Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Word for 24/09/2016, or does the Law of Moses bind us?

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish but to complete" Mt 5.17.

Today I take up an analysis of a very controversial topic:

whether we are still bound by the Law.

I was inspired to write this text by a video on a FaceBook profile sponsored by I don't know who, which appears to all Christians as a suggestion to like. I don't want to mention the name of the channel yet before I gather more material exposing their lies, but I will address the topic as above, which they did.


Well, the young man conducting his argument on the law (order) said more or less like this:

"The law no longer applies to us, for every born again person has the Holy Spirit, and it is he who knows the law and tells him how to act."

Greater deception I have not heard since Jesuit Pope Bergoglio said we all have one God.

If no law is needed because it is the Holy Spirit who knows it, then why is there so much evil among church members? Where do "teachers" like Benny Hinn come from?

After all, Kate Perry is a pastor's daughter.

I have read many Christian books and I know that even pastors and elders of churches have hidden sins. How did this happen if they have the Holy Spirit who knows the law?


I once watched a video with Artur Ceroński who said that he had a Decalogue hanging in his house and when he was born again, he threw it in the trash. He believed that the law was written in his heart.

I don't know what the law is, and I don't know if it's from God, since a person claiming to be a pastor, dressed in leather, stands almost on his hands during the service:

I leave it to your judgment.



Back to the substance.


The Lord Jesus says:

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or prophets; I have not come to abolish but to complete'


As far as I am concerned this is an obvious statement. I have not come to abolish the Law. I came to complete it.

So, in a nutshell. Every one of us was in what we called a "visitor's booth. There was often a glass of water or juice on the table. Sometimes we would ask the hosts or someone at the table: "could you add water for me?".

glass of

The implication is that the glass was filled in some part, but not completely. The partygoer had to ask for a refill. So it is with the Law as well. That part filled is the Law. The Lord Jesus came to fill it up, to add water. The water of love.


From the Greek, "to fill" means "plērōsai." In Strong's Concordance it is translated as "to fill, to fill, to complete to be".

As we can see by the translation from the Greek, ¯ydom was missing something. They missed it:


A new commandment I give to youso that you may have one another they loved As I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13


These are Jesus' own words as well as those earlier in Matthew. The Lord Jesus came to complete the Law with a NEW commandment that Orthodox Jews have so far rejected: the commandment of love.

Do Polish Jewish politicians love each other?

With the advent of Jesus Christ, it The heart was a marker of a new quality:


(8) He says unto them, Moses hath permitted you to send away your wives for the sake of for the hardness of your hearts, But that hasn't been the case from the beginning.

(9) And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for the cause of fornication, and marry another, committeth adultery; and whosoever shall put away his wife marryeth adultery."


Jews were kind of heartless people. The well-known 80's band Rezerwat once had a song called "Observer".

Text excerpt:

"Observer, Observer ,
instead of heart - calculator
I know everything!

Observer Observer , observer , observer , observer , observer , observer , angel , devil , prosecutor"


The Pharisees' inability to fulfill the law, resulted in their inability to carry out the law, and thus made the Pharisees heartless people.


To illustrate what this is all about, I will quote the gospel of Luke:

When Jesus came to the house of a certain leader of the Pharisees to eat a meal on the Sabbath, they followed Him. And behold, a man came before Him sick with dropsy. Then Jesus asked the scholars of the law and the Pharisees: "Is it permissible to heal on the Sabbath or not?" But they remained silent. And he touched him, healed him and he checked in. And to them he said: "Which of you, if his son or his ox falls into a well, will not draw him out at once, even on the Sabbath day?"1 And they couldn't answer him.'


Jesus healed the sick man on the Sabbath, but does that mean He broke the Law? No, He simply fulfilled a new commandment: the commandment to love. Legalistic Jews were strangers to this attitude. There is a reason why to this day we have legalistic officials of a system that was created by...Jews. Kwasniewski, Walesa, Balcerowicz are all Jews. I hope I'm not offending anyone by defining the nation. The soulless officialdom and bureaucratic socialism was invented by Jews. The creator of this system was Marx, its executor was Stalin, and its ideological patron Lenin.


Yes, I would also agree that we have rest in Jesus, but:


" Saying that "the Sabbath is established for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2.27) Jesus affirms the principles, That the Sabbath was instituted to relieve man from his labor. The Pharisees changed the meaning of the Sabbath, making it a day full of burdensome rules. Jesus came to free us from the burden of the Law by offering us His grace (John 1.17; Romans 6.14). He is the Lord of the Sabbath who frees us from trying to achieve salvation by our own efforts. In him we have rest from our works when we trust in him and what he did for us on the cross."


It is not the amount of rules you follow that brings you closer to God, that is, not your effort.

Therefore, I do not believe that someone celebrating the Sabbath on Sunday is doing anything wrong. It was the church that changed the law by introducing a day off on Sunday.

I am just trying to do the Father's will. A day spent without work with family and with God, the Bible is the Sabbath.


When considering whether or not we are still bound by the law, I often see malicious and cynical comments like:

"if the law still applies to us then get circumcised"

Such a smartass in a man. Such a master of quick retort :-).

The truth, however, is different.


I declare that with the advent of our beloved Lord Jesus, there was an exchange of circumcision:

"but this one is a Jew who is one inwardly, and this is circumcision, which is circumcision of the heart, in the spirit and not according to the letter; such a one has glory not with men but with God. " Rom 2.


On the internet, everyone has something to say, but has such a person read the entire Bible, or come to something on his own, or through website leaders?

I had a leader and started a solo search and that's why the site is not called but From English detective, deteceted means detection. Maybe Jacek will correct me here 🙂 .

So I detect biblical truth on my own, subject to no one but Jesus. I am not in any religion and I do not assume any religion. The only thing I hold to is the Word of God. I also do not expect submission. Anyone can stop reading the blog at any time and it would be most fair if they disagree with me. There are many sites on the internet and there will be something for everyone ...maybe good.


So what is the difference between the old law and the new law?

The primary difference is ACCESS to God.

The White Soul band sings:

"Holy, mighty are you our Lord,
before you today we can stand,
by grace, not by ourselves."


Previously, priests had this privilege. Today we can stand before God ourselves. The symbolic motive for this change was the falling of the veil separating the average person from God:


45 From the sixth hour darkness enveloped the whole earth until the ninth hour.18 46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice: "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? "19 That is, My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me? 47 Hearing this, some of those standing there said, "He is calling Elijah. 48 Immediately one of them ran and took a sponge, filled it with vinegar20 and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. 49 But the others said, "Wait! We will see if Elijah comes to save Him." 50 And Jesus cried out once more with a loud voice and gave up the ghost.
51 And behold, the veil of the tabernacle split in two from top to bottom; the earth trembled and the rocks began to crack. Matthew 27

Before that, only the high priest could cross over ((2 Genesis 30.10).

In Jesus' day, the temple in Jerusalem was the center of Jewish religious life. The temple was the place where animal sacrifices were offered and God was worshipped, according to the Law of Moses. Hebrews 9.1-9 tells us that the temple was partitioned by a veil that separated the holy place from the most holy place-the place on earth where God resided-from the rest of the temple where people resided. This indicates that sin separated man from God (Isaiah 59.1-2).

At the moment of Jesus' death, the veil fell. It was supposedly a very thick and heavy veil. At the same time, the sacrifices offered for sins ceased to apply to anyone who accepted Jesus as Lord, also obedient to the will of the Father. This time is also the end of intermediaries between God and man. Unfortunately, not many people want to take advantage of this, of such a GREAT PRIVILEGE.

In the days of Ancient Israel, only a select few had access to God. Today, everyone has that access, but people don't appreciate it.

So we are not bound by ceremonial law, but the Law of God still binds us. There has been an exchange of priests.

"To her we cling as an anchor of the soul, sure and strong, reaching beyond the veil, (20) Where as a forerunner Jesus entered for us, having become high priest according to the order of Melchisedec for ever." Heb 6.2


Melchisedec is a type of Christ, whose priesthood is similarly unique. Since he does not inherit the office from anyone, this means that he received it directly from God.

So Jesus is our only priest and mediator according to Paul's letter:

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, (6)who gave himself a suitable ransom for all - a testimony to this is to be given in due times." 1 Tim 2


There is no Mary, no priests. You address your issues directly to Jesus Christ.


The question then becomes: are we still bound by the Sabbath, the tithe, the prohibition against eating pork?

In my opinion: yes.

The problem is that Christians think that these prohibitions and commandments were ossified and only for wayward Israelites.


Personally, I like seafood. Unfortunately, I learned not only in the Bible that they are inadvisable, but also in guides on healthy eating. Shrimps, squids are the filter of the sea, collecting all the impurities. It is the same with pigs. When I learned the truth about pigs, that they do not sweat and at the same time retain toxins, and that they used to be vacuum cleaners of cities living on the periphery, where they ate leftovers of spoiled food, I stopped eating pork. I get nostalgic especially during city events or in tourist destinations looking at shish kebabs :-). However, God shows us in the Bible to try to be wise. Solomon did not pray for money, but for wisdom.

With information as above, it would be illogical for me to continue eating pork. Additionally, there is carcinogenic sodium nitrite in all meat and sausages. Now here's the thing: Christians get serious diseases and then pray. But do they follow a preventative biblical diet? They don't. The subject is broad. Yes, you will say "everything is on chemicals now". Yes it is true, we should have our own gardens. Nevertheless, we have a choice: a lesser or a greater evil. You will do as you wish.

Yes, I celebrate the Sabbath as much as I can. Unfortunately, I often travel on those days, and so I break strict rules. However, I don't work on that day and Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath knows what kind of heart I have and He knows what kind of business I travel on. This Saturday, for example, I am traveling to meet with my Christian family.



This is how I pay. I try to do 10% thoroughly. It applies, but the Lord Jesus added a new commandment to it.


"2 When therefore you give alms, do not trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that people may praise them. Truly, I say to you, these have already received their reward. 3 But when you give alms, let not your left hand know what your right hand does, 4 that your alms may remain hidden. And your Father, who sees in secret, will give you back. “


You don't do it for show, but you are supposed to do it. Jesus was doing the will of the Father. What has changed in tithing is the approach. The following is both about the approach and the beatitudes:


" For it is so: He who sows sparingly will reap also sparingly; but he who sows bountifully will reap also bountifully. 7 Let each one, therefore, do as his own heart tells him, without regret or compulsion, For God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to pour out upon you all the abundance of grace, so that you, having everything and always in abundance, may be rich in all good works 9 according to what is written:
He scattered, gave to the poor,
His righteousness endures forever.
10 But he that giveth seed to the sower, and giveth bread for comfort, and multiplieth seed, and increaseth the harvest of your righteousness. 11 Enriched in all things, you will be full of all the simplicity that gives thanks to God through us.


A joyful giver is loved by God.

This translates into God's blessing and I see it in others following this principle. Joy and love in giving.


I notice a mass of unhappy people who miss out on blessings because they don't know the Scriptures. I have mentioned the fifth commandment several times:


"Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live for a long time and may prosper in the land that the Lord your God will give you."


Is the commandment no longer valid? In my opinion it is important and I notice the correlations in life.


Many people who consider themselves Christians say that we don't have to keep the Law anymore, but they are so eager to validate themselves by criticizing Catholic idolatry.


How do we know about this idolatry:


You shall not make any carving or any image of what is in the heavens above, or of what is in the earth below, or of what is in the waters under the earth!
You shall not worship them or serve them
For I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, who punishes the transgression of the fathers on the sons to the third and fourth generation against those who hate Me.
And I will show favor until the thousandth generation to those who love Me and keep My commandments."


From the second commandment. From the Law.

Mr. Ceronski said he hid the decalogue. I am not surprised that he hid the decalogue. After all, it stands here among the things indicating a violation of the second commandment:

In contrast, this young man appearing on a faecbook channel, claiming that the law does not apply to us because the Holy Spirit shows us what is allowed and what is not, is based on this verse:



 Listen to me! Let the Holy Spirit guide your life, and then you will not give in to sinful desires. 17 For there is a conflict between Spirit and human sinful desires. These forces are opposed to each other, so you cannot live as you feel you should. 18 But if you allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit, the Law of Moses will have no authority over you. Galatians 5


It's just a shame that he didn't already pay attention to the rest of this chapter where the base is mentioned:

Yielding to sinful human desires leads to: sexual promiscuity, impurity, immorality,20 idol worship, witchcraft, hatred, quarrelsomeness, jealousy, anger, selfish ambition, discord, schism, 21 envy, drunkenness, boisterous parties, and other such behavior. Once again I remind you that those who live like this will not enter the kingdom of God."

Where should the basis of our spiritual morality come from? If we assume that the DS tells us everything, then let's stop reading the Bible because the DS will tell us everything. The question is whose spirit it will be....

This young man, acting as a showman, analyzing the Bible makes silly faces, laughs. uses youth jargon, and sometimes seems to mock. The spirit, then, is almost obvious.

My opinion is different. The Bible must be read and the Father's will done, but to do it you must know it. To know it, you must read the Old and New Testaments on your own.



For verily I say unto you: Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or line will pass from the Lawuntil all of this happens. 19Whosoever therefore shall loose one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, the least shall be called in the kingdom of heaven: and whosoever shall do and teach them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.20For I say to you, unless your righteousness is more abundant than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Earth and heaven will not pass away until after Jesus' millennial reign on Earth. Until then, the law of God the Father is to continue, which the Roman church changes, an example being the changing of Saturday to Sunday.



If you disagree with me, I invite you to have a nice and informed discussion.

Note to the Observer (Kamil) of my persecutor: this text alone took me about 3 hours to write.



Updated: 24 August 2016 — 19:31


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  1. Great and very informative article.
    When I read the articles on your site, it just begs to be printed and taped on the doors of "temples" 🙂

    1. Something like Luther 😉 ? It would be a special task for the most daring ones, because with my eyes I can already see the shocked and angry faces of the Romans and their clenched fists at such a sight... Probably stones would fly, and certainly challenges. In their eyes such a person must be an even worse heretic than the stereotypical "Jehovah", because although the witnesses walk their beaten paths like fur-babies, it seems that they don't venture too far into the areas of the Neo-Babylonian tabernacles, and they don't accost people on the streets either, they just stand there quietly...

  2. Thank you Lord God for this word that I was able to take into my heart today. Well-written Peter 🙂 .

    1. Thanks to Aguas 🙂

  3. Thank you for taking up the subject. This morning the Lord has just shown me the words from the book of Malachi chapter 3

    22Remember the law of Moses, my servant, to whom I gave on Horeb the statutes and laws for all Israel!

    here is a little more detail on who is being referred to, but it is worth reading the whole book

    17They will be my property, says the Lord of hosts, on the day that I prepare, and I will spare them, as one spares his son who serves him. 18Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the ungodly, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him. 19Because the day is coming that burns like an oven. Then all the bold and all who have done evil will become thorns. And the coming day will burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that no root or branch will be left to them. 20But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing on its wings. And you will come out with leaping, like calves coming out of the barn. 21And you will trample on the wicked so that they will be dust under your feet on the day that I am preparing, says the Lord of hosts. 22Remember the law of Moses my servant, to whom I gave at Horeb the statutes and laws for all Israel! 23Then I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes, 24and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons, and the hearts of the sons to their fathers, so that when I come I will not put a curse on the land.


  4. Thank you so much for this text in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    "From the English detective, deteceted means detection. Maybe Jacek will correct me here."

    And yes, let's correct that 🙂 because "detected" is an adjective, whereas "detect, trace" corresponds to the noun "detection" and that's what the word was about 🙂 I'm here to help... and back to translating. Godspeed 🙂

    1. thanks for explaining the language differences 🙂

  5. Praise be to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

    I am very glad ☺ for today's words and in-depth analysis.I have been waiting for this text and thank you for taking the time to show us the truth.

    Let me just add that Kamil is not your persecutor? He seeks and errs, makes mistakes like all of us, and needs the Lord Jesus Christ just as much as all of us.
    Sometimes he uses it wrong and that's why he behaves the way he does.?
    My heartfelt greetings ? in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    1. "Let me just add that Kamil is not your persecutor ? .He seeks and errs,makes mistakes like all of us.He needs the Lord Jesus Christ just like all of us."

      If he denies me and my blog and accuses me, he is my persecutor. He wrote slanders on me on the forum where he contributes and wrote a text on his blog.
      He made false accusations against me yesterday.
      I don't know how to deal with people like that.

      1. You and I don't know how, but the Lord Jesus will guide us through it. and teach us.
        Be glad that they write about you badly, the Lord Himself said that woe to us when everyone speaks well of us.
        God's blessings for the whole day I wish ?

        1. Certainly the fact that the content of this blog is denigrated shows how very, very far from worthless it is. not only beauty pageants, but most people don't like denialism; it stirs up controversy, and we can well see what kind of need there is for it.

          You do well Peter to approve comments from persecuting individuals such as this Observer, for in this way the potential charge of censoring speech becomes completely unfounded. You handled yesterday's discussion with him about baptism in an exemplary manner, in my opinion, which I was sure, and I was not mistaken, would quickly deviate from its starting point. It is hard not to feel sorry for him, but it is probably a little easier to write him off as you did yesterday. Longer discussions with such people certainly don't make much sense - and here I will also try to follow you in terms of when to withdraw and what words to throw away.

          1. I did not publish the last comment in accordance with my announcement to end the conversation, but the Observer had the opportunity to respond to the substance of the commented text. Unfortunately, however, he did not refer to it, deviating from the topic of baptism.
            He asked for more quotes because one was not enough.
            I understand different points of view even though the Bible is a very logical book. On the other hand, I don't understand visiting a blog on a regular basis where he negates the author and the texts while not addressing the main ideas of the text. It is like a double personality.
            By the way. I did not remove a single comment denying the text on salvation by grace. I did not censor because there was not a single such comment. I wrote the text so that past and future readers who reject salvation by grace would know what it is. Also for this reason I did not repeat myself in the comments, but gave them the link to this text, which I created mainly for them.

            1. I'm sorry, I unnecessarily mixed up - the digression about baptism was in itself an offshoot. I don't know what is the reason for such a tendency to stubbornly deviate from the road which is the core of the discussion. One would like to write that it is for the wrong reasons and one can deduce it by its fruits, but such a discussant rather knows well what his intentions are. In fact, this seems to be a deeper problem of what some call ego-division. I don't know, I don't get it.

  6. To me, claiming to know for yourself what's good and what's not is the same old trick Satan pulled on Adam and Eve 🙂

    1. That's why I find this Facebook feed deceptive and probably sponsored by an anti-Christian agent.

  7. Thanks 🙂 Quite, quite a sensible post please Detective 🙂
    Actually, I don't think anything needs to be added except that I wonder if people who say that a Christian is not bound by the Law because he has the Spirit of God in him, who knows it and tells the new born of Him how to act - do these people even understand what they are saying? After all, this statement makes no sense - there is no logic in it 🙂 .
    If someone has the Spirit of God who knows God's Law and tells how to follow it, and God still requires obedience to Himself, then it is logical that a Christian will follow God's Law under the influence of the Spirit. After all, fruits are born from faith and obedience to God, in other words, from keeping His Law, of course not from compulsion but from love.

    Faith in the heart = obedience to God out of love and fear = keeping the Law of God - fruit.

    Greetings in the Love of Christ 🙂

    1. "Quite, quite a sensible entry please Detective".

      happens to me 😀

      Thank you.
      Glory to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


      " do these people, do they even understand what they are saying?"

      Just because I'm not sure of their intentions I don't put a link to their profile, but the channel is watched by many people because they advertise their profile on Facebook.

      1. "happens to me ? "

        Well, please don't be so modest anymore 🙂

        Glory to the heavenly Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  8. Hello again. I know I am not welcome on this blog due to my anti-Pavlovianism (by the way, I don't particularly contribute anywhere else). I am a frequent reader of this blog and now I take the liberty of writing here.
    In the title of the bolga article is whether the Law of Moses applies to us? I understand that the author is in favor of yes, with some exemptions, like the ceremonial law. My views are similar. And I ask: does Paul present a position pleasing to the Creator: "But avoid foolish inquiries, genealogies, disputes, and arguments about the [Mosaic] Law! For they are useless and empty". (The Millennial Bible letter to Titus 3:8-9)?
    I ask, and I ask for a factual answer.


      Besides, it's all about great exposure on the Internet and maybe even in the churches.

      1. I wonder if anyone knows of a church preaching this heresy or has left it.

      2. I disagree with the approach in the article entitled Divisions in churches sometimes have to be. This means that there is a person - the pastor - who has exclusive rights to the truth. And it is possible to talk only in accordance with the one line, there is no room for discussion. And after all, it is about converting the lost and not about stigmatizing and expelling them because, for example, they preach heresies in the opinion of others. And you, admin, write in the article Divisions in the churches ... "a given church or community should stick to its own line and principles of faith". He points out: by itself. What about seeking to know the truth? That is what the Pauline teaching is.

        1. I'm willing to bet that you reject Paul not because of your own knowledge, but because you came across a site that promotes rejecting books.
          You didn't come to this on your own.

          By replying to you, he is actually breaking his own rule in the bans tab, because he is posting an anti-pawl comment.
          Conversations are meant to be and therefore divisions. Precisely so that the unity of a particular church is preserved. In the Apocalypse we have 7 of them.
          Each different.
          If there is a division, then the party disagreeing with the church should honorably leave the church and start their own in line. For example, here the anti-Pavlovians come in, let them hold to their line on the pages rejecting Paul.

          1. You don't have to make exceptions and break your own rules. Instead, you can change them as long as they serve the knowledge of truth. Constantly, everyone has a choice.
            For the sake of clarity - you yourself asked me to participate in the forum, as I understood yours - which I also do from time to time. I gave you my data (name, surname, occupation, e-mail - before the meeting near £om¿a, where in the end I didn't come as a guest declaring my anti-Pauline attitude), so I am not anonymous for you.
            I realize that for you I am deceived, and you sensitively point out to me in this post the source of the deception - "You didn't come to this on your own". I am not one to make bets, and I do not feel controlled or motivated in my anti-Pavlovianism. What matters to me is truth and factual arguments.
            You also refer to the churches in the apocalypse. Adventist D7 Professor Walter Veith talks about them in detail as chronologically successive churches in AD in one of his yt videos - easy to find. I am not AD7, I am unaffiliated after leaving the CC.
            You talk about honorably leaving the church and starting your own consistent with your line. He points out: with his line. I, on the other hand, am looking for neighbors, not teachers, because the one is to come again - Jesus. And as you yourself said in your article "This time is also the end of the mediators between God and man" - the time of inspired prophets is over.
            In closing, I understood the clear message, I'm not straining and I'm gone.
            I salute all who seek to live according to the eternal laws of the Creator.

            1. " For to live in peace God has called us. "
              1 Corinthians 7

              That means I'm not going to go to the antipawlocs to argue, argue.
              I will not go to Pentecostals to tell them that they are shouting at each other in prayers at services.
              I do my own thing, and I don't recognize the burying of Scripture, which has been a directional guide for various denominations for 2,000 years.
              I have refuted the argument of the charge of salvation by grace and several others and I am not going to argue the rest.
              Let only the anti-pawl people have honor and browse strictly anti-pawl sites. After all, there is the only truth according to them.

              with God

            2. Don't disappear. We all love our Lord Jesus Christ. Let's talk. Let us lean on the Truth that is the Word of God and the revelation of the Holy Spirit - He is the one who does all the work in the New Birth and bringing us to Jesus and the Father..We have nothing else. The twisted St. Paul - the Apostle Peter warned against misinterpretation of our beloved brother Paul. There is a wonderful treasure trove of information restoring the sound teaching of Paul, to us Christians. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
              I recommend the site
              There great articles ..all....
              Pay particular attention to
              A test for the Messiah,
              Paul's Paradox - Ephesians 2:11-14
              If you speak English, I recommend
              entire series and page
              To learn more :



              and on the Polish website

              God bless you.
              Shalom. Stay with us...for the times are coming...when the Beast will do battle with the saints of the Lord and overcome them. Let us stay together Lovers of our Lord Jesus Christ.

              1. A Call For An Uprising often mentions in its videos that it is depressed by such unnecessary divisions among Christians, while Satanists are compact and ready to attack. And this is the sad truth.

                As much as all this anti-Pavlovianism sounds like a total deception to me, I myself was, and maybe in some issues I still am deceived, yet I write here and I'm not going anywhere (I look at other blogs, but I don't want to comment elsewhere anymore)... So maybe it's worth putting these anti-Pavlovian comments aside and not leaving, after all, Admin didn't chase us out, and we're not hostile either, as long as someone's comments are not kept in an attacking tone.

            3. BL,
              "You don't have to make exceptions and break your own rules. Instead, you can change them as long as they serve the purpose of knowing the truth."
              That's what the new covenant is all about, not the law.
              You can change and even break anything that does not serve the love and knowledge of the Lord.

        2. BL,
          have mercy.
          "He pays attention: by himself. What about striving to know the truth? That's what Pavlovian science is."
          Where Paul is against the Truth, it is you who needs revelation, as Peter wrote, that Paul's letters are not well understood by everyone, you have therefore chosen to reject him, while others interpret: do whatever you want, still others hold to the Law and lynch others.
          Of course, a pastor has no exclusivity and should be open to expanding the Truth, which I wish for myself and you.

    2. Bl,
      I'll tell you what you're missing.
      You are missing the revelation that Paul had personally from God, from the Lord Jesus, and you don't understand his teaching, so you fight him because it seems to contradict the Lord's teaching.
      And there the contradiction is not there.
      Instead of crying out to God for revelation, you criticize Paul and basically do what he did when he was under the law, which is to "destroy" Christians.
      I meant absolutely no offense.

    3. Bl,yes arguing is empty,for love is the foundation of the Law,knowing the lineage you will not love me more strongly but knowing the Lord better you will.
      Therefore, Paul considered everything as dung in the face of knowing Christ.

  9. Great and comprehensive article Peter.
    Also a thread about the Kingdom of God which we ask in prayer to come.
    I have been thinking for a week to ask you to publish the second commandment and now it is in the content before I have had time to ask.
    How important is this commandment, which is obligatory in the world always and everywhere, but unfortunately is not obligatory in the Catholic Church, which deceitfully erased it from the Decalogue and from the hearts of deceived people.
    Personally, when I see Catholic or secular paintings or statues, I feel overwhelmed and suffocated. That is why I avoid such places, focusing my attention exclusively on the beauty of God's creation that surrounds us in everyday life, mainly in nature.

    1. Exactly, I feel the same Robert when I drive through Polish villages and towns. Maybe tomorrow I will write about all this in the context of the lack of God's blessing...

      1. When we were in Wisła, I was surprised by the relative lack of snowmen. I guess there was a figurine somewhere, and we didn't go around the whole place, but it was still quite unusual.

        1. Yeah, but that's where Protestantism reigns. That's where Malysz comes from.
          Incidentally, some fastest runner from the RIO Olympics is an Adventist.

          1. Are you referring to Usain Bolt? Because if so, it's obviously a cover story, because this individual is an Illuminati traitor who makes obvious Masonic gestures every now and then.

        2. In Kashubia and Podkarpacie probably even worse.https:
          //,żegnają to a barefoot mother.

  10. If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I am like a clanging copper or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and possess all knowledge, and though I have full faith so as to move mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. And though I give away all my possessions for food for the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and do not have love, I gain nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:1-3, UBG). ❤

      1. Isn't that a participle?
        How important it is in life, whether adjective or participle.

        1. Professional curvature 😉 Well, and since I was called to the board and didn't report being unprepared for class, this minor correction happened 🙂

      2. Jack and Peter,
        I'll give you something to ponder again.
        Consider it all, I've been working hard.
        There are plenty of verses, so everyone will find something that moves them.

        Rom 10.4
        For the END of the SCOTUS is Christ, that every one who believes may be justified.

        When he says: The new (covenant ) is that he considered the FIRST to be PREVIOUS; and that which is overdone and grows old is near to perishing.

        Ga 2.19
        For I, through the law, HAVE DIED TO THE ORDER, that I might live unto God.

        Galatians 3.24-25
        Thus the law WAS our guide to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
        3:25 And when faith came, we are no longer under the guidance of a guide.

        And IF (IF) the Spirit leads you, you are NOT under the law .
        Condition !!! -If...
        The flesh can guide the Christian.... and the mind of the flesh is death (Rom 8.6) and those who are in the flesh cannot please God (Rom 8.8), for if you live according to the flesh you will die, and if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live (Rom 8.13).

        For you have been called to FREEDOM, brethren; but under the guise of this freedom, DO NOT DEFEND THE BODY, but SERVE one another in love.
        Basis- -Serving in love

        Ga 3.5
        Does the one who gives you the Spirit and performs miracles among you do so on the basis of the law or on the basis of hearing by faith?

        Ga 3.21
        "Is the law, then, against the promises of God? Not at all! For if a law had been given that could LIVE justification would indeed be of the law."
        The Spirit brings life not the law.

        If we are justified NOT from the law, then how can we return to it, it makes no sense.
        Paul rebukes such thinking, unless we also reject Paul.

        Rom 3.28
        For we hold that a man is justified by faith, notwithstanding the WORKS of the law.

        1 Corinthians 9.20-21
        And I became for the Jews as a Jew in order to gain the Jews;
        for those who are under the law, as though I were under the law,
        though I am NOT under the Law myself, to gain those who are under the Law.
        For those who are without the law, as though I were without the law, though I am not without the law of God, but under the ORDER OF CHRIST, to win those who are without the law
        Row 7.1...
        "Do you not know, brethren - for I am speaking to those who know the Law - that the Law reigns over a man while he is alive..."
        and THEN we are buried .

        So, if she joins another man while her husband is alive, she will be called an adulteress, but if her husband dies, she is FREE from the provisions of the LAW and is not an adulteress when she becomes the wife of another husband.
        Rom 7.6
        But now we have been FREED from the law, when we HAVE RESPECTED that by which we were controlled, so that we serve in newness of SPIRIT, and not according to an obsolete letter.
        Rom 7.4
        Therefore, my brethren, ye also HAVE DIED to the law through the body of Christ, TO THE OTHER!!!, to him who was raised from the dead, that we might bear fruit for God.

        Lk 16.16
        By the time of John there WAS a law and prophets, FROM THAT TIME the Kingdom of God is preached and everyone is breaking into it violently.

        Rom 3.20
        Therefore by the works of the law no man shall be justified before him, for by the law is the SIN RECOGNITION.

        Acts 15.5-
        But some of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, They must be circumcised and MANDATORY! them to keep the Law of Moses.

        For we have resolved, the HOLY SPIRIT and we, to lay upon you no other BURDEN except the following necessities:
        1)Abstain from meat offered to idols,
        2) from blood,
        3)from that which is choked, and
        4) from non-harassment;
        ...if ye shall avoid these things, ye shall do well. Be of good health.

        Eph 2.15
        He KNEW the law of commandments and regulations, that by making peace He might create in Himself of the two ONE NEW MAN

        Mt 7.12
        Wherefore, whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, this do ye also unto them: for this is the Law and the prophets.

        Mt 22.35-40
        And one of them, an expert in the order, putting it to the test, asked:
        22:36 Teacher, which commandment is the greatest?
        22:37 And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
        22:38 This is the greatest and first commandment.
        22:39 And another like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
        22:40 On these TWO (-2-) commandments rests the C-A-L-Y of the SCOTUS and the prophets.

        Luke 10.27-28
        And he, answering, said: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself.
        10:28 So he said to him: You have answered well, DO this and you will live.

        J 1.17
        For the SCOTUS was given by MOSES,-and grace and truth became by JESUS Christ.

        Acts 13.39
        And that in him everyone who believes is justified in all that you could NOT be justified in by the SCOTUS of Moses.

        The gist of the matter:
        Rom 13.8-10

        You owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has COMPLETED the law.
        13:9 For the commandments, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet, and all others are summed up in this word: LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
        13:10 Love does no evil to a neighbor; .THE COMPLIANCE OF THE ORDER IS LOVE-
        (the same word used here is pleroo, pleroma, when the Lord Jesus said that He came to "fulfill" the law in Matthew 5.17)
        Ga 5.14
        For the whole law is summed up in this ONE word, namely: You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself

        Ga 6.2
        Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (not Moses).

        Galatians 3.19
        What then is the law? It was added because of transgressions, and TILL the coming of the descendant to whom the promise pertains; and it was given by angels into the hands of a mediator.

        Galatians 4.4-7
        "But when the fulfillment of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, who was born of a woman and FOLLOWED the law,
        4:5 That he may PROVIDE those who were under the law, that we may obtain SINNING.
        4:6 And because you are sons, therefore God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying out: Abba, Father!
        4:7 So already you are NOT a slave, but a SON, and if a son, then also an heir through God."

        It seems that those born of the flesh with the nature of a slave are bound by the law, those born of the Spirit, of God, are children, sons and are bound by the law of the kingdom (of God) or the law of love - not the letter - THE CHRISTIAN LAW, as James writes (James 2.8) the royal commandment of love, LOVE under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
        Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, not bondage, but as Paul says, under the guise of this freedom do not indulge the flesh, but serve one another in love (Galatians 5.13).
        We have the freedom, there are no restrictions, to love our neighbor.
        We are equipped to love because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5.5).
        It is only or "until" the flesh, its lusts, that hinder this love from pouring out of us, so the flesh needs the cross, to be dead, not to hinder love.
        We know how it is in practice unfortunately not easy.The cross is painful and served for one thing-KILL.

        Ga 4.31-5.1
        Therefore, brethren, we are not children of the slave, but of the free!
        Christ has CHALLENGED us to live in that freedom. So stand firm and DON'T SUBMIT yourselves again!!! under the yoke of bondage.

        Ga 5.6
        For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith that is active in LOVE

        1 Tym 1.9-10-

        Knowing that the law is NOT established for JUSTICE
        but for the unrighteous and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the guileless and unclean, for the fatherless and the motherless, for the manly,
        1:10 Debauchers, fornicators, traffickers in men, liars, perjurers, and everything that opposes sound doctrine
        Heb 7.12!!!! i 28 and 8.7
        For if the priesthood changes, there must also be a CHANGE in the order
        For the law establishes as high priests men who are subject to weakness,
        but the word of the PROMISE (God Himself swore), which came LATER than the Law, established the perfect Son for ever
        For if the FIRST covenant had been without deficiency, there would have been no room for the SECOND
        James 1.27-
        What is godliness or what pleases God?

        Pure and undefiled OBEDIENCE before God and the Father is this:
        1 ) to help orphans and widows in their distress and
        2) to keep oneself unstained by the world.

        1J 3.14
        We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren; he who does not love remains in death.

        1J 3.23
        And this is HIS commandment, that we should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and LOVE one another, as he has commanded us.

        1. Kesja, only because you have worked hard I publish your comment because you are increasingly attacking personally and it's not just me who notices. Here it is factual and professional. In this thread you can write factually (biblically).
          Not in other texts. The measure is over. You know for what unpublished and published comments.

          Rom 10.4
          For the END of the SCOTUS is Christ, that every one who believes may be justified.

          Just as the beginning of a car is its front end, the end is its back end...

          When he says: The new (covenant ) is that he considered the FIRST to be PREVIOUS; and that which is overdone and grows old is near to perishing.

          Close to fading away. I agree. This is a new trend. In the reign of the kingdom of heaven, the lion will be in harmony with the sheep.

          Ga 2.19
          For by the law I HAVE DIED TO THE ORDER, that I might live unto God

          In Poznanska it sounds like this:

          "For it was through the Law that I died to the Law that I might live to God. With Christ I am co-crucified. (20) It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. I now live on earth, living by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and sacrificed himself for me. (21) I do not disregard the grace of God. For if justification is gained through the Law, then Christ died in vain. "

          Through the law, I died to who? to the law. There is no longer legalism. there is the love of Christ. No longer by the law am I justified, but by Jesus.

          Galatians 3.24-25
          Thus the law WAS our guide to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

          You are manipulating verses and I stopped trusting you. in capitals you wrote was or context what?


          Thus the Law became a guardian watching over us until the coming of Christ, so that we might be justified by faith. (25) But when the time of faith came, we were no longer subject to the guardian.

          We are not under the Law, but under grace, and that does not mean we are not under the Law.

          For you have been called to FREEDOM, brethren; but under the guise of this freedom, DO NOT DEFEND THE BODY, but SERVE one another in love.
          Basis- -Serving in love

          Of course, and this is the new quality: love. Law + love.

          Ga 3.5
          Does the one who gives you the Spirit and performs miracles among you do so on the basis of the law or on the basis of hearing by faith?

          Read it this way: Does he who gives you the Spirit do so on the basis of strict observance, legalism, or on the basis of listening in faith?

          "Is the law, then, against the promises of God? Not at all! For if a law had been given that could LIVE justification would indeed be of the law."
          The Spirit brings life not the law.

          in Poznanska:

          So does the Law contradict the promises of God? Certainly not! For if the given Law could bestow life, then indeed the source of justification would be the Law.

          The law does not contradict the promises of God. The law does not justify and that means that if I keep the Sabbath I will not be saved because of it. It is not the Sabbath-keeping that makes me saved, but Jesus' death on the cross. His grace. Without malice I will ask if you understand this? The point is that I can respect the prohibition of idolatry, but that is not what makes me saved. Ok?

          James 1.27-
          What is godliness or what pleases God?

          Pure and undefiled OBEDIENCE before God and the Father is this:
          1 ) to help orphans and widows in their distress and
          2) to keep oneself unstained by the world.

          That's what I wrote, that the Jews lacked love. You didn't read carefully.

          (9) It is known that the Law does not act against a righteous man, but against a lawbreaker and the unruly, the impious and sinners, the sacrilegious and blasphemers, the parricide and matricide, murderers, (10) debauched perverts, traffickers in men, liars, perjurers, and in general everything that opposes sound doctrine

          The rest is the same as above. I honestly don't want to waste time explaining the same thing.

          1. "The law does not contradict the promises of God. The law does not justify, and that means that if I keep the Sabbath I will not be saved because of it. It is not Sabbath-keeping that makes me saved but the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross. His grace."

            Let me interject 🙂
            You explained it beautifully Peter.
            In short, mere observance of the Law if it is devoid of faith, trust in the Lord, true fear of love and entrusting one's entire life to the Lord God means nothing, it is null and void before God.
            Someone(new born) desires in his heart to observe the Sabbath on Saturday ?-let him do so to the Glory of the Lord, just as he who does so on Sunday.
            In fact, it is not the Sabbath that justifies after all, but by the grace of the Lord we are justified by faith in our hearts, hearts in which the Lord has personally written His Law and so does the Law not apply to us? But it is binding 🙂 .

            May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the unity of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
            Greetings Kesjo sister.


            1. You described it very nicely Magdulka?
              Except that celebrating Sunday is already changing God's law.
              And that is no longer keeping the commandments.
              Greetings in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ

              1. Lenka, yes you are right - this is the case when someone who "celebrates" on Sunday, (this also applies to those who "celebrate" on Saturday) focuses more on "celebrating" the day than on worshipping the Lord Jesus out of love (although worship should be given to Him every day and every moment of our lives since we have already decided to give Him our whole selves and our whole lives). It is obvious that obedience requires keeping the Law.
                The Lord simultaneously desires from us a living faith, fear and obedience out of love 🙂
                The Lord Jesus is our rest and therefore He should be the center and not the day - whether it is Saturday, Sunday or any other day.

                You know, Lenka, I was thinking that if I could only "celebrate" the Sabbath every day as long as nothing ever distracted me from the Lord - no job, no activity.
                The Lord Jesus really should be at the center of our lives every second on this earth, no matter where we are or what we are doing - whether we are at work, at home, taking care of family, or meeting with brothers and sisters to praise the Lord and pray together - Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath - in Him we have rest no matter what day of the week it is 🙂

              2. There is another issue. Surely one who "celebrates" the Sabbath on Saturday and at the same time criticizes people (or tells them that they are sinning) who, for example, do not do so on Saturday can admit in good conscience that he observes and is able to observe the Sabbath in 100% i.e. does not accidentally break it?
                And here I think we have an explanation of the New Covenant truth of why in the Lord Jesus we have rest. And this truth applies to all new born of the Holy Spirit.

                Godspeed dear sister.

                1. I am far from being able to criticize people, and I cannot speak for other people, because everyone will give an account to our Lord of their actions.
                  I also can't put my hand on the fact that we can shine on Sunday because the church changed the day.
                  We all know the bible, we have been given the DA to be the one to introduce us to the truth.
                  Further discussion misses the point and introduces nothing.
                  Peace be with you my dear sister❤
                  May God the Father bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

              3. And then there's this 🙂
                In 2012, our Lord gave me a job (of that I have no doubt) - a job that I do every other Saturday and Sunday. So am I breaking His Law if He personally gave me this job?

              4. I agree with you Lenko sister.

                "Far be it from me to criticize people, and I can't speak for other people.

                I treated this as a casual discussion and did not direct these words to you personally. I simply responded to your comment directed at me in this way.

                "I also can't put my hand on the fact that we can shine Sunday because the church changed the day."

                I obviously can't either. However, I still believe that our focus should not be on the day itself, but on our Lord Jesus Christ.

                "For everyone will give an account before our Lord of his conduct."

                Sure thing 🙂

                "We all know the bible,we were given the DA so that He could be the one to introduce us to the truth."

                And with that, I agree as much as possible 🙂

                "Further discussion misses the point and introduces nothing."

                I think that every reasonable and culturally conducted discussion can introduce something valuable even if the discussants don't necessarily agree with each other on everything 🙂 .
                But that's my opinion.

                "Peace be with you my dear sister❤
                May God the Father bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."

                Thank you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and to each other Lenko 🙂

  11. I agree with you !!! I am a biblical Christian. I celebrate and acknowledge Saturday.Everything you wrote in this article is according to God's word. Jesus in his conversation with Nicodemus, said " unless one is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God...John.3,3-8.The New Covenant you described in your article was announced by the prophet Jeremiah. Jer.31,31-34

  12. But you gave it a go 🙂 I really congratulate you on your consideration. I read with my mouth open 🙂 May the Lord God bless you abundantly in all things 🙂 .
    The law is as binding on us as it can be, now even more God demands of us. The law not murder...Jesus adds: whoever gets carried away with anger is like committing murder...etc...God examines our hearts.

    1. Thank you and may God the Father bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.
      If I have written anything wise it is from the Holy Spirit
      I am also convinced that many people are praying for me and there are results 🙂 .
      So thank you to everyone praying for me.

      1. The grace of the Lord be with you, brother, and may the Spirit of Christ inspire you. These are wonderful fruits!

    2. Chad is poisonous!!!

      1. As befits a caisson, bitingly and 'matter-of-factly' 🙂

      2. pff ;- p well it will get cut out 🙂 .

  13. I also thank you in the Name of Jesus Christ for your articles,some have helped me a lot in my reflections. I also thank you for your prayers, know that I am better and that something is gone. Maybe a lot of people have said this to you but there is such a warmth from you... Regards and good night 😉 !

    1. "Maybe a lot of people have told you this but you exude such warmth...". - I don't know Kasia, if you've already had the opportunity to meet Peter in person, but those who have had the pleasure, including me, will certainly confirm your words 🙂 That's also why I'm looking forward to Saturday's convention 🙂 I'm looking forward to it.

      1. You're probably also his friend so you know I haven't met him yet 😉 I've been on this blog since June and I didn't know you guys do conventions every 2 months. I'd love to come but I'm far from Torun 🙂 I'll prepare for the next one as God gives me. If it was in Warsaw I would definitely come 🙂 .

        1. The detective certainly gives me a lot of affection, which, as is obvious to many, 😉 is mutual. And from my side also comes out admiration and respect for his godliness and also self-control and honesty without wrapping himself in cotton. And that a man confides his problems and downfalls to his friends, which is the case in our relationship, it seems like a good guess 🙂

          Except that we don't see each other every day, but at conventions, and since unfortunately I haven't been to all of them, I don't know the full circle of his close blog readers. Indeed your nickname I somehow didn't associate and since you write that you've only been looking here for two months, that means my absentmindedness isn't growing at rocket speed or maybe even at all, hehe 😀

          And I think this year we will still have a chance to meet face to face 🙂 Last year there was a convention in Otwock, so maybe a gathering in the Mazovia area will also happen. Peace be with you.

    2. "You may have been told this by a lot of people but you exude such warmth... "

      It is rather on the blog itself that people see me as a strict admin 🙂
      At the conventions they change their minds 🙂

      1. you mean you're not a strict admin? 😀

        1. I'm a terrible admin. Brrrrrrr Uhaahuha yolks of the catch :d

          1. He's certainly unsparing in handing out ban-ans to amateur vacationers from the blog 😉

              1. And here's a banana consolation song for banana readers 😀 :


                1. good
                  before I opened the link I thought of this 🙂

              2. Non-coincidental convergence 🙂

  14. I will only add from myself. A compendium of Christianity in one article. Bravo Peter.
    I would also add that we should gently rebuke "Sunday" Christians because they sin by not shining on the last day of the week. I do not know if you agree with me?

    1. I agree, it is very important what day we celebrate.
      Not every day is blessed and consecrated by God.Not every day is the 7th day.God separates the holy from the unholy.In addition, there are still God's feasts.

      (2) And God finished on the seventh day His work which He had done, and rested on the seventh day from all the work which He had done.

      (3) And God blessed the seventh day, and consecrated it, because in it he rested from all his work, which God had done.

    2. The detective wrote: "Therefore, I don't think anyone celebrating the Sabbath on Sunday is doing anything wrong. It was the church that changed the law by introducing a day off on Sunday."

      I agree with this 100 percent.

      Greetings in the Love of Christ 🙂

  15. Also thank you very much Peter for this article.
    The Lord Jesus said:

    Ew John 17

    (17) Consecrate them in thy truth; thy word is truth.

    (21) That they all may be one, as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that you have sent me.

    Reading the comments I come to the conclusion that the above words are fulfilled on us.
    We are to be one and that can only happen if we guard the Word of our Holy Father.

    1. We will be in Toruń Wojtuś physically one but I also know that we are one spiritually on this blog at all times.
      I can't wait to see you and feel what it was like in the hall in Wisla. ?

    2. Thank you Vojtuś for consulting me on this 🙂

  16. I just have this question- how do you pay your tithe?
    "I personally like seafood. Unfortunately, I learned not only in the Bible that they are inadvisable, but also in guides on healthy eating. Shrimp, squid are the filter of the sea, collecting all the impurities. It is the same with pigs. When I learned the truth about pigs, that they do not sweat and at the same time retain toxins, and that they used to be vacuum cleaners of cities living on the outskirts, where they ate leftovers of rotten food, I stopped eating pork. "- I'm not a fan of seafood, the closest thing to it was once eating "crab sticks", because they were in a salad, but I do not remember it well...
    I haven't eaten pork for a good couple of months either, not only for biblical reasons, but also for health reasons 🙂
    And as for the shashliks - you can buy yourself some vegetables (e.g. zucchini, peppers in different colors, tomatoes...) and make the shashliks yourself (if time allows)...they will surely be even more delicious than the "stall" ones 🙂 .

    1. There are two granaries: for the expansion of the kingdom of heaven, e.g. the church, or for the needy (sick children, poor families)
      Thanks for the recipe 🙂

      1. For example, in our church there is a box with slots labeled "rent" and "evangelism" and there I occasionally throw in a little penny, in addition to the occasional alms on the street these days. I don't count exactly how much I throw in at church, much less would I be able to calculate 10% from my income 😉 I just try to give hypocritically and as much as I can 🙂

  17. The law of MOJESUS is in effect. Jesus never broke the Sabbath. He only broke human records and traditions about the Sabbath - the Talmud.
    He commanded us to keep everything that is preached from the pulpit of Moses, that is, the WHOLE Torah.
    1 The careful reader of the New Testament will notice this in the last commandment of the Lord :
    Matt 28:19-20
    Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
    Supportive teaching: Text The Great Message.
    I encourage you to read
    God bless you

  18. I once read these words that come back to me from time to time, he who does not understand what really happened on the cross will not understand anything. Jesus Christ by being nailed to the cross took all the sins on Himself, past, present and future sins that we commit till the end of our lives. 2 Corinthians 5(21) He who knew no sin made him to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Our Lord literally felt the effects of even the slightest sin we committed He did not know sin so in His holy nature His pain in our understanding was unimaginable to us. Imagine the worst sin that we would never commit but would literally feel its effects of disgust, revulsion, etc. Therefore, whoever claims that the Law of Moses does not apply to us probably does not know what love means. True love does not harm the loved one in any way, and disobeying the law harms Jesus directly.

    1. "whoever does not understand what really happened on the cross will understand nothing. "

      That's exactly what it is.
      Wise comment dear salmo.

      To God who alone is wise, be glory forever and ever through Jesus Christ.


  19. Priests disgust God, schools disgust reading, so that people do not want to read the Bible (which they are afraid of losing their faith or they consider fairy tales) to verify Roman fables...

    1. Be careful, Arthur, or they'll soon accuse you of being a cold-blooded scoffer...

  20. Thanks Peter for another great article. I agree, with the fact that the (moral) law still applies to us. Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the law, but to give it fullness, that is, to show us how to understand and obey it correctly. Jesus was without sin and did not break any commandment, even though the Pharisees accused Him of it. He also said that whoever changes even one commandment will be the least in the Kingdom of God, but whoever fulfills them and teaches to keep them will be called great. So let us keep them, for this is the commandment of the Lord. For the newly born-again, they are not heavy, but light and pleasant, because they flow out of love for God. Satan hates people who keep the commandments:
    Rev. 12:17
    And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and departed to take up arms against the rest of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and stand fast by the testimony of Jesus.

    1. Robert, the resultant of my writings is also the attitude to God of my brothers and sisters with whom I have regular contact, including you.
      Praise God the Father for the people around me.

      By the way, maybe tomorrow I will publish a text about the subversion of the Law of God. The text which was sent to me by a reader.

    2. Greetings to you Robert in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ 🙂 See you there!

  21. Peter, thank you for your effort in writing this text.

    You have reaffirmed my resolve to keep the law. This is all the more difficult because most Christians, including all the pastors I've talked to about the Sabbath and unclean food, struggle with this understanding of Scripture. I, however, have always understood the New Testament in the way you described. That is a great support.

  22. Keeping Saturday holy, not eating pork, paying tithing...I guess there's nothing left to say sorry to your brothers and sisters in the ADS church. They still wash each other's feet and don't drink alcohol.
    I'm not too prepared to polemicize, but still, the apostles at the first council in Jerusalem spared the Gentiles many of the commands and prohibitions that were sacred to the Jews.
    "(28) For we have decreed, the Holy Spirit and we, that no other burden should be laid upon you except the following necessary things:(29) Abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood; from that which is choked, and from immorality; if you abstain from these things, you will do well. Be of good health." Acts 15.
    I don't think eating pigs after Pentecost is any healthier than before, so it's better not to eat them. Tithing, on the other hand, was instituted as a service for the needs of priests and the Temple, but the church also needs finances to evangelize, and whether it was 10% is not necessarily so, because it can be 50%, and maybe even more.
    If one keeps Saturday sacred to the Lord, this should neither be reproved nor enjoined. For the Christian, every day is dedicated to the Lord.
    "2) One believes that he can eat anything, but the weak one eats a vegetable. (3) Let not the one who eats despise the one who does not eat, and let not the one who does not eat judge the one who eats; for God has accepted him.

    (4) Who are you to judge another's servant? Whether he stands or falls, to his master he belongs; yet he will stand, for the Lord has power to sustain him. (5) The one makes a distinction between a day and a day, and the other judges each day equally; let each remain in his own opinion.

    (17) For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Rom.14.
    Many times inquiries were made to the Lord Jesus about the commandments e.g.:
    "(28) And there came one of the scribes who had heard them discussing, and knowing that he had answered them well, asked him: Which commandment is the first of all? (29) Jesus answered, The first commandment is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one.(30) You shall therefore love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. (31) And the second is this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than these.". Mk.12
    In another place, for example:
    "(17) And as he was going on his way, someone came running and fell on his knees before him and asked him: Good Teacher! What must I do to inherit eternal life?
    (18) And Jesus replied: Why do you call me good? No one is good but one God.(19) You know the commandments, Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not deceive, honor your father and mother. (20) And he answered him, Teacher, all these things have I kept from my youth. (21) Then Jesus looked upon him with love, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest; go, sell all that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." Mk.10. Whatever else we may say, there is no mention of the Sabbath here, and what should catch our attention is rather leaving everything and following Jesus.

    1. "Keeping Saturday holy, not eating pork, paying tithing ... then I guess there's nothing left to say sorry to your brothers and sisters of the ADS church. They still wash each other's feet and don't drink alcohol."

      Krzysiu, as you know I value your opinion, and what I like most about you is your humility, which can be a model for me.

      However, I think you are perceiving the text incorrectly.
      In it, I proved with the words of Jesus himself that the Law is still in effect, but expanded to include LOVE.

      Therefore, the fact that I don't eat pork is because of my trust in God and I know He wanted good luck for me, not because there is a strict ban like a directive from the EU.

      I would like other opponents of my view of the law to understand me as well.
      You are brothers to me in the faith as long as you do not remove any book and do the will of the Father.

      A blog is not a religion and I don't get into whether someone celebrates the Sabbath or eats pork. That is your business. I have proven that pork is bad for us. There are both pork fans and non-consumers at conventions.

      1. "(1) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I would be a sounding copper or a sounding cymbal.
        (2) And though I had the gift of prophecy, and knew all mysteries, and possessed all knowledge, and though I had full faith, so that I could move mountains, and had not love, I would be nothing.
        (3) And though I give away all my possessions, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it avails me nothing." 1 Cor.13

      2. "In it I proved in the words of Jesus himself that the Law is still in force, but expanded to include LOVE."

        Nothing expanded, after all, in the Law of Moses there are already 2 commandments of love.
        It is about the quality and depth of Love in the New Covenant.
        The Law has no power to teach you how to love, the Law is the letter, and the letter kills, therefore you are not under the Law, but under the grace of God's Spirit alone, there is no greater grace in the world.
        It is all about Love and not about keeping the Law.
        By keeping the law you can even kill out of zeal, as Paul did.

    2. ADS Church
      August 24, 2016 at 11:57 pm kris wrote
      Keeping Saturday holy, not eating pork, paying tithing...I guess there's nothing left to say sorry to your brothers and sisters in the ADS church. They still wash each other's feet and don't drink alcohol.
      Ans : The ADS are in an ecumenical movement with the Roman Catholic Church, and as idolaters they are disqualified, as is the KRK.
      In addition, the ADS promote and recognize the false prophet Ellen G. White, whose prophecies did not come true and in Old Covenant times, would have suffered death as a false prophet. One only has to look at her grave to get a huge revulsion from the Illuminati/Satanic symbolism. Abomination.

  23. However, I must mention something here and I am addressing believing Christians. Any Christian who thinks he is fulfilling the law, by which I mean the Decalogue and the Sabbath, is to some extent a hypocrite. Satan must have been rubbing his hands when God revealed the Law to Israel because he knew that they would not be able to keep it in 100%, and for breaking even one law, one is guilty of the whole Law and the penalty is death. God, however, outwitted Satan again in his perfect justice, and although he could not forgive us our sins, by offering himself as the Lord Jesus for our sins, he could redeem us from our sins - everyone who believed in him. So we don't receive salvation because we keep the Decalogue and the Sabbath, because we can't keep it 100%, but we receive salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins. Just as by faith Abraham received justification. God, by grace, sent His son (in fact, Himself) so that everyone who believed in Him would have eternal life. He loved us that much. I think Satan's jaw dropped when he realized this. That is why today we are saved by grace and not by the law. The law is to make sin visible to us, to remind us of sin, but it does not save us from it. Of course, every newborn Christian will try to keep the Decalogue and the Sabbath, but he can only try his best to keep it.
    Who will be the first to deny it? And will say - yes I am fulfilling the law on 100% ??? (Just a reminder that the Sabbath begins on Friday at dusk and lasts until Saturday at dusk). This allegory to the famous words of Jesus - Let he who is without sin cast the first stone - is also reflected in the parable of the prodigal son. When the son returned to his father, he knew how much he had sinned and, according to the law, the only possible punishment was due to him. But what did the father do? He said, "My son was dead and is alive! So by grace he saved his son from punishment. And the son, in coming to the father in his sins, showed his repentance. So it is not by law but by grace that we are saved. And only in this sense the law "does not apply" to us, because we have Christ who is the law and mercy for us and everyone who believes in Him will try to obey these laws, but, for example, we cannot be killed for doing shopping on Saturday or for going from town to town. Because God knows our hearts and knows that we are very sorry for this sin.

  24. Just so regarding the Sabbath, it should be a Saturday in my opinion though. It's not just a day to focus on rest and the Bible, but to worship the creation of the Universe, and that (like any anniversary) has a specific place on the calendar 😉 .
    Not to mention that Sunday is the day of the sun, which for a long, long time was worshipped only in the centers where the occult was prosperous, namely Rome and Alexandria.
    Let's not copy that mistake 🙂

    1. "Not to mention that Sunday is the day of the sun which for a long, long time was worshipped only in the centers where the occult was doing well i.e. Rome and Alexandria."

      Yes, only Sunday was created by God first, and the fact that Satanists have attributed this day to the Sun is something backwards.

    2. Our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Saturday and I think that is the most important reason to celebrate . He defeated death and redeemed us I don't know if it can be explained any better ? It is no coincidence that He established this day as holy in the Old Testament. It was planned before the creation of the world.

  25. Titus 3:9: But avoid foolish inquiries, pedigrees, disputes, and arguments about the [Mosaic] Law! For they are useless and empty.

  26. For me, there is no problem if someone celebrates the Sabbath.
    On the other hand, let's look at the topic in a broader context and not overlook uncomfortable topics.
    Who is affected by the Order?
    1Tm1:9 Knowing this, that the law is not established for the righteous, but for the unrighteous and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the guileless and for the unclean, for the fatherless and for the motherless, for the malefactors...
    What was the order for and until when was it?
    Gal3:19 What then is the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the coming of the descendant to whom the promise pertains; and it was given by angels into the hands of a mediator.
    Heb8.13 When he says: New, he has regarded the former as time-barred; and that which is time-barred and grows old is near to perishing.
    2 Corinthians 3.11 For if that which passes away is glorious, much more shall that which endures be glorious.
    Mat11.13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John;
    1Cor9.20-21 And I became as a Jew to the Jews, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as though I were under the law, though I myself am not under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law.To them that are without the law, as though I were without the law, though I am not without the law of God, but under the law of Christ, that I might gain them that are without the law.
    Paul is not under the law but under the law of Christ!
    Two commandments of perfect love!!!!!
    (John13.34; John15.12; Matt22.37-40)
    John 14:15 If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
    Mat22.40 The whole law and the prophets are based on these two commandments.
    Gal5.14 For the whole law is summed up in this one word, namely: You shall love your neighbor as yourself,
    1Tm1.5 But the end of the commandment is love from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from faith that is not deceitful.
    Rom13.8 Do not owe anything to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
    Gal3.21-24 So is the law against the promises of God? Not at all! For if a law had been given that could bring life, justification would indeed be of the law.But the Scripture declares that all things are subject to sin, that what was promised might be given on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ to those who believe.And before faith came, we were shut up together and kept under the guard of the law until faith was revealed. So the law was our guide to Christ so that by faith we might be justified.
    Greetings Gregory
    PS (2Cor3.14-17)(Heb10.28-29)

    1. "For me, there is no problem if someone celebrates the Sabbath."

      For me it's not a problem either if someone doesn't pray to the images or steal them 🙂 .

      John 14:15 If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
      Mat22.40 The whole law and the prophets are based on these two commandments.

      Well, the point is simple. Anyone who believes in Jesus and He is his Lord keeps all 10 commandments.
      The topic has been discussed many times on this blog, so please, Grzegorz, if you are going to write again, think about it and read the whole discussion

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