Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


David Wilkerson

Jesus speaks of the grass that is green today but is mowed tomorrow. He wants to remind us that it is He who gave it life.
"If, then, the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, God so clothes, how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?" (Luke 12:28).
Let us not think that He cares less for us than for the grass. He knows full well what we need, whether it be food, finances, or clothing.
"For these are all things that the peoples of this world seek; and your Father knows that you need these things" (12:30).
Here Christ reminds us again, "here is all you need to know:Your heavenly Father knows what your needs are. He has already counted them."
Jesus promises, "Seek the kingdom of God, and that will be added to you. Do not be afraid, little flock!" (12:31-32). If we simply trust Him, the Lord will bless us with everything we need.
If you are worried about what will happen to your family in the days ahead, I have good news for you: your children are God's children. He cares about your loved ones more than you do. Jesus knows exactly what you all need to survive.
He knows you need a roof over your head. He knows what your monthly rent is, He knows how many mouths you need to feed and how much you have in your pantry. You can fully trust Him to meet all these needs because He has promised to do so.

Updated: 4 October 2016 — 18:19


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  1. Definition of faith. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ.

  2. Hurraaaaaa 🙂 Let's trust in God!

  3. This is what I needed to read right now, and I read it... Massacre 🙂 .

  4. 17.10.2016r is likely a false flag +-3 on that day, blame blame want to blame Iran and Assad, will also be suspended elections in the U.S., already at the moment nothing is certain and perhaps the most important information about which nowhere is said resigned the most powerful man on earth Adolfo Nicolas from the post of general of the Jesuit order and joins Kolvenbech just yesterday began deliberations on the election of the next black pope, the results probably 11 .10 , there will be 2 retirees and one will be in charge , for the first time in the history of the order something like this ! they need a lot of coordination because the 3rd world war will be big and one General would not be able to handle it, that's why they change and the others will support him because they have a lot of experience, the same was in 2008 already then there was supposed to be a war and a crash but Bush proved to be too slow to implement the weakening of the U.S. and they had to throw him out and wait as the U.S. further weakens and demoralizes now they have their time and strike. bush just proved to be too slow but the black negro has paid off in an exemplary way by destroying the USA and opening the way for the jesuits to destroy the middle east and the world in general. Hallelujah everything is real everything is around us.

  5. I believed in God, Jesus became my Lord and my life changed 180 degrees. God is a God of success, believe and trust to the end and everything will be added to you. This is what I have been experiencing for over two years now.
    Praise Jesus Christ.

    1. Goddess from England, is that you? :))

    2. I agree with you 100%, I'm experiencing this myself
      Praise Our Lord

  6. We no longer rely on ourselves but on God.

    To Him we entrust our affairs, to Him we ask and to Him we praise.

    He hears, He knows, He causes, He is 🙂 .

    No one is able to take care of us like He can 🙂 .

    1. "Have confidence in the Lord and do good,
      dwell in the land and remain faithful.
      Rejoice in the Lord,
      and He will fulfill the desires of your heart.
      Commit your way to the Lord
      and trust in Him: He Himself will act" Psalm 37

      "I put all my hope in the Lord;
      He bent over me
      and heard my cry.
      He got me out of the pit of doom
      And out of the mud puddle,
      and set my feet upon a rock
      And strengthened my steps.
      And he put a new song in my mouth,
      a song for our God.
      Many will see and their trepidation will take over,
      and they will put their trust in the Lord.
      The lucky husband who made
      their hope in the Lord..." Psalm 40

      "Let them rejoice and be glad in You
      all who seek you.
      May they always say, "God is great!"
      Those who desire your help." Psalm 70

      "Lord, you penetrate and know me,
      You know when I sit down and stand up.
      You penetrate my thoughts from afar,
      you see my action and my rest
      and all my ways are known to you.
      Though not yet a word on the tongue:
      You, Lord, already know them in their entirety.
      You embrace me from everywhere
      and you put your hand on me.
      Your knowledge is too strange for me,
      too lofty: I cannot comprehend it.
      Where will I go before your spirit?
      Where shall I flee from Your face?
      For You formed my kidneys,
      You wove me in my mother's womb.
      Thank you for creating me so wonderfully,
      Your works are admirable.
      And you know my soul well,
      my being is not secret to you,
      when I was rising in secret,
      woven in the depths of the earth.
      Your eyes have seen my deeds
      And they are all written in Your book;
      days were defined,
      though none of them has [yet] come." Psalm 139


    Starting at 3:10, there is mention of a new currency that is supposedly the currency of the NWO.

    1. Yes and the "Christian" statement in the commentary:

      "Listen to Pastor Chojecki so you don't shit your pants later :)"

      1. hehe, good, I didn't check the comments ;p.

      2. "Well yes because after all Chojecki's people are armed with firearms then they don't have to be afraid of anything." 🙂

        1. why do they need Jesus...

  8. Are people getting more bestial or have they always been this way?

  9. People practically care less and less about the common good (the anti-Christ spirit of these times), and are only interested in the tip of their own nose, which in consequence leads to the disintegration of nations, societies, and finally the basic unit of the community which is the family.

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