Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. We must preach and do the gospel in a way that the average person can understand. No linguistic/gestural sophistry, but simplicity.

    1. Jacek Konopny

      May it be so in Jesus' name!

      1. The end time is pressing upon us ( not much of it left... ), but we must be gentle with those deceived by the temporal world. We must give the best of ourselves.

        1. Don't forget in all this WALK about YOU!

    2. Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. This GIFT is not for OTHERS, it is for US who have been baptized in the Spirit!
      And if someone in the congregation can translate our prayer for the edification of others, or the one in tongues who prays can articulate what he has said, it is edification for the congregation/church.

      But you can't go about it the way you're preaching it now, detmold! That's the way you can approach unbelievers. But it never worked that way at all, you know. Half a century ago, my conservative village used to call Pentecostals catcallers! Just because they spoke in tongues! Everyone prayed in the Holy Spirit! Which is a huge rarity now! (I wonder why? The Holy Spirit in the end times...?) My Catholic grandmother explained it to me this way: they gathered in one house on Sundays, it was terribly loud there, one shouted something through the other, each of them something different, or muttered something, as if in a different language! Loudly, not in Polish, Hence the cat!

      The apostles experienced it, you cannot reject it!
      Greens are different, but they know the truth! And that is probably what is losing them!

      And a word about women. My grandmother, faithful to God to the end, unfortunately never experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit. She died a year ago.
      But a woman can save herself by raising children. Do you know these verses?
      What if the children, none of them, are truly faithful to God?

      1. *OF WATER AND OF SPIRIT (sorry for the mistake)

    3. I just watched the video in the post. I read detmold's comment and got a little agitated, because... one must be born of water and of the Spirit! It is possible to speak about Jesus as simply as possible to others, but one cannot omit the Holy Spirit, whom he left us "for consolation"! Ask persistently for His GIFT!

  2. As for Michael Brown, just in case, with the benefit of knowledge, I wanted to warn you that Michael Brown is working/collaborating with Benny Hinn(recorded 5 episodes of the show with him, and defends him). He even got a call from Justin Peters about it(starting at minute 31)

    And here, starting at minute 21, Justin Peters refers to this radio conversation with Michael Brown:

    From what I have observed, I have not noticed Michael Brown saying explicitly that the kRk is not the Church of Christ, whereas he says things like this:

    Dr. Brown's Bottom Line: "There is no doubt that there are many issues dividing Catholics and Protestants, that we differ deeply on the question of Mary. So let us exalt and proclaim Jesus: crucified, risen, exalted, and returning again!"

    Michael Brown was once on Peter Wagner's list of New Apostolic Reformation leaders(which also included John Bevere as a prophet, for example). Now it's hard to find that information because that collaboration has ceased, or that "joint mission" continues in a clever split, less overtly than it once did. Information inserted in 2009:

    1. Well, that's not bad.
      This Wagner guy is publishing books?

      nevertheless speaks logically

      1. "this Wagner guy is publishing books?"

        Yes. From what I've glanced at, it's mostly on the subject of spiritual warfare(unbiblical "binding territorial demonic superiors" and so on - dominionism in general.

        "he speaks logically, no less."

        Yes, you have to admit that he speaks well on some issues (I'm not talking about languages, because I'm not sure about that)

      2. Here Michael Brown appears from 4:09

        "The Truth About Signs and Miracles in the Faith Movement_cz_1"

  3. Something serious is about to happen on Friday the 13th because my mail is showing some kind of Black Friday game.

    1. Priest

      So what? Why do you bother with these things? If I associate correctly, you've predicted something more than once... Do you realize that "something big" is getting ready to happen at any moment, because at any moment there could be a hijacking of the Church? Besides, at any moment you can die. At any moment something big is happening somewhere.

  4. Who can take care of this film very important groxt says that any moment now the Third World War will begin Jesus of Nazareth have mercy on us !!!!

  5. This world is made up of lies that imitate the truth, which people take as good coin/water of life without even imagining how they spiritually rot from it. Let us oppose them in the name of Jesus Christ.

  6. Knowledge of the Truth

    Poland will be punished for not accepting refugees? "The EC has decided to commit EU suicide".
    - EC wants to impose financial penalties on countries that will not accept refugees
    - Countries could pay up to 250,000 euros from unaccepted migrants

    1. I was watching a good movie 🙂 .

  7. Knowledge of the Truth

    As a convert, can you take so-called 'holy communion'? And when confessing to a priest to have a discussion with him?

    1. No, Peter, you've got to be kidding.
      We have written so much here about the eucharist, confession, the Roman church....

      1. Jacek Konopny

        In the light of biblical Christianity, I would even call the actions you mentioned disgraceful. Just the thought of eating the wafer or confiding in a Jesuit in a wooden shack disgusts me... So, in short: you cannot do it under any circumstances.

        1. Knowledge of the Truth

          But my point is instead of confessing to a priest, having a discussion with him.
          And accepting the wafer as a symbol, etc. A matter of imagining, visualizing?
          I know, I know what Mass is all about, Krk.

    2. Knowing the Truth:

      "As a convert, is it possible to receive so-called 'Holy Communion'? And in confessing to a priest to have a discussion with him?"

      And why do such things? What drives the man you are talking about to take "communion", and confess to a priest?

      I recently discussed this topic, so I'll quote what I wrote:

      To receive the Eucharist believing that it is the body of Jesus (transubstantiation), that Jesus is sacrificed again at every Mass, is tantamount to disbelieving the Gospel according to which Jesus suffered punishment once and for all so that people could be saved. It is putting more faith in people's rituals and rites than in the Gospels. The Eucharist is contrary to the Bible (Hebrews 9:24-26 and 10:11-20)

      The body and blood of Jesus means the Word of God and the death of Christ in which is salvation. He who hears the Word, and accepts the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who shed His blood, eats the bread of life and blood.

      According to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eucharist is a continual reenactment of Christ's death, where the wafer and wine are transformed into His body and blood. Father Granat in "Catholic Dogmatics" in Volume VII, on page 306 said:

      "The Mass, being a continual reenactment of the mystery of the cross, is the summit and center of liturgical worship."

      Pope Urban III said:

      "The sacrifice of the Mass gives people heaven on earth, placing the very Creator of heaven and earth in their midst, even allowing their hands to touch Him."

      So it is a belief in the continual sacrifice of Jesus, a belief in magical transubstantiation, cannibalism, and the idolatrous worship of wafer and wine. The Catholic eucharist has the symbolism of the Egyptian goddess Isis - sun worship. On top of this there are many other facts about which much could be written.

      According to the Roman Catholic catechism, a person can participate in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (and thus receive salvation) only through the sacraments, by receiving the wafer as the real body of Jesus (transubstantiation). This is a belief in attaining salvation by performing unbiblical rites, rituals, which is tantamount to not believing in the sufficiency of Jesus' work on the cross. True faith in the Biblical Gospel leads to repentance, to a new birth(John 3:3). There is no salvation in creating the appearance of religiosity/piousness, in fulfilling even all the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church.

      1. Knowledge of the Truth

        Well actually I think so too, I just wanted to further cement the pointlessness of this, confirmation in other readers. Because 2 more communions in my family 2016/2017.

        1. Knowledge of the Truth

          If I don't accept I may be unequivocally noted negatively, but I know what the truth is. Only that truth is mocked...

  8. Similarly, I don't speak in tongues, but that doesn't mean they have disappeared.
    I believe what is written in the Bible, and that proves it is a gift.
    I myself pray to be able to pray in tongues, but so far I have only had a dream.
    I probably can't get this gift because I'm afraid it might come from the evil one.
    But nothing, maybe I need to ask more earnestly and in faith to receive this gift.

    1. Speaking in tongues is most often a consequence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. As for fear, you need to ground these things and put your mind to what is in Scripture:

      "If then you who are evil are able to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him."
      - Luke 11:13

      When you ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit or tongues you are assured that the Father will not give you a demon. It is so in the scriptures.

      Something you might find useful:

      1) These things were already given 2000 years ago; you must reach for them by faith and receive them just as you received salvation.

      2. faith is not hope, faith is certainty.

      3. your faith goes as far as you know God's will.

      I know different cases of receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit and tongues. But most of the time it is such a step of faith, you bet on it, that you will definitely receive it, I know people who just believed that they received it and they started to speak and only then the gift of tongues became active. Not everyone felt anything before, they just believed they had received it.

      In my case it was that a brother in Christ who had received it himself prayed for me. I am such an intellectual and I knew that I had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (I felt it physically during prayer), but I did not understand "how" to speak in tongues. What am I supposed to say? Where do I get the words from?

      This went on for a while, where I persisted and watched videos (several hours on the subject) and on most people explained that just "start talking". I didn't understand this until, resigned, I finally followed the advice. The random and unintelligible words I spoke at first (I said anything unintelligible) after a while started to form a "patent". I wasn't convinced, I thought "I must be doing this to myself", but there are several ways to test it and my tongues passed the test.

      What often confuses people is the expectation of the experience involved. Most imagine that at some point in prayer the Holy Spirit will take control of your mouth and begin to "forcefully" speak through you. Opponents of this phenomenon also like to describe that when someone prays on tongues they go into some kind of "mystical ecstasy".

      What have I felt and feel when I pray like this? Usually nothing.

      Yes, sometimes during the baptism with the Holy Spirit words start to come out of your mouth by themselves, and also during a long prayer in tongues you are finally built in such a way that you can experience something and I do not deny it.

      I write all this because languages are VERY, VERY underrated. It's such a skewed topic in general (the devil has done a good job of making people not use them) that I just have to write about it sometimes.

      Most often when people think of tongues they expect a fireworks summit, but after they get this gift they are disappointed by its "simplicity".
      Others, on the other hand, say "why do I need it?" forgetting that Paul himself insisted that he prayed on them the most of all (and what he accomplished everyone knows). Praying in tongues can build our faith tremendously and it is a really powerful weapon.

      You may not know, but praying in tongues is something so basic among Christians in certain areas of the world that they are surprised if someone doesn't speak in tongues.

      Okay, I rambled on a bit, but I felt the need to add my 3 cents.

      Greetings to all

      1. Arraivald: "Others, on the other hand, say "why do I need these?" forgetting that Paul himself emphasized that he prayed on them the most of all (and what he accomplished everyone knows)."

        Paul, who was busy, preoccupied with many responsibilities and problems, would have more time to pray in tongues than, for example, an elderly man from Corinth who no longer had many responsibilities?

        "I thank God that I speak in many more tongues than you all;" (1 Corinthians 14:18)

        According to what you say, if there are several kinds of tongues, how can you be sure that the tongues referred to in the passage you quoted relate to praying in tongues?

        And if you could, could you please write whose teaching on Languages you follow, and whose teaching on this topic you recommend(besides Michael Brown, already mentioned)? I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are from the "Trojan horse" mentioned in the lecture below(PL reader):

        I have translated an excerpt from the following 1996 TBC staff text on the subject in question from The Berean Call website(a ministry that Dave Hunt, among others, participated in)

        "If the great prophets of the Bible had to wait until God in His own time, and in His own way, and for His own purpose gave them a word, it is therefore a delusion for anyone to imagine that one possesses some gift of the Spirit, and that one can exercise it when one wishes - and this applies to tongues.

        To imagine that a "prayer language" can be "exercised" anytime one wishes is a huge misconception of what is right (because of the obsession with this one gift) called by critics "the tongues movement"/"the tongues movement". There is no indication that "tongues" is in its own (separate) category, but, like all spiritual gifts, if true, can only be a "manifestation(s) of the Spirit"(1 Cor:12:7), working "as he wills." So beware of any "tongue" or "prophecy" or other "gift" that is initiated or possessed by the spirit of man.

        We must thank God for every healing, miracle or tongue that is a true manifestation of the Holy Spirit. However, very clearly, those are in grave error who promise "miracle services" at a certain time in church or on TV and preach about doing "miracles," or give seminars to teach how to do "signs and wonders," or preach that anyone at any time can speak in tongues whenever they wish. Anything that can appear as a "gift of the Spirit" that is not initiated by Him but comes from the will of man is not from God.

        We do well to heed God's warnings through Jeremiah: "And the Lord said to me: False prophets prophesy in my name; I have not sent them, nor given them instruction, nor spoken to them. Lying visions, miserable soothsayers, and the devises of their heart they prophesy to you." (Jeremiah 14:14)"

        1. Okay, here we go.

          "Paul, who was busy, preoccupied with many responsibilities and problems, would have more time to pray in tongues than, for example, an elderly man from Corinth who no longer had many responsibilities?

          "I thank God that I speak in many more tongues than you all;" (1 Corinthians 14:18)"

          Paul traveled extensively. On the road he had a lot of free time to pray in tongues. Also:

          "For if I pray, speaking in tongues, my spirit prays, but my reason does not assimilate it."
          - 1 Corinthians 14:14

          Prayer is of the spirit, not of the mind. One can do some work, even mental work, and pray on tongues at the same time.

          "According to what you say, if there are several kinds of tongues, then how can you be sure that the tongues referred to in the passage you quoted are about praying in Tongues?"

          Just read the context of 1 Corinthians 14:18:

          "Therefore let him who speaks in tongues pray for the gift of interpreting them. For if I pray, speaking in tongues, my spirit prays, but my reason does not assimilate it.
          What then? I will pray in spirit, I will pray and reason; I will sing in spirit, I will sing and reason.
          For if you praise God in the spirit, how can a mere believer who is present say at your thanksgiving: Amen, when he does not understand what you say?
          You admittedly give thanks beautifully, but the other is not building.
          I thank God that I speak many more languages than all of you;
          After all, in the church I prefer to say five words intelligible to instruct others as well, than ten thousand words in an unintelligible tongue."
          - 1 Corinthians 14:13-19

          That is:
          - You must pray for the gift of interpretation, so it cannot be a familiar language
          - prays in the spirit, does not preach to the people
          - glorifies God in the spirit, not preaches the gospel to foreigners

          "And if you could, could you write whose teaching regarding Languages you follow, and whose teaching on the subject you recommend"

          Someone who speaks in tongues and produces fruit through that prayer. Find someone you trust, but I certainly don't recommend Dave Hunt on the subject of tongues, although I believe he was a brother in Christ, he had no cognition on the subject.

          As for the rest:

          Tongues for personal prayer can be had by anyone and can be used when they want. This is confirmed by me and most Christians I know. If it were not so then Jude in 1:20 would not have written:
          "But you, beloved, build yourselves up on the basis of your most holy faith, pray in the Holy Spirit,"

          Here you have the same thing Paul said about tongues. Praying in the spirit and building yourself up. There is no "unless the Lord has not given this gift to someone" here.

          In the 14th chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul writes that tongues are for personal edification. As far as I know this is the only gift for personal use, which is why it is different from the others intended for the church. It doesn't make much sense that one can build himself up in prayer with tongues and the other gets left behind because he doesn't have them.

          As for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, yes, correctly in Greek they are manifestations of the Holy Spirit. I have the Holy Spirit, so I can use His manifestations - tongues. Also, don't mix Old Testament prophets with new born-again Christians, because the Holy Spirit did not dwell in anyone in the ST, and now our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.

          As for the obsession with languages, I have no such thing. Among Christian friends it is something normal.

          - Do we pray in tongues?
          - OK

          And we pray.

          That's why I'm trying to explain to people this quite basic and very misunderstood subject. I have theory and practice in this subject so I speak up.

          We need to be wary of spiritual manifestations, but we also need to be wary of false teachings that scare people from using God's power:

          "Who assume the appearance of piety, while their life is a denial of its power; beware of these also."
          - 2 Timothy 3:5

          Paul did not come with the gospel in the Word alone, but in the manifestation of power.

          And as for giving thanks, yes I was very glad for the gift of praying in tongues and I thanked God.

          And one more thing caught my eye in the passages you translated:
          "To imagine that a 'prayer language' can be 'exercised' anytime one wishes is a great mistake about what is right ... they proclaim that anyone at any time can speak in tongues whenever they wish."

          Forgive me, but you can see that this person has no idea about this gift. I strongly advise against listening to this person, at least on this issue.

          Finally, a much disliked and avoided quote by many:

          "And these are the signs that will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, with new tongues they will speak,
          They shall take snakes, and though they drink something poisonous, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
          - Mark 16:17-18

          There is a condition and a consequence for its fulfillment. The condition is faith, and the consequence is supernatural manifestation.

          I wanted to draw attention to the word "new" (kainos, G2537) from the passage

          "with new tongues shall they speak"

          It means something completely new. That is, we can say in Mark 16 that believers will begin to speak a completely new language that was not there before.

          My practice confirms this.

          [So much for you Guzzik, the rest general because something sits on my heart to the general public].

          Ask yourself, is it possible that if someone is not accompanied by the signs mentioned in Mark 16 then they have not really believed?

          The doctrine against sin and for sanctification is great, but notice that once someone is accused of unbelief it suddenly hurts and you look for a million excuses "why the gifts are gone", or you blame God "it's not His will, He does as He pleases" instead of working on your faith. As with the gifts, Paul writes to strive earnestly for spiritual gifts. Not everyone has all of them, but list at least one gift you have for building up the church of the Lord Jesus.

          "...Only will the Son of Man find faith on earth when He comes?"
          - Luke 18:8

          Sorry, but over and over again I see you justifying your unbelief and ignoring passages concerning the power God has given us to spread His Kingdom.

          Someone tried to pray for someone and there was no healing, it gets made into a "why is there no healing for today" theory.
          Someone else prayed for the baptism with the Holy Spirit and tongues and didn't get it then does the "baptism with the Holy Spirit is the same as salvation and tongues have passed away" theory.

          It makes me wonder if, if you ever meet a demon-possessed person, will you fight for them or will you let it go after "demon come out in Jesus' name" leaving them to the devil's mercy and then doing the "No casting out demons for today because I tried and it didn't work for me" theory. Surely it was God who didn't want it and not me who had too little faith."

          I see something different in Boblia:

          "Then the disciples came to Jesus in private, and said, Why could we not cast him out?
          And He says to them: For your unbelief. For verily I say unto you, if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye would say unto this mountain: Move from here to there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."
          - Matthew 17:19-20

          1. I don't understand anything

            Arraivald: "New", meaning these languages are many and each speaker speaks a different language? Do you understand the language you pray in?

            1. Yes, everyone gets their own new language and that's the beauty of it. It may be similar, but I don't know people who have the same one.

              And yes, I do not understand what I am saying. Only through the gift of interpretation can it be understood. It works so that I "know" what to say. It sounds more like a string of syllables than whole words.

              This is not about you understanding it, but that you CHOOSE to pray and you do. You take it on faith because you don't understand it and your mind is against what you are doing.

          2. Arraivald: "Paul traveled a lot. On the road he had a lot of free time to pray in tongues."

            He had more time to speak in tongues than all the Corinthian believers he wrote to?

            Arraivald: "Prayer is of the spirit, not of the mind. One can do some work, even mental work, and at the same time pray on tongues."

            David Wilkerson: "You are not praying in the spirit if you're talking in tongues and your mind is somewhere else."

            "You are not praying in the spirit if you are speaking in tongues and your mind is somewhere else.

            From 1:48 -

            So you think that Dave Hunt and David Wilkerson had no cognition on this issue, while you cite the teaching of people falsely teaching, and their clergy? When asking about the people on whose teaching you rely, I was referring to specific names. As far as I know, you lean towards the teachings of, among others, Hagin, Arthur Ceronski, Todd White, Curry Blake, and so on (not recommended). If I'm wrong then correct me.

            Arraivald: "Ask yourself, is it possible that if someone is not accompanied by the signs mentioned in Mark 16 then they have not really believed?"

            He didn't believe in what? Despite appearances, this is not such an obvious, simple question. As far as I know, according to your theory which you have acquired from erroneous teaching, God and His gifts of the Spirit are subordinate to man, they are subordinate to man's faith, so here we have the so-called faith in faith promoted by the Faith Movement.

            Arraivald: "Someone tried to pray for someone and there was no healing, it gets made into a "why is there no healing for today" theory.

            And why did you leave out other theories, such as blaming someone's lack of healing on, for example, hidden sin, too little faith, or even being unsaved? While there is no promise of health in Scripture, healing concerning current bodies, the redemption of bodies is awaited.(Romans 8:22) Therefore healing is not always God's will.

            And I'll ask you again a similar question that I asked you earlier:
            Is the following answer a lie?

            Suppose - I ask you if you are sick, and you answer that you are perfectly healthy, when in fact you are very sick and feel terrible.

            1. I don't think we're going to get along Guzzik 🙂


              1. I suspected such a twisted answer. If you don't want to answer me (actually we already talked about this privately), then at least answer the readers, so that they can draw conclusions, see what manipulation and false teaching leads to. Maybe someone will read it and it will be a warning.

              2. I actually want to respond, but in this case I won't because I don't think it's right to continue a fruitless conversation.

                If anyone is interested then email me and they will get an answer.

      2. Thanks a lot ? Arraivald for your comments,it helped me a lot to embrace this gift.

  9. languages
    Let me repeat myself.
    If there is an original, there will always be counterfeits.

    If you see counterfeit money somewhere, will you forever refuse to deal in money?
    I asked, Lord, if it's not from you, take it away, make it go away, because of course the devil ALWAYS comes and says: you're making it up yourself.
    Of course it didn't disappear because I asked the Lord and didn't get the hose.

    To have the gift of tongues, for example, you must first have the giver of the gift, the Holy Spirit, within you, which is the greatest gift from the Father - the Holy Spirit.
    John 7.37
    And on the last and most solemn day of the feast, Jesus, standing, cried out in a loud voice: "If

    - (I WAS !!-that's the condition, DESIRE as you thirst for water in the desert )

    anyone is thirsty and believes in Me - let him come to Me and drink!

    (come and drink, not of tongues but of the Holy Spirit, remember that you cannot drink with your mouth closed)

    38 As the Scripture said: Streams of living water will flow from within him." 39 And he said this about the Spirit which those who believed in him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified

    Acts 2.4-"and they were filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues


    as the Spirit submitted to them."

    When the Holy Spirit enters a person, he gives the SIGN, I am already here, i.e., he subjects your tongue to his language, which your reason does not assimilate.
    And this is the stumbling stone, you have to become like a child (like a babbling, trusting child) otherwise it's no use, because reason wants to control, it says, I won't give up my vocal apparatus because I don't understand and it thinks, this is stupid, a grown man babbling like a child.
    Such reasoners have an uphill battle.
    One must become, as it were, foolish for Christ.
    With this sign of tongues He confirms His presence.
    That is the biblical standard and period.

    How did Peter know that Cornelius and the others had received the Holy Spirit?

    After speaking in tongues.
    Biblical Proof:

    Acts 10. 45
    " And the Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit was also poured out on the Gentiles.
    46 HEARD !
    For they speak in LANGUAGES and worship God. 47 Then Peter spoke up, "Who can refuse to baptize those who have received the Holy Spirit the SAME ! as we have?" 48 And he commanded to baptize them in the name of Jesus Christ.

    And how did Peter and 120 others receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?

    Acts 2.4-"and they were filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues

    Whoever wants to discuss it is his own business, I am talking about the pattern of the Scriptures.
    God is specific and doesn't say default , have or have not .
    For some people this sign is a one-time sign, but most receive it as a permanent gift.
    My husband received "only" a sign, but because he earnestly wanted it (and Paul says "earnestly strive for the spiritual gifts"), after 3 days tongues came back as a permanent gift.
    At the time, my husband did not yet know this verse of Paul's to strive for, he simply wanted it like a child and the Lord gave him tongues as a gift, not a one-time sign.

    Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 14.5 that he would like ALL to pray in tongues, but since Christians water this down with unbelief and even mockery, they cannot take it without faith.
    (for without faith it is impossible to please God-we know this)
    and the Lord has for everyone - you just have to want it!

    I pray in tongues a lot and it builds up my spirit tremendously, and my sister in Christ says she doesn't want to, so she doesn't have one.
    My righteous one will live by faith; faith applies to the whole range of human life, spirit, soul and body.
    In summary, if you desire, ask and in faith take (HERE THE GREEK WORD HAS TWO SIGNS "TO RECEIVE" BUT ALSO "TO TAKE")

    because Father at 100% wants to give,he does not say "maybe "I will give but we have a promise of 100 %:

    Luke 11:13 If you then, though evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father from heaven give (DA DA DA DA!) the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.

    Throughout Christian history, our brothers and sisters have prayed and spoken in tongues, even being considered witches and burned at the stake as a result.
    And the devil? Well, this deceiver will create counterfeits to discourage others, but I asked the Father and I didn't get a snake or a stone.
    I myself asked and received, and hands were laid on my husband, asking the Lord for the gift of D.Sw.with the sign of tongues according to the biblical pattern.
    There are those who believe that Jesus Christ is NOT yesterday today and always the same, their business, they rob themselves.
    He who has not tasted, does not desire, let him be silent and not discourage others from the riches of the Lord's table.
    I would also add that the Holy Spirit is a gift, and you don't earn the gift.

    Paul says that he who speaks in tongues edifies himself, the translators have added the word "only" but it is not in the original.
    The word build in Gr. means to build a house, to raise, to improve, to arrange, to base something on something, to MAKE BETTER.
    5 minutes of praying in tongues doesn't make a difference, but much longer changes a lot.
    Above all, fear, uncertainty or whatever you want to call it goes away and courage comes from the Lord for the Lord.
    Spiritual man has spiritual senses, so my spiritual sight, spiritual hearing, spiritual smell, etc. become stronger.
    A strong spiritual man, when he comes to a community meeting, brings a different quality because he is strong, courageous,
    that's why Paul says I want you
    they spoke in tongues.
    When I don't know what to pray for, how to pray or my mind, my body has no strength, my spirit prays in tongues and inside there is fulfillment, satisfaction.Hallelujah!
    When I can't express my admiration for God, His works, because my language is too poor, then after "praying in tongues" there comes inside, in the spirit, the awareness of expressing this depth, which earlier I couldn't express with my mind, the Polish language.

    You just have to experience it for yourself.
    I am not talking about the abuses of some people who probably unknowingly but badly do the job of discouraging outsiders from tongues and the devil then rubs his dirty paws that he has one more enemy of tongues and the Lord wants us to desire this gift, because He is good and the Lord and His gift.
    You can even speak to someone in Polish and at the same time inside you your spirit is praying in tongues given by the Holy Spirit, the spirit not the mind.
    It is so beautiful and necessary but incomprehensible to reason.
    If it wasn't necessary, you wouldn't have bothered yourself and us.
    I keep thanking God for this gift, because it makes a huge difference in the quality of prayer, in courage...
    The Holy Spirit through my spirit prays.
    Sometimes there are translations of this, once a woman was converted because it turned out that I spoke an Italian dialect with her, which she knew because she worked in Italy.
    Various testimonials.
    The Spirit sees what the flesh does not see and often prompts one to pray in tongues, and one receives, for example, help, protection in some unforeseen moment, intercession for others, often strangers.
    No one told me, I wanted more and the Lord gave it, if someone parks, it does not receive, because it does not want.
    It is a powerful rest in prayer.
    God is good and in this He has given such wonderful grace.
    Such prayer is powerful, since the devil fights tongues so much, but this is a side logical argument.

    Receiving the gift is free and therefore easy, but carrying the cross is not.
    Without tongues, for example, you can also go to hell if you do not carry the cross.

    Paul speaks of love and adds: strive earnestly for the gifts of pride.

    USUALLY !!! 1 Corinthians 14.1

    Hmm... I guess it must be good, not to say necessary, if I have to try hard to get it.
    Hmm...I guess they must be important to a disciple of Jesus.

    To try or not,agree with Paul or not?
    I agree with him and bless the Lord for being so gracious and giving the gifts needed to endure the battle on this earth.

    Stick to the Word, the pattern of the Bible, don't look at discouraging fakes, because that's their job.
    Devil = slanderer, from Gr.
    Such is his "beauty" to abhor God and His gifts.

    Such is his "beauty" that he abhors God and His gifts, which are as good as their GIVER.

    1. I don't understand anything

      But in other languages, that is, do you speak a language that someone can understand? As for example you described in Italian? Because the apostles "46 for they heard them speak in tongues and worship God." i.e. they must have understood it if they knew that these Gentiles were worshiping God.

  10. If you are interested in the topic of languages, I recommend listening to this

    1. it lasts for an hour like TV lasts 🙂 🙂

      Can you, Roza, elaborate on the subject?

      1. about languages is only the first 15 minutes. After that there is falling in the spirit, etc.

  11. Unfortunately I can't write anything right now because I'm leaving for work. Have a nice day everyone.

  12. Is oral, anal sex normal biblically as well?

  13. I haven't watched the videos here, nor have I read most of the comments, but as far as praying in tongues, I know something about it because I pray with them. I received water baptism last September, not long after that Holy Spirit baptism, and I want to assure you that there is nothing demonic about it. I was given a beautiful language, it sounds a bit like Italian, Spanish, I don't know these languages so I don't know exactly. Maybe it is just a language known to God. I have been praying in this way for several months now, the language is always the same, so I know the sound of it, I recognize it when I worship God with it, or when I pray for an intention. When praying in tongues, turn off the mind, it is the heart that prays. The presence of the Holy Spirit is very often strongly manifested, a person is literally drunk, as it is written in the Bible. All around you feel the glory of God, the warmth that envelops, pours out, overflows. Imagine praying in your own understandable language for an hour or two, but in such a way that the stream of words is not interrupted. In tongues it is possible. And it is not a sexless stream of words, there are emotions, joy, elation, sometimes sadness during which big tears flow. It is a great gift, fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is worth striving for. Yes, the gifts of the Holy Spirit should be prayed for. You have to crucify your life, bring out from your inside the greatest humility possible and open your heart to the Holy Spirit. Remember that God exhorts us to be holy because we are the temple of the Spirit. You cannot be a temple unless He dwells in us, and if He dwells, He will surely reveal Himself. And as He reveals Himself you will truly hear the voice of God.
    My advice to many is this: evangelize, but do not judge (there is too much of that here), do not follow current events passionately, because you may miss the coming of the Lord. All He wants from us is humble devoted prayer, because He is really very close. When the Holy Spirit takes possession of you, you will spread His fruits all around (love, gentleness, humility, glorifying our Lord). I wish you this. xxx God bless, beloved.

    1. Thanks, Renia, for sharing your experience about speaking in tongues.
      God bless you dear ?

      1. Youtube
        Jan Günka Praying in tongues

  14. Youtube
    Jan Günka Praying in tongues
    Something didn't work out in the previous comments :P. But you probably won't accept them and there will be no spam.

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