Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The PIS government has adopted a draft of the so-called anti-terrorism law.

These are no longer conspiracies this is REAL.

I think we are closer to the New World Order than we think. PIS is simply galloping in laws restricting freedom. After the law mandating SIM card registration comes new ones:



"The bill would introduce a four-level system of alert degrees for terrorist threats and cyber alert degrees (CRP degrees) - universally applicable and adapted to NATO requirements.

If one of the two highest terrorist threat levels (III or IV) is imposed, public gatherings may be banned or mass events in the area or facility affected by the alert level.

At these highest grades if if the use of the police proves insufficient, it will be possible to obtain military support more quickly than at present. The decision on its use will be issued by the Minister of National Defense, upon the motion of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration. CIR noted that according to the draft adopted by the government on Tuesday, the decision will not require the president's approval, as has been the case so far. However, the minister of national defense will have to immediately inform the president and the prime minister about the decision, and the president will be able to issue a decision to change or cancel the decision. Revocation of the decision will interrupt the military's operations," CIR stressed."




We are to align ourselves with NATO (read USA (read Vatican) ).

Everything is gaining momentum. There are bills before anything is supposed to happen. There was no terrorist attack, but there are laws.

I wonder if the assembly ban will also apply to blogs....

In fact, it is not important that PIS is doing it. If PO was in power, they would be doing the same thing on behalf of NATO.

PIS will be just the right party for the time of so-called terrorist attacks.

If I had to predict the future, I see with my eyes a so-called terrorist attack, either during the NATO summit in Poland or the World Youth Days.

Then a level III or IV terrorist threat is introduced, followed by: a cash ban.

So it is very possible that the scene set for the attack will have to do with money. It may turn out that the terrorists bought weapons in Poland for cash.

Next, any religious radicalism (read fanaticism according to politicians and media) will be prosecuted.

Challenging the ecumenism made by the pope, can also be prosecuted, and finally a ban on bibles.

As of early 2017, be maybe the antichrist will appear.

Well we wait 7 years for Jesus to come.

As it will be, time will tell.

One thing's for sure: they're turning the screw, all while surrounded by the "benevolent" 500+ program - with our money...



Updated: 11 May 2016 — 08:48


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  1. Socialist overseers... Inquisition=Pis vs Mafia=Po, Code, Modern....

  2. The Luciferian elite have us as worthless cattle ultimately fit only for extermination, and indeed the masses are going to perdition unaware as hogs to the slaughterhouse. It is hard to believe in a mass awakening, unless it is in the spirit of the antichrist. In my opinion, only individuals will wake up, and only a few, because the majority in their extreme ignorance will choose the comfort of living in a reality created by their own misconceptions. They call the truth a "conspiracy theory of history" as if they don't even deserve to know it.

    1. And for such comments I like you. Short, blunt, and how apt.

  3. "Everything is gaining momentum. There are laws before anything is supposed to happen. There was no terrorist attack, but there are bills." well yes, but as if there was an attack first and bills after, there would be a cry as to why the bills are after the attack since it was predictable.

    1. But in Poland, there is no risk of attack, there are no grounds.
      Besides, the Hungarians want to block the influx of refugees. They build walls. We do nothing.
      That is, on the one hand, anti-terrorist laws and on the other, zero security measures at the level of sovereignty.

      1. Our leaders are falling at the feet of the Jesuit pope-illuminati calling for the demolition of walls that should be as thick as the walls of Alcatraz prison. And they are already paving the way for him to ride triumphantly in his papamobile onto the ground where, according to the words of the accursed John Paul II, the spirit of antichrist has descended.

  4. The anticipated, planned future facts raised in Aleksander Jablonowski's statements are a sentiment of what is already happening in Poland in Europe and in the world.
    Two opposing, invariably mutually played, appropriating Poland camps, that is KOD - ( PO, PSL, SLD, Solidarna, ect. ), and on the other side Law and Justice devoted nomen omen to one Lord (see Concordat and Treaty of Lisbon) - the former Roman Empire, then called the Reich or Vatican Empire of the Germanic nation represented by the nemrodite, foreign services including Jesuit and Masonic, KK, EC, and other known, global decision-making factions around the world creating a bizarrely vast, unchanging social, political and economic chaos in the world and in Poland, in Poland, bizarrely legalizing under the guise of alleged future events at the World Youth Day, or NATO summit in the face of provoked global terrorism, numerous dangerous laws restricting civil liberties and freedom, allowing the operation in the country of foreign services, and even the stationing of foreign troops in the homeland of the Lachs in which previously and still there is no indication, except for the constant struggle of political bulldogs under the carpet for a place at the manger, that any such violence can ever take place. As is commonly seen the interests of the KK and the bizarre global corporations behind the planned TTIP changes are absolutely assured. One effective tool is to be war-provoked immigrant tourism, which like a booming explosive bomb is to blow up the old European national order and replace it with an equally slave-like, multiracial NWO face, under an unchanging nemocratic management. The created and further fueled debt-based crisis without another global war or a new and abundant cheap labor force will inevitably lead to the total collapse of national finances and economies just as it has happened so many times in our complex history and how great civilizations based on financial debt have collapsed. It is us now, like in the popular "Game of Thrones", who have to decide for ourselves whether we will allow ourselves to be further provoked like foolish GOATS and whether we will kill each other for their power and interests once again and whether we will continue to be programmable naive girls of good pedigree, harmed for this purpose with impunity, in order to understand and agree with the imputed to us fact that in this face of the world created by them: A GIRL IS NONE !!! A GIRL HAS NO NAME !!! ->

    1. Dr. Przybyl: Paying with a card is fattening the bankster-about 2min

  5. PIS - Wait I'm Coming 😀

  6. 1. what is lamb in English?
    2. I only know how herring is in Kashubian.
    1. how?
    2. in tomatoes.
    Hehe 😀

    1. I can help!!! 🙂 Re 1. - "lamb".

      1. Thanks 🙂 Thanks.
        I hope you took it as a joke 😀

  7. Good hot 🙂 good for the stomach... hangover good 😉
    Until I wish I had a hangover with this kitchen of yours 😀
    Half a liter for breakfast, one and a half liters for dinner and a quart at night to get you through the morning 🙂 I'll be back in no time.
    the pension won't be enough!
    Don't look for a reason anymore 🙂

  8. PiS and the rest of the socialist "right" are the NWO!

    Somehow by the end of the summer I recognized that Satan would preach decidedly right-wing, and anti-Zionist slogans.

    Yes, but I haven't noticed something yet.

    Most of the supposedly national and right-wing parties popular in Europe are SOCIALISTS - SMER, PiS, Fidesz, FN!

    Yes, people are fed up with Euro-socialism but they unconsciously vote for national socialists.
    At the same time, none of these parties is against Zionism.

    Satan will show us a new right wing, the original one from XVIII, XIX century, something like Korwin or UKIP.
    Because that pseudo-right is lumped together with Zionism and... Christianity which they will accuse of supporting the pseudo-right!

    We may yet miss Tusk and the EU.

  9. I know I was what I was yesterday and today...

    But maybe there is someone with a good sense of humor and would love to talk to me because I have a good sense of humor too 🙂

  10. This pathetic Babylonian juggling trick is theater for the masses to be debased by the Luciferians and condemned by God for their stupidity.

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