Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Golem Brewery and the occult sign.

I was informed about this brewery by Jacek. Thank you.

This is another brewery, after the brewery of Nergal, a declared Satanist, propagating such symbols:


This is what the label of their flagship beer looks like:









In contrast, this is what the cover of the Catholic Millennium Bible looks like:




Both the label and the Millennial Bible contain Luciferian symbols: the eye and the sun.

Below, the eye of Horus:





All of their beers have names associated with Jewish attributes:

Dybbuk (Hebrew, Yiddish: דיבוק, dibuk - "adherence") - in Jewish mysticism and folklore, the phenomenon of the spirit of a dead person taking possession of the body of a living person. A dybbuk is also the name of the spirit itself, the soul of the deceased who cannot rest (or, among followers of Kabbalah, reincarnate) because of sins committed, and seeks out a living person to invade his body

Etz Chaim -

Mzal Adar:


Shemesh means "sun" from the Hebrew.


Golem Brewery Name:


Golem (Hebrew: גולם) - a being formed from clay in the shape of a human being, but lacking an understanding soul neshama, and therefore the ability to speak.



I provide useful links for those new to this:

Updated: 6 October 2016 — 14:28


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  1. The most famous occult symbol in Poland? Polsat's logo (adequate to the level of this TV station).

  2. One wonders what one will find on the wiki under "Golem":

    "Golem (Hebrew: גולם) - a being formed from clay in the shape of a human being, but lacking the soul understanding neshamah, and therefore the ability to speak.

    The word appears only once in the Bible in Ps 135:15-17, a verse that Jewish tradition puts in the mouth of Adam. Here it is sometimes translated as embryo, but it probably means something formless, devoid of form. In the Middle Ages it was identified with the Greek term for formless matter - η ὕλη (hyle). Part of Jewish tradition also treats Adam as a golem before he was endowed with the divine breath.

    The creation of the golem by humans involves a repetition of the process of divine creation. As it was believed that it was done by means of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, attempts were also made to repeat this act through their appropriate arrangements. The first accounts of a man-made golem are found in the Talmud. Later, these practices were permanently connected with the magical use of the treatise Sefer Jecira and the recreation of the structure of divine creation given there."

    So is it a coincidence that a brewery selling beer with an all-seeing eye is called Golem?

    1. It is a mocking name meant to humiliate the Goyim.

      1. ... who are the same Goyim drinking Golem Shemesh who will kill you with laughter and call you a "conspiracy theorist".

        1. Lord, not conspiracy theory, but the practice of history.

          1. The conspiratorial practice of history in practice

    2. please appeal that when giving a verse number e.g. 18:20, 2:12, etc., please give the verse right away so you don't have to search for it yourself and make life easier for others ^^ besides I don't know if there is a letter 'e' in Hebrew? Semitic languages are very different from ours 🙂 .

      1. the lack of certainty is due to the fact that in arabic there are only u (uau), a (alef) and 'i,' but sometimes longer (stretched) and sometimes shorter sounding. the same as there are no letters p, c and a few others. But there are several variations of the letter "h.

      2. Karol Szulawiak

        Ps. It is not written "very different from ours". Correct would be "very different" ;p.

  3. Do these emblems themselves have some kind of compelling power for people?

  4. One of the worst programmers (by a wide field of destruction) that subconsciously code our behavior are all those "seemingly" stupid radio songs that ooze from the receiver and poison our minds by stimulating certain areas of the brain...

  5. There is an interesting very old movie called golem. I recommend it for those who are curious 🙂 .

    As for the Bible, I have a thousand year old one at home, but fortunately it's not from this publisher and the cover is leather without any additions, ornaments or anything. Because why decorate the Bible if it's not the cover but the content that counts 🙂 .

  6. I just remembered, I don't know if it was in elementary or middle school, but during religion we had to draw triangles with an eye (that it was supposed to be God)...

  7. I have this scripture at home and I will honestly admit that I didn't even notice the eye.

    1. I do too and she is the most important to me and will be because she gave birth to my relationship with Jesus.

    2. haha, then please note the second picture, which is the two decalogue tables. The 9th and 10th are merged into one, because the second one was rearranged and the penultimate one was duplicated. Did the graphic designer have a sense of humor or what? The footnotes in the Deon Bible and all these modern Bibles are a misnomer, by the way- Protestants in America criticize the NIV Bible (New International Version) terribly harshly, and consider the JKV Bible (King James Version) as holy. This is mainly because the NIV uses euphemisms for homosexuality or other transgressions of the laws contained therein. In those copies of the Bible from a couple of hundred years ago, Polish ones, something was also going on, because when I was looking for a Bible on allegro, and I chose to sort 'by most expensive,' the top of the page showed me a Gdansk Bible from the 16th and 1st century, or maybe 15th century. 2-2,5 thousand zloty) at the very beginning there were illustrations with Masonic message, hand gestures at the Savior, biblical figures, etc. so also the content could be manipulated 🙂 I'm sorry, but I do not know if we have any text without flaws. The text is good, but the Bible is a COLLECTION of writings. some of them were thrown out, even though they might have been good (maybe some of the apocrypha that survived), others were excluded, even though they might have been there through some man's initiative.

  8. People these days stand in a moral quandary/are morally torn. They are a little bit for and a little bit against, which in consequence leads to severe insanity. Worst of all, this attitude apparently does not bother them, and maybe it even suits them...

  9. Another piece of evidence confirming what "flesh" Catholics feed on. The wafer is in a symbolic Sun with the same rays as on this beer label, straight rays - masculinity and wavy rays - femininity.

    For comparison.

    1. and could you choose symbols that do not have negative connotations and yet we can associate them with God? Because as you know, the commandment prohibits illustrating God. However, since all graphic depictions are a no-no (whether it's a cross, or an eye, or a fish) have their flaws, we have something that wouldn't offend anyone?

      1. What is the purpose of the symbol signifying God ? How many Gods are there ? God is one and does not need to be worshipped through symbolism, unlike the invented Babylonian idols that cannot do without it. All this symbolism was taken from Babylon and Egypt where they prayed to the sun god Baal or Dagon (fish god), read the Old Testament and see what God thinks about it. The Israelites were to destroy the objects of pagan worship and not adapt them for themselves, which was and is a great abomination in the eyes of the one true God.

      2. "But the hour is coming, yes it already is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, and such worshippers the Father wants to have. God is Spirit, so it is necessary that His worshippers worship Him in Spirit and truth" John 4:23-24.

        Based on Jesus' words, we can see that all symbols are unnecessary and even harmful.

  10. A very important article showing how satanic symbols seep into the social consciousness. There really are a lot of them around us. One very common one is simply the cross. I know that many people may be offended. However, let's look at where it came from. Without a doubt, Jesus Christ was sacrificed on the cross. So much so that God Jesus rose from the dead and sat on the throne in heaven. We worship Jesus the Savior King of kings and Lord of lords. The early Christians did not use the cross. It was introduced in the 4th century after the death of Constantine later named Great by his mother. Per wikipedia, "it was associated with some form of worship of the forces of nature (fire, sun, life)." It continues "In ancient Egypt, the anchor cross ("crux ansata", T with a loop at the top), which signified life, was extremely popular. The cross was also the symbol of the Greek Dionysus, the Babylonian Bel, the Tyrian god Dumuzi (equivalent to Tammuz), and the Norse Odin (Wodan)." The earliest crosses are associated with the sun symbol in Hittite culture as far back as 2000 B.C. Satan thought he was winning when the Messiah was killed on his symbol. There are crosses all around us; churches, pharmacies, ambulances. Isn't worshiping a symbol a violation of God's commandment? Let me remind you of a great article
    What stung my eyes the most recently was the gaming (yes they are made and such) toaster. The very symbol of the manufacturer, Razer, contains three snakes and three 6s. You can make satanic toast in it (a parody of bread of life?). See for yourself

  11. Wise people with a conscience find it much more difficult in life than those who are deprived of such spiritual components as scruples...

      1. Natural selection by Roman design got us this way 🙁

        1. The best peasant genes were wasted in cassocks, which until the 19th century was essentially the only legitimate form of advancement for the lion's share of society....

  12. Hey brothers and sisters 🙂
    I have a slight concern at first if Magdula will mind.... But she feels I should do so 🙂 .

    I am taking the initiative and asking you to pray together for our sister Magdule Magda. She has been having problems with headaches which are getting worse from time to time...

    Yesterday we were at her place, that is Dina and I, and although she smiles, you can see that it is very hard for Magda.
    Don't room me in this state 🙁

    We prayed for her 🙂 She felt a little better....

    And now I'm asking you to pray together for Magda 🙂

    1. bright with pleasure.

    2. I join in prayer,hang in there Magdulka and may the headache go away in the name of Jesus Christ may it happen.

    3. Accepted order 🙂

      1. Order accepted ☺! I'll "borrow" it.

        1. Thank you again (once already in a comment below) dear ones 🙂 I do.
          In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the heavenly Father bless you.

  13. If so, I would very very very much ask you to pray for my dear girl who has something possibly wrong with her heart and is now lying hooked up to a machine 🙁 .

    May God's will be done, thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus. I hope everything's going to be OK.

    1. Assignment accepted☺

    2. Sure 🙂 I'll do it.

    3. Dear ":(" (apropos smile please 🙂 ) since yesterday I have been praying for your girlfriend and you. I have entrusted you to the Lord Jesus.

      May the Heavenly Father bless you in the Name of His Son and our Lord Jesus Christ.

      1. Thank you sincerely in the name of our Lord !!!

        I love you brothers and sisters. I wish I had such a Christlike relationship with anyone in real life...maybe someday?

        Greetings to you!

  14. * This comment is not a return to my previous style of commenting i.e. pitying!!!
    I was referring to earlier comments when I wrote. *

    I am fed up with my language of thought and especially my behaviour and what happened on Saturday, brothers and sisters from Poznan know what I mean... it completely disarmed me... I entrusted it to God... I still have to explain myself to them and I don't know how to bite...
    I'm tired of this...

    1. Let me add that it hurts like a sin...

  15. All of their beers have names associated with Jewish attributes:

    Dybbuk (Hebrew, Yiddish: דיבוק, dibuk - "adherence") - in Jewish mysticism and folklore, the phenomenon of the spirit of a dead person taking possession of the body of a living person. A dybbuk is also the name of the spirit itself, the soul of the deceased who cannot rest (or, among followers of Kabbalah, reincarnate) because of sins committed, and seeks out a living person to invade his or her body

    Etz Chaim -

    Mzal Adar:—the-month-of-adar-is-symbolized-by-fish.html

  16. Dear friends, thank you for your support in prayer...
    Thank you Zdzisiu brother.
    ... in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ....

    God bless you.
    I love you....

  17. Man, where do you get your knowledge from... Read a bit, you'll find history very useful... I assume you don't know that Christianity grew out of the Jewish religion... And anyway, I recommend you to look into books about ancient Christianity, dura europos, the early Middle Ages and the Middle Ages, that is the period of forming the religion... And then only the 20th century councils... Check some earlier ones too, learn a few things... I guess.

    1. Judaism originated around the 5th century BC.

      Jews are an invented people wrote about it sa .... Jew:

      The Jews are a combination of the Judeans and their eternal enemies, the Edomites. For almost 4,000 years there were no Jews only Israelites and that is not the same thing.

      So there are Messianic Jews, Orthodox Jews, and Talmudic Jews who practice the occult.

  18. They posted a link to this text on their profile, coloring it with sarcasm and derision.
    No one wants to look up what and how. Why such symbols, why these Jewish terms for spirits have nothing to do with Christianity.

  19. By the way, see the Hebrew symbolism of 666 on the energizer

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