Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Stigma on Catholics, or Confirmation.

About 5 years ago I came across a very interesting esoteric website of a well-known astrologer Wojciech Jóźwiak.



He explains in his text how the Roman church steals souls during the ceremony of unconscious baptism of children. Of course this astrologer has no idea that his interest in astrology goes hand in hand with the practices of the Vatican.

As we know there are two centers of knowledge in the church of Babylon, or the Roman church: esoteric (for the initiated) and exoteric (intended for the general public).

In the esoteric zone occult rituals are performed. The masses in the exoteric zone trust that their faith is from God the Father, except that all the dogmas of the church they go to are not confirmed at the source, the Bible itself....

The act of baptizing a child is not just strictly a rebellion against God, but is, as we read, an act imbued with magical action designed to lead to enslavement. This is why it is so important who puts their hands on your head....

When we realize what I have written above, it becomes obvious that we run into a deep wall of bondage when we want to pull our loved ones out of this system of bondage:


" I will defend you against the people and against the Gentiles to whom I send you, (18) that you would open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan To God. That through faith in me they may receive remission of sins and an inheritance with the saints." Acts 26.


There is a tremendous amount of biblical truth in Paul's letters and Acts. I recently wrote how I came across this information about the god Romfan while reading. A fan of Rom...

This is why I caution everyone against people who reject Paul and Acts. This is not God's Spirit. When you read sites that reject Paul and sites like my blog you will be torn. Personally, I don't go to such Bible-mixing sites, although they do go to mine, but I feel it is my duty to warn readers.


Returning to the subject in Acts we read:


that you would open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God"


When I pray for loved ones I often say, Father God, I ask you in Jesus' name to open my eyes ...(name)."

Now I know that it has a second bottom. There is a highly probable connection between the pineal gland and the chakras and the magic of the Church of Rome.

When we receive the new Spirit at the new birth, after all, we also change perceptions.

Now let's move on to the title thread, which is Confirmation. What is it?

First of all, one of the sacraments of the church of Rome.

What is Confirmation all about?


"The essence of this sacrament is the impartation of the Holy Spirit, the strengthening of the faith and the empowerment to witness to and defend it'


The key here is the word "impartation." First of all, a priest cannot impart the Holy Spirit to any person because only God can do that. Legal basis:


Mt 3.11

He (Jesus) will be baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.".”




"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."." John 3


"...But if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.".”


Yes, there is a biblical basis for the laying on of hands. This was already done in the time of Moses.

How important it is who lays hands on you is shown in the history of Israel.

21 Aaron puts both hands on the head of a live goat, confesses over it all the iniquities of the Israelites, all their transgressions concerning all their sins, puts it on the head of a goat, and has a man assigned to it drive it out into the wilderness. 22 In this way the goat will take all their guilt with it to a land of barrenness. That man will drive the goat into the wilderness." Kpl 16.


This is mentioned in Acts as well:


Acts 8:17 - So then they [the apostles] put their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.'

However, there is a difference between the laying on of hands by a satanist and the laying on of hands by a man of God.

So the question is, if there is a transfer of the spirit, what spirit is it? A spirit that changes the commandments, a spirit that is opposed to reading the Bible, and its fruits are what they are.


Catholics in this situation are scapegoats and we were.

Priests, probably pass on the sins of the church during confirmation or perform some compelling rite by placing their hands on their heads.




I may have started writing from the back of the page because the definition of confirmation is important here. Here it is:



If the sacrament of confirmation were from God, then this should be happening:

Acts 9:17 - Then Ananias went. He entered the house, laid his hands on him, and said: "Swail, brother, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road you were walking, has sent me to make you see and be filled with the Holy Spirit."

Acts 19:6 - And when Paul put his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them. They also spoke in tongues and prophesied."


So it has nothing to do with the power of Holy Spirit. It is enough to see by the fruits of the Roman Catholics, which we too were while living in darkness. When I look at myself before water baptism, I see a scoundrel and a criminal AGAINST the Law of God. Let's also look at confirmation politicians, actors, etc.


What does the word "bierzmo" itself mean?






In crossword puzzles it also appears as a birthmark, a stigma:


In light of the analysis I have made, it is impossible not to associate the conceptual take with an important point in the apocalypse:"


"He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that no one may buy or sell unless he has birthmark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name." Rev 13


It also gives me food for thought as I ponder the end times. The harlot is very easy to identify, but the beast not so much anymore.


(14) And she deceives the inhabitants of the earth with the signs which she was given to make before the beast, telling the inhabitants of the earth to make an image of the beast, which received the blow of the sword, and came to life.

(Revelation 13:14″


I don't know if Semiramis is not the beast that everyone bows to. After all, she received a wound from a sword in Poland:

This is such a LONG way off quandary, I just came across it now, but it's worth thinking about. I just don't know how to connect the harlot (church) riding the beast (Mary supposed).



Interestingly, in Old Polish the word "bierzmo" also meant beam. So symbolically, Catholics get the beam in their eye by seeing the speck in their neighbor's eye.


With all this in mind, it is now clear as day how precisely the Romans enslaved peoples, and confirmation is one part of that.





Updated: 17 October 2016 — 07:41


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  1. Actually Confirmation = stigmatizing, putting a stigma, sealing. I never paid attention to that 🙂 That is simply making slaves out of people - parishioners 🙂 And as for those chakras and other eastern "bullshit" which now so easily enter the Christian civilization (unfortunately, only in name) in the form of new age, enlightenment, spirituality, eastern mysticism, energy etc., I stay away from it because it affects me like a red rag to a bull! When I hear someone talking about spirituality in such a context, I know that there is no discussion with such a person, because under the dome there is already a mess like in the stable of Augias and only the intervention of Jesus in the life of such a person can change something, because man can not cope. Powerful demons hide behind this.

  2. "Baptism supposedly imprints an "indelible mark" on the "soul" of the baptized, and this mark supposedly stigmatizes a person as a Catholic forever. This thesis is a direct rationale for the hierarchy's failure to recognize complete withdrawal from the Catholic Church.",wystapienie-a-apostazja

    1. In one word this can be commented on - nonsense!

  3. Ehh... In a few months I am supposed to make my Confirmation, my parents are staunch Catholics and there is no way I can give it up, and I would love to... What should a Christian do in this situation ?

    1. If this Christian does nothing but submit to this ritual knowing that it is pure satanism, he should not count on God's blessing.

    2. You're probably getting ready for Confirmation. Do you go to mass? Try to explain to your parents why you don't want to go. If that doesn't help, maybe you should go to the priest and tell him that it is not your will to go to Confirmation and that in fact your parents are forcing you. If the priest and parents pressure you, ask yourself what the point is if it is not your will anyway.
      If all else fails, I don't know... just maybe don't go, I don't think they'll forcefully drag you to the church and tie you up in front of everybody, and peel you by force, because there would be quite an affair, maybe even all over Poland. At the most, you may get in trouble with your parents and the people around you, but Jesus himself predicted that even people in one house will be divided. First one compromises, then another, etc. Since your parents are forcing you, I'm guessing you're not 18 yet, so you're at a bit of a disadvantage. But you must at all costs start with a hard ultimatum that they don't force you and that they give you rational reasons for it all. Nevertheless, you have to choose, Jesus didn't promise it would be easy..He promised it would be hard....

    3. The congregation of the faithful elect of both sexes of Jesus Christ is an elite community, not an egalitarian one like krk-a, where anyone can enter as if it were some department store...The way to Christ requires much sweat, toil, tears, and even blood.

    4. I wish I could give you a clear answer: don't go, don't agree, etc. Unfortunately, I can't. I know how much pressure you'll be under and I know that you'll have to live with the label of "queer" which will stick to you. When I was your age I didn't have such knowledge, I went for this JARZMO like a ram driven by a deceived shepherd. You have this knowledge so you have to pray about it, but if I were you, knowing what you know, I would not agree to accept this "gift".

    5. To Seweryn.
      I would add one more suggestion, try praying out loud directly and simply to our Savior Jesus Christ, explain to him that you are being coerced into this ritual and on the other hand we are bound by the commandment "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest live long in the land which the Lord thy God shall give thee". Ask for an answer in as quick, understandable and accessible a way as possible. God's peace be with you Severin.

    6. Hang in there! I wish you to make the right decision with God's help! 🙂

    7. Jesus gave us freedom! We can't do anything out of compulsion.God knows our hearts and what you do, you have to do out of love and desire for God, for His Glory! We Christians go through a water baptism first, we are born again, and we decide for ourselves! Then comes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who changes your heart, your insides, and your whole life leads you!

    1. What assurance do you have that he didn't fabricate these photos earlier and is now just revealing the results of his work?

  4. How fortunate that I didn't go to Confirmation back then 🙂 It sounds awful

  5. The newborn David

    Yesterday I was throwing away all the pictures of piety, worship of saints and I came across the one with the formula what is said by the Confirmed and it gave me food for the detective and there is the answer, do you have it too ? 🙂 ?

  6. It all comes down to the question of whether all people have a soul ( an original, single, individual personality )? The behavior of many intellectually normal people seems to contradict this. In their beings the animal element dominates (survive at all costs) instead of the human element (live worthily and with dignity). They have, as it were, a collective regulator of their behavior, because they are so eager to gather in groups, clusters where the more restricted the better...

    1. Spiritually limited.

      1. They ( hermits ) are characterized by an allogic, senseless hostility to people with souls. They can then gather in packs to attack. As if they are controlled from the outside by some dark force.

        1. detmold no empathy in your posts either.
          in my opinion, they almost never contribute anything.
          the group you're criticizing listened to you.
          what should they do next?

          1. I support Bogdan.
            Detmold, do you even see what you write?
            How it puts others, but most importantly you, in awe...
            Where is the Word of God?

          2. We must truly love our neighbors, which requires not only encouraging words but also sobering ones. If we exaggerate with the first, we fall into pride (complacency), and with the second into bitterness (frustration). Greetings in Christ.

            1. For me, Detmold's comments always make me think about what he wrote. These are his reflections, and it's hard to determine if they're true or not, but I can't agree that they contribute anything.

              1. Anyway, I once pondered a similar topic myself. Detmold, you say that these people have an animal element. But the question is then, do animals have souls? I've thought about it, and if there are supposed to be peaceful lions in heaven, why not?

              2. My goal is not to upset people, but to stimulate thought. If anyone felt disgusted then I apologize.

  7. "That's kind of a quibble, I just came across it now, but it's worth thinking about, just not sure how to connect the harlot (the church) riding the beast (Mary alleged)."

    But I think this is not a good way to interpret it. Just look in Daniel, there the word "beast" refers only to human kingdoms and empires.

    "And four great beasts appeared out of the sea, different one from another."

    The sea is a symbol of humanity, of countless numbers of people. The harlot has spread herself over the waters, that is, among the vast masses of people. Christians alone number 2.2 billion.

    The beast in Nebuchadnezzar's vision is a statue of a man made up of various substances (gold, silver, bronze, iron, clay) and is identical to the beasts that Daniel dreamed, i.e., the lion, the bear, the leopard, the dragon with ten horns.

    The dragon is the Roman Empire from which grew 10 countries (Europe), and from between those countries as a direct legacy of the Roman emperors grew a small state that said audacious things and murdered God's saints and changed God's Law and periods of celebration.

    There is only one institution that fits here, one that thinks it has the power to do such things and to put traditions and revelations above the Holy Bible, and that influenced secular power and commanded the armies of European states in the Middle Ages.

    "And he shall speak bold words against the Most High, he shall torment the Saints of the Most High, he shall intend to change the times and the law; and they shall be delivered into his power until a time and two times and half a time." Daniel 7:25

    Therefore, in the words of the apostle Peter: "Above all this know that all prophecy of Scripture is not subject to arbitrary interpretation."

    Every prophecy must be interpreted according to the way God's Word dictates. Interpretation according to our own understanding of the symbols will not work.

    Therefore, Mary cannot be the Beast.

    kind regards

    1. To Cupak.
      Until we know who or what the beast is, we have to take possible interpretations into consideration, even "maryja" and not cross them out based on one quote where another quote may support it however, e.g. Rev. John 13.15. Besides, we are to be vigilant so sweeping some interpretations under the rug prematurely would be a huge mistake. It is not for nothing that the alleged "Mary" went to so much trouble for many apparitions and the creation of a cult of statues and images, only to suddenly be forgotten. On the contrary, in one of the apparitions she announced that at the appointed time she would reveal herself with her full power. One of the proofs of the lies in the apparitions is the prophecy that man will land on the moon, which only the naive can believe.
      I will also add a second subject, I am personally neutral on the subject of the shape of the earth, for I am convinced that the Truth will be made known to us in due time, and the Lord Jesus Himself said that He cannot tell us everything now, but when the Spirit of Truth the Comforter comes He will make known to us the things to come. So your recent judgement that intelligent people are deceived by the shape of the earth is rude, because your evidence is based solely on human perception and Roman school science, and there remain the issues of perspective and shrinking of objects for the eyes to see at a distance, and hundreds of other evidences of NASA lies, and lies about the deaths of astronauts who are still alive today in the U.S., lies about shuttles that actually land with ordinary jet engines, these are issues that you cannot dispute or deny. The earth shape awakening is taking place mostly among the young and wise who are untainted by the alleged Jesuit intelligence as some suggest. Besides, an earth bounded by a firmament where every life is important fits the biblical description better than an earth the size of a grain of sand in the immeasurable expanse of the universe. I think just the opposite, that it is the Jesuits or ignorant people who defend the Copernican theory which in itself is just a theory. Even still our grandfathers adhered to the view of a flat earth (the film Konopielka). Our grandfathers held this view and considered it natural since ancient times, possibly always held this view even at the time of the life of Lord Jesus, until the rise of the Roman science which establishes such science and history as is convenient for them, and puts the globe under the eyes of unaware young children to admire it and believe as if it were a mantra. We are supposed to be alert, have an open mind, and consider many possibilities. Just because NASA, science, and the winners make up their own history, doesn't mean we all have to blindly believe it and not ask questions. I'll add a link, though I didn't take the time to watch it:

      As I wrote in the beginning, I am neutral about the shape of the earth, but I will wait for the Truth with my final judgment, because I do not believe in the science of modern scientists. I doubt that it works for the benefit of humans while the world is mired in evil, rather it works against us until the coming of the Savior Jesus Christ. Until then Peace of God with you Cupak, may our Lord bless you in life. Regards.

      1. "Until we know who or what the beast is, then we must take possible interpretations into account, even "mary" and not cross them out based on one quote where another quote may support it however, e.g. Rev. John 13.15."

        Hi Robert, thanks for your comment because I didn't understand what the Detective meant 🙂 I thought he meant the Beast itself, not the image(statue) of it. Here you are right because what this animated image of the Beast will be is not so obvious. However, there are some clues from the ST that can explain it to us.

        "And she deceives the inhabitants of the earth with the signs which she was given to make before the beast, telling the inhabitants of the earth to make an image of the beast, which received the blow of the sword, and came to life."

        The inhabitants of the land under the influence of deception make an image of the Beast, the one who received the fatal blow of the sword. (The beast that received the blow of the sword was the papacy that ruled medieval Europe, which lost its grip on Europe through the French Revolution.)

        So here we have a symbolic reference to the Book of Daniel where the statue in Daniel's dream symbolized the actual kingdom of several successive beasts, and the statue itself is just a visual way of representing this. King Nebuchadnezzar and his material statue is an example of how the sons of disobedience think. Instead of worshiping God and repenting, the king was overjoyed at the fact that he was king of the first Beast, boasted of this fact, and used the statue of prophecy as a depiction of his unlimited power. He was only the head, but he made a whole statue that was a symbol of the reign of all the beasts throughout history until the end of the world.

        The statue in Revelation is not likely to be an actual statue, but as with Nebuchadnezzar's dream a visualization of the return of the power of the first Beast.

        The restoration of the statue/image of the first Beast is due to the power of the Beast from Earth (USA), for it is the Beast that does all the work of establishing the NWO, but of course on behalf of the first Beast. Because the first Beast lost his secular power after the fatal wound, but thanks to the Beast from Earth he slowly regains it and has a real influence on all legislation through such bodies as the UN and militarily through NATO. The U.S. supports the first Beast by deceiving the whole world to make people submit to the Vatican again.

        George Bush king of the Beast from Earth said he sees God in the Pope's eyes, and that his vote is very important to him.

        Earlier, before the statue is made, it is written that the people bow directly to the beast (animal) that came out of the sea. Also, the statue can only be a symbol, not a material thing.

        And they worshiped the dragon for having given the beast power, and they also worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast, and who can fight with him? Revelation 13:4

        "And all the inhabitants of the earth shall worship him(the beast), every one whose name is not from the foundation of the world written in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain. Revelation 13:8

        In addition, the Beast from Earth revives the image/statue of the First that she begins to speak again.

        As you wrote it is all conjecture, but it is very unlikely to be an actual painting or statue if it were written in another book, but Revelation is very highly symbolic.


        Regarding the shape of the earth, God has given us evidence that it is not flat and anyone who is interested in astronomy will understand that it can not be otherwise. Long before there was NASA people already had evidence for this, they were even able to calculate the distance to the Sun using parallax. The movement of the planets, the decrease of their brightness depending on their position, proves that they circle the Sun. Transits of Venus against the Sun, on the other hand, give very easy

        I have never seen a shuttle, but probably neither have you, to deny the existence of something you have to give factual arguments? The principle of getting into orbit and circling the Earth is not complicated at all. Shuttles were ascended by booster rockets and then returned to the atmosphere and landed like airplanes, there is nothing impossible here. It's all physics and understanding the laws that work.

        Of course this complex universe created by God is being used against God just as the Bible is being used against God through twisted interpretations. Satan is attacking God using whatever he can, does that mean we should deny the Scriptures? No, we are to understand the lie and find the truth.

        Greetings in Christ 🙂

        1. Notice the analogy of people who deny the earth sphere do the same thing with scripture, (e.g. denial of Paul) why do they do it ? Because they don't understand what they are studying, and they take shortcuts if they don't understand it then it is a lie from Satan. I am not a follower of the knowledge of this world, but what I can observe and investigate gives 99% probability that the earth is a sphere.
          Kent Hovind does not think that the sphericity of the earth is the problem with creationism, moreover it is the flat earth theory that ridicules Christians and reduces scripture to the status of fairy tales and other mythologies.
          I personally agree with Hovind.

          1. Thank you for your comprehensive response, I have only just found time to read it. I'm glad that we agree on the priority and primary issues regarding the Word of God. This is the most important. As far as the earth is concerned, it is a secondary topic because salvation does not depend on it, and the verses on this topic are often ambiguous and questionable on both sides. In such a situation, everyone must be guided by the principle of conformity to his own conscience. Therefore my conscience declares neutrality on the subject of the earth.(I have not been to the South Pole guarded by the military, I have not checked whether it is an island or a circle, I have not checked the vault there or above us - hence my neutrality) 😉
            Thank you and mutual greetings in the name of our Savior Lord Jesus.

          2. "Notice the analogy people who deny the earth sphere do the same with Scripture, (e.g. Paul's denial) why do they do it ?"
            I find too generalized...and hurtful...your opinion on this subject.
            To question heliocentrism is to disbelieve human theories. Conversely, to question Paul's credibility is to disbelieve the divine inspiration of Scripture. Do you see that?

            1. To Eurakylon. I understand that your question was not directed to me but to Cupak. But since I spoke up, I will also answer, I understand you perfectly and I share your view. That's why I divided my previous answer into primary and secondary issues to emphasize that what is most important unites us.

    2. The harlot in purple robe are the churches that work against God's commandments, for example, they recognize and especially pray to images, statues, rosaries and various idols: patron saints, Mary, now the new patron Pope JPII! Scripture is written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so it does not describe Mary as a beast, because she was chosen by GOD the Father himself. We can not exalt her before JESUS CHRIST, but we should respect her, not curse her!

      1. Hey Basia, I see there are two of us at least.
        And on top of that, we have different opinions on very important topics.
        In that case, you write under that name and I'll figure something out.

        Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

  8. Confirmation. Confirmation is like a yoke or bondage. Let us remember, however, that when we receive baptism as infants and confirmation as individuals steeped in folklore, tradition, and Roman beliefs, we have the opportunity to make a choice when we become conscious of our faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us on the cross. The sacrifice for our sins and mistakes - conscious and unconscious. The blood of the Lamb washes away the unconscious errors of baptism and confirmation. If it were not, there would be no need for sacrifice. No one being an infant was asked if they wanted to undergo this ceremony or not (because infants cannot yet speak). This Roman denomination tells people (lies) that baptism is a stamp and birthmark on the soul to bring uncertainty and anxiety in the heart. Nothing is impossible for the Lord God. If anyone has woken up from the lethargy of the Roman illusion, he has the right to consciously confess that only the Savior Jesus Christ is his King and Lord, and no amount of the church's machinations will change that.

  9. Okay. Something optimistic. Boast about your evangelistic successes. Who have you successfully converted and how?

    1. Addendum. In my opinion, it is easier to convert hot or cold summer cities. Why? It is simple. A committed person is concrete, crystallized in his views, while an indifferent one is so fuzzy, indistinct. There is simply nothing to grasp.

  10. In the eyes of those blinded by the world and its manifestations, this site is one big scandal and pornography 😉 .

  11. In the Vatican international from the rank of functional bishop they know very well who they serve, and that someone is not God....

  12. Interestingly, for many young people "Confirmation", from what I've noticed among many of my peers and not only, is like a moment of leaving the Catholic Church (not to be confused with Krakow 🙂 )-i.e., from that moment on they either don't go at all, or they limit themselves to so-called holidays and possibly family celebrations like weddings, funerals....
    I myself, unfortunately, have this "thing" behind me, but I think that if I had known at the time what I know now, I would not have accepted it...and let them think what they want - whatever you do, it will still be wrong....
    Until now I remember going to every Sunday mass, running to get a signature from the priest :/ plus all the "roraty" etc. and you had to collect them in a special booklet, which you probably got during the religion. I remember when I was going through it myself, even people who were supposedly strong "believers" were surprised by these ideas, that how it is with this constant going, that it pushes people away from the faith, only formalities and paperwork... I hated going and having to deal with it all (although it was still "half bad" because I had these "preparations" only in the third grade of middle school; in some parts of Poland it was only in the third grade). In some parts of Poland it was extended even to the 2nd and 3rd form, and I have heard of cases where it lasted for the whole 3 years of middle school:/ ); moreover, I had moments when I wanted to "throw it all to hell" (sorry for the text, if anything) and not approach it (although I haven't yet met people thinking in a similar way as here), but I was persuaded that it would "come in handy" when I got married in church, that if I didn't have it, there would be a problem because then it would be a lot of running around, arranging things and all that... (these arguments... now it is better to save money and possibly have a civil ceremony in a beautiful setting. (these arguments... now it's better to save money and possibly have a civil wedding in a beautiful setting - by the way, in my city there is a very nice Palace of Weddings - it's located in an old baroque guest palace that used to belong to a magnate family that "founded" the city; by the way, similar places belonging to the Registry Office exist in most cities in Poland... and it would probably even come out a little bit cheaper than a church wedding because there would be no "decorations" by the pews, arranging for a priest, paying for the organist etc).
    I didn't hear about any cases of people who didn't come up to me because they didn't want to (although maybe they didn't come up to me?), the only person I remember from my grade school year who didn't have the "take" was a boy from my class at that time who was quite unpleasant (e.g. he was vulgar, scared the girls from my class - me too - with dead flies, etc.), and also lazy, etc. ), and also lazy, etc. (The only thing he got reasonably good grades in was music, in which he probably got an A because he often sang at school ceremonies; Anyway, later he went to a catering technical school in a nearby provincial town, from which he was supposedly "expelled" probably in the second grade due to very poor grades and his behaviour towards others - he even got into fights; now he probably works somewhere in the catering business, but I don't know exactly where...- lest it be said, I have nothing against the people working there...); I had a thought in the back of my mind: "Don't you want to? You really want to align yourself with Darko (name changed) who doesn't come up?", well I went, and I got it... 🙁
    I'm sorry I got so long...

  13. Shifting mentally to the East? If in the direction of a developing China and the prosperity of the "Silk Road" - I support it. If it is in the direction of Moscow, it is a disaster. The West is bankrupt, in addition it shows social disintegration and degeneration similar to the last phase of Calhoun's experiment. Even the most cunning "creative" financial engineers will not help them. Hence, mental approximation to the West would be plain suicide. And Moscow's legacy? The whole set-up in Magdalenka, before that the enfranchisement of the thieves and the hostile takeover of the property of factories and plants by the communists with the Wilczek's law and the rule of the thick line - to be annulled. Like the whole Geremek-Jaruzelski agreement, which was branded as "regaining freedom" by Magdalenka and TW Bolko "at the head". - it was only an EXECUTION of the Gorbachev-Reagan pact of 1985, brokered in Rockeffeler's Manhattan headquarters on September 25, 1985 by American comrades with comrade Jauzelski. For this is what the U.S. ambassador to Warsaw reported - when Magdalenka was signed in 1989 and the Polish economy was ruined in 1990: "the implementation of the Geremek-Jaruzelski executive arrangement is proceeding according to plan". Quote from the internet. I wonder what he got out of it? Because the foolish parishioners (staunch Catholics), especially peasants of various kinds, the factory proletariat (peasant workers), and craftsmen of various professions got their asses kicked.

    1. Do you like Poles that you are slaves? Why slaves,
      because like in feudalism you got your apartments like your cars
      (2/3 of the price of a car is taxes), their children (actually slaves
      working on the system) and in fact everything is owned by the state and their
      notables, political elites. Do you know, dear compatriots, that you are giving away to the state 80%
      of your income? Let's say a teacher who earns a net salary of 1,000
      really earns 5000zl, an engineer earning let's say 2000zl net so
      really earns 8000 thousand, salesman earns net, on a hand 700zł and so
      really 3500zl (zus+ income tax+ taxes included in food, fuel,
      public transport, ebergia, telephone, etc)We work dear
      countrymen on the politicians who run the socialist system. They give us
      They live in luxury. Polish politicians, as well as all those who are
      behind socialism they plug into us like battery clamps and draw energy Quote from the net.

  14. Evangelistic successes, we are to brag? Are we to boast? Detmold I read your comments how true but full of sorrow and claiming. This blog would be greatly impoverished without you. But you see, just as I sit and read your posts, I wiped my mouth with my own tears while reading Renata's testimony and what she must be going through at the moment. Sometimes even now I feel that it's just too much for me 🙁 You ask about evangelism successes. Here is my success as I tell my child to always tell her father the truth then she does! Today when I told her about Noah and the flood she cried like a baby! She cried like I'm crying right now and who among you is crying like that over that story! Who is like this child! Any of you shed a tear over all the creation that drowned? I suspect few or none, and we are supposed to be like children.

  15. Why is there such poverty in Poland (rather apparent wealth on credit)? It is simple. There are several reasons for this. Firstly. The fatal idolatry of Mary and all other kinds of Roman idolatry, which causes a lack of God's greater blessings, and the opposite of plagues. Second. Putting one's own soul on a pedestal, which by this teaching of the Vatican poisons the minds of the Lechites, which consequently leads to paralyzing attempts at permanent and consistent social cooperation in any area of collective life for the good of the whole.

  16. What can we do? We can do not much, but always something. However, we must not act in the interests of this fallen world. We are first and foremost to call for remembrance, repentance, and conversion.

  17. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth, so just as Jesus told us, He has to remind us of what the Word has said and help us understand it.

    The spirit of "confirmation" is a spirit of falsehood.
    We recognize it by the fact that it does not lead us to the Truth which is God. It is the spirit of antichrist. Its purpose is to lead us away from the knowledge of truth.
    It communicates false teachings, teachings of men, not of God. It is contrary to the truth of God's Word.It is a deceptive spirit.

  18. Poland, because of the influence and omnipotence of KK, has practically no chance for
    the development of democracy, the rule of law, science, art and culture. It is not
    It's a coincidence that despite the similar number of people, there are no great achievements in
    in any field. There has always been official clerical censorship or
    caused by KK's power of self-censorship. With more and more disgust I learn about
    the editorial censorship and cowardice of magazines in matters that could
    in any way to harm the interests of the KK. KK is becoming untouchable and
    dictates what you can talk about. KK is already largely
    Polish political life. The clerical right wing is probably
    (i.e. from taxpayers' money) subsidized and openly represents his
    interests. In the Sejm and in the parties there are many graduates of the Catholic University of Lublin, or even the Academy of
    Theological and there will certainly be more in the next term.
    Clerical parties, of course, dream of a dictatorship in the name of God and a tightening of
    The future of Poland in the name of so-called Christian values.
    it looks rather black.

    democrat.antifascist 24.07.05, 22:13

    1. If my parents are against living according to the Scriptures, should I obey them? St. Paul writes to obey your parents. And I think that's what the ST also says. I unfortunately received Confirmation because of parental coercion.

      1. Sorry for the mistake

  19. I had my Confirmation 5 years ago unfortunately and they still wanted to enlist me in seminary.

    Praise the Lord it didn't come to that.

  20. I also think that God the Father does not look at a baptismal certificate when everyone has been baptized, that would be so abnormal,What matters here is what kind of heart you have, and if you have found the truth then the truth will set you free from everything, it has set me free even though I am not baptized yet, I believe in God and Christ and I have accepted Him as the only savior, I think that the most important antichrist is yet to come,After the war he will come to show a false peace on earth, and then he will force everyone to accept the mark of the beast and to bow down to him, because he will say that he is god and to him we should bow down, as yet there were not two witnesses who will be Elijah and Moses, they will preach the gospel to the whole world, but also a false prophet will come and they will also preach but lies, here we can see the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God

    1. I'm sorry for the mistakes I made, I wrote this post too fast, I'll correct this "no" ->no, "you're"->you, "showed"->show, "overlook"->observe, that's how it is when you write fast.

  21. Peter, that is, a stone, not a rock

    "Stay away from every form of wickedness." (1Thes 5:22 NBG)
    A photo depicting a man wearing the mitre of Dagon violating bodily integrity through marks on his forehead is, to put it mildly, "a form of wickedness" 🙂

  22. I have a question. I have been studying the Bible about a year and I feel that I should not take this sacrament. I have Confirmation this year, but I don't know if it would be good for me. I haven't found it in scripture, so I have serious doubts. Can anyone advise me? Thank you in advance.

    1. I think the issue in your case is not the biblicality of your confirmation, but the potential conflict with your family that could cost you a lot.
      On the one hand, you have your own will, and on the other hand, pressure from loved ones and maybe even a larger social group.

    2. Listen to what DS tells you and don't take Confirmation.
      Be prepared to experience harassment and bullying from family and friends.
      But abide in the Lord, He has overcome Christmas
      To be His disciple means that you become an outcast to the world.
      May God bless you and fill you with His love so that you will be a light to all those you meet on your path.

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