Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Is God for or against globalism? Globalism in the Bible.

The first globalist was Nimrod. Building the tower of Babel was just one symbol of globalism (concentration of power).


Genesis 10:8-10:

"And Kush begat Nimrodwho was the first mighty man on earth. He was a brave hunters Before the Lord. Therefore it is said: Brave hunter before the Lord as Nimrod. And the beginning his kingdom was Babylon, Erech, Akkad and Kalne in the country of Synear (Shinear)."


(Nimrod was a hunter, i.e., for current realities a militarized, armed man)


Genesis 11:1-9:

"The whole land had one language and equal words. On their journey from the east they found a plain in the land of Synear(Shinear) and settled there. And they spoke one to another: Well, let us make a brick and burn it in the fire! And they used brick instead of stone, and tar instead of mortar. And they said, Go on, let us build for ourselves a city and a tower, the top of which shall reach to heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves, that we may not be scattered abroad throughout the earth. Then the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the people were building. And the Lord said, Behold, there is one people, and they all have one language, and this is only the beginning of their work. Now nothing will be impossible for them, whatever they intend to do. So let us go down there and confuse their language, so that no one can understand the language of another. And the Lord dispersed them from there throughout the whole earth, and they ceased to build the city. Therefore it was called Babel, for there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth, and scattered them from there over all the face of the earth."



God is against globalism.

God created nations. God supports nationalism - it is His idea. Nationalism in its extreme form is evil. But najconism in a good sense (nationality, culturality) protects us from tyranny and idolatry.


When Egypt's ruler Pharaoh became angry, he declared himself a god.

When Babylon's ruler Nebuchadnezzar became angry, he declared himself a god, and all the people were forced to worship his golden statue.

When the Syrian ruler Antiochus VI Epiphanes became evil, he declared himself a god, erected an altar to an idol (Zeus) and sacrificed pigs in the temple.

When the antichrist is revealed, he will declare himself god: no one will be able to criticize him or question his laws. (We're almost at that point - you can't talk about homosexuals, for example, or the traditional family model without hearing that you're homophobic or sexist.)



A saved person cannot be a supporter of globalism.

God is punishing the globalists.

Globalists are "we know better than you" bureaucrats who impose their policies by force of law and arms. Their motivation flows from the fact that they, the "rulers", know better than other people, and therefore think they can control others and impose things on them.

Globalists believe they own you as well as all property, thus they break the 8th and 10th commandments (e.g. by imposing unjust taxes and taking(stealing) in other ways from people their earned property/money and giving it to another group of people. The socialist system is the opposite system of the Bible - a system of sin).


All dictators aspire to dominate the world by force. But nothing is going to happen where one person gathers enough weapons and shoots everyone to take over the world - that would be insanity.

Big government = big despotism.

Governments have guns. And you don't have guns to defend yourself.


The European Union represents globalism - big corporations, big banks "married" to governments.

These days, it is perhaps the greatest symbol of globalism.

It is interesting that the parliament building of the European Union was designed like the tower of Babel. It has the same shape.



Globalist Empires in the Bible:

  1. Egypt
  2. Assyria
  3. Babylon (the head of gold in Daniel's dream)
  4. Persia (silver) defeated in Daniel 8, returns in Ezekiel 38
  5. Greece (bronze)
  6. Rome (iron)
  7. resurrected Rome/European Union (iron with clay)
  8. resurrected Greece/Islamic Caliphate (Revelation 17:11)


Daniel talks about Rome having to fall. We are now watching the beginning of Rome's disintegration (Brexit).

The verse in Revelation 17:11 makes it clear that there is yet to be an eighth ruler.



Globalists who urged Britain to stay in the Union:

David Cameron, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Malcolm Turnbull (Australia), Pope Francis, George Soros & financial institutions.

The UN globalist system is the system of the antichrist.



Globalists believe in:

  1. No boundaries
  2. Lack of national sovereignty
  3. Global Law
  4. World Police
  5. Global military power
  6. Control of gun ownership
  7. One World Government (NWO)



What is the true purpose of democracy?

The purpose of democracy is repetition (getting people to vote for you repeatedly at all costs - you can say anything, promise anything, whatever gets you votes).


Global control can best be achieved by making people completely dependent on the government. Typically, people who feel secure and live in abundance want taxes to be reduced and the state not to interfere with them.


The most effective way to make people dependent on the state is through poverty, crime and war. This is why it is much easier for poor, uneducated, unskilled immigrants to enter and stay in Europe.


Based on a lecture by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti:


Compiled by Kasia Kosik. Thank you in the name of Jesus.


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  1. And to think that the introduction to my thesis might as well have had a title like "Ode to Globalization"....

    Without knowing who is the god of this world and what ecumeny is, I simply had no right to understand why globalism is of the devil. It would seem that striving for absolute unity manifested in one country, currency, language and religion is a utopia, but that such an ideal is worth fighting for and efforts in this direction should be promoted. After all, if even the Pope supports it, it must be good, right?

    Meanwhile, the truth is that this is the worst nightmare; a potentially global, Luciferian death camp, and this is the warning that needs to be preached to people stupefied by the globalist propaganda of the enlightened elite.

  2. A more contemporary example of the tyranny of globalist universalism is the rule of the Catholic Church in medieval Europe, or even more recent varieties of socialism in the former Eastern Bloc, or the ubiquitous cult of democratic left-wing equality (a contradictory internal phrase, i.e., dry water), and so on.

  3. I was in Torun on Friday for a cheap tour ( that's why I was so quiet ), but never mind. I talked to the guide there, who was quite an interesting person. At one point he said that power demoralizes people the worst. And now the nail on the head. In addition, on the tour at one point I passed two girls. What kind of language they were talking about (not vulgar, but inaccurate, clumsy, as if they were bushmen), and about such bullshit that it's a waste of a keyboard to write (building a position in the herd and one's ego by posting photos on Instagram) Where is it all going?

    1. The so-called meta-language? 😉

  4. Deluded, spiritually blind as a mole and deaf as a trunk is everyone who does not see or stubbornly does not want to see the spiritual roots of the globalists' activities thinking that it is just politics, connections, struggle for influence etc. It is a facade for the uncritically accepting everything (especially the politically correct newspeak). And it is a facade for the uncritically accepting everything (especially the politically correct newspeak), stupefied with satanomedia and focused on their own insignificant matters, behind which hide evil-solden, soulless individuals eager for total control and extermination of the biblical Christians, with surgical precision implementing the plan inspired by unclean spirits and devilishly far-reaching plan of enslaving mankind.

    1. * it was supposed to be - focused on their own meaningless goyim. Compound sentences are a slippery thing, it's easy to get lost, but otherwise I don't know how 😉 .

      And this is what you wrote, brother, about which I also wanted to add two words:
      "What language they talked (...), and about such bullshit that it's a waste of a keyboard to write ( building a position in the herd and your own ego, by posting photos on Instagram)" - Clearly, we are no longer of this world. In terms of consciousness, there is not even a gulf between us and such people, but a great canyon. We have been enlightened by the light of truth, and they wander in the darkness of falsehood. We and the world, if we already talk, are as if in two different, seemingly similar, but mutually incomprehensible languages, and our view of the world is as diametrically opposed as the difference between Biblical Christianity and Roman Catholicism.

    2. Believe me Brother Jack; even though we are separated by a few dozen (or so, although I doubt it 😉 ) years of life, I was just as stupefied. The current system is no different from the communism of the 70s/80s. Different technologies, supposedly different ideas, but the source is the same. evil. few dare to look behind the curtain. In the Lord Jesus everything is open and obvious. Soon the curtain will fall. Let us pray that as many as possible will persevere. People are getting so tired faster and faster ...
      Glory to the Lord of lords and King of kings Jesus the Messiah

  5. 1.
    Nemrod was a "hunter before the Lord." According to Hislop, this refers to a soul hunter who led people away from God. Another point is that he was also a warrior and the founder of Babylon.

    2.Nationalism is an idolatrous cult. So is the state as a whole.
    For Christians, there is only one Fatherland - from the Father - the New Jerusalem. And the only tradition - the Bible.

    Nationalism and the state is a cult:
    Flag worship (e.g., singing the anthem while gazing at the flag, or any other treatment of the flag more than just a piece of cloth)
    The cult of the emblem
    Government/nation = "god"
    Hymn and patriotic songs = Psalms, religious songs
    Police = Inquisition
    Courts, offices = temples
    Constitution, Laws, Laws = Holy Book(s)
    Tradition = religious tradition

    God did not create nationalism, just as he did not create any other idolatrous religion.

    In the ST (generally) the entire nation served a particular god(s); Israel served the Most High.
    The only collective view worthy of a servant of God is to care for the Chosen People, that is, the people saved by God: not any ethnic group.

    1. 1.Nimrod is the archetype of the Antichrist who, like Nimrod, will have great military power.
      2.Nationalism can be idolatry when the nation is placed above God, as the Nazis did, for example.
      Caring about the well-being of your nation is not a bad thing.
      This is the view espoused by Jehovah's Witnesses, who want to establish a world government.In one of their pamphlets, they wondered who would head it, i.e., who would be the Antichrist.

      1. As to 1 - yes.

        2: Here's where I'm going to disagree. Let's look at Catholicism. Surely a significant portion of Catholics who believe in the powers of medallions, who pray to statues or otherwise worship them, worship their god more than these devotional objects: does that change the fact that this is still idolatry?

        As for nation, -s. For us Christians, our Nation is our brothers and sisters in the faith around the world. NOT the whole world - but the elect of God.

        What kind of fellowship between God's servants and the Gentiles? How does the ST describe God's reactions to the unity of his people with pagan nations?
        I also recommend here from the NT 1 John 2:15 (do not love the things of this world) and 2 Corinthians 6:14-17.

        Help help, but we can't have fellowship with heathens. Btw, tell such nationalists what the Bible says about their church - I doubt they would be so un-Catholic tolerant as to want to talk further.

    2. You are right Daniel, I think "nationalism" is an inappropriate word to call what God is advocating. Rather, it is that God wanted people to be divided into countries/nations.
      I agree that the cult of the state is wrong.

      We can observe God's will regarding the division of mankind not only in the example of what God did after the building of the tower of Babel (confusing languages, dividing people territorially), but also in the example of the chosen people.

      In Joshua chapter 13 onwards, God assigns specific lands to the various tribes of Israel and clearly delineates their boundaries among themselves.
      The tribes often acted sovereignly from one another (e.g., ch. 22:11-16 -a few tribes built an altar to themselves without agreement from all, even incurring the wrath of the other tribes).

      1. Exactly. Perhaps paradoxically - the more united people are, the easier and more they drift away from God; such is human nature. Divisions also hinder some of the actions of demons altogether.
        First of all, divided people seek God, united people seek themselves (people).

    3. Re 1: Interesting. I also think that is what the meaning of the verse was intended to be.
      The Septuagint explains it thus:

      "By the Lord." - in the Septuagint quite often appears, as here, the term "enantion kyriu" or other analogous term. It causes difficulties in translation into Polish. A faithful translation of "in the sight of the Lord" or "in the face of the Lord" does not sound very good, for example in this sentence: "he was a hunter in the sight of the Lord." This "in the presence of the Lord" or "in the presence of the Lord" means to be, and with other verbs to DO SOMETHING IN THE FACE OF THE LORD WITH THE AWARENESS THAT GOD IS A WITNESS OF IT."

  6. Following Christ is not a road strewn with rose petals, as it seems to many, and many sacrifices and renunciations cost, often very bitter... In many at this time the question arises: Is it worth sticking your neck out for the majority who are indifferent to the spiritual sphere (doubt arises as to the meaning of it all and the purpose ...). However, it gives life a sense that death is not the end of everything. We Christians do not cling to life as desperately as the rest, because we live this hope.

    1. I'll sugar coat it a bit ( Maybe the sisters in Christ will like it 😉 )

  7. Globalism is also present in the Catholic Church, which wants to be a universal church, i.e. global.One church, as one institution for the whole world.As opposed to the Church of Christ, which is often formed by small, biblical communities from different countries.In the evangelical churches you can often find national flags, especially in the U.S.A. But in vain to look for, for example, the Polish flag in the Catholic church, rather the Vatican flag (foreign, globalist power) or the Marian flag.KK was also a supporter of universalism, which is the idea that Europe should be united under the rule of one emperor and one pope, and it was a premonition of the Apocalypse, when the political power led by the Antichrist (the Beast from the Sea) cooperates with the spiritual power (the Beast from the Earth).

  8. On July 16, there is to be some sort of huge ecumenical gathering in the U.S. in Washington, D.C., at which the pope is also expected to appear.
    Many truther say there may be some sort of false flag, false kidnapping or other such event.

      1. Quite possibly because there is a theory that Obama is gay and his wife is a transvestite.Some journalist also said publicly that Obama is gay and his wife is a man.

  9. The modern social community is being attacked and destroyed from every side. The enemies of free people/Christians, i.e. devil worshippers, aim at total subjugation and debasement of us and people close to us. Let us not allow them to do it. Let us do everything in our power to prevent it. With God.

  10. Worse than the death of the material body is the defiling of the mind/selling out of the soul. Such a being is actually just a living corpse.

  11. My name is Gregory, I've been reading your blog regularly Peter for over 7 months now. I came to this blog by accident, as I thought at the beginning, but I think it was no coincidence that God directed me to it, especially since I was going through an inner struggle at that time. Now I thank God that He directed my life in such a way and that I can happily read it and read the opinions of all those who write. Thank you all in the name of Jesus! It has changed my life completely, I love Jesus, I read the Bible regularly, I feel great, of course I fight with temptations, sins, but I try my best to follow Jesus with small steps. I live in England, in London, it would be nice if some of you live here or nearby, I would like to be baptized one day. God bless you all in the name of Jesus.

    P.S. This is my first time writing on a forum so for any stylistic errors, I apologize.

  12. Praise God! Grzes, your life with the Lord God will flourish. It's the best thing that could have happened to you ... getting to know Jesus Christ and surrendering to Him 🙂 .

    1. Yes Agnes, it's wonderful, I enjoy every day and thank God for letting me know Jesus! I have a long way to go but I am already happy.

  13. It always seemed to me that the last kingdom was to be a mixture of clay and iron and I believe we are living in that very time. After all, the great stone struck the feet of the statue and these are composed of these ingredients so where to put this resurrected caliphate ???? As far as I am concerned the caliphate is just another tool for the purpose of the insane globalists....

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