Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A pro-Catholic government will enforce a ban on Sunday trading.

"For the time being, a trial on the first Sunday of the month," said Finance Minister Pawel Szałamacha. He added that the effects should be observed over the next two years.

A citizens' bill banning Sunday trading in most retail establishments was submitted to the Sejm on Friday by the Legislative Initiative Committee, which includes Solidarity and other social, Catholic, labor and employer organizations."



Now let's look at it this way: the Roman church changed the day off from Saturday to Sunday. How important that must have been to Satan's dignitaries. Now they want to ban Sunday trading, yet Christians think it doesn't matter which day of the week it is or if it is free at all. Satan has changed the law and Christians are clapping.

Let me clarify right away that I am not an Adventist and I believe at this stage that our salvation is not dependent on celebrating Saturday, but I do know one thing: God the Father has ordained the holy day to be holy.

Now the pseudo holy father otherwise, introduces through his politicians the law of his principal looking after the Vatican.

Those who believe that Sunday trading should be banned only in a Catholic country like Poland are mistaken. Nine out of 28 EU countries have significant restrictions on Sunday trading.

An almost complete ban on trade on Sundays and public holidays applies in Germany, Austria. Belgium, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Hungary have partial restrictions.

As we can see there is no religious rule. Germany Protestant, France secular-Muslim, Greece Orthodox. This is why the Roman church is called the mother of fornication.

This is probably why within a year Americans will be forced to submit to the dictates of the Pope.


By the way, let's remember what activities were not allowed on Saturday in ancient Israel:


"- (Hebrew for rest) - a day of rest lasting from Friday evening until nightfall on Saturday, one of the most important days for all Jews. It begins on Friday evening when a woman lights two candles at home to signify the coming of the Sabbath; then prayers continue in the synagogue. The man recites kiddush over a cup of wine; one of three meals is eaten, with special dishes: challah, chulent. Hymns are recited, and special songs are sung. At the end of Shabbat, a Havdalah (Hebrew for separation) ceremony is held, marking the end of the holiday and separating it from the weekday. On Shabbat, all work is forbidden (except for the threat of death or caring for the sick), it is forbidden to stray from one's home for a distance greater than two thousand paces, and it is forbidden to light a fire. All regulations concerning Shabbat are contained in one of the tractates of the Mishnah ('Shabbat').",szabat-szabas-szabes/


As a curiosity I will add that in the gospel of Thomas which is an apocrypha there is such a record:


27 Jesus said, "Unless you fast in the world, you will not be found before the kingdom. Unless you make the Sabbath the Sabbath, you will not see the Father."






Updated: 8 September 2016 — 16:04


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  1. The problem is that in this way the Church is forced to keep this Sunday lit, even though the NT teaches otherwise - and so it is artificial. It is known that Pis is doing this rather for the applause of the Catholic electorate.

  2. And I still wonder why Protestant churches, evangelical churches celebrate, meet on Sunday. And to be honest I still can't understand it. Can't they meet on Saturday? The explanation that Sunday is a day off does not appeal to me at all. Saturday is free for most people, too. These Sunday meetings in the churches don't seem to me to fit in with the whole of their faith and teaching. And I am not an Adventist.

    1. I feel like you're worrying about this unnecessarily....
      I recommend a good cross-cultural Bible study on the Decalogue
      from evangelical

    2. Because pastors are mostly Jesuit agents or people who value the applause of people more than obedience to God.

      This is about ecumenism.

      1. You are right Wojtuś,but less and less of the sound teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.
        We are moving in great steps towards "do whatever you want"

  3. I believe that evangelical churches primarily raise the issue of being born again, baptizing as adults, and putting the word of God first at the expense of tradition. These are the main differences between Protestants and traditional churches. The Bible describes disputes in the early churches over, for example, the Sabbath and diet. These issues were clearly treated by the apostles as irrelevant to salvation. The relevant verses can be easily found by anyone. However, another issue is that the authority of Rome is behind the celebration of Sunday. I believe that as long as the Vatican officially ordered Sunday to be celebrated on the grounds that our Lord rose from the dead on that day, no one even in evangelical churches thought it important to question this choice. Especially since there are references in Scripture to meetings on the Lord's day. Besides, the first churches were characterized by exceptional zeal for the faith and practiced daily meetings.
    Now that long hidden questions about what the Church of Rome really is are coming to the surface, suspicion about the biblical validity of papal decisions and teachings is heightened.
    That is why the commandment to celebrate Sunday has come under the scrutiny of the critics of the Catholic Church. If we assume that the Vatican theater with the white-clothed "holy father" is only a façade behind which occult forces hide, then the commandment to celebrate Sunday as ordered by Rome should be treated completely differently. It is no longer just a question of whether holy Saturday or holy Sunday, but whether we submit to the authority of God or the Pope.

    1. Yes you are right Christopher, they want to bring about religious-political domination and the Sunday trading ban is a manifestation of that.
      Yes, you can meet every day, but in my opinion the day off should be Saturday. Why are offices closed on Saturdays? Because there are Jews in high places, but Zionist Jews. They don't celebrate Saturday at all, but because the world is generally ruled by Jews, they conform to it.

      1. And I didn't come across that 🙂 good thought Peter

      2. If only the question was whether Sunday or Saturday, or perhaps another day of the week, would be a day off. After all, one will have to face the most oppressive law against man of any kind that has prevailed on Earth since the dawn of time, as the Scriptures describe the great tribulation. This will be a systemic global solution and opposing it will be quite a challenge. It is rather certain that the antichrist's day off will be Sunday, but that will not be the problem. Sunday has been a public holiday throughout Europe since the time of Constantine, and later also in areas conquered or dependent on Europeans. Besides, it is hard to imagine that (since the rules of the NWO will be set by white Latinists) Sunday will be a holiday on Tuesday. Sunday is already so fixed that all that will be left is to "convince" first the Muslims and finally the Jews to adopt it, and this is what we are seeing with the aim of establishing a single world Luciferian religion. The main goal, however, is to implement something resembling an "all-inclusive" holiday formula throughout the Earth, but at the price of accepting the mark for identification by the system. It is obvious that the antichrist will not give this "boon" for free.
        "(4) And I saw thrones, and there sat on them those to whom the right of judgment was given;
        I have also seen the souls of those who were beheaded for bearing witness to the
        Jesus and preached the Word of God, and those who did not worship an animal or
        His statue and did not accept the mark on their foreheads and on their hands. These came to life and
        They reigned with Christ for a thousand years."
        Worship is not just saying ok, I'll go to the "temple" on Sunday. Well, unless I'm wrong, and indeed, in addition to taking the mark, one will have to dutifully tick off the Sunday ecumenical/syncretistic "service".
        Whatever the case, Sunday will probably be tacked on to the package, so you will have to oppose the whole package, not just the celebration of Sunday.
        Today most evangelical Christians meet for worship on Sunday because Sunday is a day off for most, but they are aware that the time of great trial is drawing nearer because they watch world events and know the prophecies. Adventists are not the only ones who know about the mark of the beast and the coming systemic exclusion from economic life of those who will not accept the mark. And that will be the challenge! And those who do not accept the mark will not go to the "temple" on Sunday either. It is obvious.
        I believe that in all of this, it is the submission to the law of the antichrist that will be the worship of the beast. It will be crucial to take the mark, for without it you are doomed to oblivion. With a chip on your hand or forehead, even Sabbath observance will not protect you from punishment at the hand of God.
        Now the following thought occurred to me: what if the Jews were to agree that Saturday was the holy day for the one world religion? Do you think that they would have given up on the chip? And what would be the worship? The Adventists would go into a tailspin because there was supposed to be a Sunday law, and here it is, gone.
        Therefore, I rather recommend that everyone focus on a daily relationship with God or prayer and be in constant readiness for the second coming of our Lord and Savior. Come Lord Jesus.

    2. The fact that the state artificially forces the observance of a certain day by following a certain creed does not imply the revelation that this day is bad, worse than another, or that one should honor the Sabbath as a duty....
      Jews observing Sabbaths according to rabbinical or Torah guidelines is not a justification either, for they do not recognize the fulfillment in Christ, the Christ.

      There is Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum a Messianic Jew and he does not teach the law, does not command Sabbath observance, etc. He has ministered many times in the Free Christian Church church in Palovice an excellent expert on the Mosaic Law. I suggest you to look for materials on his Ariel ministries
      is their profession of faith

  4. Polish Catholics are divided into a few categories: a) self-confident "sarmatics" (undervalued descendants of serfs) b) cosmopolitans, complacent towards the West c) the rest. This is how the separatist Roman church did it...

    1. gee, when you write something... golden thought guaranteed 😀

  5. Polish spirituality "thanks to" the church is very shallow, which makes Poland such a materially poor country... And let's remember that it is the spirit that creates matter, not the other way around.

  6. One is either for Jesus Christ or for the Pope of Rome. Take your pick. Either eternal life or eternal death.

    1. That's right, it's just that unfortunately in people's minds it's switched the other way around, and that's how they see people following Jesus.

  7. The Poles, the righteous sons and daughters of the nation, and in particular the biblical Christians, are ashamed of the living behavior of the Polish Romans, who completely mistakenly and erroneously consider themselves the salt of Polishness, while they are its blight.

  8. Peter:
    "What is a Sabbath!

    It is

    Genesis 2:2 And God completed on the seventh day the work he had done, and rested on the seventh day from all the work he had done. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and consecrated it, for in it He rested from all His work which God had done in creation.

    Our Creator didn't tell us whether He started on Monday or Thursday. I suspect that He also had some sort of calendar or plan before the acts of creation.

    In his opinion, the seventh day from the start of work should be a rest day.

    That is, it doesn't matter when you started work - on the seventh day you MUST rest and it is a blessed day for you. No Bible verse indicates to us the validity of the countdown. But all verses point to the obligation to refrain from work and to dedicate the Sabbath to God.

    Israel and the Judeans observed as a nation the Sabbath on Saturday. Did it coincide with the Romans' day of rest? We rather do not know, but we can surmise that the Romans did not change this order in Israel - we have no indication of this, and it is natural that the Roman offices had to follow the calendar of the Judeans in order to obtain anything - such as taxes or any other work.

    Let's give voice to...God!

    Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God: You shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger who dwells within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it.

    Not a word about Saturday or Sunday. Completely omitted counting the days of the week in any form.

    The seventh day is the Lord's Sabbath. You have been working since Wednesday, so you honor the Sabbath on Tuesday."

    In my opinion, you are thinking in religious terms.

    Meanwhile, the seventh day of rest means resting from work every seventh day.


    From this point of view whether it is Sunday or Saturday can be the seventh day.

    In contrast, religions have the thinking of the Pharisees who:
    "(23) Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that you give tithes of mint and of dill and of cumin, and have neglected what is more important in the law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness; these things ought to have been done, and these things not to have been neglected.

    (24) Blind guides! You strain the mosquito, but swallow the camel." Mat 24

    Literally Catholics or Adventists argue about which day is the seventh day of the week whether it is Sunday or Saturday.... meanwhile, notice that the Torah says what?
    "Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God: You shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger who dwells within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it."

    About the fact that every person, depending on when he starts work, has on the seventh day to rest from that work.

    If you start work on Monday you are supposed to finish it on Sunday, and if you start work on Sunday you finish it on Saturday.


    (25) At that time Isus spoke up and said: I praise thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto simpletons. Matt 11


    1. It's kind of pointless.
      The Sabbath is the "anniversary" of creation. How can an anniversary be celebrated each on a different date?
      This is about rest ok, only there is a reason for that rest, and that is creation.
      The anniversary of creation has one date.
      In view of what you say, how do you approach a situation where you have work for three days and on the fourth day, for example, you have no orders? Then you have an "early Sabbath" or do you forcefully look for an occupation to fill seven days? 🙂
      Chaos. God is not a God of chaos, but of order 😉 .

      1. Bravo. Not because you're clapping, but because only half an hour ago, without reading your comment, I wrote the same thing, only that I made unnecessary effort...
        It's a done deal.

    2. If it didn't matter, the NCC would not have changed that day from Saturday to Sunday.
      You write Cyril about the countdown. A strong seeming argument. Look, God did not instantly introduce a calendar for Adam and Eve.
      However, the number of days in the world is finite. Probably no one knows exactly how many we have survived as humans. The Jews say that we are 5775 years old. Hence, we can assume that in 25 years the Lord Jesus will come for the millennium. No one knows the day or the hour, but the year we can expect if we are sure of it. The coming of the Lord has little significance in these considerations, but it does show that there is some chronology being maintained. God is a God of order.
      If we rely on your version ignoring a specific day of the week, then we are coming into conflict with the order of God. Since God has set a day off on Saturday, that means that that day specifically, which falls on the 7th day of the week from the ORDER OF THE WORLD should be a day of rest.
      It is not your or my discretion to count down the days of the week that is important, but the chronology.
      No, I don't take a religious view, and I don't force anyone to celebrate the Sabbath or make reading the blog dependent on it.

      Look at Cyril on this:

      "'He said thus: The fourth beast - this is the fourth kingdom that will be on the earth, different from all kingdoms; it will consume the whole earth, trample it down and wipe it out. (...)
      He will speak words against the Most High and exterminate the saints of the Most High,
      is going to change the times and the Law(...)"
      Daniel 7:23-25″

      To show how important this was to the NCC I will copy from a page quotes from famous people over a thousand years.
      This will be an oosbinary entry.

  9. As an aside. Doesn't a long-winded (not precise) speech show that a given individual is demonized?

    1. You "detmold" prefer short statements, but your verbosity is no less because you speak in series. I don't think that proves anything.

  10. Quite a "simpleton" you are Cyril! I am joking of course, but also agree with you.

    1. I also agree with Cyril on this topic.
      With God

      1. Magdula, unfortunately I have to say this. I don't know how it is with Cyril, let him answer for himself honestly, but in my opinion the basis of your faith is the acceptance of those precepts of God and dogma that suit your lifestyle. Where it suits YOU you sign the comments: amen. You are a trap for yourself.

        So that you don't feel offended, I'm already explaining why. You think you got a job in a women's clothing store from God. You work on Saturdays.
        I know people who are in a similar situation as you, but their position was diametrically opposed. Well, in relation to being forced to work on Saturdays, these people asked God to solve this problem and you know what, God helped them.

        Let me emphasize again: I am not making salvation dependent on celebrating Saturday, but I do want to show that there is another level of faith in God. Voluntary and unforced obedience to His Law.

        1. Peter you wrote:
          "You think you got your job in a women's clothing store from God. You work on Saturdays."

          No, I don't think so, but I know this. I'm not going to write the details of why I know this because I would have to write a lot and I don't want to do that anymore because I've already opened up too much.

          "Well, in relation to being forced to work on Saturdays, these individuals asked God to solve this problem and you know what, God helped them with it."

          And praise be to God. I am not telling anyone that they are wrong or sinning by celebrating on Saturdays. Unfortunately, there have been comments here to the effect that so-called Sunday Christians are sinning.

          I have the impression that I have not been understood at all about what I wanted to convey in my comments. Therefore, I withdraw, entrusting all of this to the Lord Jesus and will not pursue this subject any further.

          "Where it suits YOU to sign off on comments: amen. "

          I subscribe to such a commentary which in my experience corresponds to the Word of God and not because it suits me. Maybe you don't know this, but I am strongly focused on the Word of the Lord, not trying to impose my own teachings, and I have no intention of imposing anything on anyone.
          Besides, I am not alone in this understanding of the meaning of the Divine Law in the Old and New Covenants. Our beloved brother Apostle Paul has explained it very nicely and clearly.

          Your comment was not fair unfortunately.
          And I'm sorry, but I have to write this.
          I know that you are facing a lot of attacks on your person which I regret and I am sorry but unfortunately this is not the first time you have gone a bit too far with your hasty judgment of a person or a group of people.

          Greetings in the Love of Christ.
          May the Lord guide and protect you.

          1. Just once more I wanted to address your words Peter, I quote you again:
            "Well, in relation to being forced to work on Saturdays, these individuals asked God to solve this problem and you know what, God helped them with it."

            Therefore, I assume that in my case it was not that I asked and that I asked God for an answer. Is that so?
            Well, you are wrong. My heart's great desire is also to do the Will of God and I want to wholeheartedly focus on the Lord Jesus and the complete transformation of my heart by the Spirit of God and the denying of self, putting to death the old nature and not whether to "Sabbath" on Saturday or Sunday because the living Word is Lord of the Sabbath

            " is something bigger than a temple. And if you understood what it means, Mercy I want and not sacrifices, you would not condemn the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath (Matt 12:2-8),

            He is the rest, He is the only one who fulfilled (obeyed in this sense) from beginning to end the Mosaic Law in its entirety (including the Decalogue), He is the only one who never once sinned.
            When He came into the world He was under the Old Covenant. Only when the Word of His grace given to us on the cross was fulfilled did the New Covenant come into force, as if it were a "spiritual carbon copy" of the Old, and the Law given in the Old Covenant was not abolished, but took a different form.
            There is no longer a so-called letter of the Law, but rather there is a desire in the hearts of the converted to keep the Law out of love for the Lord Jesus, who is to be worshipped in Spirit, and it is Him-the Living God-who we are to worship in Spirit and in Truth every second of our lives no matter what we do and no matter what day it is, for He is Lord of the Sabbath, not Saturday or Sunday, and it is not man for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man, established out of concern for us.
            Sabbath-rest by receiving God's peace in the Lord our Savior. This is available to every new born of the Holy Spirit.

            I also used to think a lot about celebrating Saturday, I asked God if I should do it and that's the answer I got so far.
            There is also the question of the present calendar which obviously differs from the biblical one.

            Besides, someone who says that he celebrates Saturday because he wants to FULLY imitate Jesus would also have to celebrate other Jewish holidays and the entire Mosaic Law because Jesus kept it. As we know, our Lord ONLY fulfilled the WHOLE Law on earth so that we could be under grace and no longer under the Law, being slaves to the letter of the Law.
            God wants us to give Him our whole lives, our whole selves as a sacrifice.

            And to be clear. If someone wishes in their heart to celebrate on Saturday I have absolutely no intention of dissuading them from doing so.

            Of course, the case is different with, among others, the Catholic and actually world "Christmas" because it is already a pagan holiday. The Sabbath, as we know, was observed only by Israel, the chosen people, despite the fact that the Creator just after the foundation of the world had consecrated the seventh day of the week.

            Finally, let me just remind you that the Apostles taught the Jews in the synagogues on the Sabbath and : "And on the first day after the Sabbath, when we were gathered together to break bread..."(Acts 20:7)

            My heartfelt greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ.

    2. I have read the teaching contained in the lecture linked by "adi". The text is long, but I think everyone should read it.

      1. "Later rabbinic regulations, especially after the Babylonian captivity (Neh13:15-22. cf. apocrypha. 1 Macc 2:32-41), have so complicated the cultivation of the fourth commandment that continued observance of the command to keep the Sabbath holy has become utterly impossible. For in the course of time, the scribes created so many additional regulations and stipulations related to the observance of the day of rest that they became an unbearable yoke. "

        I agree.

        ") The Lord Jesus compares the Sabbath with the ceremonial law, quoting the words of the prophet Hosea: "For I want love, not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God, not burnt offerings" (Hos 6:6. cf. Matt 9:13; 12:7). The analogy is simple. As Hosea reproved Israel for not treating people and their need as more important than observing rituals, so the Lord Jesus Christ had to remind His critics that people are more important than the Sabbath. Thus the Lord Jesus Christ placed the Sabbath in the same categories as ritual duties."

        I agree.

        "Neither in Acts nor in the epistles is there a single command for Christians to observe the Sabbath; on the contrary, the apostle Paul calls the Sabbath 'a shadow of things to come' "

        I agree, but neither does smoking cigarettes, which is a sin.

        and to return to the observance of Sabbaths or festivals is to "turn back to the weak and miserable elements" (Gl 4:9-10

        " (9) But now that you have come to know God - and even more God has come to know you - how can you return again to weak and miserable things? Do you again wish to be in their bondage? (10) You carefully observe the days, the months, the seasons, and the years."

        Now that you have come to know God (Jesus) they should not pay attention to formalistic rules impossible to fulfill. Do you want to be in bondage to them again? After all, the decalogue has not been removed.
        If we are to be guided only by the commandment of love, then let us generally not study the Bible, for what use is it to us if it is enough to love people.

        "All the commandments of the Decalogue were repeated or quoted in the New Testament by the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles except the commandment about the Sabbath."
        That's not true. He said he was the Lord of the Sabbath.

        Overall, Luke answered our dilemma:

        "1 And the one who is weak in faith1, take him in kindly, without disputing about opinions. 2 One is of the opinion that you can eat everything; the other, weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The one who eats [everything], let him not despise the one who does not eat [everything], and the one who does not eat, let him not condemn the one who eats; for God has graciously taken him in. 4 Who are you that dare to judge another's servant? Whether he stands or falls is his lord's business. He will stand, for his lord has power to keep him standing.
        5 One makes a distinction between certain days, and another regards all as equal: let each hold to his conviction! 6 Whoever observes certain days observes them for the Lord, and whoever eats everything eats for the Lord. For to God he gives thanks. And he who doesn't eat everything doesn't eat for the Lord's sake, and he also gives thanks to God. 7 But none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself: 8 for if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. And therefore in life and in death we belong to the Lord. 9 For for this cause Christ died and came back to life, that he might reign over the dead as well as over the living.2"

  11. They want to implement this ban, and they don't think that by doing so 1 out of 7 people (yes about 14%) will be laid off....
    What's more, students (especially full-time ones, because those working part-time usually work "during the week") and people who don't have much time left to retire won't have any way to earn money to pay their bills... Ma-ka-bra 🙁
    But thank you also for pointing out the biblical plane of the matter 🙂
    By the way, in Hungary they want to withdraw this ban, they saw that there was a drop in turnover and they will restore the possibility to trade on Sunday (if they haven't already).... But who am I comparing - a country where there are about 37% Catholics [out of which probably about 4-5% are "really practicing", besides, in the times of the Reformation, until the Habsburgs took power over those lands, there were a lot of Calvinists (I'm excluding territories that used to belong to the Ottoman Empire, because I don't know what it was like there); somewhat similar is the case in the Czech Republic, except that there are 20% Catholics and about the same number of practicing Catholics or even less... The number of Catholics in the Czech Republic is 20% and the number of practicing Catholics is probably close to or even less.... There are supposedly even the smallest towns in the Czech Republic have a monument and/or a street to Jan Hus!) with Poland, where according to statistics there are 95% Catholics (hehe, if you take out those who converted to another religion because of their spouse being e.g. Orthodox or Evangelical). (hehe, if we take off people who changed their religion because of their spouse being e.g. Orthodox or Evangelical, etc.; if we take off agnostics, atheists, apostates, irreligious; if we take off people who live abroad but are still registered in a particular place belonging to parish Y, etc.; if we take off people who live abroad but are still registered in a particular place belonging to parish Y, etc.) (if it was easier to cross out the data from the baptismal book when someone leaves the church for various reasons), it would come down to about +/- 60%, if not less; and if from these +/- 60% one would find people who regularly attend and could be interesting... Anyway, speaking of statistics, I once heard a joke: "A man and his dog are walking. Statistically they have three legs (and probably half a tail too 🙂 )" ].
    PS. Hungary is quite a nice country from what I've heard (and people are very friendly towards Poles - after all, it is said that a Pole Hungarian is two nephews 🙂 ), it's a pity that the language is so difficult... But the Czech Republic is also quite nice 🙂 I would like to go to one of these countries someday 🙂 I would like to go to the Czech Republic.

    1. Sorry, I was wrong, in the Czech Republic there are about 10% (!) Catholics and 20% believers?

  12. By the way, I have mixed feelings about whether or not there should be one day a week off from trading, and that's because I run a for-profit retail business. I have stalls in a shopping center that have to be open on Friday and Saturday. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to just look after the business, but I also have to work. The problem for me in this state of affairs is finding time to attend meetings. To be honest, most of the churches meet on Sunday. Of course, some of the churches also have meetings on other days of the week, but not on all days, and usually in the afternoon or evening.
    It is difficult to find an employee who would agree to work on weekends, so you have to rotate and often patch holes yourself. Besides, as a Christian, I believe I should treat my employees fairly and not oppress them.
    That's why the prospect of a trade-free Sunday is very attractive to me and my employees. Of course, I don't know if the business would still be profitable after such a change. Understandably, I don't want to add to the business, but if I had to take a manageable loss and still have time for worship on Sunday, I would be very happy.
    I'd like to add that in "my" church the meetings usually last about two and a half hours. In addition, before the meeting there are also meetings for prayer and after the meeting there are some common meals and discussions. So you could say that it's a nice couple of hours, not counting the travel time.

    1. If you have any objections, Christopher, or if something puzzles you, just ask God.
      It is not a bad thing to work in the police, emergency room on Saturdays. This is compulsion for the GOOD of the people. There is the preservation of the law of LOVE. The care of human beings.
      You have a different situation and I, for one, would not dare to judge someone just because they do not celebrate the Sabbath.
      Motivations are important here. God knows your motivations, but as I mentioned, if you have a dilemma, ask God. 100% will answer you.

      1. My lease just ran out in August and I was considering moving to a facility that doesn't work on Sundays. However, I was stopped by the fact that from January there is a chance of free Sundays from trade, so the problem will solve itself. For now, I am looking for an employee.

  13. thirteenth_pair_zeber

    An interesting chapter from a book, unfortunately in English. The author interprets Genesis in an attempt to show that the story of man's creation contains metaphors for the gradual development of the earth and does not contradict the theory that man is descended from 'apes.'

  14. People who speak Polish are not an inferior race, as various Jesuit agents have been trying to convince them for centuries. The fact (unfortunately) is that Poles "thanks to" the Vatican poison have become spiritually, mentally and physically dull.... Evidence? Please compare the development of e.g. Poland to e.g. the protestant regions of Germany. Draw your own conclusions.

    1. Catholic ideology places the self of every human being, namely his soul, at its core. How this affects human cooperation, which is based primarily on trust and the sacrifice of part of one's interests for the benefit of the group, I need not say further...

  15. Either Poles reject the demonic teachings of the Vatican or they will cease to exist.

    1. Protestant nations will cease to exist. Sweden - leftist propaganda is about to make white Swedes a minority in their country, and when the economic/social system collapses, the blacks/Muslims will slaughter the whites. England, a Protestant country, elects a Muslim as the mayor of London. The Germans will soon be gone too. Canada - the leftist movement is harvesting the biggest crops there, whites are about to become a minority, it is so absurd there that they change the words of the national anthem to make it more 'gendered'. The USA - the same - will not be saved, because the Republicans, even the supposedly Protestant ones, do not condemn LGBT, because they would lose votes. I even saw "LGBT for Trump" rainbow patches in the official campaign store. What other Protestant countries? Holland, Belgium? Same thing. So keep quiet, tinkerer, because you're wrong. Catholic countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal also choose the left and also have problems with Muslims. So why doesn't Poland have this? Because nobody wants to come here, because there is poverty. Why is there poverty? Because of the Jewish conspiracy. After the Second World War, Poland was rebuilding itself from the destruction, building Polish capital. Then the ones from "Solidarność"/Jewish agents/, selling out all the property for a pittance. Now the Poles are grandfathers. Don't listen to the Korwin Berkovitz Jews that capital has no nationality, that state regulation is the problem (do you have any country without regulation?). Now our "politicians" are trained by the US State Department (thank the Protestant States for this!). Those who compare Poland to the United States, it's so cool to watch American movies, how awesome it is there, but what the US Army does outside the borders it's better not to know. Listen to the agents Chojecki, who praise America.

      I'm not Catholic, but putting the KRK as the only evil one is wrong.

      Read some history books. Protestants in the West are aggressive Zionists, there was even a chapter in a book: "Billy Graham - A Zionist Shill".

      "They will cease to exist" are the Protestant nations themselves, Poland and other Slavs will exist, unless another "Holocaust" of Slavs is carried out as the *Protestant USA* wants, i.e. confrontation with Russia. So that only the Slavic peoples will slaughter each other.

      1. Sweden and those areas are more Lutheran-secular denominations for whom the Bible is not the Word of God, they themselves confess this
        Since they reject the foundation, it is no wonder that they have become entangled in the bad ideas of left-wing realism. All things have their cause and effect. These lukewarm denominations are not representative of all biblical Christianity because they do not even conform to the Protestant 5xsola (part of which is sola Scriptura=only the Word of God) which is no example, but Catholic fans like to use this for their own apolgoetic purposes to cast Protestantism in a bad light.

      2. Anti-Semitism excludes love of neighbor. Beware of anti-Semitism, it is a trap. We don't know who exactly belongs to the viper tribe.

  16. Thanks to Rome, Poles are ashamed of themselves and have no greater achievements as a collective...

  17. Sometimes I get angry when I see how Poland and Poles really are. What irritates and angers me most is the lack of any possibility of changing this situation. I am frightened by a kind of intoxicating lethargy in which the vast majority of my compatriots find themselves, both at home and abroad. All this is a result of false, diabolic Roman teachings which have been forced into their heads for generations and which they have absorbed.

    1. It's as if nothing is getting through to them...

  18. A nun has written a book entitled. "The Way to a CHOLERELY Happy Life" :- /

    1. Oh, I put the link in quotation marks

      I also see that Jurek Owsiak said the following about Sister Małgorzata Chmielewska: "I am very happy that she came to the Woodstock Festival.

      1. I was once at the Woodstock stop and I got interested in the Jesus stop - where priests try to evangelize.... maybe we should go there and evangelize priests 🙂 .

        1. 🙂
          I was reading Acts yesterday and somehow this was the first time I paid attention to this passage:

          "And the word of God was spreading, and the number of disciples in Jerusalem was also increasing greatly, and even a great many priests embraced the faith.
          Acts 6:7

  19. You know what I am afraid of. That PIS will change the constitution and create a religious state under the aegis of the Roman Church. Then it will be the end.....

    1. It is very possible, especially because it is said in Catholic circles that the alleged Mary (Venus) chose Poland for herself and in Marian prophecies it is mentioned.

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