Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Deus meus kosmateus - my god is kosmateus

The innocent children's enumerator is not so innocent.

Information about this topic was sent to me by Anna from Mazury.


First of all, the enumeration is written in Latin, and this (this is my opinion from observation) is the language of the Evil One. The very fact that the Roman church uses this language speaks for itself.

Secondly translated from Latin means:

"my god is cosmic"

Check it out for yourself:


Who is a cosplayer?




Cosmic means shaggy, hairy.

The baphomet pictured here as we know it shows the gestures of Jesus from the Catholic pictures.

In the movie "Pan Samochodzik i Templar", the woman stealing Mr. Samochodzik's notebook was a woman nicknamed Baphomet.

I came across an interesting post while looking for a description of this movie character:


" - Now you're going to listen and I hope you remember this. Have you watched "Mr. and Mrs. Templar"?
Those words came as a shock to me. I didn't suspect that he could even know what a television looked like, let alone know the title. I nodded my head that yes

And so, as we know, knights who held a cruel secret showed up in these territories. For more than a century they were pursued and exterminated throughout Christian Europe. They called themselves the Order of the Templars. Probably they did not know the power of their god, Baphomet. They worshipped him out of fear. And his power was said to be cruel. He was made only of a head with eyes, mouth, nose, male genitals, four pairs of legs, and the whole thing was hairy. The memory of him disappeared for hundreds of years, only the fascists remembered him. They remembered his great power and started to do everything to wake him up. Also, young man, I don't know if you know what I am trying to tell you, but remember this

I found the story very interesting and it actually etched itself into my memory.
Several years later, when I began to be interested in various cultures and world religions I came across the cult of Baphomet.
- Listen, if they awaken Baphomet, if they give him strength, in return they will receive incredible power and might. They know this very well and are doing everything they can to make it happen.
His gaze began to grow dull as usual. In conclusion he added more:
- When they get power their rule will be cruel...'


This is an entry from Dariusz Kwiecień's Riese page, well known to readers of my blog:



Society, unaware of evil, swallows like a frog a fly stylistic devices in which the devil is worshipped.

In the book and movie "The Seventh Grade Satan," the good and intelligent boy Adaś is the personification of Satan.

Clever, intelligent like Satan. As if God wasn't clever and had already fooled Satan many times.




Updated: 20 May 2016 — 11:16


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  1. Wherever we look there is Satan... Just as the kingdom cares about children... Satan focuses on them... Because if he destroys the young, they will be subject to him as adults... I wonder how many more such games there are... Probably many... How lucky we are that we can watch and prevent all this... Thanks for this text may God be with us.

    1. Praise the LORD Jesus Christ for His Spirit revealing truth to us to the glory of God the Father!

  2. I don't know what it means to fear Babylon, I don't know what it means to build wars. Our culture is now and here.

    1. as interesting as i:

      "'Abracadabra, two sticks, whoever doesn't hide hides' "

  3. By the way, some time ago I read that at the highest level of Freemasonry it was revealed that the real name of their god, the Great Architect, is Jahbulon. What is most interesting is that this "grotesque manifestation of evil has the body of a spider and three heads - a man, a toad and a cat. And as we know spiders are cosmic. This and other facts clearly indicate that this enumeration is of the devil. You can search for a picture of their god-it is hideous.

    Well, and the issue of the diabolical nature of Latin returns to the blog like a boomerang. The maintenance of this basically dead language by scientific institutions seems to serve purposes other than those presented to the profane. Adepts of Satanism as well as Roman priests use it, and it is indeed an important clue. Even in fields of study seemingly unrelated to the language, there are classes in Latin, such as English Philology. This is all too thick. It is surprising that Latin is not taught compulsorily in state schools.

    1. "By the way, some time ago I read that it was revealed at the highest level of Freemasonry that the real name of their god, the Great Architect, is Yahbulon"

      Truth chases truth. Now everything is falling into place.
      Below is this demon with 3 heads:

      It reminds me of that part of the apocalypse:

      "And I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, coming out of the mouth of the dragon

      And from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet;

      And they are miracle-working demon spirits who go to the kings of the whole world,

      to gather them for war on that great day of God Almighty""

      1. Indeed, it adds up to a meaningful whole.

        And this name is made up of 3 parts and that's how it's developed:

        1. "Jah" - the name of the rastararian god and as I understand it an alternative variant of Jehovah/Jahweh,

        2. "Bul" - Baal, in honor of whom children are murdered,

        3 "He" - the Egyptian Osiris.

    2. "the manifestation of evil has the body of a spider"
      The night before I went to church in my dream a big spider was chasing me :-/.

      1. which means you guys were playing chase 🙂 .

        1. And go away with such games... later I still had lots of those little spiders running around the house and I smashed those bastards.

          1. You can't stomp on spiders 🙁

            1. That's like me going to africa and slashing lions because they were a symbol of babylon 🙁

              1. Spiders are hideous. They arouse extreme disgust in me, and I have been attacked by demons in such a way that when I close my eyes, I see nasty, hairy birds. And then I read about this kind of evil figure that looks like a spider. I already know where these attacks were coming from. They have stopped since I pray to God the Father through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. Praise the LORD.

              2. Jack.. Come on.
                Spiders are God's creatures, too, after all 🙂 .

              3. The symbol of Babylon was lions with wings. 🙂

              4. Magdula, I'm just wondering how Jesus could create such hideous looking creatures!!!

                Seriously, I can't even look at a spider too much, it disgusts me so much....

                1. ok, now we know what to blackmail Jacek with. If he doesn't want to go to the woods for a bonfire at the convention near Lomza, you know what we're doing 😀 .

              5. Jacek 😀

                Spiders are very cute creatures 😀

            2. I don't kill the living, only the ones that I dream about and are emissaries of evil :-).

              1. I know I know hehe 😉 Jacek you're an old man

              2. Well yes Mati, I have discovered my weak point. Jesuits could torture me with spiders... 😉

              3. I was dreaming about spiders today, but medium-sized ones 🙂 I was dreaming about spiders.

            3. My cat hunts spiders and eats them.?

              1. Yes wow and at my place the cat will look at the spider smell it and find nothing beneficial 🙂

      2. DianaZ

        Spiders like you a lot 😀

        1. Haha Peter good: D something like that I wanted to write no but.... get the spiders to the convention!!! And such bastards hehe

        2. My sympathies 😉

          And to be clear - I don't kill them, because they are also (unfortunately) God's creatures, but I avoid them with a mile-wide arc. Bleee ?

          1. Mati, I'm such a persona non grata that you're bringing out the heaviest cannons in the form of blacklegged insects 😀 ?! I'd sooner put up with pilgrim idolaters from the Radio Maryja family climbing on our heads 😀 ?

            Well, unless you've somehow figured out that I'm actually a Vatican snitch and this is the only way for me not to spy on you at conventions... Oops. It came out!... ? ?

            1. Jacek 😀

              "Mati, am I such a persona non grata that you're bringing out the heaviest cannon in the form of a blacklegged insect ? ?! I'd sooner put up with the pilgrim idolaters of the Radio Maryja family climbing on our heads ?"

              When are the new videos for the channel?

            2. Anna-Dziewanna

              Yesterday I found that the esteemed Admin has a sense of humor of the highest order after 10 pm:)
              But today, you're the one who is unbeatable:) The Vatican plug 🙂 Beautiful!!! 🙂

            3. But you made me laugh with that Vatican plug ?
              I suspect that after the first few meters you would be blown away like an ostrich from those pilgrims known from the radio.
              I believe that our Lord will deliver you from this phobia of arachnids to be free.May it happen.

          2. Anna-Dziewanna

            everyone is laughing at you - only I will be the GOOD one and comfort you as much as I can: I HATE earthworms. I get nauseous at the sight of them. And when they start to wriggle viciously, doing their esy flores, fat segmented bodies, flashing their gullet rings left and right - then... I won't finish, because it's not appropriate. I'll also add that I'm disgusted by the fact that they're even hermaphrodites. A fu!

  4. And I just made hummus and recommend it to everyone for sandwiches 😉
    Especially for those who avoid pork by a wide margin and are fed up with cheese 😉 .

    1. will you give aga_2 the recipe?


        I still sipped the cranberries and vitamin c to balance the sour sweet and for healthiness of course 😉 I reduced the tahini to 3 tbsp, for economy more and it's as ok as can be.

        Be warned, hummus is addictive 😉

        1. thank you

          addictive? But that's a joke, right?

        2. What is this tahini?

          1. Roasted sesame paste, if you're stubborn you can make it yourself 😉

            1. I guess I'll be stubborn and do it :-).

  5. I might ask you to say a little prayer 🙂

    1. What's the matter, Zdzisiu?
      It will be my pleasure to intercede for you brother?

    2. Specifically, Zdzisiu?

    3. And for what intention?

    4. O perseverance 🙂 .
      And the strength to face an unsolved problem 🙂
      But I'll leave more out of the blog, I don't want you to think I'm focusing on myself or trying to get your attention 🙂

      1. I think we all really, really need perseverance... Although the most important thing is faith.

  6. I can't believe

    There's a small percentage that it's a coincidence, but I think there are too many coincidences.

  7. But are you all paranoid in your belief... To pick on a simple nursery rhyme and find in it some supreme evil is rather disturbing from the point of view of your mental health dear parishioners and not from the point of view of the salvation of children...?

  8. The first drawing torn out of a notebook... the article unfortunately has little credibility :/

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