilia's comment a let it be the introduction to my next text:
Demons know the future, but only of enslaved people. Saved people, saved by the blood of Jesus, escape the demons' predictability, which is why psychics of all kinds can no longer predict the future for such people. God is just going to hinder the process of the effect of sin, which I believe is the demons' plan for people in bondage.
Mega topic! I love such musings as they are very spirit building. More about heavenly matters please.
Thanks for the great elaboration on the theme of timeliness and our beloved God who is above everything.
The more we get into who our Father is, the more we marvel at His love, power, might, and patience.
For me indescribable greatness of our wonderful Father, to Him blessings and glory forever.
I liked it, too! 馃檪 馃檪
for those willing to explore this further, I can recommend an extensive topic excerpted from the "after the flood" blog :
Cut from here above and copied:
Living between 160 and 240, Tertullian, in his Apologetics, written around 197. - In his Apologetics, written around 197, Tertullian states that demons are invisible and unnoticeable, their deeds appearing not in their actions but in the effects they produce. Thus, for example, by their promptings they cause corruption of the human spirit, manifested in madness, mental illness, or various passions, or in addictions. They also cause mainly, that people who have their minds enslaved by them, make sacrifices to statues and images of various deities, because through these false mummies demons draw away
Just a person from thinking about True God. Because demons are spirits, they are also able to move quickly from place to place and to be everywhere almost at once. Thus they can easily find out what and where is happening and can report it elsewhere, at the same time pretending to be the perpetrators of these events, which they report to achieve their evil goals. In order to authenticate pagan oracles, which the demons themselves inspire, they usually give people ambiguous and unclear answers, so that in each case they can be adjusted to the later occurrence of an event. Demons also appear as supposed souls of dead people. Furthermore, it is because of the action of demons that moving (so-called Furthermore, it is through the action of demons that moving (so-called "spinning") tables (already known in antiquity) used to "foretell the future" (this happened, for example, in the Delphic oracle of Apollo, located in the vaults to which one went down, and where, in addition to the "soothsaying" medium, intoxicated by the vapors coming out of the ground, there were also spinning tables - so nineteenth-century spiritualism, as well as its modern forms, was nothing but an old and recurring demonic and pagan error). However, Tertullian also states that it is enough to subject these pagan "gods" to Christian exorcism, and they immediately admit that they are demons and not "gods" at all, and that there is no other God besides the One God whom Christians serve. Origen also mentions one of the immoral favorites of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who threw himself into a river in a rage and drowned, and was declared a "god" by the Emperor after his death by state decree. In turn, in the place of his worship in Egypt, some strange phenomena supposed to happen later. But during a more thorough investigation of the matter it turned out that their basis were Egyptian spells and magical incantations. Egyptian priests "placed" demons in the temples, which proclaimed oracles, or "healed" people.
Demons are a kind of creatures who have departed from God, and their nature also manifests itself in the fact that some people summon them to inspire love or hatred, or to interfere with certain undertakings of other people. In turn, those who do so are able to summon demons with the help of magical spells and sorcery, and to induce them to carry out such evil actions (demons, however, do not react to the mere "summoning" of the magician, but are rather attracted by the evil that he wants to carry out with their help; moreover, in order to further deceive and confuse him, they may also temporarily pretend to submit to his will while carrying out this evil.
This is in response to a frequently asked question, or a doubt that comes up in style:
"Who created God?"
It all adds up.
God is above all things Lenko, He is a mighty force, unlimited, eternal, omniscient.
His presence embraces everything and everyone in the entire universe in one second, simultaneously directing and sustaining it.
Just as it can create anything so it can destroy anything.
He is able to influence everything and everyone, at one time so that something happens.
A little digression - When we ask God for something, He is able to direct everything so that it will come true. That is why He often surprises us when something happens that seemed impossible to us.
God is GREAT 馃檪 .
Interesting study.
By the way, it's still Thursday, and I'm already thinking about Shabbat.
I for one am already thinking about the upcoming Sabbath on Sunday 馃榾
It's too sure to make you long since Sunday 馃檪 馃檪 I'm not sure.
That's what I'm thinking about how some people claim that the Sabbath doesn't apply.
But doesn't God's Word speak the truth.
The Lord Jesus in telling what is to happen in the end times would have mentioned the Sabbath which He supposedly cancelled?
In this passage he speaks to those whom he has chosen, caring for the elect he warns:
"Therefore pray ye, that ye flee not in winter, or in the SABATH.
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be.
And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." Matt.24:21
Wow,Peter...big wow!
You can feel the power of God and His presence for a moment, only to find out that you know nothing... 馃檪 .
...it is fascinating to learn about the world again after giving your life to Jesus.
God opens our eyes to all that was once invisible.
Once the world was so flat (limited to what was visible to the naked eye), now it is so spacious and complex - a great work of God!
Our awareness and knowledge of the truth about how the world is built is a great gift from God...
...every day I thank him for much....
Warm regards and a big hug 馃檪 .
oo Ola you're alive 馃檪 馃檪
How's the eye?
I live, live and read you every day! - no change here!!! 馃檪 .
Eye pretty cool, heh 馃槈
There are very good days when I see a lot and even read a lot - there are also worse days, but those are much less 馃檪 I'm not sure what to expect.
Moving forward!
I never doubted 馃槈
I never stopped believing 馃槈
Ba!- faith becomes stronger!
The bad here didn't make it! ;))
I have a lot of thoughts and stories to tell and share. As soon as I find the time, I will sit down and send it, because I feel in all this help and care of God combined with the mission, which I must do, and which would never come together with me if it were not for a sick eye!
So I can confidently say that everything has its meaning in life! Even the worst moments!!!
:)) to write :))