Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

If he who speaks, let him speak as the Word of God. If he who ministers, let him do it with the power that God gives, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.

" If he who speaks, let him speak as the Word of God. If he who ministers, let him do it with the power which God gives, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. His is the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen." 1 P 4


I don't know about you, but when I wanted to convince people of the biblical faith, at first I tended to tell them what was in the Bible, but not to quote the source itself. As time has passed I have discovered that when talking to pagans, including family members, it is more convincing to evangelize with the Word of God, of course if it is not in excess because you can scare the pagan away 🙂 .

So we need to learn the key quotes by heart.

There will be no power if we say Mom, Dad, Uncle, Susan a church is not a building, but for example "the bible says in Acts that the God who created the world and everything in it, He who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples built by human hands."

So our speech is also to sound like the Word of God.

In Poznansky it sounds like this:

'If anyone speaks, let it be as if it were the words of God! If anyone ministers, let him (do so) by the power which God grants'

And in Strong's concordance it says this:


If any man speak, let him speak as the judgments of God."

Judgments from Gr. "logion:" - oracle, word.

If I understand it correctly, we are to speak like the judgments of God, something that has the power to transform into reality.


Therefore, if anyone speaks, let him speak as the Word of God.

And what does power mean?

In Greek it is from "ischys" meaning strength, might power.


That's what God said and that's what will happen!

Look, if we're talking about political views, we're talking with conviction, but if we're talking about faith based on the Bible, we don't necessarily have a lot of conviction.

Finally. Important information. God is to be glorified by whom? by Jesus Christ. His is the glory the power forever and ever.

Jesus is power, Jesus is might, Jesus is God most powerful.




Updated: 27 October 2016 — 09:37


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  1. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    Good point. I've noticed this too, that a quote works much better than our interpretation, even if it's the most right one. But without the quote, people perceive it as "misinterpreted Bible" 🙂 After all, the priest would have said that 😀 .

    1. Often and quotations from the Bible don't work, Catholics say it was people who translated it and it was rewritten many times, so it can't be God's Word. For them, the priest and tradition alone is the authority. Sad, that.The argument that it was banned for several hundred years, that people were killed for reading and possessing it, doesn't work.

      1. I have an idea. The question should be asked: Why does the Catholic Church scrupulously keep silent about parts of the Bible which are not convenient for it if it is the only true representation of God and His Son Jesus Christ on earth?

  2. The word of God is power, as the Scripture says:

    "10 Verily, like the downpour and the snow
    fall from the sky
    and they don't go back there,
    Until they irrigate the land,
    will not fertilize it and will not provide fertility,
    so that it produces seed for the sower
    And bread for the eater,
    11 so the word that comes out of my mouth,
    does not return to Me unfruitful,
    before I did what I wanted to do first,
    and will not successfully fulfill his mission." Is.55

  3. In my opinion, it all depends on how the DA guides us in talking to the person.
    There are people who get white fever just thinking about the Bible, and I know some who are not convinced by any verse.
    There are also those whose scientific lectures work to confirm the existence of God and the authenticity of the Bible.

  4. I couldn't finish writing my comment.
    And then there are those for whom just quoting a verse is enough, and then they begin to seek God.
    The hardest thing is with devout Catholics, because they give everything to the priests, or whatever you call them.
    And the priest is more familiar with catechisms than with the knowledge of God's Word.
    But nothing is impossible for the Lord Jesus Christ.
    So I think that the most important thing is to listen to what the Lord tells you and act accordingly.

  5. "The words of the Lord are sincere words,
    tried and tested silver, with no admixture of earth,
    seven times cleaned."

    Therefore, in order to testify to people about God, we should always have His words on our lips.
    God's word has great power, as many of us have already found out. 🙂

  6. "4:7-11 Judgment and service in suffering

    8-11 Serving in the spirit of love.

    Most important is the command to 'have fervent love one for another, for love covers a multitude of sins,' 8. Lack of love spreads and uncovers these sins to the detriment of God's work. Peter is simply talking about a loving spirit of love versus an unloving spirit of criticism, not expiation for sins. He also recommends practicing undying hospitality, 9, and using one's spiritual gifts (cf. 1 Cor. 12:8-12) for the good of another person, 10 (cf. Rom. 12:6,8; 1 Tim. 6:17-18). Such service is to bear the marks of God's authority and corruptibility,11 and the purpose of all service is to give glory to God,11c".
    ("Unger's Guide to the Bible").

  7. Let whoever speaks like the Word of God!
    ...and in addition calmly, accurately, without unkind words towards the listener 🙂 .
    "He that hath ears, let him hear!" 🙂 .

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