Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. "Dzesika already after communion, how about you poor people?" 😀

    - I'll go to the barber
    - Well, I think I'll shave my chin
    - I'll eat something
    - And we'll see

  2. how weak it is. And this rash of similar photos on social media during the communion season 🙂

  3. ano old bida 😉

  4. Ehh the massacre of this hypocrisy, let us pray brothers and sisters for such people that they find Jesus 🙂 .

  5. And the unnecessary and extremely harmful spoiling of children, which reinforces the idea that you can get something without working, and that it's so good ( except for Eden ) there never is and never was....

  6. Dwukrotnie narodzony

    I don't think I've ever held or seen so much money

    1. Heh and I didn't even notice the money at the bottom and the rest of what was lying there 🙂

  7. And in our neighborhood, almost all the kids with smartphones are running around :-).

  8. Such a joke... Even in the world it's considered tactless to say the least... Sad photo because I only see poverty 🙁 Poor people...

  9. Pledge yourself and put yourself down....

    1. And how, you have to show up. Let them see that we can afford it! Paranoia...

    1. This is maximum embarrassing, what more to write... ?

  10. No matter how much money there is, it's still in the sand xD

  11. Reminder about Communion gift tax 😉
    Pictures are evidence 😉

  12. I honestly don't know whether to cry or laugh, the photo is very telling, the situation is embarrassing.
    I don't understand this.... take a photo of yourself against a cash register and post it net.
    Shame and all that.

    1. I thought the same thing and I didn't even know how to comment on it - how to put it into words because words are just lacking....
      Putting pics like this on the net....
      Embarrassing but sad at the same time 🙁

    2. You exactly took it out of my mouth...that's how Catholicism is unfortunately:(

    3. This is the magic of the church, where is Jesus in it? They call communion the reception of Jesus, and here we can see the reception of only money and gifts, and Jesus was reduced to a wafer, meaning nothing.

  13. Usually it is so, that if someone has money, he doesn't boast about it, and if someone doesn't have it, then pawn yourself and put yourself up for everyone to see.....

    1. Big money doesn't like publicity because it doesn't benefit them. And the one who lacks money has nothing to lose but his life anyway.

  14. I look at this photo and feel very sorry for these two people :-/
    KRK - Why are you mammoning these poor people 🙁

  15. I have a question of a different kind, why is real alcohol in the form of wine consumed at this 1st communion ?

    1. It is somewhat surprising for a ruling party politician to point to a celebrity's use of the horns gesture as indicative of Satanism. Add to that satanic tattoos, cross-dressing...

      Yes, it's highly likely that Szpak actually worships the devil and is not just a walking banner with oculist symbolism. After all, he has had great success in the music industry, and we know that comes at a price.

  16. Aside. Why don't Poles want to have children? Here are the following reasons, which this issue mainly revolves around: 1. lack of cheap to buy/rent housing of any kind. 2. lack of secure, reasonably paid work. 3. rotten Babylonian patterns causing a crisis of femininity and masculinity. 4. poor assistance, or rather the lack of it on the part of the institutions provided for this purpose 5. merciless tax oppression of people of childbearing age. Itd. etc.

  17. And what is there to boast about? 2000zł and 350€ +laptop. Aha do not suggest a hooking signature, because it someone just wrote so maliciously. Photo "borrowed" from someone's FB. By the way, how should a newborn Christian participate in such celebrations with family or friends?

    1. I have asked my family where such a thing is coming up soon not to invite me to it....

      1. NNunderstanding

        Also, I will not participate even at the cost of offending my family.

        1. Let us remember that we must count it a great honor to endure every evil word for following Jesus Christ and standing on the side of truth.

  18. Hahaha I want "communism" again too 😀

      1. Good to see you again, brother 🙂 Peace be with you. With God!

  19. Catholicism has taken over Polishness. Everything outside is Jews, Freemasons and cyclists... How to fight this vile lie?

  20. The photo says a lot about the Catholic parish character of Poles (as if it was some kind of fair or other bazaar)... To make such a circus out of communing with God?

    1. Have you noticed that no country that takes the Krk sect and its bastards seriously lives well? Some strange regularity?

      1. In a country where the government kneels before the pope and a statue of Mary Queen of Heaven cannot live well, which emphatically shows us how abominable in the eyes of the LORD our God is idolatry....

        1. I recently went as a guest for communion. I went because of my husband's niece and BEING THERE so that FAMILY would not set her and herself against me. I gave God's 10 commandments on stone. I endured the entire black mass like a pillar and did not kneel before the idols. Great manipulation: praying to my mother, I protested very much in spirit. I could NOT come out in the middle and say the TRUTH, but in spirit I fought back! People have complete flip-flops, standing there I saw the truth in
          thanks to Jesus and the Bible and revealed again the devil's LIE. One family that did not come BECAME the enemy.

  21. I still don't see my communion money today.

    1. Hehe. And my uncle still has that money ahaha.

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