Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The craze over the game Pokemon GO continues to grow. These Pokemons are virtual demons.

I learned about this phenomenon from Adrianna from Łódź, for which I thank her. Her partner of 22 years of age unfortunately let himself be dragged into it.

A week ago, a game called Pokemon Go was launched, and in the last seven days it has become an international phenomenon. It is the first mass-market video game to successfully combine the real world and the digital world with each other in a way that audiences embrace well, and it makes g


What it's all about:

"In the game "Pokemon Go", players use GPS technology to search for virtual creatures in the real world. At specially marked points on the map, they can also obtain useful items or eggs from which the next Pokemon will hatch. A large part of these points are actually located on the grounds of temples, shrines and monuments.

"The enemy, Satan, is marking churches with his virtual, digital, cyber-demons," Pastor Wiles argues. "I believe these things are powerful magnets for demonic forces," he adds.

Pokemons and terrorism?

The cleric also worries that the temples marked on the map could attract real trouble, including terrorists from the Islamic State. "What if this technology gets into the hands of Islamic jihadists?" - he asks. "They will gain an app showing where large groups of Christians are located," the pastor worries.

Someone should probably tell him that such capabilities were available to all smartphone users long before the game 'Pokemon Go' was created

"Pastor Wiles is - as he calls himself - a conservative and orthodox Christian. On his own radio show "Trunews" on Monday, he argued that Niantic studio's latest game is a dangerous tool used by evil forces. In his view, it's no coincidence that most of the points with virtual treasures to collect are located in the same places as churches or statues of saints."


The whole trading machine was also set in motion.

It's enough to go to Allego, eBay or any other place on the Internet, where trade flourishes, to see that many people are trying to make money on the phenomenon associated with the Pokemon GO game. Stores sell t-shirts, hats, but also a mass of gadgets such as figurines, mascots or accessories for phones - dedicated powerbanks or cases with Pokemon. However, that's not all.

Some players have decided to cash in on their luck and catch rare and powerful Pokémon. Such players put up for sale their accounts in which they gained access to Pokémon such as Vaporeon, Charizard, and Magmar.'

By participating in this game you run the risk of having your private data intercepted:

When you sell access to Pokemon GO and give someone your username and password you are also giving them access to your Gmail account, Google Drive, Google Photos etc. That is, you lose not only access to the game, but also all messages, documents, photos, videos and other private data that is stored in that Google account.

If you're buying a Pokemon GO account that's linked to your Google account, be careful, too, because you may find that the person selling it doesn't fully realize that they're giving away access to their own mail, documents, and photos along with their in-game character."

More on the privacy issue:


On Tuesday, the U.S. news site Gawker reported that The game developer, Niantec, has been linked to the CIA. John Hanke is a director of Niantec. He created a program called Keyhole in 2001 and Gawker based much of his theory on Mr. Hanke's business contacts.

Keyhole was funded by the CIA. Most of the money used to fund the program came from the government agency NGA [National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency].

The primary function of this agency is to "collect, analyze, and disseminate intelligence."

Keyhole was then bought out and turned into Google Earth. Google Earth powers the Pokemon Go game.

Pokemon Go's privacy policy reads: "We may disclose any information about you (or your authorized child) that is in our possession or control to the government, law enforcement officials, or private parties."



Are such creatures creatures of this earthly world?

A certain Vaporeon



Tattooed eyeballs. A startling resemblance:

New trend in the US - eyeball tattoos


On the polish facebook page of pokemon-go there are already 17tys of likes.


The game reached records of popularity when it was released last week and added $9 billion to the stock price of Nintendo, the company that created the Pokemon brand.


Let's go back to the demons.

"Pokemon" actually comes from two Japanese words that mean "pocket and monster."

Poketto" and "Monsut," or " pocket monster.

Monster definition: a creature that is usually large, ugly, and frightening. Synonyms - bastard, beast,  demon , diabeł.

Are Pokémon dangerous? Potentially, yes they are. A child who plays it begins to embrace occult principles and evolution. A haunter can  hypnotize, eat a person's dreams and drain their energy . Abra  reads minds . Kadabra emits negative energy that harms others . Gastly induces sleep.Gengar laughs the fear of nations. Nidoran uses poison. Psychic Pokémon types are some of the strongest in the game . Charmander, Haunter, Ivysaur, Kadabra and many other evolutions.Children learn to use these creatures to execute their will by calling up colorful energy cards, battles and commands. Many are reminiscent of occult and eastern mysticism.

Many believe, this very closely mirrors what many high level occultists are trying to do with real demons.

The mage works from inside a specially prepared magic circle that supposedly protects him from the demon as long as he stays inside it. He uses special magical weapons like a wand, a sword to threaten the demon and make it subject to do his bidding. When the ritual is successful, supposedly a demon belonging to the mage can do his or her bidding as long as records of their agreement are kept by the sorcerer. Often the demon will give the mage secret powers or give him special talismans to control others. This is a large amount of high magic.

Not so long ago, I think it was about a year ago, I saw some game for Play Station in media Markt:



The spellbook had the same function as Pokemon Go:

"Game Book of Spells is based on a series of books written by J.K. Rowling about the world's most famous young wizard, Harry Potter, who goes to Hogwarts Castle. In the course of the adventure we face, among other things, a chance to learn new spells by making certain movements with the wand. The developers have also prepared a number of other tasks thanks to which we will learn many secrets hidden by the wizard's castle and its occupants.

People are increasingly being prepared to submit to the principality of demons.

I talk to a lot of people. The number of problems increases proportionally as you enter the Satanic culture. Games are a powerful gateway as our translator Jacek knows.

First the problem is underestimated, and then when we see the nightmare of the consequences we seek help. It is very difficult to get out of many acts of enslavement

This world must be divided.

The society of Poland and the world has no idea that we are subject to one of the two spirits:

  1. To the Spirit of God
  2. The Spirit of Satan.

There is no third way.


You submit to one of two spirits. Spirit Confidence Test.






Let us pray for this


Updated: 21 July 2016 — 14:01


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  1. Hello everyone and sorry if this is off topic. I'm really asking you guys to pray for me, as I've fallen back into alcoholism, which in turn has caused my faith to weaken considerably (no prayers, etc.) 🙁

    I thank you in advance in the name of Jesus Christ, glory to Him forever and ever.

    As for these pokemons.... I'm speechless.

    1. I will pray for you Damian.

      I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to pray for Alicia, a friend of my mom's who we found out yesterday has bladder cancer that is bleeding.
      He is not scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor until September.

      I believe in the power of prayer so I ask for your support dear ones.
      Our Lord has Power. He is the Almighty.

      God help to Your Glory and for the testimony of Your Holy Name let a miracle happen through Your Power.

    2. I apologize Brother Damian for putting my prayer request under yours.... so oddly maybe it came out even though it wasn't supposed to.

      Godspeed Damian and may the Lord protect you, guard you, transform you into His likeness and set you free from addiction.

    3. Hello Damian I will pray for you and ask God to release you from this bondage quickly.
      Damian, it is only by fasting (abstinence from alcohol for you) and prayer that you can free yourself.
      For starters, make a resolution not to drink for a week and keep repeating it, and there will come a time when alcohol will no longer be a comfort for you and you will only drink occasionally.
      It works 🙂

      1. Now for the fun part:) My neighbors in the countryside are unfortunately alcoholics and every Sunday morning (the store was closed) they came to me for a beer. I told them that if they wanted half a liter of beer, they had to drink half a liter of water first. I was steadfast. At first they agreed, but quickly got over it and now they don't come for beer. Sometimes I have the impression that they don't drink other liquids apart from alcohol, maybe sometimes they just want to drink 🙂 .

  2. prayer order accepted, of course:) The Lord frees and humbles. Only Trust Him 🙂 Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ 🙂 .

  3. I'm sorry but what does "partner" mean?

    1. that they are engaged to be married.

      1. Thanks, so please use the word fiancé, because partner is associated with partnerships and even homo.

        1. actually, I don't know if they're a betrothal or a partnership. I think a betrothal is characterized by an engagement,...

  4. Dwukrotnie narodzony

    Hmmm for me these new pokemons started to stink when they suddenly became very popular,they became popular too fast...
    Just about 2-3 months ago if I told people that I play Pokemon I would be considered at least crazy or a big kid and now everyone is promoting it...
    It became popular too quickly....

    As for Vaporeon, there is no need to say that he has black eyes, many animals also have such eyes and somehow no one accuses Lord God, that he promotes eyeball tattooing ...
    The same with venomous Pokémon, after all, many animals are also venomous.
    You've let your imagination run a little bit admin which may discourage some youngsters from blogging.
    There is no need to look for subliminal messages where they do not exist.

    Vaporeon and some venomous Pokémon still look like normal animals, but you have to pay attention to the psychic Pokémon, which are the real evil.
    The best example of the occult in Pokémon is Kadabra, who has the head of a goat, a pentagram on his forehead and the three letters SSS on his stomach.

    But that's just the tip of the iceberg!
    The legendary groudon and kyorge are recognized in the Pokemon world as the creators of land and sea,and the abominable arceus as the creator of the world...
    They are derogatory and take away the rightful glory of the One and True God....
    I know because when I lived in this world I played Pokémon a lot.

  5. This application is also a spyware program:

  6. People have all sorts of biases, but this is over the top...

    1. Dwukrotnie narodzony

      Look, like a flock of rams being led to the slaughter...

      Lord have mercy on us!

      1. shock and all of them are probably celebrating a birthday on December 24th , but god

      2. Well, indeed... TOTAL WARRIOR....

  7. Here an example of how it works on society, people are already like Zoombie.

  8. I'm actually working on my own text on Satanism in Akura, which will appear in the days to come courtesy of Brother Zimbarder here on the blog. There will be a mention of it as well, because Pokemons are highly demonic. You will be amazed at the magnitude of exploring in the world of virtual entertainment. I was a gamer for over 15 years and thought nothing would surprise me...but I am shocked and you will be too.

    1. I'm typing something weird on my tablet. It was supposed to be: on Satanism in games. It's a river topic, but I'm trying to synthesize. To read. Godspeed!

  9. I'm sorry to hear that Adrianna's partner is wandering like this 🙁 May the Lord Jesus draw him to Himself like He did me last time. Let us pray that he will come to his senses and remove this illuminati crap from his phone. In the name of Jesus Christ may this happen.

    Meanwhile, take a look at this (thanks Michael for the link):

    This looks like a "zombie apocalypse"! They are running like this because they saw a rare Pokémon on their screens! I don't know about you, but I really feel like getting off and changing to a train going the other way. The world has gone senile, people have become like a herd of mindless cattle 🙁 .

    I used to love Pokemons myself. The brand was created 18 years ago and the craze for it (I thought) is long gone, but the elite often go back to the long-deserted brands. In my case, the fixation was watching the cartoon and the Pokemon card game, which I'll write a bit more about in the article. I can see how appealing this world is and that collecting these demons draws you in like quicksand and is just as treacherous.

    Video games are so infused with the spirit of the antichrist that I hate them as much as the unbiblical doctrines of the Roman church. I will not leave a dry thread on this garbage.

    1. Hi. My husband has started playing the game LOL(I think League of legends?) passionately for about six months now. Before that he was not playing at all. I am concerned about this game. Is it also satanic?

      1. Sure it's satanic, just look at how saturated with "magic" there are creatures and how much time it takes, and it takes a lot of time because as far as I know it's all about character development and that kills a lot of time. I suggest that he abandon it as soon as possible because if he gets sucked into it, it will be much worse.

      2. Yes, there's magic and various monsters (demons), and what's worse from what I observed it's a game that can be extremely addictive.

  10. The game turned people into zombies. It's surprising that just now when interesting things are happening.

    However, I think this is just a sociological experiment. The best is yet to come ;]

    My dad compared this 'mania' (far too weak a word) to a young girl obsessively taking selfie pictures, as a result of which she fell off the 7th floor balcony. You can guess what the result was.

    1. People have gone completely crazy...

  11. I thought Polish people were smarter than Westerners... I was wrong... Bitterness...

    1. Today I saw my younger brother playing it with his friends. Same thing on the bus with a gentleman about 25 years old. My girlfriend and I are puzzled because it's mixed with reality.

      1. It's already been reported that someone in our country got so caught up in a smartphone screen that they had an accident. I don't have time to look for the link, but maybe someone will share if it's true.

  12. It is not about some stupid game. For several decades the social structure of the nations of the Latin civilization has been falling apart (deliberately destroyed by Luciferians). Such efflorescences are only symptomatic effects. Only people who are blinded or of bad will (under the influence of the devil) do not/cannot/want to see this process.

  13. The human servants of the devil are getting more and more brazen. Their end will be bitter.

  14. Damian,I will pray for you brother.

  15. A man of the belle époque era, although he had many faults (1871-1914), if he saw Europe/Western world in the state it is now in, he would pity himself.

  16. Poles poisoned by Catholicism are disgusted with their own culture and that's why they find such substitutes/substitutes... For this reason I appeal to you, if you find something valuable on the Internet from the area of Polish culture, post it and maybe B.P.Z will let it pass 😉 .

  17. Today, while at the post office, I witnessed a little kid, maybe 6 or 7 years old, obviously looking for Pokemon with his mom's approval. The mother's only reaction to all this was to ask: "Have you found it yet? "When the game came into use I was driving through the town and I noticed a lot of people literally with their noses in the phone only later I realized what it was about. People do not see anything wrong with it for them it's just fun. Already there are job offers for.... pokemon trainers! By the way it's very well paid 😛 And meanwhile the game as already mentioned can't be a spyware it just is. But even if this information was confirmed people still wouldn't care too much about it. This game is perfect for so called false flag operations. Some agency releases a rare Pokemon, directing a crowd of people to one place as in this video to a park for example, the crowd gathers and suddenly boom! Hundreds of victims and the guilty will be found on the spot, depending on what you need to achieve with such an attack 🙂 Secondly, this thing distracts attention from what is to come, stupefies people and in the meantime something more serious is being prepared. For example, in France we have dozens of victims of the killer in the truck. There are already rumors that this attack was also properly prepared, that is a false flag. Then there's a German train and 21 victims of a Muslim with an axe and a knife. I don't know how it is possible to hurt so many people with an axe and a knife and nobody hit him with a suitcase, a shoe or even a phone? What was he doing opening the compartments and distributing one blow to the passengers? I wonder if the final outcome of all this will be found at WYD?

    1. Very interesting commentary Slawek.
      Cos it's all coming together. Something's not right in this game.

  18. Insanity Even at work 2 ,,friends" playing this is sick no words 🙁

    1. which means it's already a plague

  19. It is a sad truth that many people are quicker to be cut up than to allow even a small depletion of their material possessions for the sake of a just cause, vital to the community... This is especially true of nations torn apart by long years of enslavement to Babylonian religious cults.

    1. Such a general comment.

  20. People more and more often mix up the real reality with the virtual one (I don't mean only the net, but also other narcotic drugs which change the perception of reality), which is sadly proved by the above phenomenon... A Christian must avoid immersing himself in the dirty amusements of this fallen world, limiting himself only to unnecessary activities such as work, extension of the human family, prayer, evangelizing, etc.

  21. Poles have a younger brother complex towards the West. Quite wrong in my opinion in view of the state of that civilization (degeneration and decay through the example of the US&A 😉 ). It's no longer a culture at the forefront of the global race... Pity....

  22. The U.S.A., once the land of freedom in the broadest sense of the term and with quite firm morals, is now a source of world-beating corruption and enslavement.

  23. "U źródeł dziejów i bezdziejów" - Goreją Wici, no. 4, 1944. The genesis of Polish historical decline, lying in the foundations of the Polish mentality.

  24. To complete the set I would like to show the latest gadget associated with this demonic "game". It is a Pokemon GO Plus bracelet. Paired via bluetooth with your phone allows you to catch "creatures" without any help and without having to look into the phone.
    In addition to pulling in the cash for a simple device with already ancient technology (which is harmful to use in close proximity to the body; high frequencies plus heating the body on direct contact), notice that it habituates laziness and the use of "permanent" and ever-present solutions. I'm thinking here of the soon-to-be program of adopting the mark of the beast.

  25. Well, unfortunately. Right after the world premiere a few days later there were already fatalities.

    1. You are right, Brother; it is a pity (also) for those people who died (physically) as a result of the chase for ... exactly what? Nothing real, meaning nothingness. Some religions would probably congratulate them because they achieved nirvana or nothingness. This is what ALL games offer. Nothing. Except a waste of time, energy and money.
      Relatively until recently, I was a big fan of various games. I won't even give the names; I won't allow myself to tempt anyone. Today the world with its prince offers a multitude of games. Anything to draw you away from God. Most have no satanic elements at all. Others a little more; in time they come out. It sickens me that many who consider themselves believers see nothing wrong with playing these time eaters. Probably the soul, too.
      One of my friends wastes several hours every day on one of the so-called online adventure role playing games. Available "for free." The cost is electricity, downloading a few dozen (or more) GB of data, and spending time. Plus the top cost (of course, I'm not stating that every game player faces this, nevertheless the risk increases with each lvl 😉 ). Losing yourself in a bullshit unreal world and losing your soul in the real one.

      And here a guy fell into the water. Honestly, I've never seen anything like this before, how quickly and easily people can be fooled. I think that even the creators of the game did not expect such an effect, they can, as I read above in one comment, do what they want and draw people to one place and boom.

      1. " I honestly haven't seen anything like this before how people can be quickly and easily fooled. "

        Just an interesting social experiment considering the speed.....
        Nice test

  26. Who is already looking forward to the next convention? Confess without a beat 😀

    Ps. Marcin you must be looking forward to it too 😀

    I'd rather be with you guys in meetings than with my family and the people of this world. 🙂
    Of course I pray for my family and happen upon certain people.

    But being with them is not the same as being with you. Especially at the seaside. I want more 😀 😀

    1. me, I can't wait to finally come to the 1st reunion 🙂

      1. Brothers and sisters can't wait to meet you too 🙂
        So Dina I hope you'll be at the next reunion 🙂

        1. I hope I will, but it's all in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    2. I'm hoping to eat this in the penultimate week of August - that's when I have vacation 😉

      1. There will be a vacation, there will be attendance at the reunion, that and hopefully another baptism as well 🙂 Peace be with you and your family!

  27. Paweł Misiaszek

    PokemonGo-type entertainment is the quintessence of stupidity and deception. Supposedly educated and adult people, but they chase after virtual creatures. This shows how easy it is to control the masses - (with all due respect), but people are like cattle being led to the slaughter, like vermin that cling to the deadly light ... And this is the "demonic power" - to control, stupefy, and ultimately drive away from God, or at least to hide His face. There is nothing to get into the symbolism or hidden meaning of the creatures etc.. It is imperative to negate any computer entertainment because it is all addictive and becomes an idol. A demonic and disgusting figure will not appear to anyone because this would frighten people and turn them to God... It is enough to make people interested in silly things, to "put them to sleep" and make them addicted... And for the more ambitious, aware and seeking the Truth, Marian apparitions and Satanic adorations are served. This is what the tactics of the evil one look like - effortless and always forward.
    As an interesting aside, Steve Jobs (a man not of my fable) did not allow his children to use an iPhone or iPad: "A fixed part of every Steve's evening was having dinner together at the big, long kitchen table. The family discussed books, history and other topics. No one pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids were not dependent on devices at all." (Walter Issacson)

    1. So this Steve Jobs was a strong hypocrite 😀 ?

      1. haha , I thought of that too 🙂 .
        and generally he wasn't a cuddler ;-p

  28. It made me laugh when I read that most of it is by churches and chapels. But just as quickly as I started, I stopped while watching this

  29. The "law of series" is unfortunately proving itself: another attack, this time in Munich. I wonder how many more of these "assassinations" there will be to make the grey masses so scared before finally someone from the "elite" will officially come up with a program that ensures safety, i.e. accept the chip and you'll get a new Pokémon! The end is just around the corner.

  30. Pokemon madness has reached my city as well (the link was sent to me by my brother Michał, thanks):

    1. On Friday, I saw a group of these "zombies" staring at their smartphones in Herring Park.

  31. Big kids/useful fools, or involved in knowingly lashing out at special services and demonic overlords? Hard to say... :

  32. Crazy with these pokemon lovers....

    "The authorities of the city of Warsaw, headed by Deputy Mayor Jarosław Jóźwiak, invite you to play Pokemon GO together."

    1. This looks like a much thicker issue than we might have thought....


    "The cops thought they were stopping a drunk driver. It turned out he was looking for Pokemon."

    What is it with these people?

    1. 😀
      it's hard to believe, and yet...

  34. Russian woman claims she was raped by pokemon:

    "The woman, whose details have not been released, was playing a popular game before going to bed. She claims that when she woke up, a giant Pokemon was lying on top of her and raping her. (...)
    Interestingly, the Russian woman said that her attacker is still present on her phone, the exact same one who "raped" her.(...)

    She said that there were too many Pokemon in her apartment and that even her dog could smell them. She also claimed that the dog barked every time she played Pokemon GO."

    That's how people invite demons into their homes...

    1. Praise God that I'm not much into electronic entertainment.

    2. Incubus, demon. As much as possible.

  35. These creatures are the work of Satan, I don't know how you can play this game

    1. I think the lure here is the concept of AR - augmented reality paired with a predilection for collecting. So on the one hand we have a breath of fresh air, and on the other an established brand. Elite likes reheated chops, after all, it's important to derail the generation that didn't even know about Pokemons.

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