Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"How to pray when you don't feel like it"

JB Cachila

Friends, when we say we "don't feel like praying," it's like saying we "don't feel like talking to God," who is practically the only Person who can understand us in everything we go through.

Deciding not to talk to God about how we feel or think about something when we really need to is like saying: "I don't need God, I can face [insert your issue here] alone(s)".

Why you can't afford not to pray

Friends, we cannot afford not to pray. We cannot allow ourselves, as Christians, to be disconnected from our Source of power and all that we need. When we don't feel like praying, this is actually a time when we should pray as much as possible.

Psalm 102 gives us a wonderful example of the "oppressed" prayer:

"Lord, hear my prayer and let my cry come to you,

Do not hide your face from me, in the day of my trouble set your ear to me; in the day I call upon you, hear me quickly.

For my days fade away like smoke, and my bones are kindled like a bonfire.

My heart is stricken and withers like grass, so that I have forgotten to eat bread.

From the voice of my cry my bones clung to my flesh.

I am like the pelican in the desert, I am like the owl in the wilderness.

I watch and am like the lone sparrow on the roof.

Throughout the day I am insulted by my enemies and cursed by those who rage against me.

For I eat ashes like bread, and my drink I mix with tears;

Because of your anger and zeal, for you have lifted me up and struck me down.

My days are like a leaning shadow, and I wither like grass" (Ps 102:1-11, UBG).

Here are some tips on how to pray when you don't feel like it:

1.      Ask yourself why you don't feel like praying and tell God about it in prayer

When you're not in the mood to pray, ask yourself why that is. Everything has an explanation, and you can come to God with virtually any concern, including the reason for not praying without worrying that He can't handle it - because He will. Remember Psalm 145:18 (UBG), which states: "Gracious is the LORD and merciful, not inclined to anger and very merciful."

2.      Realize that God will not reject your prayer

God hears us when we pray. Psalm 102:17 (UBG) states: "He will grant the prayer of the forsaken and will not despise their prayer." Believe, and He will surely answer. In Mark 11:24 (UBG) Jesus said: "Therefore I say to you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive, and it will be done for you."

3.      Just keep praying

We cannot stop praying while we are Christians. Romans 12:12 (UBG) tells us that we should be "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, unceasing in prayer."


Translated Jack. Thank you in the name of Jesus.

Updated: 17 July 2016 — 20:55


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  1. Thank you for the translation and for the valuable text 🙂 Here are practical tips that will surely be useful for every Christian. The most important thing is to break it down, and then comes sustenance and rest in conversation with Our Father. Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ 🙂 .

    1. Also thank you Jack for a very valuable text in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
      It is true that sustenance and rest comes from the Lord and even when there are storms in life we have the peace of Christ.

  2. two days without a blog reveals withdrawal syndrome in me 😉

  3. Anyway, as usual on target with the topic. I've been having trouble with prayer for a while now...I keep postponing it until I finally fall asleep, and then I have a morass the next day.

  4. But what do we do when doubt hits us? Doubt that the Lord is, that life and death have meaning? Does that happen to you? Or is it just me...

    1. April 🙂 It happens to everyone (I guess). You'll be fine...the LORD Himself will remove it and give you more faith and confidence 🙂

    2. For me there is no doubt, I have received so much evidence of the existence of our beloved God.In various forms from deliverances, transformation of my heart to hearing a voice that even when the evil one wants to sow some uncertainty.I immediately turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for help to take it away.
      I do not allow into my heart any whispering of the evil one and his henchmen.
      Watch David Wilkerson's lecture, "Growing like a snake," should help you and have no more doubts. Cleanse your heart and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to show you that He is the Living God and cares for His children.
      I will pray for you,greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ .

      1. Dear April 🙂
        I have no doubts 🙂 I believe and trust in the Savior at 120% (or more). I just wrote that the evil one sometimes tries to mess things up...nevertheless, thank you so much for your prayers. You can count on mine too 🙂 .

        1. Sorry. The above post was to Lena 🙂 and April I'm hugging and saying hello 🙂 I'm going to be a little more careful.

          1. This has happened ☺ ,my post was directed to April.I don't know why Magdalene thought I was writing it to you?I know your faith is firmly established and you trust the Lord.
            My mistake, I didn't indicate who I was addressing it to.
            Forgive Magdalene for my mistake.
            Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.I pray for you too dear one and your daughter.
            With the Lord God .

            1. I have a question? why is my comment not published? Z 18/07 14:05

              1. it's already here 😀

              2. One of my comments didn't get published either 🙂

            2. Lena dear 🙂 I have nothing to forgive you for (even if your post was directed at me). 😀

              1. You know Leno, I've been reading and writing on a "batch" basis lately because having 2 kids for 13 hours is hard otherwise. So sometimes I'll write something without thinking. 😀
                Love you all 😀

                1. You really have your hands full, greetings warmly ? in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
                  I love you. Sis?

    3. Doubt led to Eve allowing herself to be deceived by Satan. It led to the creation of sin and the fall of man. I feel this is an important warning of what doubt can lead us to.

      "(1) And the serpent was cunninger than all the wild beasts which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: Did God indeed say, Not of all the trees of the garden shall ye eat?"

      I have perhaps a little more trouble forgetting about God, his presence and work in my life.

  5. What is the meaning of prayer? Why should God be a genie fulfilling our requests? God's plan is predetermined. Asking for forgiveness of sin is also meaningless. In what way did Jesus pray?

    1. "The kingdom of God is within you/among you" so what good is it for me to try to beg it in prayer?

      1. NNunderstanding

        Do you also believe that man has no will and is predestined to choose good or evil?

        1. How does this relate to praying?

          1. Zio 🙂
            Do you talk to your father, or do you not give a damn about him...? If you are talking to your father, why are you asking about the meaning of talking to a DAD who is GOOD ?

          2. NNunderstanding

            I see the connection between my question and your statement about a predetermined plan and the futility of prayer.

            1. NNunderstanding
              The Divine Plan involves progressive events in succession, which events you take part in is your will, how does this relate to prayer.
              I talk to my father like a human being, I hear what he says to me and I answer him. I don't hear Jesus' voice in my head, do you? Does kneeling and folding your hands make him speak to you?

              1. 🙂 zio
                Have you ever tried to talk to God ? Have you ever turned to Him as someone close to you? He responds primarily through His Word, which He has placed in the Bible.
                Are you seeking to know Him, to "hear" His voice ? Jesus said that His sheep know His voice and listen to His voice.
                " My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them. They follow Me 28 and I give them eternal life. They will not perish forever, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all.5 He has given them to me. And no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. 30 I and the Father are one." J 10
                And it is not the posture of the body (though it should be dignified) that is most important when talking to DAD, but the posture of the heart and mind, for "the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, and such worshippers the Father wants to have" John 4.
                Ask God for the Holy Spirit and He will guide you, teach you everything and explain everything. May the Savior's Spirit guide and guard you 🙂 .

  6. I sometimes have the thought that it doesn't make sense, that maybe it's not true...then I say go away Satan from me and I apologize to God the Father. I mean you are on the right path if the evil one wants to turn you back.

  7. April, when doubt strikes, all the more reason to cry out to the Lord. He answers questions and dispels doubts.
    With me, doubts about my salvation, about abiding in the Vine, are frequent. I don't always cry out then, I struggle long alone and groggy, but it's not good. My prayers are short, perfunctory, and devoid of love. And then comes the brokenness, the searching, the questioning, and...the answer! Our God is a wonderful God, Indescribable!

  8. Christopher 1984

    When I get a migraine attack then the pain does not go away even at night and in the morning I wake up with a huge throbbing pain but for some time now when I get an attack then I ask Jesus for healing and the Lord takes away my pain. Prayer is very powerful and removing migraines from my head is a small percentage of the response to my requests to the Lord. He gives us what we need and not what we want. When we remember the difference then it is easier to ask the Lord in prayer for His grace in a particular matter. Unfortunately, I can't repay even loyalty and it irritates me more and more because the Lord helps me and I keep offending Him with my behavior 🙁.

  9. Thank you Jack for this text, I try to pray every day, but sometimes when I am tired I don't have the strength to do anything, also to pray, but the next day I pray more and read the Bible more

  10. But now I know that I need to pray even more and not let go, despite being tired at times.

  11. People want something, so they pray for it, and when they don't get it, they turn away from God, while the Creator knows perfectly well what we really need. Therefore, let us not behave like spoiled children and let us be thankful for the smallest gift from the Lord of Hosts.

  12. I really needed your words of comfort! 🙂 Thank you! Mostly I feel the Lord's great presence and the joy He pours into my heart, but lately I've been in a bit of a health decline and that's probably where the doubt comes from (even though I know I shouldn't think so, because God is well pleased with our weaknesses).

  13. Also on the subject of prayer dear ones. How important it is to be a man of prayer.

    "A Call for Young People to a Life of Sacrifice" - Paul Washer (Polish)

  14. Valuable tips.
    Now is a special time for me when I feel how great the power of prayer can be. May this awareness never leave us and may our hearts always be open to a close relationship with God. It is great that this text has appeared just now.
    Thank you for this text and translation Jack in the name of Jesus Christ.

  15. Thank you, now it will be easier for me to pray in reluctance.

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